description:Abstract;Measure components of the local-scale energy budget. Obtain forcing and validation data for modeling of soil-vegetation-atmosphere exchanges in Sudanian climate. Contribute to the flux station network over the AMMA regional transect.
description:SeriesInformation;Sensible & latent heat, CO2 and radiation fluxes, meteorological variables, soil moisture, soil temperature and soil heat flux over two different land cover types, a herbaceous fallow (Nalohou) and a clear forest (Belefoungou).
description:Other;Reference publication: Mamadou, O., Cohard, J. M., Galle, S., Awanou, C. N., Diedhiou, A., Kounouhewa, B. and Peugeot, C., 2014: Energy fluxes and surface characteristics over a cultivated area in Benin: daily and seasonal dynamics. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 893-914, doi:10.5194/hess-18-893-2014.
description:Other;Mamadou, O., Cohard, J. M., Galle, S., Awanou, C. N., Diedhiou, A., Kounouhewa, B. and Peugeot, C., 2014: Energy fluxes and surface characteristics over a cultivated area in Benin: daily and seasonal dynamics. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 893-914, doi:10.5194/hess-18-893-2014.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Donga
geoLocationBox;1.6046 9.7448 1.718 9.7912
geoLocationBox;9.7448 1.6046 9.7912 1.718
# END;
# ID;32
title;Vegetation dataset (seasonal dynamics of herbaceous vegetation), within the Hombori site (2500 km2), Mali
subject:main;Seasonal vegetation dynamics, herbs, tree foliage, vegetation phenology
subject:var;Vegetation Cover Fraction
subject:var;Leaf Area Index
subject:var;Plant Area Index
subject:var;Aboveground Maximum Herbaceous Mass
subject:var;Aboveground Maximum Herbaceous Mass Standard Deviation
description:Abstract;Quantification of seasonal dynamics of herbaceous vegetation and tree foliage on sites for which the long term dynamics is also monitored (see CL.VegHerb_G). The main objectives are to analyze the different processes that control primary production and degradation of vegetation and to test models (e.g, STEP).
description:SeriesInformation;Aboveground herbaceous mass, vegetation cover fraction, LAI is monitored in sites located within the Hombori super-site and representatives of the 3 main components of the landscape: sand dunes (Agoufou, Hombori-Ondo, Tara and Timbadior), erosion surface seasonally inundated clay soils (Kelma) and millet (Bilantao). For mass estimation, the herbaceous layer is monitored using a stratified random technique. Measurements are performed at least every month during the rainy season, from June to mid-October and twice during the dry season. LAI is estimated using hemispherical photographs. For the Kelma forest, hemispherical photographs are also used to derive the Plant Area Index (PAI).
description:Other;Hiernaux P., Mougin E., Diarra L. Soumaguel N., Lavenu F., Tracol Y., Diawara M., 2009: Sahelian rangeland response to changes in rainfall over two decades in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 114-127, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.005.
description:Other;Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Ada, L., Grippa, M., de Rosnay, P., Timouk, F., Le Dantec, V., Demarez, V., Lavenu, F., Arjounin, M., Lebel, T., Soumaguel, N., Ceschia, E., Mougenot, B., Baup, F., Frappart, F., Frison, PL., Gardelle, J., Gruhier, C., Jarlan, L., Mangiarotti, S., Sanou, B., Tracol, Y., Guichard, F., Trichon, V., Diarra, L., Soumare, A., Koite, M., Dembele, F., Lloyd, C., Hanan, NP., Damesin, C., Delon, C., Serca, D., Galy-Lacaux, C., Seghieri, J., Becerra, S., Dia, H., Gangneron, F., Mazzega, P., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH Gourma observatory site in Mali: Relating climatic variations to changes in vegetation, surface hydrology, fluxes and natural resources. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 14-33, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.045.
description:Other;Mougin, E., Demarez, V., Diawara, M., Hiernaux, P., Soumaguel, N., Berg, A., 2014: Estimation of LAI fAPAR and fCover of Sahel rangelands (Gourma Mali). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 198-199, 155-167, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.08.006.
geoLocationPlace;Hombori super site
geoLocationBox;15.2189 -1.6983 15.3393 -1.4841
# END;
# ID;17
title;Surface water dataset (river discharge), within the Donga watershed (600 km2), Benin
description:Abstract;Long term measurements (LOP) of the river discharge to documentate the surface water balance of 6 nested catchments (12 to 586 km2). The electrical conductivity of river water is an integrative measure that allows documentation of the origin of waters (rainfall, surface and sub-surface runoff, water table drainage). Associated to the chemical characterization of water (CE.Wchem_Od), these data give insight into processes of runoff generation, allow to compute water balance components and constitute validation datasets for hydrological models.
description:SeriesInformation;Automatic measurement of water level converted into flow and electrical conductivity. Calibration of the stage-discharge relationships is made by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profilometer. A value = 9999 stands for a dry river.
geoLocationPlace;Donga super site
geoLocationBox;9.7106 1.6099 9.7522 1.9447
# END;
# ID;36
title;Soil moisture monitoring within an endoreic sand dune system, Agoufou local site, Mali
title;Soil dataset (soil moisture profiles), within the Agoufou watershed (250 km2), Mali
description:Abstract;Quantification of water redistribution along hillslopes within an endoreic sand dune system at the Agoufou local site.
