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Commit 94aea060 authored by xleroy's avatar xleroy
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Ajout et utilisation de caml/ Ajout ./configure. Revu Makefiles

git-svn-id: fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
parent c0bc1466
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include Makefile.config
INCLUDES=-I lib -I common -I backend -I cfrontend
......@@ -55,16 +56,11 @@ proof: $(FILES:.v=.vo)
$(MAKE) proof
$(MAKE) cil
$(MAKE) -C cil
$(MAKE) -C extraction extraction
$(MAKE) -C extraction depend
$(MAKE) -C extraction
tar xzf $(CILDISTRIB)
for i in cil.patch/*; do patch -p1 < $$i; done
cd cil; ./configure
$(MAKE) -C cil
$(MAKE) -C runtime
@ln -f $(FILES) doc/
......@@ -88,11 +84,22 @@ latexdoc:
$(COQDEP) $(FILES) > .depend
$(MAKE) -C extraction install
$(MAKE) -C runtime install
rm -f */*.vo *~ */*~
rm -rf doc/html doc/*.glob
$(MAKE) -C extraction clean
$(MAKE) -C runtime clean
$(MAKE) -C test/cminor clean
$(MAKE) -C test/c clean
$(MAKE) clean
rm -rf cil
rm -f Makefile.config
include .depend
open Printf
(* Location of the standard library *)
let stdlib_path = ref(
with Not_found ->
(* Command-line flags *)
let prepro_options = ref ([]: string list)
let linker_options = ref ([]: string list)
let exe_name = ref "a.out"
let option_flonglong = ref false
let option_dclight = ref false
let option_dasm = ref false
let option_E = ref false
let option_S = ref false
let option_c = ref false
let option_v = ref false
let command cmd =
if !option_v then begin
prerr_string "+ "; prerr_string cmd; prerr_endline ""
Sys.command cmd
let quote_options opts =
String.concat " " (List.rev_map Filename.quote opts)
let safe_remove file =
try Sys.remove file with Sys_error _ -> ()
(* Printing of error messages *)
let print_error oc msg =
let print_one_error = function
| Errors.MSG s -> output_string oc (Camlcoq.camlstring_of_coqstring s)
| Errors.CTX i -> output_string oc (Camlcoq.extern_atom i)
in Camlcoq.coqlist_iter print_one_error msg
(* For the CIL -> Csyntax translator:
* The meaning of some type specifiers may depend on compiler options:
......@@ -28,49 +69,49 @@ module TypeSpecifierTranslator = struct
| IUShort -> Some (I16, Unsigned)
| ILong -> Some (I32, Signed)
| IULong -> Some (I32, Unsigned)
| ILongLong -> (***Some (I32, Signed)***) None
| IULongLong -> (***Some (I32, Unsigned)***) None
| ILongLong -> if !option_flonglong then Some (I32, Signed) else None
| IULongLong -> if !option_flonglong then Some (I32, Unsigned) else None
(** Convert a Cil.fkind into an floatsize option *)
let convertFkind = function
| FFloat -> Some F32
| FDouble -> Some F64
| FLongDouble -> (***Some F64***) None
| FLongDouble -> if !option_flonglong then Some F64 else None
module Cil2CsyntaxTranslator = Cil2Csyntax.Make(TypeSpecifierTranslator)
let prepro_options = ref []
let save_csyntax = ref false
(* From C to preprocessed C *)
let preprocess file =
let temp = Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".i" in
let preprocess ifile ofile =
let cmd =
sprintf "gcc -arch ppc %s -D__COMPCERT__ -E %s > %s"
(String.concat " " (List.rev !prepro_options))
temp in
if Sys.command cmd = 0
then temp
else (eprintf "Error during preprocessing.\n"; exit 2)
sprintf "gcc -arch ppc -D__COMPCERT__ -I%s %s -E %s > %s"
(quote_options !prepro_options)
ifile ofile in
if command cmd <> 0 then begin
safe_remove ofile;
eprintf "Error during preprocessing.\n";
exit 2
let process_c_file sourcename =
let targetname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".c" in
(* Preprocessing with cpp *)
let preproname = preprocess sourcename in
(* From preprocessed C to asm *)
let compile_c_file sourcename ifile ofile =
(* Parsing and production of a CIL.file *)
let cil =
Frontc.parse preproname ()
