10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20230508_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-08-19,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['10 spectra']
10.12686/eshm20-main-datasets,ethz.sed,Dataset,2024-08-08,EFEHR European Facilities of Earthquake Hazard and Risk,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['529MB']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20240717_002,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-07-19,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['80 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20240717_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-07-17,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['15 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20240713_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-07-16,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['27 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20240605_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-07-10,SSHADE/DRIMS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['41 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20220803_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-06-09,SSHADE/GhoSST+DRIMS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['15 spectra']
10.57745/shddtw,rdg.prod,Dataset,2024-06-05,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20230103_02,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-04-10,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['9 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20230103_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-04-10,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['9 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_ap_20240312_0001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-03-28,SSHADE/UH-ApS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['7 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_ap_20210622_0001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-03-14,SSHADE/UH-ApS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_jf_20201104_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-03-11,SSHADE/Mirabelle (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['18 spectra']
10.5061/dryad.83bk3jb0h,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-03-08,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['307008659 bytes']
10.57745/gsmefn,rdg.prod,Dataset,2024-03-08,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.60527/zcmq-v747,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-07,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/cymb-t312,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-07,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/zsq8-tz04,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/hytc-5677,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/qsw1-vr24,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/07zp-aq60,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/z64w-t441,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/3dvh-8m86,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/rdw0-ps12,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/1egh-1a67,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/s3pc-ya20,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/kq79-kq26,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/aa32-v231,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/evrp-sc36,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/t65m-5h40,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.60527/kr45-gv91,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20221017_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-02-21,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['21 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_raman_alstonite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2023-12-27,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_raman_barytocalcite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2023-12-26,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",
10.5061/dryad.xksn02vn4,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2023-12-26,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['144079 bytes']
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_raman_huntite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2023-12-25,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_raman_vaterite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2023-12-24,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",
10.17178/emaa_so_fine_e3d652e7,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-nh3_rotation-hot_9da5b297,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-nh3_hyperfine_1be97812,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-h2s_rotation_f76b8b70,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-h2(34s)_rotation_52d67276,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-d2s_rotation_1e071ded,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-c3h2_rotation_bcdd4e50,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-(13c)c2h2_rotation_62296b37,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-nh3_rotation-hot_2c68197a,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-nh3_rotation_331d9739,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-nh3_hyperfine_22b1dfb7,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2s_rotation_3f29e6c3,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2co_hyperfine_21889b23,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2(34s)_rotation_2f37d6f0,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-d2s_rotation_a6fd14e0,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-c3h2_rotation_caf26a12,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-(13c)c2h2_rotation_a4239764,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_oh_hyperfine_72d6c3c5,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_oh_fine_73f2c321,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_hds_rotation_d3b568cc,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_hd_rovibration_805a7aa5,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_hd(34s)_rotation_8a51ba80,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_e-ch3oh_rotation_b00fa82a,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_e-ch3(18o)h_rotation_da227d5c,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_e-(13c)h3oh_rotation_26e2c2d2,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_co_rotation_3d0e1a5c,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ch2nh_rotation_6a3d5ab2,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ch2nh_hyperfine_9027c066,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_c2h_hyperfine_e0d01d58,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_c(18o)_rotation_1175b5dd,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_c(17o)_hyperfine_0ecc62b5,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_c(13c)h_hyperfine_2bb79b69,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_a-ch3oh_rotation_aa19a665,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_a-ch3(18o)h_rotation_c65648f1,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_a-(13c)h3oh_rotation_6b79e149,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_(13c)o_rotation_922483ff,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_(13c)ch_hyperfine_b78c5723,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_(13c)(17o)_hyperfine_164ecb70,inist.osug,Dataset,2023-12-07,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.26302/sshade/experiment_cf_20200813_000,inist.sshade,Dataset,2023-12-07,SSHADE/BYPASS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['11 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_cf_20200723_000,inist.sshade,Dataset,2023-12-07,SSHADE/BYPASS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['11 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_jc_20220615_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2023-11-10,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['13 spectra']
10.5061/dryad.9kd51c5q1,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2023-11-09,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['10743530697 bytes']
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_abs_calcite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2023-10-26,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",