description:SeriesInformation;Monitoring of water redistribution and transfert in a sand dune system at different depths along hillslopes by manual measurements performed with portable probes (ML2 and PR2 Delta-T) during intensive field campaigns during the rainy season. Field measurements using the portable probes are performed every 10 to 15 days during the rainy season and every 2 months during the dry season.
description:Other;Reference publication: de Rosnay, P., Gruhier, C., Timouk, F., Baup, F., Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Kergoat, L. and LeDantec, V., 2009: Multi-scale soil moisture measurements at the Gourma meso-scale site in Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 241-252, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.015.
description:Other;de Rosnay, P., Gruhier, C., Timouk, F., Baup, F., Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Kergoat, L. and LeDantec, V., 2009: Multi-scale soil moisture measurements at the Gourma meso-scale site in Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 241-252, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.015.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Hombori
geoLocationBox;-1.4841 15.3366 -1.4781 15.3454
geoLocationBox;15.3366 -1.4841 15.3454 -1.4781
# END;
# ID;35
title;Pond water monitoring, Agoufou local site, Mali
subject:main;Water level, pond, water balance, turbidity, sediment load
description:Abstract;Monitor the water height level in the Agoufou pond in order to assess the volume of water stored and lost using specific calibration relation based on topographic survey and remote sensing data analysis. Monitor the pond turbidity.
description:SeriesInformation;Local observers record water level and take photographs of the scale every 10 days during the wet season and about once a month during the dry season. For turbidity, water sample are collected by local observer, every 10 days during the wet season and about once a month during the dry season, and sent by bus to Bamako for analyzing turbidity using a turbidimeter. A value of turbidity of 1001 stands for a value exceeding the sensor sensitivity.
description:Other;Reference publication: Gal, L., Grippa, M., Hiernaux, P., Peugeot, C., Mougin, E., Kergoat, L., 2016: Changes in lakes water volume and runoff over ungauged Sahelian watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 540, 1176-1188, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.07.035.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Hombori
geoLocationBox;-1.472 15.363 -1.472 15.363
# ID;22
title;Soil dataset (soil moisture and temperature profiles), within the Fakara site (2 000 km2), Niger
description:Abstract;Documentation of soil water content and of soil hydrodynamic behaviour from surface to 2.5 m deep. Knowledge of main infiltration areas and of the speed of water front progression.
description:SeriesInformation;Soil moisture and temperature profiles (0 - ~2m) in various soil cover types and in presumed preferential infiltration zones: millet, fallow, gully, vegetated and bare soil areas in tiger bush.
description:Other;Cappelaere, B., Descroix, L., Lebel, T., Boulain, N., Ramier, D., Laurent, J.P., Favreau, G., Boubkraoui, S., Boucher, M., Moussa, I.B., Chaffard, V., Hiernaux, P., Issoufou, H.B.A., Le Breton, E., Mamadou, I., Nazoumou, Y., Oi, M., Ottle, C. and Quantin, G., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH experiment in the cultivated Sahelian area of south-west Niger - Investigating water cycle response to a fluctuating climate and changing environment. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 34-51, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.021.
description:Other;Pellarin, T., Laurent, J.P., Cappelaere, B., Decharme, B., Descroix, L. and Ramier, D., 2009: Hydrological modelling and associated microwave emission of a semi-arid region in South-western Niger. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 262-272, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.12.003
geoLocationPlace;Niger Central super site
geoLocationBox;13.5409 2.63 13.6456 2.7091
# END;
# ID;31
title;Rainfall dataset, daily reading raingauges, Hombori super site, Mali
description:Abstract;Documentation of daily rainfall in Northern Sahel. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability within the Hombori super-site. Data will be used in modelling and assimilation activities, as well as for validation of satellite products. The synoptic meteorological Hombori station has stopped to operate since 2011.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 2003 by a network of daily reading raingauges deployed in the Hombori super site.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Hiernaux P., Mougin E., Diarra L. Soumaguel N., Lavenu F., Tracol Y., Diawara M., 2009: Sahelian rangeland response to changes in rainfall over two decades in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 114-127, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.005.
Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Ada, L., Grippa, M., de Rosnay, P., Timouk, F., Le Dantec, V., Demarez, V., Lavenu, F., Arjounin, M., Lebel, T., Soumaguel, N., Ceschia, E., Mougenot, B., Baup, F., Frappart, F., Frison, PL., Gardelle, J., Gruhier, C., Jarlan, L., Mangiarotti, S., Sanou, B., Tracol, Y., Guichard, F., Trichon, V., Diarra, L., Soumare, A., Koite, M., Dembele, F., Lloyd, C., Hanan, NP., Damesin, C., Delon, C., Serca, D., Galy-Lacaux, C., Seghieri, J., Becerra, S., Dia, H., Gangneron, F., Mazzega, P., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH Gourma observatory site in Mali: Relating climatic variations to changes in vegetation, surface hydrology, fluxes and natural resources. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 14-33, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.045."