Frontc.parse ifile ()
| Frontc.ParseError msg ->
eprintf "Error during parsing: %s\n" msg;
exit 2
| Errormsg.Error ->
exit 2 in
Sys.remove preproname;
(* Restore source file name before preprocessing *)
(* Remove preprocessed file (always a temp file) *)
safe_remove ifile;
(* Restore original source file name *)
cil.Cil.fileName <- sourcename;
(* Cleanup in the CIL.file *)
Rmtmps.removeUnusedTemps ~isRoot:Rmtmps.isExportedRoot cil;
......@@ -86,7 +127,8 @@ let process_c_file sourcename =
eprintf "%s\nPlease report it.\n" msg;
exit 2 in
(* Save Csyntax if requested *)
if !save_csyntax then begin
if !option_dclight then begin
let targetname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".c" in
let oc = open_out (targetname ^ ".light.c") in
PrintCsyntax.print_program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) csyntax;
close_out oc
......@@ -96,71 +138,208 @@ let process_c_file sourcename =
match Main.transf_c_program csyntax with
| Errors.OK x -> x
| Errors.Error msg ->
eprintf "Error in translation Csyntax -> PPC\n";
print_error stderr msg;
exit 2 in
(* Save PPC asm *)
let oc = open_out (targetname ^ ".s") in
let oc = open_out ofile in
PrintPPC.print_program oc ppc;
close_out oc
let process_cminor_file sourcename =
let targetname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".cm" ^ ".s" in
let ic = open_in sourcename in
(* From Cminor to asm *)
let compile_cminor_file ifile ofile =
let ic = open_in ifile in
let lb = Lexing.from_channel ic in
match Main.transf_cminor_program
(CMparser.prog CMlexer.token lb)) with
| Errors.Error msg ->
eprintf "Compiler failure\n";
print_error stderr msg;
exit 2
| Errors.OK p ->
let oc = open_out targetname in
let oc = open_out ofile in
PrintPPC.print_program oc p;
close_out oc
with Parsing.Parse_error ->
eprintf "File %s, character %d: Syntax error\n"
sourcename (Lexing.lexeme_start lb);
ifile (Lexing.lexeme_start lb);
exit 2
| CMlexer.Error msg ->
eprintf "File %s, character %d: %s\n"
sourcename (Lexing.lexeme_start lb) msg;
ifile (Lexing.lexeme_start lb) msg;
exit 2
| CMtypecheck.Error msg ->
eprintf "File %s, type-checking error:\n%s"
sourcename msg;
ifile msg;
exit 2
(* From asm to object file *)
let assemble ifile ofile =
let cmd =
sprintf "gcc -arch ppc -c -o %s %s"
ofile ifile in
let retcode = command cmd in
if not !option_dasm then safe_remove ifile;
if retcode <> 0 then begin
safe_remove ofile;
eprintf "Error during assembling.\n";
exit 2
(* Linking *)
let linker exe_name files =
let cmd =
sprintf "gcc -arch ppc -o %s %s -L%s -lcompcert"
(Filename.quote exe_name)
(quote_options files)
!stdlib_path in
if command cmd <> 0 then exit 2
(* Processing of a .c file *)
let process_c_file sourcename =
let prefixname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".c" in
if !option_E then begin
preprocess sourcename (prefixname ^ ".i")
end else begin
let preproname = Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".i" in
preprocess sourcename preproname;
if !option_S then begin
compile_c_file sourcename preproname (prefixname ^ ".s")
end else begin
let asmname =
if !option_dasm
then prefixname ^ ".s"
else Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".s" in
compile_c_file sourcename preproname asmname;
assemble asmname (prefixname ^ ".o")
prefixname ^ ".o"
(* Processing of a .cm file *)
let process_cminor_file sourcename =
let prefixname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".cm" in
if !option_S then begin
compile_cminor_file sourcename (prefixname ^ ".s")
end else begin
let asmname =
if !option_dasm
then prefixname ^ ".s"
else Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".s" in
compile_cminor_file sourcename asmname;
assemble asmname (prefixname ^ ".o")
prefixname ^ ".o"
(* Command-line parsing *)
let starts_with s1 s2 =
