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Transfer start

François Verzier requested to merge feat-transfer-start into dev

Created by: guillaume-plc

Add the possibility to resume a run from a previous simulation:

  • Added two model attributes: legacy_start_time and legacy_end_time that set the time bounds of the TU and exogenous inputs history that is kept in memory during a simulation (which can be different from simulation_start_time and simulation_end_time).
  • Added a --resume argument to the main run script, to copy outputs from another scenario before resuming a run.


Launch a simulation on the historical period: python --run_name myrun --scenario_name historic --start_time 1901 --end_time 2020 --legacy_end_time 2060 --run_simulation

Launch a simulation on the projection period resuming from the previous run: python --run_name myrun --scenario N1 --resume historic --start_time 2021 --end_time 2060 --legacy_end_time 2060 --run_simulation

Merge request reports