# ID;1
title;Precipitation dataset (5 minutes rainfall), 30 long-term stations over the Niamey square degree site (16 000 km2), Niger
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the Sahelian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall at meso-scale, with a good resolution of the convective scale patterns. Data is used in hydrological modelling and assimilation activities, process studies as well as for validation of satellite products.
description:SeriesInformation;Long term rainfall measurements collected since 1990 (Long Observation Period) by 30 recording raingauges over the Niamey meso site (1.6-3.1°E/12.8-14.1°N) with a regular sampling of about 25x25 km². NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Balme, M., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Peugeot, C. and Galle, S., 2006: Assessing the water balance in the Sahel: Impact of small scale rainfall variability on runoff: Part 1: Rainfall variability analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 331, 336-348, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.05.020.
description:Other;Ali, A., Lebel, T., Amani, A., 2003: Invariance in the Spatial Structure of Sahelian Rain Fields at Climatological Scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 996-1011, doi: 10.1175/1525-7541(2003)004<0996:IITSSO>2.0.CO,2.
geoLocationPlace;Niamey meso site
geoLocationBox;12.9968 1.6905 13.847 3.0588
# END;
# ID;38
title;Vegetation dataset (sap flow), within the Donga watershed (600km2), Benin
subject:main;Sap flow, tree transpiration
subject:var;Sap Flow Density from 10 to 20 mm depth
subject:var;Sap Flow Density from 0 to 50 mm depth
subject:var;Sap Flow Density from 60 to 85 mm depth
subject:var;Sap Flow Density from 30 to 55 mm depth
subject:var;Sap Flow Density from 90 to 115 mm depth
subject:var;Sap Flow Density from 5 to 30 mm depth
description:Abstract;1) Provide a estimation of woody strata transpiration in two representative un-cultivated covers of the Donga watershed, 2) analyse the biological and physical factors driving tree transpiration, 3) assess the contribution of tree transpiration to the water cycle compartments (actual evapotranspiration, ground and soil water).
description:SeriesInformation;Sap flow measurements for the dominant tree species in a shrub fallow (Vitellaria paradoxa - shea tree) and a dry forest (Isoberlinia doka), to estimate transpiration at the tree and stand scale.
description:Other;Awessou, K.G.B., Peugeot, C., Rocheteau, A., Seguis, L., Do, F.C., Galle, S., Bellanger, M., Agbossou, E., Seghieri, J., 2016. Differences in transpiration between a forest and an agroforestry tree species in the Sudanian belt. Agroforestry Systems 1-11, doi:10.1007/s10457-016-9937-8.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Donga
geoLocationBox;9.7912 1.7167 9.8267 1.718
# END;
# ID;2
title;Precipitation dataset (5 minutes rainfall), over the Niamey square degree site (16 000 km2), Niger
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the Sahelian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall down to the local scale, where process studies are carried on. Data is used in hydrological modelling and process studies.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 2005 (Enhanced Observation Period of the AMMA project) by ~25 recording raingauges to complement and densify the meso site network (CL.Rain_N), in particular over the Niger Central supersite. NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Balme, M., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Peugeot, C. and Galle, S., 2006: Assessing the water balance in the Sahel: Impact of small scale rainfall variability on runoff: Part 1: Rainfall variability analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 331, 336-348, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.05.020.
description:Other;Ali, A., Lebel, T., Amani, A., 2003: Invariance in the Spatial Structure of Sahelian Rain Fields at Climatological Scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 996-1011, doi: 10.1175/1525-7541(2003)004<0996:IITSSO>2.0.CO,2.
geoLocationPlace;Niamey meso site
geoLocationBox;13.4025 1.9307 14.1806 2.8422
# END;
# ID;34
title;Vegetation dataset (interannual dynamics of herbaceous vegetation), within the Gourma site (30 000 km2), Mali
subject:main;Vegetation yields, vegetation species (when possible)
subject:var;Aboveground Maximum Herbaceous Mass
subject:var;Aboveground Maximum Herbaceous Mass Standard Deviation
description:Abstract;Monitor the inter-annual dynamics of herbaceous productivity (maximum aboveground mass) in relation with climate and land use practice. A network of reading rain gauges (since 2005) are associated to the vegetation sites.
description:SeriesInformation;Herbaceous vegetation aboveground mass are recorded in field sites, 1x1km in size. Vegetation variables are measured in 12 plots (1x1m) sampled under a random stratified method in each of the vegetation facies within site. These measures are done once a year at peak mass. In 2015, estimated masses should probably be corrected by about 15-20% due to late measurements.
description:Other;Dardel, C., Kergoat, L., Hiernaux, P., Mougin, E., Grippa, M. and Tucker, C.J., 2014: Re-greening Sahel: 30 years of remote sensing data and field observations (Mali Niger). Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 350-364, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2013.09.011.
description:Other;Hiernaux P., Mougin E., Diarra L. Soumaguel N., Lavenu F., Tracol Y., Diawara M., 2009: Sahelian rangeland response to changes in rainfall over two decades in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 114-127, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.005.
