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Commit 76d02c41 authored by Chloe Mimeau's avatar Chloe Mimeau
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whole sequential Navier-Stokes problem

parent 2502db66
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import parmepy as pp
import parmepy.f2py
import numpy as np
import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
import math as m
ORDER = pp.constants.ORDER
#from numpy import linalg as LA
pi = m.pi
## Import scales and fftw solvers
ppfft = parmepy.f2py.fftw2py
scales = parmepy.f2py.scales2py
rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
print "Mpi process number ", rank
## ----------- A 3d problem -----------
print " ========= Start test for Navier-Stokes 3D ========="
## Physical Domain description
Lx = Ly = Lz = 2 * pi
myDomain3d = pp.Box(dimension=3, length=[Lx, Ly, Lz], origin=[0., 0., 0.])
resolution3d = np.asarray((129, 129, 129))
ncells = resolution3d - 1
hx = Lx / ncells[0]
hy = Ly / ncells[1]
hz = Lz / ncells[2]
## Obstacle
lambd = np.array([0, 10, 10E8], dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER)
sphere = pp.Obstacle(myDomain3d, name='sphere', zlayer=0.1,
radius=0.5, center=[Lx/2., Ly/2., Lz/2.],
orientation='West', porousLayer=0.)
## Post
outputFilePrefix = './res/NS_'
outputModulo = 1
## Simulation parameters
timeStep = 1e-8
finalTime = timeStep#1.0
## Topologies definitions
# 1---- FFT topology + diffusion/poisson solvers initialization -----------
localres, localoffset = ppfft.init_fftw_solver(resolution3d,
print "FFT solver local resolution/offset: ", localres, localoffset
##topofft = poisson.getTopology()
# ---- Cartesian topology -----
topoCart = pp.CartesianTopology(domain=myDomain3d,
resolution=resolution3d, dim=3, ghosts=[2,2,2])
# ---- JB's topology ----------
nbProcs = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
topodims = [1, 1, nbProcs] # fits with fftw topology
## Fields declaration
def computeVel(x, y, z):
# vx = 2. / np.sqrt(3) * np.sin(2. * pi / 3.) * np.sin(x) \
# * np.cos(y) * np.cos(z)
# vy = 2. / np.sqrt(3) * np.sin(-2. * pi / 3.) * np.cos(x) \
# * np.sin(y) * np.cos(z)
# vz = 0.
uinf = 1.
vx = 0.
module = (x-Lx/2)**2 + (y-Ly/2)**2 + (z-Lz/2)**2
if (module >= (0.5)**2):
vx = uinf * (1-(0.5)**2/module)
vy = 0.
vz = 0.
return vx, vy, vz
def computeVort(x, y, z):
# wx = - np.cos(x) * np.sin(y) * np.sin(z)
# wy = - np.sin(x) * np.cos(y) * np.sin(z)
# wz = 2. * np.sin(x) * np.sin(y) * np.cos(z)
wx = 0.
wy = 0.
wz = 0.
return wx, wy, wz
def computeDensity(x, y, z):
if (x>=0):
rho = 1000.
else :
rho = 1.
return rho
velocity = pp.AnalyticalField(domain=myDomain3d, formula=computeVel,
name='Velocity', vector=True)
vorticity = pp.AnalyticalField(domain=myDomain3d, formula=computeVort,
name='Vorticity', vector=True)
#density = pp.AnalyticalField(domain=myDomain3d, formula=computeDensity,
# name='Density', vector=False)
############ REF ##############
x = np.arange(localoffset[0], localres[0] + localoffset[0],
dtype='float64') * hx
y = np.arange(localoffset[1], localres[1] + localoffset[1],
dtype='float64') * hy
z = np.arange(localoffset[2], localres[2] + localoffset[2],
dtype='float64') * hz
cden = 4 * pi ** 2 * (Ly ** 2 * Lz ** 2 + Lx ** 2 * Lz ** 2 +
Lx ** 2 * Ly ** 2) / (Lx ** 2 * Ly ** 2 * Lz ** 2)
