Astor Bizard authoredAstor Bizard authored
mod_form.php 7.59 KiB
// This file is part of VPL for Moodle - http://vpl.dis.ulpgc.es/
// VPL for Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// VPL for Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with VPL for Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* VPL instance form
* @package mod_vpl
* @copyright 2012 Juan Carlos Rodríguez-del-Pino
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @author Juan Carlos Rodríguez-del-Pino <jcrodriguez@dis.ulpgc.es>
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
class mod_vpl_mod_form extends moodleform_mod {
protected function definition() {
global $CFG;
$plugincfg = get_config('mod_vpl');
$mform = & $this->_form;
$mform->addElement( 'header', 'general', get_string( 'general', 'form' ) );
$mform->addElement( 'text', 'name', get_string( 'name' ), array (
'size' => '50'
) );
$mform->setType( 'name', PARAM_TEXT );
$mform->addRule( 'name', null, 'required', null, 'client' );
$mform->applyFilter( 'name', 'trim' );
$mform->addElement( 'textarea', 'shortdescription', get_string( 'shortdescription', VPL ), array (
'cols' => 70,
'rows' => 1
) );
$mform->setType( 'shortdescription', PARAM_RAW );
if ($CFG->version < 2015041700.00) { // Moodle version < 2.9Beta.
$this->add_intro_editor( false, get_string( 'fulldescription', VPL ) ); // Deprecated from 2.9beta.
} else {
$this->standard_intro_elements( get_string( 'fulldescription', VPL ) );
$mform->addElement( 'header', 'submissionperiod', get_string( 'submissionperiod', VPL ) );
$mform->addElement( 'date_time_selector', 'startdate', get_string( 'startdate', VPL ), array (
'optional' => true
) );
$mform->setDefault( 'startdate', 0 );
$mform->setAdvanced( 'startdate' );
$mform->addElement( 'date_time_selector', 'duedate', get_string( 'duedate', VPL ), array (
'optional' => true
) );
$mform->setDefault( 'duedate', 0 );
$mform->addElement( 'header', 'submissionrestrictions', get_string( 'submissionrestrictions', VPL ) );
$mform->addElement( 'text', 'maxfiles', get_string( 'maxfiles', VPL ) );
$mform->setType( 'maxfiles', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->setDefault( 'maxfiles', 1 );
$mform->addElement( 'select', 'worktype', get_string( 'worktype', VPL ), array (
0 => get_string( 'individualwork', VPL ),
1 => get_string( 'groupwork', VPL )
) );
$mform->addElement( 'selectyesno', 'restrictededitor', get_string( 'restrictededitor', VPL ) );
$mform->setDefault( 'restrictededitor', false );
$mform->setAdvanced( 'restrictededitor' );
$mform->addElement( 'selectyesno', 'allowshowprevious', get_string( 'allowshowprevious', VPL ) );
$mform->setDefault( 'allowshowprevious', false );
$mform->setAdvanced( 'allowshowprevious' );
$mform->addElement( 'selectyesno', 'example', get_string( 'isexample', VPL ) );
$mform->setDefault( 'example', false );
$mform->setAdvanced( 'example' );
$max = vpl_get_max_post_size();
if ($plugincfg->maxfilesize > 0 && $plugincfg->maxfilesize < $max) {
$max = $plugincfg->maxfilesize;
$mform->addElement( 'select', 'maxfilesize', get_string( 'maxfilesize', VPL ), vpl_get_select_sizes( 16 * 1024, $max ) );
$mform->setType( 'maxfilesize', PARAM_INT );
$mform->setDefault( 'maxfilesize', 1 );
$mform->setAdvanced( 'maxfilesize' );
$mform->addElement( 'passwordunmask', 'password', get_string( 'password' ) );
$mform->setType( 'password', PARAM_TEXT );
$mform->setAdvanced( 'password' );
$mform->addElement( 'text', 'requirednet', get_string( 'requirednet', VPL ), array (
'size' => '60'
) );
$mform->setType( 'requirednet', PARAM_TEXT );
$mform->setDefault( 'requirednet', '' );
$mform->setAdvanced( 'requirednet' );
$mform->addElement( 'selectyesno', 'sebrequired', get_string( 'sebrequired', VPL ) );
$mform->setDefault( 'sebrequired', 0 );
$mform->addHelpButton('sebrequired', 'sebrequired', VPL);
$mform->setAdvanced( 'sebrequired' );
$mform->addElement( 'textarea', 'sebkeys', get_string( 'sebkeys', VPL ), array (
'cols' => 66,
'rows' => 2
) );
$mform->setType( 'sebkeys', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->setDefault( 'sebkeys', '' );
$mform->addHelpButton('sebkeys', 'sebkeys', VPL);
$mform->setAdvanced( 'sebkeys' );
// Grade.
$mform->addElement( 'text', 'reductionbyevaluation', get_string( 'reductionbyevaluation', VPL ));
$mform->setType( 'reductionbyevaluation', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->setDefault( 'reductionbyevaluation', 0 );
$mform->addHelpButton('reductionbyevaluation', 'reductionbyevaluation', VPL);
$mform->addElement( 'text', 'freeevaluations', get_string( 'freeevaluations', VPL ));
$mform->setType( 'freeevaluations', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->setDefault( 'freeevaluations', 0 );
$mform->addHelpButton('freeevaluations', 'freeevaluations', VPL);
$mform->addElement( 'selectyesno', 'visiblegrade', get_string( 'visiblegrade', VPL ) );
$mform->setDefault( 'visiblegrade', 1 );
// Standard course elements.
// End form.
public static function validate($field, $pattern, $message, & $data, & $errors) {
$data[$field] = trim( $data[$field] );
$res = preg_match($pattern, $data[$field]);
if ( $res == 0 || $res == false) {
$errors[$field] = $message;
public static $fieldsformat = array(
'freeevaluations' => '/^[0-9]*$/',
'maxfiles' => '/^[0-9]*$/',
'reductionbyevaluation' => '/^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?%?$/'
public static $formatmessage = array(
'/^[0-9]*$/' => '[0..]',
'/^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?%?$/' => '#[.#][%]'
public function validation($data, $files) {
$errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
foreach (self::$fieldsformat as $field => $format) {
self::validate($field, $format, self::$formatmessage[$format], $data, $errors);
return $errors;
public function display() {
$id = optional_param( 'update', false, PARAM_INT );
if ($id) {
$vpl = new mod_vpl( $id );
if ($vpl->get_grade_info() !== false) {
$vpl->get_instance()->visiblegrade = ($vpl->get_grade_info()->hidden) ? 0 : 1;
} else {
$vpl->get_instance()->visiblegrade = false;
$this->set_data( $vpl->get_instance() );