description:Other;Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Ada, L., Grippa, M., de Rosnay, P., Timouk, F., Le Dantec, V., Demarez, V., Lavenu, F., Arjounin, M., Lebel, T., Soumaguel, N., Ceschia, E., Mougenot, B., Baup, F., Frappart, F., Frison, PL., Gardelle, J., Gruhier, C., Jarlan, L., Mangiarotti, S., Sanou, B., Tracol, Y., Guichard, F., Trichon, V., Diarra, L., Soumare, A., Koite, M., Dembele, F., Lloyd, C., Hanan, NP., Damesin, C., Delon, C., Serca, D., Galy-Lacaux, C., Seghieri, J., Becerra, S., Dia, H., Gangneron, F., Mazzega, P., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH Gourma observatory site in Mali: Relating climatic variations to changes in vegetation, surface hydrology, fluxes and natural resources. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 14-33, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.045.
geoLocationPlace;Hombori super site
geoLocationBox;-1.8067 15.1217 -1.4742 15.4261
geoLocationPlace;Gourma meso site
geoLocationBox;14.7624 -1.9042 16.782 -1.2747
# END;
# ID;12
title;Meteorological and soil surface variables, Banizoumbou local site, Niger
title;Meteorological dataset (including radiative budget and soil variables), within the Niamey square degree site (16 000 km2), Niger
subject:var;Wind Speed
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 5 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 5 cm (2)
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 5 cm (2)
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the soudanian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall at meso-scale, with a good resolution of the convective scale patterns. Data is used in modelling and assimilation activities, process studies as well as for validation of satellite products.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 1999 (Long Observation Period) by recording raingauges over the Oueme basin (1.4-2.9°E, 8.9-10.2°N). It was designed for a homogeneous coverage of the basin with 29 gages. NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Depraetere, C., Gosset, M., Ploix, S. and Laurent, H., 2009: The organization and kinematics of tropical rainfall systems ground tracked at mesoscale with gages: First results from the campaigns 1999-2006 on the Upper Oueme Valley (Benin). Journal of Hydrology, 375, 143-160, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.011.
geoLocationPlace;Oueme meso site
geoLocationBox;8.9924 1.4482 10.2355 2.7
# END;
# ID;8
title;Precipitation dataset (5 minutes rainfall), over the Donga watershed (600 km2), Benin
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the soudanian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall down to the local scale, in some sub-areas of the Oueme basin where process studies are carried on. Data is used in modelling and process studies.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 1999 by recording raingauges to complement and densify the Oueme (CL.Rain_O) network, in particular over the Donga basin. NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Depraetere, C., Gosset, M., Ploix, S. and Laurent, H., 2009: The organization and kinematics of tropical rainfall systems ground tracked at mesoscale with gages: First results from the campaigns 1999-2006 on the Upper Oueme Valley (Benin). Journal of Hydrology, 375, 143-160, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.011.
geoLocationPlace;Oueme meso site
geoLocationBox;8.9138 1.5524 10.2304 2.9438
# END;
# ID;10
title;Rainfall dataset, daily reading raingauges, Niger Central super site, Niger
title;Precipitation dataset (daily rainfall), for the 2005-2010 period, high-density network over 100 km2, Niger
description:Abstract;Documentation of Sahelian rainfall at the local scale in order to analyse links between rainfall and the current vegetation, how does vegetation influence the location of rain fields ?
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected over a network of daily reading raingauges, installed on a square of 10 km X 10 km (6 East-West lines of 10 km each, separated by 2 km from each other) located at the center of the Diantandou kori basin. The network is installed through a catena from the bottom of Dantiandou kori valley (Banizoumbou) to the Bani Kossey depression (10 km). The network is visited each day to record previous rainfall.
geoLocationPlace;Niger Central super site
geoLocationBox;2.637 13.5015 2.7569 13.6146
geoLocationBox;13.5015 2.637 13.6146 2.7569
# END;
# ID;18
title;Discharge and water electrical conductivity, Nalohou local site, Benin
description:Abstract;Documentation of discharge at a 1st order catchment with a bas-fond at hillslope scale on association with others measurements (ground water levels in bas-fond, gravimeter on the top of the hillslope, flux tower)) contributing to close the surface water budget. Data will be used to validate hydrological modelling. The electrical conductivity of water is an integrative measure that allows documentation of the origin of waters (rainfall, surface and sub-surface runoff, watertable drainage).
description:SeriesInformation;Automatic measurement of water level converted into flow and electrical conductivity at the outlet of a 1st order catchment along specific vegetation catena (fallow, forest, bush savannah). The catchment is constituted of hillslope and a bas-fond. For small stream, calibration of the stage-discharge relationships is made by stream-gaging surveys using a wading-rod (velocity-area method). A value = 9999 stands for a dry gully.
