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Commit 0dfab796 authored by Chloe Mimeau's avatar Chloe Mimeau
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add a new example for fake 2D flow past a cylinder

parent edb93a03
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Navier Stokes 3D : flow past bluff bodies (using penalization).
All parameters are set and defined in python module dataNS_bb.
import parmepy as pp
from parmepy.f2py import fftw2py
import numpy as np
from parmepy.problem.simulation import Simulation
from parmepy.domain.obstacle.controlBox import ControlBox
from parmepy.methods_keys import Scales, TimeIntegrator, Interpolation,\
Remesh, Support, Splitting, dtCrit, SpaceDiscretisation, GhostUpdate
from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta2 import RK2 as RK2
from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta3 import RK3 as RK3
from parmepy.numerics.integrators.runge_kutta4 import RK4 as RK4
from parmepy.numerics.finite_differences import FD_C_4, FD_C_2
from parmepy.numerics.interpolation import Linear
from parmepy.numerics.remeshing import L6_4 as rmsh
import as npw
from parmepy.constants import HDF5
import as io
## ----------- A 3d problem -----------
print " ========= Start Navier-Stokes 3D (Flow past bluff bodies) ========="
## pi constant
pi = np.pi
cos = np.cos
sin = np.sin
# ====== Flow constants =======
uinf = 1.0
VISCOSITY = 1. / 300.
# ========= Geometry of the domain =========
dim = 3
boxlength = npw.realarray([6.0, 6.0, 0.08])
boxorigin = npw.realarray([-2.0, -3.0, -0.04])
#boxlength = npw.realarray([5.12, 5.12, 5.12])
#boxorigin = npw.realarray([-2.56, -2.56, -2.56])
# The domain
box = pp.Box(dim, length=boxlength, origin=boxorigin)
# Sphere inside the domain
RADIUS = 0.5
obst_pos = [0., 0., 0.]
from parmepy.domain.obstacle.sphere import Sphere, HemiSphere
from parmepy.domain.obstacle.cylinder import Cylinder, HemiCylinder
#sphere = Sphere(box, position=obst_pos, radius=RADIUS)
sphere = Cylinder(box, position=obst_pos, radius=RADIUS)
# ========= Discretisation parameters =========
nbElem = [301, 301, 5]
#nbElem = [65, 65, 65]
# ========= Vector Fields and variable parameters =========
# Function to compute initial velocity
def computeVel(res, x, y, z, t):
res[0][...] = uinf
res[1][...] = 0.
res[2][...] = 0.
return res
# Function to compute initial vorticity
def computeVort(res, x, y, z, t):
res[0][...] = 0.
res[1][...] = 0.
res[2][...] = 0.
return res
from parmepy import VariableParameter, Field
velo = Field(domain=box, formula=computeVel,
name='Velocity', isVector=True)
vorti = Field(domain=box, formula=computeVort,
name='Vorticity', isVector=True)
dt = VariableParameter(data=0.0125, name='dt')
# ========= Operators that describe the problem =========
op = {}
# Adaptative timestep method : dt = min(values(dtCrit))
# where dtCrit is a list of criterions on which the computation
# of the adaptative time step is based
# ex : dtCrit = ['gradU', 'cfl', 'stretch'], means :
# dt = min (dtAdv, dtCfl, dtStretch), where dtAdv is equal to LCFL / |gradU|
# For dtAdv, the possible choices are the following:
# 'vort' (infinite norm of vorticity) : dtAdv = LCFL / |vort|
# 'gradU' (infinite norm of velocity gradient), dtAdv = LCFL / |gradU|
# 'deform' (infinite norm of deformation tensor),
# dtAdv = LCFL / (0.5(gradU + gradU^T))
# The operator is defined on a Cartesian topology with ghost points, that will
# be dedicated to operators using finite differences.
from parmepy.operator.adapt_timestep import AdaptTimeStep
from parmepy.mpi.topology import Cartesian
ghosts = np.ones((box.dimension)) * NBGHOSTS
topostr = Cartesian(box, box.dimension, nbElem, ghosts=ghosts)
op['dtAdapt'] = AdaptTimeStep(velo, vorti,
resolutions={velo: nbElem,
vorti: nbElem},
method={TimeIntegrator: RK3,
SpaceDiscretisation: FD_C_4,
dtCrit: ['vort', 'stretch']},
from parmepy.operator.advection import Advection
op['advection'] = Advection(velo, vorti,
resolutions={velo: nbElem,
vorti: nbElem},
method={Scales: 'p_M4',
Splitting: 'classic'}) # Scales advection
from parmepy.operator.stretching import Stretching
op['stretching'] = Stretching(velo, vorti,
resolutions={velo: nbElem, vorti: nbElem},
from parmepy.operator.diffusion import Diffusion
op['diffusion'] = Diffusion(vorti, resolution=nbElem, viscosity=VISCOSITY)
from parmepy.operator.poisson import Poisson
op['poisson'] = Poisson(velo, vorti, resolutions={velo: nbElem, vorti: nbElem})
from parmepy.operator.differential import Curl
op['curl'] = Curl(velo, vorti, resolutions={velo: nbElem, vorti: nbElem},
method={SpaceDiscretisation: FD_C_4})
# Discretisation of computational operators and link
# to the associated topologies.
for ope in op.values():