cx = 2 * pi / Lx
cy = 2 * pi / Ly
cz = 2 * pi / Lz
## 2 - Advection solver initialization. See testScales for a working example.
# Based on scales JB solver
# Warning : fields input for scales should be of size (ncells), not localres.
scalesres, scalesoffset, stab_coeff = \
scales.init_advection_solver(ncells, myDomain3d.length,
topodims, order='p_O2')
advecVort = pp.Advec_scales(stab_coeff, velocity, vorticity)
#advecDensity = pp.Advec_scales(stab_coeff, velocity, density)
# ----> Change TOPO from Scales to Cartesian
## 3 - Stretching
stretch = pp.Stretching(vorticity, velocity)
# ----> Change TOPO from Cartesian to FFT
## 4 - Diffusion
diffusion = pp.Diffusion(velocity, vorticity, viscosity=0.001)
## 4 - Poisson
poisson = pp.Poisson(velocity, vorticity)
# ----> Change TOPO from FFT to Cartesian
## 6 - Penalization
penal = pp.Penalization(velocity, vorticity, sphere, lambd)
# ----> Change TOPO from Cartesian to Scales
## Define the problem to solve
navierStokes = pp.Problem(topoCart, [advecVort, stretch, diffusion, poisson, penal])
printer = pp.Printer(fields=[vorticity, velocity], frequency=outputModulo,
navierStokes.setSolver(finalTime, timeStep, solver_type='basic', io=printer)
## Problem => ParticularSover = basic.initialize()
penal.apply(0., timeStep)
## solve stretching
print 'vorticity', vorticity.discreteField[0][0] , vorticity.discreteField[0][1] , vorticity.discreteField[0][2]
## end of time loop ##
# Clean memory buffers
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@package parmepy.operator Advec_scales
Continous Advection operator using Scales code (Jean-Baptiste)
from .continuous import ContinuousOperator
from .advec_scales_d import Advec_scales_d
class Advec_scales(ContinuousOperator):
Advection scales operator representation
def __init__(self, stab_coeff=None, velocity=None, advectedField=None):
Create an Advection operator using scales code (JB) from given velocity variables.
@param velocity ContinuousVectorField : velocity variable.
@param advectedField ContinuousVector/ScalarField : variable to advect.
self.stab_coeff = stab_coeff
self.velocity = velocity
self.advectedField = advectedField
self.addVariable([velocity, advectedField])
def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, idAdvectedFieldD=0, topology=None):
Advection operator discretization method.
Create a discrete advection operator from given specifications.
@param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use for advection.
@param idAdvectedFieldD : Index of field discretisation to advect.
@param topology : topology of the input fields
if self.discreteOperator is None:
self.discreteOperator = Advec_scales_d(self, idVelocityD, idAdvectedFieldD, self.stab_coeff, topology)
def __str__(self):
"""ToString method"""
s = " Advection scales operator (ContinuousOperator)"
if self.discreteOperator is not None:
s += "with the following discretization:\n"
s += str(self.discreteOperator)
s += ". Not discretised"
return s + "\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__
print "- Provided class : Advec_scales"
print Advec_scales.__doc__
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@package operator
Discrete Advection operator using scales code (Jean-Baptiste)
from ..f2py import scales2py
import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
from .discrete import DiscreteOperator
from ..constants import *
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
class Advec_scales_d(DiscreteOperator):
Operator representation.
def __init__(self, advec, idVelocityD=0, idAdvectedFieldD=0, stab_coeff=None, topology=None):
@param stab_coeff : stability coefficient
@param velocity : descretized velocity to use.
@param advectedField : discretized field to advect.
self.advec = advec
self.velocity = advec.velocity.discreteField[idVelocityD]
self.advectedField = advec.advectedField.discreteField[idAdvectedFieldD]
self.stab_coeff = stab_coeff
self.topology = topology
self.ghosts = topology.ghosts
self.resolution = topology.mesh.resolution
self.dim = topology.dim
# self.scales = parmepy.f2py.scales2py
self.compute_time = 0.
def apply(self, t, dt):
Apply operator.
self.compute_time = time.time()
ind0a = self.ghosts[0]
ind1a = self.ghosts[1]
ind2a = self.ghosts[2]
ndt = 1
if (dt % self.stab_coeff == 0):
ndt = int(dt / self.stab_coeff)
else :
ndt = int(dt / self.stab_coeff) + 1
dtadvec = dt/float(ndt)
for i in range (ndt) :
print 'advection cycle n°', i
if self.advectedField.vector :
advecFieldNoG = [np.zeros((self.resolution - 2 * self.ghosts), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) for d in xrange(self.dim)]
velocityNoG = [np.zeros((self.resolution - 2 * self.ghosts), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) for d in xrange(self.dim)]
for i in xrange (self.dim):
advecFieldNoG[i] = self.advectedField[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b]
velocityNoG[i] = self.velocity[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b]
print 'shape vortiNoG, veloNoG', np.asarray(advecFieldNoG).shape, np.asarray(velocityNoG).shape
# Vector field advection
advecFieldNoG[0][...] = scales2py.solve_advection(dtadvec, velocityNoG[0][...], \
velocityNoG[1][...], velocityNoG[2][...], advecFieldNoG[0][...])