# ID;13
title;Meteorological dataset (including radiative budget), within the Donga watershed (600 km2), Benin
description:Abstract;Document atmospheric forcing and reference evapotranspiration (Eto) estimation.
description:SeriesInformation;Measurements of meteorological variables. The sensors are attached to a 2m hight mast, the wind is measured at 2 m. Measurements are made at 10 s intervals, data are averaged and recorded every 15 min in the data logger.
description:Other;Lebel, T., Cappelaere, B., Galle, S., Hanan, N., Kergoat, L., Levis, S., Vieux, B., Descroix, L., Gosset, M., Mougin, E., Peugeot, C., Seguis, L., 2009: AMMA-CATCH studies in the Sahelian region of West-Africa: An overview. Journal of Hydrology, 3-13, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.020.
description:Other;Galle S., Roko F., Le Lay M., Peugeot C., 2007: Variability of reference evapotranspiration over the upper Ouémé basin (Benin) for 40 years. In: J.-L. Redelsberger (Editor), "2nd AMMA Int. Conf." AMMA, Karlsruhe GE.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Donga
geoLocationBox;1.6039 9.7464 1.6039 9.7464
geoLocationBox;9.692 1.6615 9.7421 1.802
# END;
# ID;16
title;Surface water dataset (river discharge), within the upper Oueme watershed (14 000 km2 ), Benin
subject:var;Discharge/Flow (hourly)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow (daily average)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow Upper Boundary Of Uncertainty Interval (hourly)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow Lower Boundary Of Uncertainty Interval (hourly)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow Upper Boundary Of Uncertainty Interval (daily average)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow Lower Boundary Of Uncertainty Interval (daily average)
description:Abstract;Long-term measurements (LOP) of river discharge and electrical conductivity of water on the sub-basins of the Upper Oueme. Allow to relate runoff fluctuation to rainfall variability. The electrical conductivity of river water is an integrative measure that allows documentation of the origin of waters (rainfall, surface and sub-surface runoff, watertable drainage). Associated to the chemical characterization of water (CE.Wchem_O), these data give insight into process of runoff generation, allow to compute water balance components and constitute validation datasets for hydrological models.
description:SeriesInformation;Automatic measurement of water level converted into flow and electrical conductivity. Calibration of the stage-discharge relationships is made by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profilometer
geoLocationPlace;Oueme meso site
geoLocationBox;9.082 1.819 9.954 2.399
# END;
# ID;29
title;Surface water dataset (river discharge), within the Tondikiboro and Mele Haoussa watersheds (< 35 ha), Niger
contributorName:WorkPackageLeader;Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa;affiliation;Département de géographie - Université Abdou Moumouni
description:Abstract;Document the flood events in various geological context : sedimentary (Tondikiboro) and cristaline bedrock (Mele Haoussa), and for cultivated and natural vegetation covers.
description:SeriesInformation;Flood event measured in 4 (Tondikiboro) and 2 (Mele Haoussa) embeded catchments. Sediment loads are sampled during selected rainfall events in Tondikiboro.
description:Other;Amogu, O., Esteves, M., Vandervaere, J-P, Malam Abdou, M., Panthou, G., Rajot, J-L., Souley Yéro, K., Boubkraoui, S., Lapetite, JM., Dessay, N., Zin, I., Bachir, A., Bouzou Moussa, I., Faran Maïga, O., Gautier, E., Mamadou, I., Descroix, L., 2015: Runoff evolution according to land use change in a small Sahelian catchment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60, 78-95, doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.885654.
description:Other;Descroix, L., Laurent, J. -P., Vauclin, M., Amogu, O., Boubkraoui, S., Ibrahim, B., Galle, S., Cappelaere, B., Bousquet, S., Mamadou, I., Le Breton, E., Lebel, T., Quantin, G., Ramier, D., Boulain, N., 2012: Experimental evidence of deep infiltration under sandy flats and gullies in the Sahel. Journal of Hydrology, 424-425, 1-15, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.019.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Niger Central
geoLocationBox;13.546 1.6043 13.8844 2.7008
# END;
# ID;30
title;Precipitation dataset (daily rainfall), over the Tondikiboro and Mele Haoussa watersheds (< 35 ha), Niger
contributorName:WorkPackageLeader;Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa;affiliation;Département de géographie - Université Abdou Moumouni
description:Abstract;Documentation of daily rainfall in the Sahel. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability within the Tondikiboro and Mele Haoussa local sites. Data will be used in modelling the local rainfall/runoff relationship (see CE.Run_Nct) as well as to complete the automatic raingauge network.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected over a network of daily reading raingauges located in the Tondikiboro and Mele Haoussa intensive local sites.
description:Other;Amogu, O., Esteves, M., Vandervaere, J-P, Malam Abdou, M., Panthou, G., Rajot, J-L., Souley Yéro, K., Boubkraoui, S., Lapetite, JM., Dessay, N., Zin, I., Bachir, A., Bouzou Moussa, I., Faran Maïga, O., Gautier, E., Mamadou, I., Descroix, L., 2015: Runoff evolution according to land use change in a small Sahelian catchment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60, 78-95, doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.885654.