String.length s1 >= String.length s2 &&
String.sub s1 0 (String.length s2) = s2
let usage_string =
"ccomp [options] <source files>
Recognized source files:
.c C source file
.cm Cminor source file
.o Object file
.a Library file
Processing options:
-E Preprocess only, save result in <file>.i
-S Compile to assembler only, save result in <file>.s
-c Compile to object file only (no linking), result in <file>.o
Preprocessing options:
-I<dir> Add <dir> to search path for #include files
-D<symb>=<val> Define preprocessor symbol
-U<symb> Undefine preprocessor symbol
Compilation options:
-flonglong Treat 'long long' as 'long' and 'long double' as 'double'
-dclight Save generated Clight in <file>.light.c
-dasm Save generated assembly in <file>.s
Linking options:
-l<lib> Link library <lib>
-L<dir> Add <dir> to search path for libraries
-o <file> Generate executable in <file> (default: a.out)
General options:
-stdlib <dir> Set the path of the Compcert run-time library
-v Print external commands before invoking them
let rec parse_cmdline i =
if i < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
let s = Sys.argv.(i) in
if s = "-dump-c" then begin
save_csyntax := true;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if starts_with s "-I" || starts_with s "-D" || starts_with s "-U"
then begin
prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if Filename.check_suffix s ".cm" then begin
process_cminor_file s;
if starts_with s "-l" || starts_with s "-L" then begin
linker_options := s :: !linker_options;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if s = "-o" && i + 1 < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
exe_name := Sys.argv.(i + 1);
parse_cmdline (i + 2)
end else
if s = "-stdlib" && i + 1 < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
stdlib_path := Sys.argv.(i + 1);
parse_cmdline (i + 2)
end else
if s = "-flonglong" then begin
option_flonglong := true;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if s = "-dclight" then begin
option_dclight := true;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if s = "-dasm" then begin
option_dasm := true;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if s = "-E" then begin
option_E := true;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if s = "-S" then begin
option_S := true;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if s = "-c" then begin
option_c := true;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if s = "-v" then begin
option_v := true;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if Filename.check_suffix s ".c" then begin
process_c_file s;
let objfile = process_c_file s in
linker_options := objfile :: !linker_options;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if Filename.check_suffix s ".cm" then begin
let objfile = process_cminor_file s in
linker_options := objfile :: !linker_options;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else
if Filename.check_suffix s ".o" || Filename.check_suffix s ".a" then begin
linker_options := s :: !linker_options;
parse_cmdline (i + 1)
end else begin
eprintf "Unknown argument `%s'\n" s;
eprintf "Usage: %s" usage_string;
exit 2
let _ =
parse_cmdline 1
parse_cmdline 1;
if not (!option_c || !option_S || !option_E) then begin
linker !exe_name !linker_options
# Parse command-line arguments
while : ; do
case "$1" in
"") break;;
prefix=$2; shift;;
bindir=$2; shift;;
libdir=$2; shift;;
*) echo "Unknown option \"$1\"." 1>&2; exit 2;;
# Generate Makefile.config
rm -f Makefile.config
cat > Makefile.config <<EOF
# Extract and configure Cil
set -e
tar xzf $cildistrib
for i in cil.patch/*; do patch -p1 < $i; done
(cd cil && ./configure)
# Extract 'ARCHOS' info from Cil configuration
grep '^ARCHOS=' cil/config.log >> Makefile.config
This diff is collapsed.