topofft = op['poisson'].discreteFields[op['poisson'].vorticity].topology
topocurl = op['curl'].discreteFields[op['curl'].invar].topology
topoadvec = op['advection'].discreteFields[op['advection'].velocity].topology
topostr = op['stretching'].discreteFields[op['stretching'].velocity].topology
# Penalization of the velocity on a sphere inside the domain.
# We enforce penalization on the same topology as for fft operators.
from parmepy.operator.penalization import Penalization
op['penalization'] = Penalization(velo, [sphere], coeff=[1e8],
topo=topofft, resolutions={velo: nbElem})
# Kill the vorticity at the inlet.
# We enforce penalization on the same topology as for fft operators.
ref_step_fft = topofft.mesh.space_step
ibpos = npw.zeros(dim)
iblength = npw.zeros(dim)
ibpos[...] = boxorigin[...]
iblength[...] = boxlength[...]
iblength[0] = 10 * ref_step_fft[0]
inlet_band = ControlBox(box, ibpos, iblength)
op['kill_vort'] = Penalization(vorti, [inlet_band], coeff=[1e10],
topo=topofft, resolutions={vorti: nbElem})
# Correction of the velocity, used as post-process for Poisson solver,
# based on a fixed flowrate through the entrance of the domain.
# Time-dependant required-flowrate (Variable Parameter)
def computeFlowrate(simu):
# === Time-dependant flow rate ===
t =
Tstart = 3.0
flowrate = np.zeros(3)
flowrate[0] = uinf * box.length[1] * box.length[2]
if t >= Tstart and t <= Tstart + 1.0:
flowrate[1] = sin(pi * (t - Tstart)) * \
box.length[1] * box.length[2]
# === Constant flow rate ===
# flowrate = np.zeros(3)
# flowrate[0] = uinf * box.length[1] * box.length[2]
return flowrate
req_flowrate = VariableParameter(formula=computeFlowrate)
frate = npw.zeros(3)
frate[0] = uinf * box.length[1] * box.length[2]
req_flowrate = VariableParameter(data=frate, name='flowRate')
from parmepy.operator.velocity_correction import VelocityCorrection
op['correction'] = VelocityCorrection(velo, vorti,
resolutions={velo: nbElem,
vorti: nbElem},
req_flowrate=req_flowrate, topo=topofft)
# ========= Bridges between the different topologies =========
from parmepy.operator.redistribute import Redistribute
distr = {}
distr['fft2curl'] = Redistribute([velo], op['penalization'], op['curl'])
distr['fft2advec'] = Redistribute([velo, vorti],
op['poisson'], op['advection'])
distr['curl2fft'] = Redistribute([vorti], op['curl'], op['poisson'])
distr['adv2str'] = Redistribute([velo, vorti],
op['advection'], op['stretching'])
distr['str2diff'] = Redistribute([vorti], op['stretching'], op['diffusion'])
distr['curl2adv'] = Redistribute([velo, vorti], op['curl'], op['advection'])
distr['curl2str'] = Redistribute([velo, vorti], op['curl'], op['stretching'])
distr['fft2str'] = Redistribute([velo, vorti], op['poisson'], op['stretching'])
distr['str2curl'] = Redistribute([velo], op['stretching'], op['curl'])
for ope in distr.values():
# ========= Monitoring operators =========
from parmepy.operator.monitors import Printer, Energy_enstrophy, DragAndLift,\
monitors = {}
monitors['printerFFT'] = Printer(variables=[velo, vorti], topo=topofft,
frequency=100, formattype=HDF5, prefix='fields',
monitors['printerCurl'] = Printer(variables=[velo, vorti], topo=topocurl,
formattype=HDF5, prefix='curl_io')
monitors['printerAdvec'] = Printer(variables=[velo, vorti], topo=topofft,
formattype=HDF5, prefix='advec_io',
monitors['energy'] = Energy_enstrophy(velo, vorti, topo=topofft,
viscosity=VISCOSITY, isNormalized=False)
reprojection_constant = 0.04
reprojection_rate = 1
monitors["reprojection"] = Reprojection_criterion(vorti, reprojection_constant,
reprojection_rate, topofft,
# Add reprojection for poisson operator
# Compute and save drag and lift on a
# 3D Control box
ref_step = topostr.mesh.space_step
cbpos = npw.zeros(dim)
cblength = npw.zeros(dim)
cbpos[...] = boxorigin[...]
cbpos[0] += 10 * ref_step[0]
cblength[...] = boxlength[...]
