### Where do you point the instrument. In degrees. If multiples observations, separate by ";"
azimuts 0 ;45;90;135;180;225;270;315 # In degrees, 0 is north, east is 90
azimuts 180 ;45;90;135;180;225;270;315 # In degrees, 0 is north, east is 90
elevations 45 #90 may have some bugs...
location lagorge #Accepted locations: lagorge, skibotn, stveran, nyalesund, vigan, mens or LON;LAT in degrees
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Atmospheric_profile atm_profiles/win.atm #name of the atmospheric profile file
# "[1, 2, 3...]_band_eEE", east-west auroral band at elevation EE. (can be doubled or tripled)
# "spot_aAAA_eEE" Single sky pixel source at elevation EE and azimut AAA. Change the "I_zone_*" parameters and the "Nb_emission_points" for faster computations. Else, just a small aurora.
# "image" use an all-sky camera picture defined by the sky_file parameter