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Commit b66aaf2d authored by xleroy's avatar xleroy
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Static initialization of structs with bitfields

git-svn-id: fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
parent 3c750797
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......@@ -317,7 +317,80 @@ let rec transf_stmt env s =
let transf_fundef env f =
{ f with fd_body = transf_stmt env f.fd_body }
(* Initializers *)
let bitfield_initializer bf i =
match i with
| Init_single e ->
let m = Int64.pred (Int64.shift_left 1L bf.bf_size) in
let e_mask =
{edesc = EConst(CInt(m, IUInt, sprintf "0x%LXU" m));
etyp = TInt(IUInt, [])} in
let e_and =
{edesc = EBinop(Oand, e, e_mask, TInt(IUInt,[]));
etyp = TInt(IUInt,[])} in
{edesc = EBinop(Oshl, e_and, intconst (Int64.of_int bf.bf_pos) IInt,
TInt(IUInt, []));
etyp = TInt(IUInt, [])}
| _ -> assert false
let rec pack_bitfield_init id carrier fld_init_list =
match fld_init_list with
| [] -> ([], [])
| (fld, i) :: rem ->
let bf = Hashtbl.find bitfield_table (id, fld.fld_name) in
if bf.bf_carrier <> carrier then
([], fld_init_list)
else begin
let (el, rem') = pack_bitfield_init id carrier rem in
(bitfield_initializer bf i :: el, rem')
with Not_found ->
([], fld_init_list)
let rec or_expr_list = function
| [] -> assert false
| [e] -> e
| e1 :: el ->
{edesc = EBinop(Oor, e1, or_expr_list el, TInt(IUInt,[]));
etyp = TInt(IUInt,[])}
let rec transf_struct_init id fld_init_list =
match fld_init_list with
| [] -> []
| (fld, i) :: rem ->
let bf = Hashtbl.find bitfield_table (id, fld.fld_name) in
let (el, rem') =
pack_bitfield_init id bf.bf_carrier fld_init_list in
({fld_name = bf.bf_carrier; fld_typ = bf.bf_carrier_typ;
fld_bitfield = None},
Init_single {edesc = ECast(bf.bf_carrier_typ, or_expr_list el);
etyp = bf.bf_carrier_typ})
:: transf_struct_init id rem'
with Not_found ->
(fld, i) :: transf_struct_init id rem
let rec transf_init env i =
match i with
| Init_single e -> Init_single (transf_expr env e)
| Init_array il -> Init_array ( (transf_init env) il)
| Init_struct(id, fld_init_list) ->
let fld_init_list' = (fun (f, i) -> (f, transf_init env i)) fld_init_list in
Init_struct(id, transf_struct_init id fld_init_list')
| Init_union(id, fld, i) -> Init_union(id, fld, transf_init env i)
let transf_decl env (sto, id, ty, init_opt) =
(sto, id, ty,
match init_opt with None -> None | Some i -> Some(transf_init env i))
(* Programs *)
let program p =
Transform.program ~composite:transf_composite ~fundef:transf_fundef p
~decl: transf_decl
x = { a = 1, b = 2 }
y = { c = 3, d = 0; e = 5 }
z = { f = 6, g = 7; h = 8 }
#include <stdio.h>
struct s {
signed char a: 6;
unsigned int b: 2;
struct t {
unsigned int c: 16;
unsigned int d: 1;
short e: 8;
struct u {
unsigned int f: 18;
unsigned int g: 24;
char h;
struct s x = { 1, 2 };
struct t y = { 3, 4, 5 };
struct u z = { 6, 7, 8 };
int main()
printf("x = { a = %d, b = %d }\n", x.a, x.b);
printf("y = { c = %d, d = %d; e = %d }\n", y.c, y.d, y.e);
printf("z = { f = %d, g = %d; h = %d }\n", z.f, z.g, z.h);
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