Explore projects
Web-based letter game created at the LIDILEM lab of Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Autonomous branch maintained by the game's creators
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OJS plugin to anonymize the reviewer files
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OJS plugin to simplify new submissions from reviewers
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Archived 1Updated
Plateforme de transcription et d'annotation de corpus textuels, TACT est le logiciel derrière le plateforme nationale TACTEO : https://tacteo.huma-num.fr/
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OJS customizations for the Mersenne workflow as a plugin
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Un formulaire simple pour générer un manifest IIIF à partir d'une donnée Nakala.
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This a stream client for HLS live video combine a simple live chat
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Version modifier de InternationHAL (http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~gambette/ExtractionHAL/InternationHAL.php)