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// This file is part of VPL for Moodle -
// VPL for Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// VPL for Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with VPL for Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * List all VPL instances in a course
 * @package mod_vpl
 * @copyright 2009 onwards Juan Carlos Rodríguez-del-Pino
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @author Juan Carlos Rodriguez-del-Pino


function get_select_instance_filter($urlbase, $instancefilter) {
    $urls = array ();
    $urlindex = array ();
    $urlbase->param( 'selection', 'none' );
    $noneurl = $urlbase->out( false );
    $urls [$noneurl] = get_string( 'none' );
    $urlindex ['none'] = $noneurl;
    $filter = array (

    foreach ($filter as $sel) {
        $urlbase->param( 'selection', $sel );
        $urls [$urlbase->out( false )] = get_string( $sel, VPL );
        $urlindex [$sel] = $urlbase->out( false );

    $select = new url_select( $urls, $urlindex [$instancefilter], array () );
    return $select;

function get_select_section_filter($urlbase, $sectionnames, $sectionfilter) {
    $urls = array ();
    $urlindex = array ();
    $urlbase->param( 'section', 'all' );
    $allurl = $urlbase->out( false );
    $urls [$allurl] = get_string( 'all' );
    $urlindex ['all'] = $allurl;
    foreach ($sectionnames as $section => $sectionname) {
        $urlbase->param( 'section', "sec$section" );
        $urls [$urlbase->out( false )] = s($sectionname);
        $urlindex ["sec$section"] = $urlbase->out( false );
    $select = new url_select( $urls, $urlindex [$sectionfilter], array () );
    return $select;

$id = required_param( 'id', PARAM_INT ); // Course id.
$instancefilter = optional_param( 'selection', 'none', PARAM_RAW );
$sectionfilter = optional_param( 'section', 'all', PARAM_RAW );

// Check course existence.
if (! $course = $DB->get_record( "course", array ( 'id' => $id ) )) {
    print_error( 'invalidcourseid', '', $id );
require_course_login( $course );
$strvpls = get_string( 'modulenameplural', VPL );

$PAGE->set_url( '/mod/vpl/index.php', array ( 'id' => $id ) );
$PAGE->navbar->add( $strvpls );
$PAGE->set_title( $strvpls );
$PAGE->set_heading( $course->fullname );
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading( $strvpls );

$einfo = array ( 'context' => \context_course::instance( $course->id ) );
$event = \mod_vpl\event\course_module_instance_list_viewed::create( $einfo );

// Print selection by instance state.
$urlbase = new moodle_url( '/mod/vpl/index.php', array (
$activities = get_array_of_activities($course->id);
$sectionnames = array();
foreach ($activities as $activity) {
    if ( $activity->mod == 'vpl' ) {
        $section = $activity->section;
        $sectionnames[$section] = get_section_name($course->id, $section);

$urlbase->param( 'selection', $instancefilter );
echo $OUTPUT->render( get_select_section_filter($urlbase, $sectionnames, $sectionfilter) );
$urlbase->param( 'section', $sectionfilter );
echo $OUTPUT->render( get_select_instance_filter($urlbase, $instancefilter) );

$ovpls = get_all_instances_in_course( VPL, $course );
$timenow = time();
$vpls = array ();
// Get and select vpls to show.
foreach ($ovpls as $ovpl) {
    $vpl = new mod_vpl( false, $ovpl->id );
    $instance = $vpl->get_instance();
    if ($vpl->is_visible()) {
        $add = false;
        switch ($instancefilter) {
            case 'none' :
                $add = true;
            case 'open' :
                $min = $instance->startdate;
                $max = $instance->duedate == 0 ? PHP_INT_MAX : $instance->duedate;
                if ($timenow >= $min && $timenow <= $max) {
            case 'closed' :
                $min = $instance->startdate;
                $max = $instance->duedate == 0 ? PHP_INT_MAX : $instance->duedate;
                if ($timenow < $min || $timenow > $max) {
            case 'timelimited' :
                if ($instance->duedate > 0) {
            case 'timeunlimited' :
                if ($instance->duedate == 0) {
            case 'automaticgrading' :
                if ($instance->grade != 0 && $instance->automaticgrading > 0) {
            case 'manualgrading' :
                if ($vpl->get_grade() != 0 && $instance->automaticgrading == 0) {
            case 'examples' :
                if ($instance->example) {
        if ($add) {
            $add = false;
            if ( $sectionfilter == 'all' ) {
                $add = true;
            } else {
                $cmid = $vpl->get_course_module()->id;
                if ( ! empty($activities[$cmid])) {
                    $inssection = $activities[$cmid]->section;
                    $add = $sectionfilter == "sec$inssection";
        if ($add) {
            $vpls [] = $vpl;
// Is the user a grader?
$grader = false;
$student = false;
$startdate = false;
$duedate = false;
$nograde = true;
foreach ($vpls as $vpl) {
    if ($vpl->has_capability( VPL_GRADE_CAPABILITY )) {
        $grader = true;
    } else if ($vpl->has_capability( VPL_SUBMIT_CAPABILITY )) {
        $student = true;
    $instance = $vpl->get_instance();
    if ($vpl->get_grade() != 0 && ! $instance->example) {
        $nograde = false;
    if ($instance->startdate > 0) {
        $startdate = true;
    if ($instance->duedate > 0) {
        $duedate = true;
// If no instance with grade.
$grader = $grader && ! $nograde;
$student = $student && ! $nograde;