cblength[0] -= 20 * ref_step[0]
cb = ControlBox(box, cbpos, cblength)
coeffForce = 1. / (0.5 * uinf ** 2 * pi * RADIUS ** 2)
monitors['forces'] = DragAndLift(velo, vorti, VISCOSITY, coeffForce,
topostr, cb, obstacles=[sphere], io_params={})
step_dir = ref_step[0]
#thickSliceXY = ControlBox(box, origin=[-2.56, -2.56, -2.0 * step_dir],
# lengths=[5.12, 5.12, 4.0 * step_dir])
#monitors['printerSliceXY'] = Printer(variables=[velo, vorti], topo=topofft,
# frequency=1, formattype=HDF5, prefix='sliceXY',
# subset=thickSliceXY, xmfalways=True)
#thickSliceXZ = ControlBox(box, origin=[-2.0, -2.0 * step_dir, -2.56],
# lengths=[10.24, 4.0 * step_dir, 5.12])
#monitors['printerSliceXZ'] = Printer(variables=[velo, vorti], topo=topofft,
# frequency=100, formattype=HDF5, prefix='sliceXZ',
# subset=thickSliceXZ, xmfalways=True)
#subBox = ControlBox(box, origin=[-0.7, -1.25, -1.25], lengths=[7.0, 2.5, 2.5])
#monitors['printerSubBox'] = Printer(variables=[velo, vorti], topo=topofft,
# frequency=100, formattype=HDF5, prefix='subBox',
# subset=subBox, xmfalways=True)
# ========= Setup for all declared operators =========
for ope in op.values():
for ope in distr.values():
# Set up for monitors
for monit in monitors.values():
allops = dict(op.items() + distr.items() + monitors.items())
# ========= Simulation setup =========
simu = Simulation(tinit=0.0, tend=100., timeStep=0.0125, iterMax=1000000)
#simu = Simulation(tinit=0.0, tend=75., timeStep=dt['dt'], iterMax=6)
ind = sphere.discretize(topofft)
vdfft = velo.discreteFields[topofft].data
wdfft = vorti.discreteFields[topofft]
## ========= Fields initialization =========
# Initialisation, mode 1:
# - compute velocity on topofft
# - penalize
# - compute vorticity with curl
def initFields_mode1():
# The velocity is initialized on the fftw topology
# penalized and distributed on curl topo
# Vorticity is initialized after penalization of velocity
## Call initialization
##### Check initialize process results #####
norm_vel_fft = velo.norm(topofft)
norm_vel_curl = velo.norm(topocurl)
norm_vort_fft = vorti.norm(topofft)
norm_vort_curl = vorti.norm(topocurl)
#assert np.allclose(norm_vort_curl, norm_vort_fft)
assert np.allclose(norm_vel_curl, norm_vel_fft)
# Print initial state
for mon in monitors.values():
## Note Franck : tests init ok, same values on both topologies, for v and w.
# === After init ===
# v init on topocurl (which may be equal to topofft)
# === Definition of the 'one-step' sequence of operators ===
# 1 - w = curl(v), topocurl
# 2 - w = advection(v,w), topo-advec
# 3 - w = stretching(v,w), topostr
# 4 - w = diffusion(w), topofft
# 5 - v = poisson(w), topofft
# 6 - v = correction(v, w), topofft
# 7 - v = penalization(v), topofft
# Required bridges :
# 1 --> 2 : (v,w) on topo-advec
# 2 --> 3 : (v,w) on topostr
# 3 --> 4 : w on topofft
# 7 --> 1 : v on topocurl
#fullseq = ['advection', # in: v,w out: w, on topoadvec
# 'adv2str', 'stretching', # in: v,w out: w on topostr
# # in: w, out: v, w on topofft
# 'str2diff', 'diffusion', 'reprojection', 'poisson', 'correction',
# 'penalization',
# 'fft2curl', 'curl', 'forces',
# 'curl2adv', 'energy', 'profiles', 'printerAdvec',
# ]
fullseq = ['stretching',
'str2diff', 'diffusion', 'poisson', 'correction',
'fft2curl', 'curl',
'curl2fft', 'poisson', 'correction',
#'printerSliceXY', #'printerSliceXZ', 'printerSubBox',
cb2 = op['correction'].cb
def pseudo_norm(topo, var):
sloc = npw.zeros(3)
gloc = npw.zeros(3)
sl = topo.mesh.iCompute
for i in xrange(3):
sloc[i] = np.sum((var[i][sl]))
# sfft[i] = la.norm((vfft[i][slfft]))
topo.comm.Allreduce(sloc, gloc)
return gloc
def run(sequence):
## for name in sequence:
## assert allops.keys().count(name) > 0 or distr.keys().count(name) > 0\
## or monitors.keys().count(name) > 0, 'unknow key:' + name
## allops[name].apply(simu)
# distr['adv2str'].apply(simu)
# distr['adv2str'].wait()
# op['stretching'].apply(simu)
# distr['str2diff'].apply(simu)
# distr['str2diff'].wait()
seq = fullseq
while not simu.isOver:
if topocurl.rank == 0:
## print 'total time (rank):', MPI.Wtime() - time, '(', topo.rank, ')'
# === Finalize for all declared operators ===
# Note FP : bug in fft finalize. To be checked ...
# --> clean_fftw must be called only once
#for ope in op.values():
# ope.finalize()
## Clean memory buffers
for ope in distr.values():
for monit in monitors.values():
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