└─template/ # Template of your project (to be copied)
Copy `src/methods/template` and rename it with your name. You are expected to write your own code in new files inside `src/methods/your_name`, and call them in the `src/methods/your_name/reconstruct.py` file. You are **not allowed to modify any file outside of `src/methods/your_name`** apart from `main.ipynb`, see instructions bellow.
Please have a look in `src/methods/baseline`, your projet should work in the same way.
## 6. Instructions:
Each student will fork this Git repository on its own account. You will then work in your own version of this repository.
@@ -71,16 +67,17 @@ The code and the report must be **written in English**.
Your report **must be a pdf file** written in English and should not be longer than 5 pages. In this file you are asked to explain:
1. The problem statement, show us that you've understood the project.
2. The solution that you've chosen, explaining the theory.
3. With tools that **you've built** show us that your solution is relevant and working
4. Results, give us your results of the images `img_1`, `img_2`, `img_3`, `img_4`.
5. Conclusion, take a step back about your results. What can be improved?
- The problem statement, show us that you've understood the project.
- The solution that you've chosen, explaining the theory.
- With tools that **you've built** show us that your solution is relevant and working
- Results, give us your results of the images `img_1`, `img_2`, `img_3`, `img_4`.
- Conclusion, take a step back about your results. What can be improved?
### 6.2. The code:
- You should first **copy** the folder `src/methods/template` and rename it with your name. It is in this folder that you will work, **nothing else should be modified** apart from `main.ipynb` for experimenting with the code.
- You will add as many files you want in this folder but the only interface to run your code is `run_reconstruction` in `src/methods/your_name`. You can modify this function as you please, as long as it takes in argument the image to reconstruct (`y`), the name of the CFA (`cfa`) and returns a demosaicked image.
- Have a look in `src/methods/baseline`, your projet should work in the same way.
- You can use all the functions defined in the project, even the ones that you should not modify (`utils.py`, `forward_model.py`, etc).
- Your code must be operational through `run_reconstruction`, as we will test it on new and private images.
- The notebook provides a working bench. It should **not be included in the merge request**, it is just a work document for you.