// Generate table.
$table = new html_table();
$table->attributes ['class'] = 'generaltable mod_index';
$table->head = array (
        get_string( 'section' ),
        get_string( 'name' )
$table->align = array (
if ($startdate) {
    $table->head [] = get_string( 'startdate', VPL );
    $table->align [] = 'center';
if ($duedate) {
    $table->head [] = get_string( 'duedate', VPL );
    $table->align [] = 'center';
if ($grader && ! $nograde) {
    $table->head [] = get_string( 'submissions', VPL );
    $table->head [] = get_string( 'graded', VPL );
    $table->align [] = 'right';
    $table->align [] = 'right';
if ($student && ! $nograde) {
    $table->head [] = get_string( 'grade' );
    $table->align [] = 'left';

$baseurlsection = vpl_abs_href( '/course/view.php', 'id', $course->id );
$table->data = array ();
$totalsubs = 0;
$totalgraded = 0;
foreach ($vpls as $vpl) {
    $instance = $vpl->get_instance();
    $cmid = $vpl->get_course_module()->id;
    $url = vpl_rel_url( 'view.php', 'id', $cmid );
    $sectionname = '';
    $section = '';
    if ( ! empty($activities[$cmid])) {
        $section = $activities[$cmid]->section;
        $sectionname = s( $sectionnames[$section] );
    $row = array (
            count( $table->data ) + 1,
            "<a href='$baseurlsection#section-$section'>{$sectionname}</a>",
            "<a href='$url'>{$vpl->get_printable_name()}</a>"
    if ($startdate) {
        $row [] = $instance->startdate > 0 ? userdate( $instance->startdate ) : '';
    if ($duedate) {
        $row [] = $instance->duedate > 0 ? userdate( $instance->duedate ) : '';
    if ($grader) {
        if ($vpl->has_capability( VPL_GRADE_CAPABILITY )
            && $vpl->get_grade() != 0 && ! $instance->example) {
            $totalsubs += $info ['submissions'];
            $totalgraded += $info ['graded'];
            $url = vpl_rel_url( 'views/submissionslist.php', 'id', $vpl->get_course_module()->id, 'selection', 'allsubmissions' );
            $row [] = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $info ['submissions'] . '</a>';
            // Need mark?
            if ($info ['submissions'] > $info ['graded'] && $vpl->get_grade() != 0
                && ! ($instance->duedate != 0 && $instance->duedate > time())) {
                $url = vpl_rel_url( 'views/submissionslist.php', 'id', $vpl->get_course_module()->id, 'selection', 'notgraded' );
                $diff = $info ['submissions'] - $info ['graded'];
                $row [] = '<div class="vpl_nm">' . $info ['graded'] . ' <a href="' . $url . '">(' . $diff . ')</a><div>';
            } else {
                // No grade able.
                if ($vpl->get_grade() == 0 && $info ['graded'] == 0) {
                    $row [] = '-';
                } else {
                    $row [] = $info ['graded'];
        } else {
            $row [] = '';
            $row [] = '';
    if ($student) {
        if (! $vpl->has_capability( VPL_GRADE_CAPABILITY )
            && $vpl->has_capability( VPL_SUBMIT_CAPABILITY )
            && $vpl->get_grade() != 0 && ! $instance->example) {
            $subinstance = $vpl->last_user_submission( $USER->id );
            if ($subinstance) { // Submitted.
                $submission = new mod_vpl_submission( $vpl, $subinstance );
                if ($subinstance->dategraded > 0 && $vpl->get_visiblegrade()) {
                    $text = $submission->get_grade_core();
                } else {
                    $result = $submission->getCE();
                    $text = '';
                    if ($result ['executed'] !== 0) {
                        $prograde = $submission->proposedGrade( $result ['execution'] );
                        if ($prograde > '') {
                            $text = get_string( 'proposedgrade', VPL, $submission->get_grade_core( $prograde ) );
                    } else {
                        $text = get_string( 'nograde' );
            } else { // No submitted.
                $text = get_string( 'nosubmission', VPL );
                if ($vpl->is_submit_able()) {
                    $text = '<div class="vpl_nm">' . $text . '</div>';
            $row [] = $text;
        } else {
            $row [] = '-';
    $table->data [] = $row;
if ($totalsubs > 0) {
    $row = array_fill(0, count($table->head) - 2, '');
    $row [1] = get_string( 'total' );
    $row [] = $totalsubs;
    $row [] = $totalgraded;
    $table->data [] = array_fill(0, count($table->head), '');
    $table->data [] = $row;
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('mod_vpl/sorttable', 'makeSortable', array('vplindex', array(0), null, $extrarows));
echo "<br>";
echo html_writer::table( $table );
$url = new moodle_url( '/mod/vpl/views/checkvpls.php', array ('id' => $id) );
echo html_writer::link($url, get_string( 'checkgroups', VPL ), array('class' => 'btn btn-secondary'));

echo $OUTPUT->footer();