include ../Makefile.config
FILES=\ \ \
......@@ -29,13 +31,12 @@ FILES=\
../caml/ \
../caml/ ../caml/ ../caml/ \
../caml/ ../caml/ \
# ../caml/ ../caml/
../caml/ ../caml/
EXTRACTEDFILES:=$(filter-out ../caml/%, $(FILES))
CAMLINCL=-I ../caml -I ../cil/obj/x86_LINUX -I ../cil/obj/ppc_DARWIN
CAMLINCL=-I ../caml -I ../cil/obj/$(ARCHOS)
OCAMLC=ocamlc -g $(CAMLINCL)
......@@ -49,12 +50,12 @@ executables: ../ccomp ../ccomp.byt
../ccomp.byt: $(
$(OCAMLC) -o ../ccomp.byt $(OCAMLLIBS) $(
rm -f ../ccomp
rm -f ../ccomp.byt
../ccomp: $(
$(OCAMLOPT) -o ../ccomp $(OCAMLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa) $(
rm -f ../ccomp.opt
rm -f ../ccomp
@rm -f $(GENFILES)
......@@ -89,6 +90,13 @@ beforedepend:: ../caml/
rm -f ../caml/
../caml/ ../Makefile.config
echo 'let stdlib_path = "$(LIBDIR)"' > ../caml/
beforedepend:: ../caml/
rm -f ../caml/
.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx
......@@ -106,6 +114,10 @@ clean::
depend: beforedepend
$(OCAMLDEP) ../caml/*.mli ../caml/*.ml *.mli *.ml > .depend
install -d $(BINDIR)
install ../ccomp ../ccomp.byt $(BINDIR)
include .depend
include ../Makefile.config
CFLAGS=-arch ppc -O1 -g -Wall
#CFLAGS=-O1 -g -Wall
OBJS=stdio.o calloc.o
$(LIB): $(OBJS)
rm -f $(LIB)
......@@ -11,3 +14,7 @@ stdio.o: stdio.h
rm -f *.o $(LIB)
install -d $(LIBDIR)
install -c $(LIB) $(INCLUDES) $(LIBDIR)
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ clean::
rm -f manyargs
lists: lists.o mainlists.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o lists lists.o mainlists.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o lists lists.o mainlists.o -L../../runtime -lcompcert
rm -f lists
CFLAGS=-arch ppc -O1 -g -Wall
$(LIB): $(OBJS)
ar rcs $(LIB) $(OBJS)
compcert_stdio.o: compcert_stdio.h
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "compcert_stdio.h"
compcert_FILE * compcert_stdin = (compcert_FILE *) stdin;
compcert_FILE * compcert_stdout = (compcert_FILE *) stdout;
compcert_FILE * compcert_stderr = (compcert_FILE *) stderr;
void compcert_clearerr(compcert_FILE * f)
clearerr((FILE *) f);
int compcert_fclose(compcert_FILE * f)
return fclose((FILE *) f);
int compcert_feof(compcert_FILE * f)
return feof((FILE *) f);
int compcert_ferror(compcert_FILE * f)
return ferror((FILE *) f);
int compcert_fflush(compcert_FILE * f)
return fflush((FILE *) f);
int compcert_fgetc(compcert_FILE * f)
return fgetc((FILE *) f);
char *compcert_fgets(char * s, int n, compcert_FILE * f)
return fgets(s, n, (FILE *) f);
compcert_FILE *compcert_fopen(const char * p, const char * m)
return (compcert_FILE *) fopen(p, m);
int compcert_fprintf(compcert_FILE * f, const char * s, ...)
va_list ap;
int retcode;
va_start(ap, s);
retcode = vfprintf((FILE *) f, s, ap);
return retcode;
int compcert_fputc(int c, compcert_FILE * f)
return fputc(c, (FILE *) f);
int compcert_fputs(const char * s, compcert_FILE * f)
return fputs(s, (FILE *) f);
size_t compcert_fread(void * s, size_t p, size_t q, compcert_FILE * f)
return fread(s, p, q, (FILE *) f);
compcert_FILE *compcert_freopen(const char * s, const char * m,
compcert_FILE * f)
return (compcert_FILE *) freopen(s, m, (FILE *) f);
int compcert_fscanf(compcert_FILE * f, const char * s, ...)
