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  • 13-mpi-poisson-solvers
  • 14-development-documentation protected
  • 14-development-documentation-2
  • guix-package
  • joss
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  • rocm_singularity_support
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  • 2024.11
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Feb18765331Jan30242322212014109612Dec54329Nov28272019138628Oct25141110743230Sep252320181613121196530Aug281431Jul30262524191716119543219Jun176430May292827242322211716151310730Apr2927252419181716121110543229Mar28272522151413121187654127Feb262522212019181312876131Jan3029252322211817Dec14131276530Nov26212014626Oct252423128Sep2120191475331Aug30281025Jul1312111065429Jun22131187431May301615141110226Apr65430Mar292827261615141312987629Feb24222016151410873131Jan3023922Dec95130Nov2114Oct131223Sep1413Jul420Jun30May261329Apr28261412115429Mar2823211817121Feb1631Jan21Add baroclinic operator and associated example for RTI benchmark (which is still not working properly) + some documentation + several addings/improvements Fix gpu multiscale advection. Fix problem.Add new examples and demo.Add new case in demo MPI. \n Redistribute improvement :\n - consider ghosts in interComm data transfers; \n - move MPI subArrays creation to setup; \n - improve MPI requests storing. \n Fix use of proper rank from topology.Add intercommunicator data transfers to achieve task parallelism.Fix new topology mpi communicator nameFix analytic operator requirements. Separate old GL-rendering problem form default problemUpdate topoFix analytic. start mpi testingAdd parent comm in Bridges to deal with (future) intra/inter comm contextCancell previous bad commitMissing filesReview comm management in topo.Fix Scales launching from python for multiscale advectionDelete old test and fix bug for the printing of Noca forces in an output fileAdd examples of control box and hdf5 useFix testFix real precision in SCALES (removing implicit conversions). Fix bug in computing remeshing indices from particle adimentional position (integer translation after floor position).Fix hdf5 bug + file output in compute_forces Add Drag/Lift computation + control boxtestCurl pour ChloeRemove conflict on Table3Corrections on responses and gnu.Modifiaction du nombre d'operations dans l'article M2AN. Ajout abstract ParCFD.Add comments on Openl CPUAdd prefix parameter for adaptative timestepAdd new exampleResponses to reviewersParallel velocity correction fixedCorrections articleCorrection to gnu partArticle M2AN: Debut de corrections de la partie GPUInegrate Scales multi-scales advection with interpolation (still bug in parallel)Debug example for NSBluff body general updates concerning NS benchmark with bluff bodies (flow past sphere, etc ...) - still some problems to solve ...Fix new fortran for multiscale advection (not yet interfaced with python)Fix fortran[fix] Il manquait deux "use".[maj] Maj avec les dernières routines d'interpolations pour le multi-échelle.Add multicale advection on GPU (multiscale velocity interpolation is Linear or Lambda_2,1).