description:Other;Descroix, L., Laurent, J. -P., Vauclin, M., Amogu, O., Boubkraoui, S., Ibrahim, B., Galle, S., Cappelaere, B., Bousquet, S., Mamadou, I., Le Breton, E., Lebel, T., Quantin, G., Ramier, D., Boulain, N., 2012: Experimental evidence of deep infiltration under sandy flats and gullies in the Sahel. Journal of Hydrology, 424-425, 1-15, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.019.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Niger Central
geoLocationBox;13.53 1.6001 13.8852 2.7091
# END;
# ID;31
title;Precipitation dataset (daily rainfall), over the Hombori site (2500 km2), Mali
description:Abstract;Documentation of daily rainfall in Northern Sahel. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability within the Hombori super-site. Data will be used in modelling and assimilation activities, as well as for validation of satellite products. The synoptic meteorological Hombori station has stopped to operate since 2011.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 2003 by a network of daily reading raingauges deployed in the Hombori super site.
description:Other;Hiernaux P., Mougin E., Diarra L. Soumaguel N., Lavenu F., Tracol Y., Diawara M., 2009: Sahelian rangeland response to changes in rainfall over two decades in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 114-127, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.005.
description:Other;Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Ada, L., Grippa, M., de Rosnay, P., Timouk, F., Le Dantec, V., Demarez, V., Lavenu, F., Arjounin, M., Lebel, T., Soumaguel, N., Ceschia, E., Mougenot, B., Baup, F., Frappart, F., Frison, PL., Gardelle, J., Gruhier, C., Jarlan, L., Mangiarotti, S., Sanou, B., Tracol, Y., Guichard, F., Trichon, V., Diarra, L., Soumare, A., Koite, M., Dembele, F., Lloyd, C., Hanan, NP., Damesin, C., Delon, C., Serca, D., Galy-Lacaux, C., Seghieri, J., Becerra, S., Dia, H., Gangneron, F., Mazzega, P., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH Gourma observatory site in Mali: Relating climatic variations to changes in vegetation, surface hydrology, fluxes and natural resources. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 14-33, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.045.
geoLocationPlace;Hombori super site
geoLocationBox;15.1217 -1.8067 15.4261 -1.4742
# END;
# ID;35
title;Surface water dataset (pond water level and turbidity), on the Agoufou pond (250 km2 watershed), Mali
subject:main;Water level, pond, water balance, turbidity, sediment load
description:Abstract;Monitor the water height level in the Agoufou pond in order to assess the volume of water stored and lost using specific calibration relation based on topographic survey and remote sensing data analysis. Monitor the pond turbidity.
description:SeriesInformation;Local observers record water level and take photographs of the scale every 10 days during the wet season and about once a month during the dry season. For turbidity, water sample are collected by local observer, every 10 days during the wet season and about once a month during the dry season, and sent by bus to Bamako for analyzing turbidity using a turbidimeter. A value of turbidity of 1001 stands for a value exceeding the sensor sensitivity.
description:Other;Gal, L., Grippa, M., Hiernaux, P., Peugeot, C., Mougin, E., Kergoat, L., 2016: Changes in lakes water volume and runoff over ungauged Sahelian watersheds. Journal of Hydrology, 540, 1176-1188, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.07.035.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Hombori
geoLocationPoint;15.363 -1.472
# END;
# ID;11
title;Meteorological variables, Gourma meso site, Mali
title;Meteorological dataset (including radiative budget and soil variables), within the Gourma site (30 000 km2), Mali
description:Abstract;Documentation of micro-meteorological parameters in the sahelian and saharo-sahelian regions. Characterization of the spatial variability of the meteorological variables within the Gourma meso scale site and, in combination with flux measurements, of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere transferts. Data will be used in modelling activities as well as for validation of satellite products.
description:SeriesInformation;Measurements of biometeorological parameters on different surfaces: herbaceous savanna, seasonally flooded forest, sandy bare soil, shallow soils on rock and hard pan and fine texture soils. Measurements are made every minute and integrated on 15 minutes time step.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Ada, L., Grippa, M., de Rosnay, P., Timouk, F., Le Dantec, V., Demarez, V., Lavenu, F., Arjounin, M., Lebel, T., Soumaguel, N., Ceschia, E., Mougenot, B., Baup, F., Frappart, F., Frison, PL., Gardelle, J., Gruhier, C., Jarlan, L., Mangiarotti, S., Sanou, B., Tracol, Y., Guichard, F., Trichon, V., Diarra, L., Soumare, A., Koite, M., Dembele, F., Lloyd, C., Hanan, NP., Damesin, C., Delon, C., Serca, D., Galy-Lacaux, C., Seghieri, J., Becerra, S., Dia, H., Gangneron, F., Mazzega, P., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH Gourma observatory site in Mali: Relating climatic variations to changes in vegetation, surface hydrology, fluxes and natural resources. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 14-33, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.045.