va_list ap;
int retcode;
va_start(ap, s);
retcode = vfscanf((FILE *) f, s, ap);
return retcode;
int compcert_fseek(compcert_FILE * f, long p, int q)
return fseek((FILE *) f, p, q);
long compcert_ftell(compcert_FILE *f)
return ftell((FILE *) f);
size_t compcert_fwrite(const void * b, size_t p, size_t q, compcert_FILE * f)
return fwrite(b, p, q, (FILE *) f);
int compcert_getc(compcert_FILE * f)
return getc((FILE *) f);
int compcert_putc(int c , compcert_FILE * f)
return putc(c, (FILE *) f);
void compcert_rewind(compcert_FILE * f)
rewind((FILE *) f);
int compcert_ungetc(int c, compcert_FILE * f)
return ungetc(c, (FILE *) f);
int compcert_vfprintf(compcert_FILE * f, const char * s, va_list va)
return vfprintf((FILE *) f, s, va);
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct compcert_FILE_ { void * f; } compcert_FILE;
extern compcert_FILE * compcert_stdin;
extern compcert_FILE * compcert_stdout;
extern compcert_FILE * compcert_stderr;
extern void compcert_clearerr(compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_fclose(compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_feof(compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_ferror(compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_fflush(compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_fgetc(compcert_FILE *);
extern char *compcert_fgets(char * , int, compcert_FILE *);
extern compcert_FILE *compcert_fopen(const char * , const char * );
extern int compcert_fprintf(compcert_FILE * , const char * , ...);
extern int compcert_fputc(int, compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_fputs(const char * , compcert_FILE * );
extern size_t compcert_fread(void * , size_t, size_t, compcert_FILE * );
extern compcert_FILE *compcert_freopen(const char * , const char * ,
compcert_FILE * );
extern int compcert_fscanf(compcert_FILE * , const char * , ...);
extern int compcert_fseek(compcert_FILE *, long, int);
extern long compcert_ftell(compcert_FILE *);
extern size_t compcert_fwrite(const void * , size_t, size_t, compcert_FILE * );
extern int compcert_getc(compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_putc(int, compcert_FILE *);
extern void compcert_rewind(compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_ungetc(int, compcert_FILE *);
extern int compcert_vfprintf(compcert_FILE *, const char *, va_list);
#define FILE compcert_FILE
#undef stdin
#define stdin compcert_stdin
#undef stdout
#define stdout compcert_stdout
#undef stderr
#define stderr compcert_stderr
#define clearerr compcert_clearerr
#define fclose compcert_fclose
#define feof compcert_feof
#define ferror compcert_ferror
#define fflush compcert_fflush
#define fgetc compcert_fgetc
#define fgets compcert_fgets
#define fopen compcert_fopen
#define fprintf compcert_fprintf
#define fputc compcert_fputc
#define fputs compcert_fputs
#define fread compcert_fread
#define freopen compcert_freopen
#define fscanf compcert_fscanf
#define fseek compcert_fseek
#define ftell compcert_ftell
#define fwrite compcert_fwrite
#define getc compcert_getc
#define putc compcert_putc
#define rewind compcert_rewind
#define ungetc compcert_ungetc
#define vfprintf compcert_vfprintf
/* Work around MacOX shared-library lossage.
(No static version of the C library.) */
.macro GLUE
.globl _$0_static
addis r11, 0, ha16(L$0)
lwz r11, lo16(L$0)(r11)
mtctr r11
.indirect_symbol _$0
.long 0
GLUE cos
GLUE sin
GLUE atan2
GLUE asin
GLUE sqrt
GLUE fmod
GLUE fabs
GLUE memcpy
GLUE memset
\ No newline at end of file
0% Loading or .
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