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Drakkar-LIG / ipmt
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0Internet protocols measurement tools
Ipmt is a toolbox for network performance measurement. It allows to send and receive TCP or UDP traffic. Receivers compute and display statistics continuously.
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Christopher Ferreira / PinThreads
Affero General Public License v1.0Updated -
Marc Coiffier / BHR
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterMon compilateur Curly (compilable avec Stack)
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Aquaponie est la pratique d’agriculture associant dans un même milieu la culture de végétaux et l’élevage de poissons en symbiose
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Le code des systèmes embarquées dans les serres connectées
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Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit (CamiTK) helps researchers and clinicians to easily and rapidly collaborate in order to prototype CAMI applications, that feature medical images, surgical navigation and biomechanical simulations.
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verimag / synchrone / lutin
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Updated -
verimag / bip / compiler
CeCILL-B Free Software License AgreementBIP compiler and execution engines.
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MODMED / modmedLog
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseC++ library to trace structured events and data from usual tracepoints
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CeCILL-B Free Software License AgreementPath Analysis for the Generation of Numeric Invariants. Project hosted at VERIMAG for the development of static analysis techniques.
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rheolef / rheolef
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Cours d'introduction au parallélisme. Il a été présenté aux professeurs de Lycée, pour ISN/ICN le 6 mars 2018.
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casys / givaro
CeCILL-B Free Software License AgreementGivaro, a C++ library for computer algebra: exact arithmetic and data structures
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Analyse de sensibilité des dynamiques spatio-temporelles: application à l'analyse de sensibilité des précipitations (mousson Afrique de l'Ouest) aux paramètres d'entrées du modèle atmosphèrique régional MAR. Déploiement sur grille (DIET).
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16h-20h lecture notes on "Operating System and Parallel Computing: Concurrency; Scheduling; Memory.". (Work in progress)
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Thomas Lavocat / toy_stencyl_app
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySimple application de diffusion de chaleur se connectant à une file de message pour lui envoyer le résultat de ses calculs.