Guichard, F., Kergoat, L., Mougin, E., Timouk, F., Baup, F., Hiernaux, P. and Lavenu, F., 2009: Surface thermodynamics and radiative budget in the Sahelian Gourma: Seasonal and diurnal cycles. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 161-177, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.09.007."
description:Other;Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Ada, L., Grippa, M., de Rosnay, P., Timouk, F., Le Dantec, V., Demarez, V., Lavenu, F., Arjounin, M., Lebel, T., Soumaguel, N., Ceschia, E., Mougenot, B., Baup, F., Frappart, F., Frison, PL., Gardelle, J., Gruhier, C., Jarlan, L., Mangiarotti, S., Sanou, B., Tracol, Y., Guichard, F., Trichon, V., Diarra, L., Soumare, A., Koite, M., Dembele, F., Lloyd, C., Hanan, NP., Damesin, C., Delon, C., Serca, D., Galy-Lacaux, C., Seghieri, J., Becerra, S., Dia, H., Gangneron, F., Mazzega, P., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH Gourma observatory site in Mali: Relating climatic variations to changes in vegetation, surface hydrology, fluxes and natural resources. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 14-33, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.045.
description:Other;Guichard, F., Kergoat, L., Mougin, E., Timouk, F., Baup, F., Hiernaux, P. and Lavenu, F., 2009: Surface thermodynamics and radiative budget in the Sahelian Gourma: Seasonal and diurnal cycles. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 161-177, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.09.007.
geoLocationPlace;Gourma meso site
geoLocationBox;-1.5021 14.7284 -1.4018 17.099
geoLocationBox;14.7284 -1.5021 17.099 -1.4018
# END;
# ID;37
title;Surface energy fluxes, local sites over Donga, Benin
title;Surface flux dataset (including meteorological data, radiative budget, and surface energy fluxes), within the Donga watershed (600km2), Benin
subject:main;Land surface exchange, energy budget, Sudanian vegetation, Sudanian hydrology
subject:var;Wind Speed
subject:var;Air Pressure
subject:var;Ventilated Relative Humidity
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 10 cm (loc. a)
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth X cm (loc. b)
subject:var;Relative Humidity
subject:var;Ventilated Air Temperature
subject:var;Outgoing Longwave Radiation
subject:var;Incoming Shortwave Radiation
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 10 cm (loc. a)
subject:var;Standard Deviation of Wind Direction
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 50 cm (loc. a)
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 50 cm (loc. a)
subject:var;Wind Direction
subject:var;Air Temperature
subject:var;Standard Deviation of Wind Direction
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 50 cm (loc. a)
subject:var;Outgoing Shortwave Radiation
subject:var;Air Pressure
subject:var;Ventilated Air Temperature
subject:var;Outgoing Longwave Radiation
subject:var;Net Radiation
subject:var;Ventilated Relative Humidity
subject:var;Air Temperature
subject:var;Incoming Longwave Radiation
subject:var;Incoming Shortwave Radiation
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 10 cm (loc. a)
description:Abstract;Measure components of the local-scale energy budget. Obtain forcing and validation data for modeling of soil-vegetation-atmosphere exchanges in Sudanian climate. Contribute to the flux station network over the AMMA regional transect.
description:SeriesInformation;Sensible heat and radiation fluxes, meteorological variables, soil moisture, soil temperature and soil heat flux over a fallow bush (Bira).
description:Other;Reference publication: Mamadou, O., Cohard, J. M., Galle, S., Awanou, C. N., Diedhiou, A., Kounouhewa, B. and Peugeot, C., 2014: Energy fluxes and surface characteristics over a cultivated area in Benin: daily and seasonal dynamics. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 893-914, doi:10.5194/hess-18-893-2014.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Donga
geoLocationBox;1.7167 9.8267 1.7167 9.8267
# END;
# ID;13
title;Meteorological variables, local sites over Donga, Benin
description:Abstract;Document atmospheric forcing and reference evapotranspiration (Eto) estimation.
description:SeriesInformation;Measurements of meteorological variables. The sensors are attached to a 2m hight mast, the wind is measured at 2 m. Measurements are made at 10 s intervals, data are averaged and recorded every 15 min in the data logger.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Lebel, T., Cappelaere, B., Galle, S., Hanan, N., Kergoat, L., Levis, S., Vieux, B., Descroix, L., Gosset, M., Mougin, E., Peugeot, C., Seguis, L., 2009: AMMA-CATCH studies in the Sahelian region of West-Africa: An overview. Journal of Hydrology, 3-13, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.020.
Galle S., Roko F., Le Lay M., Peugeot C., 2007: Variability of reference evapotranspiration over the upper Ouémé basin (Benin) for 40 years. In: J.-L. Redelsberger (Editor), ""2nd AMMA Int. Conf."" AMMA, Karlsruhe GE."
description:Other;Mamadou, O., Cohard, J. M., Galle, S., Awanou, C. N., Diedhiou, A., Kounouhewa, B. and Peugeot, C., 2014: Energy fluxes and surface characteristics over a cultivated area in Benin: daily and seasonal dynamics. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 893-914, doi:10.5194/hess-18-893-2014.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Donga
geoLocationBox;1.6615 9.692 1.802 9.7421
geoLocationPoint;9.8267 1.7167
# END;
# ID;14
title;Gullies discharges, Wankama local site, Niger
title;Surface water dataset (river discharge), within the Wankama watershed (1 km2), Niger
description:Abstract;Documentating of water levels in the koris (temporary creeks), in order to control the runoff in the catchments. Devices are disposed on the same creek to determine possible infiltration areas in their bed.