advecFieldNoG[1][...] = scales2py.solve_advection(dtadvec, velocityNoG[0][...], \
velocityNoG[1][...], velocityNoG[2][...], advecFieldNoG[1][...])
advecFieldNoG[2][...] = scales2py.solve_advection(dtadvec, velocityNoG[0][...], \
velocityNoG[1][...], velocityNoG[2][...], advecFieldNoG[2][...])
for i in xrange (self.dim):
self.advectedField[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b] = advecFieldNoG[i][...]
print 'shape vorti, velo', np.asarray(, np.asarray(
else :
advecFieldNoG = self.advectedField[ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b]
velocityNoG = self.velocity[ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b]
# Scalar field advection
advecFieldNoG[...] = scales2py.solve_advection(dtadvec, velocityNoG[0][...], \
velocityNoG[1][...], velocityNoG[2][...], advecFieldNoG[...])
self.advectedField[ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b] = advecFieldNoG[...]
self.compute_time = time.time() - self.compute_time
self.total_time += self.compute_time
return self.compute_time
def printComputeTime(self):
self.timings_info[0] = "\"Advection calculation total\""
self.timings_info[1] = str(self.total_time)
# print "Advection scales total time : ", self.total_time
print "Time of the last advection calculation loop :", self.compute_time
def __str__(self):
s = "Advec_scales_d (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__
print "- Provided class : Advec_scales_d"
print Advec_scales_d.__doc__
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@package parmepy.operator Diffusion
Continous Diffusion operator (F2PY)
from .continuous import ContinuousOperator
from .diffusion_d import Diffusion_d
class Diffusion(ContinuousOperator):
Diffusion operator representation using FFT
def __init__(self, velocity=None, vorticity=None, viscosity=0.1):
Create a Diffusion operator using FFT.
@param velocity ContinuousVectorField : velocity variable.
@param vorticity ContinuousVectorField : vorticity variable.
@param viscosity : viscosity of the considered medium.
self.velocity = velocity
self.vorticity = vorticity
self.viscosity = viscosity
self.addVariable([velocity, vorticity])
def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, topology=None):
Diffusion operator discretization method.
Create a discrete Diffusion operator from given specifications.
@param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to use.
@param idVelocityD : Index of vorticity discretisation to update.
if self.discreteOperator is None:
self.discreteOperator = Diffusion_d(self, idVelocityD, idVorticityD, self.viscosity, topology)
def __str__(self):
"""ToString method"""
s = " Diffusion operator (ContinuousOperator)"
if self.discreteOperator is not None:
s += "with the following discretization:\n"
s += str(self.discreteOperator)
s += ". Not discretised"
return s + "\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__
print "- Provided class : Diffusion"
print Diffusion.__doc__
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@package operator
Discrete Diffusion operator using FFT
from ..f2py import fftw2py
import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
from .discrete import DiscreteOperator
from ..constants import *
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
class Diffusion_d(DiscreteOperator):
Operator representation.
def __init__(self, diff, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, viscosity=0.1, topology=None):
@param velocity : descretized velocity to use.
@param vorticity : discretized vorticity to update.
self.diff = diff
self.velocity = diff.velocity.discreteField[idVelocityD]
self.vorticity = diff.vorticity.discreteField[idVorticityD]
self.viscosity = viscosity
self.topology = topology
self.ghosts = topology.ghosts
self.resolution = topology.mesh.resolution
self.dim = topology.dim
# self.ppfft = parmepy.f2py.fftw2py
self.compute_time = 0.
def apply(self, t, dt):
Apply operator.
self.compute_time = time.time()
ind0a = self.ghosts[0]
ind1a = self.ghosts[1]
ind2a = self.ghosts[2]
vorticityNoG = [np.zeros((self.resolution - 2 * self.ghosts), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) for d in xrange(self.dim)]
velocityNoG = [np.zeros((self.resolution - 2 * self.ghosts), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) for d in xrange(self.dim)]
for i in xrange (self.dim):
vorticityNoG[i] = self.vorticity[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b]
velocityNoG[i] = self.velocity[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b]
print 'shape vortiNoG, veloNoG', np.asarray(vorticityNoG).shape, np.asarray(velocityNoG).shape
# Vorticity diffusion
vorticityNoG[0][...], vorticityNoG[1][...], vorticityNoG[2][...] = \
fftw2py.solve_diffusion_3d(self.viscosity * dt,
velocityNoG[0][...], velocityNoG[1][...], velocityNoG[2][...],
vorticityNoG[0][...], vorticityNoG[1][...], vorticityNoG[2][...])
for i in xrange (self.dim):
self.vorticity[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b] = vorticityNoG[i][...]
