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Carine Babusiaux authored

BINARYS (orBIt determiNAtion with Absolute and Relative astrometRY and Spectroscopy) adjusts together: the residual abscissae from Hipparcos data (IAD or TD), the 5 Gaia astrometric parameters, the DR3 NSS orbital solution or the Gaia DR4 epoch data, and complementary observations from relative astrometry and radial velocity. BINARYS uses a gradient descent method implementing automatic differentiation thanks to the R package TMB, and it rigorously uses the information from Hipparcos and Gaia with minimal assumptions or simplifications.


  • install TMB in your R environment:

      R -e 'install.packages("TMB","tmbstan")'
  • compile BINARYS.cpp

  • use it !

      obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, map, DLL="BINARYS")

    data: list of data objects

    parameters: list of all parameter objects required by the user template. Enter values as starting point (example: list(a1=4,periodYrs=4.2,relTP=0.42...))

    map: non adjusted parameters, which will be fixed at the starting value (example: list(a1=factor(NA),dra=factor(NA),ddec=factor(NA)...))

      opt <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr) or opt <-"optim",obj)
      rep <- sdreport(obj)
  • to apply MCMC



  • BINARYS.cpp: This file is the core of the code and returns the negative-log likelihood to be minimized.

  • binarys.hpp: This file provides constants and usefull functions for BINARYS.cpp

  • Description of the observations/data and parameters to be adjusted.


Version 3.0, April 2023, Gaia epoch astrometry data included, allowing to work with Gaia BH3 data.

Version 2.1, June 2023, corresponding to the paper Chevalier et al. 2023:

  • Gaia DR3 NSS handling implemented

  • perspective acceleration during Hipparcos and Gaia observations implemented

Version 2.1 versus 2.0 corrected an issue with the HipPlxZeroPt handling and simplified it.

Version 1.0: Mars 2022, original version used in the paper Leclerc et al. 2023


Authors: Aurélia Leclerc and Carine Babusiaux

Reference: Leclerc et al. 2023, Combining Hipparcos and Gaia data for the study of binaries: The BINARYS tool, A&A 672A, 82L