print 'shape vorti, velo', np.asarray(, np.asarray(
# print 'shape vorti, velo, diffusion', np.asarray(, np.asarray(
self.compute_time = time.time() - self.compute_time
self.total_time += self.compute_time
return self.compute_time
# return result
def printComputeTime(self):
self.timings_info[0] = "\"Diffusion calculation total\""
self.timings_info[1] = str(self.total_time)
# print "Diffusion total time : ", self.total_time
print "Time of the last diffusion calculation loop :", self.compute_time
def __str__(self):
s = "Diffusion_d (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__
print "- Provided class : Diffusion_d"
print Diffusion_d.__doc__
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@package parmepy.operator Poisson solver
Continous Poisson solver operator (F2PY)
from .continuous import ContinuousOperator
from .poisson_d import Poisson_d
class Poisson(ContinuousOperator):
Poisson solver operator representation using FFT
def __init__(self, velocity=None, vorticity=None):
Create a Poisson solver operator using FFT.
@param velocity ContinuousVectorField : velocity variable.
@param vorticity ContinuousVectorField : vorticity variable.
self.velocity = velocity
self.vorticity = vorticity
self.addVariable([velocity, vorticity])
def discretize(self, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, topology=None):
Poisson solver operator discretization method.
Create a discrete Poisson solver operator from given specifications.
@param idVelocityD : Index of velocity discretisation to update from vorticity.
@param idVelocityD : Index of vorticity.
@param topology : topology of the input fields
if self.discreteOperator is None:
self.discreteOperator = Poisson_d(self, idVelocityD, idVorticityD, topology)
def __str__(self):
"""ToString method"""
s = " Poisson solver operator (ContinuousOperator)"
if self.discreteOperator is not None:
s += "with the following discretization:\n"
s += str(self.discreteOperator)
s += ". Not discretised"
return s + "\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__
print "- Provided class : Poisson"
print Poisson.__doc__
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@package operator
Discrete Poisson solver operator using FFT
from ..f2py import fftw2py
import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
from .discrete import DiscreteOperator
from ..constants import *
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
class Poisson_d(DiscreteOperator):
Operator representation.
def __init__(self, poisson, idVelocityD=0, idVorticityD=0, topology=None):
@param velocity : descretized velocity to update from vorticity.
@param vorticity
self.poisson = poisson
self.velocity = poisson.velocity.discreteField[idVelocityD]
self.vorticity = poisson.vorticity.discreteField[idVorticityD]
self.topology = topology
self.ghosts = topology.ghosts
self.resolution = topology.mesh.resolution
self.dim = topology.dim
# self.ppfft = parmepy.f2py.fftw2py
self.compute_time = 0.
def apply(self, t, dt):
Apply operator.
self.compute_time = time.time()
ind0a = self.ghosts[0]
ind1a = self.ghosts[1]
ind2a = self.ghosts[2]
vorticityNoG = [np.zeros((self.resolution - 2 * self.ghosts), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) for d in xrange(self.dim)]
velocityNoG = [np.zeros((self.resolution - 2 * self.ghosts), dtype=PARMES_REAL, order=ORDER) for d in xrange(self.dim)]
for i in xrange (self.dim):
vorticityNoG[i] = self.vorticity[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b]
velocityNoG[i] = self.velocity[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b]
print 'shape vortiNoG, veloNoG', np.asarray(vorticityNoG).shape, np.asarray(velocityNoG).shape
# Recover velocity field from vorticity field
velocityNoG[0][...], velocityNoG[1][...], velocityNoG[2][...] = \
fftw2py.solve_poisson_3d(vorticityNoG[0][...], vorticityNoG[1][...], vorticityNoG[2][...],
velocityNoG[0][...], velocityNoG[1][...], velocityNoG[2][...])
for i in xrange (self.dim):
self.velocity[i][ind0a:ind0b,ind1a:ind1b,ind2a:ind2b] = velocityNoG[i][...]
print 'shape vorti, velo', np.asarray(, np.asarray(
# print 'shape vorti, velo, poisson', np.asarray(, np.asarray(
self.compute_time = time.time() - self.compute_time
self.total_time += self.compute_time
return self.compute_time
# return result
def printComputeTime(self):
self.timings_info[0] = "\"Poisson solver total\""
self.timings_info[1] = str(self.total_time)
# print "Poisson total time : ", self.total_time
print "Time of the last Poisson solver loop :", self.compute_time
def __str__(self):
s = "Poisson_d (DiscreteOperator). " + DiscreteOperator.__str__(self)
return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__
print "- Provided class : Poisson_d"
print Poisson_d.__doc__
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