description:SeriesInformation;Automatic measurements of water levels in creeks converted into flow.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Niger Central
geoLocationBox;2.63 13.6445 2.6313 13.6452
geoLocationBox;13.6445 2.63 13.6452 2.6313
# END;
# ID;15
title;Ponds water level, Niger Central super site, Niger
title;Surface water dataset (pond water level), within the Fakara site (2 000 km2), Niger
description:Abstract;Knowledge of long-term changes in surface water - groundwater recharge processes in response to environmental changes and inter-annual rainfall variability.
description:SeriesInformation;Limnimetric surveys in seasonal, natural ponds with manual (visual) measurements coupled with data loggers. The manual measurements are made on metric scale bars with a frequency of twice a month during the rainy season to once a month during the dry season. As the scale bars are not always matched to zero, water level values from these gauges need to be readjusted taking into account the lowest value read on the scale bars (please consult the specific metadata of each station (list of properties)).
description:Other;"Reference publication: Pfeffer, J., Boucher, M., Hinderer, J., Favreau, G., Boy, J.P., de Linage, C., Cappelaere, B., Luck, B., Oi, M., Le Moigne, N., 2011: Local and global hydrological contributions to time-variable gravity in Southwest Niger. Geophysical Journal International, 184, 661-672, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04894.x.
Favreau, G., Cappelaere, B., Massuel, S., Leblanc, M., Boucher, M., Boulain, N., Leduc, C., 2009: Land clearing, climate variability, and water resources increase in semiarid southwest Niger: a review. Water Resources Research, 45, doi: 10.1029/2007WR006785."
description:Other;Pfeffer, J., Boucher, M., Hinderer, J., Favreau, G., Boy, J.P., de Linage, C., Cappelaere, B., Luck, B., Oi, M., Le Moigne, N., 2011: Local and global hydrological contributions to time-variable gravity in Southwest Niger. Geophysical Journal International, 184, 661-672, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04894.x.
description:Other;Favreau, G., Cappelaere, B., Massuel, S., Leblanc, M., Boucher, M., Boulain, N., Leduc, C., 2009: Land clearing, climate variability, and water resources increase in semiarid southwest Niger: a review. Water Resources Research, 45, doi: 10.1029/2007WR006785.
geoLocationPlace;Niger Central super site
geoLocationBox;2.6485 13.5333 2.7223 13.7341
geoLocationBox;13.5333 2.6485 13.7341 2.7223
# END;
# ID;16
title;Rivers flow and water electrical conductivity, Oueme meso site, Benin
subject:main;Surface water
subject:var;Discharge/Flow (hourly)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow (daily average)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow Upper Boundary Of Uncertainty Interval (hourly)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow Lower Boundary Of Uncertainty Interval (hourly)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow Upper Boundary Of Uncertainty Interval (daily average)
subject:var;Discharge/Flow Lower Boundary Of Uncertainty Interval (daily average)
description:Abstract;Long-term measurements (LOP) of river discharge and electrical conductivity of water on the sub-basins of the Upper Oueme. Allow to relate runoff fluctuation to rainfall variability. The electrical conductivity of river water is an integrative measure that allows documentation of the origin of waters (rainfall, surface and sub-surface runoff, watertable drainage). Associated to the chemical characterization of water (CE.Wchem_O), these data give insight into process of runoff generation, allow to compute water balance components and constitute validation datasets for hydrological models.
description:SeriesInformation;Automatic measurement of water level converted into flow and electrical conductivity. Calibration of the stage-discharge relationships is made by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profilometer
geoLocationPlace;Oueme meso site
geoLocationBox;1.819 9.082 2.399 9.954
# END;
# ID;17
title;Rivers flow and water electrical conductivity, Donga super site, Benin
# ID;18
title;Surface water dataset (river discharge), of the Nalohou watershed (16 ha), Benin
description:Abstract;Long term measurements (LOP) of the river discharge to documentate the surface water balance of 6 nested catchments (12 to 586 km2). The electrical conductivity of river water is an integrative measure that allows documentation of the origin of waters (rainfall, surface and sub-surface runoff, water table drainage). Associated to the chemical characterization of water (CE.Wchem_Od), these data give insight into processes of runoff generation, allow to compute water balance components and constitute validation datasets for hydrological models.
description:SeriesInformation;Automatic measurement of water level converted into flow and electrical conductivity. Calibration of the stage-discharge relationships is made by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profilometer. A value = 9999 stands for a dry river.
description:Abstract;Documentation of discharge at a 1st order catchment with a bas-fond at hillslope scale on association with others measurements (ground water levels in bas-fond, gravimeter on the top of the hillslope, flux tower)) contributing to close the surface water budget. Data will be used to validate hydrological modelling. The electrical conductivity of water is an integrative measure that allows documentation of the origin of waters (rainfall, surface and sub-surface runoff, watertable drainage).
description:SeriesInformation;Automatic measurement of water level converted into flow and electrical conductivity at the outlet of a 1st order catchment along specific vegetation catena (fallow, forest, bush savannah). The catchment is constituted of hillslope and a bas-fond. For small stream, calibration of the stage-discharge relationships is made by stream-gaging surveys using a wading-rod (velocity-area method). A value = 9999 stands for a dry gully.
geoLocationPlace;Donga super site
geoLocationBox;1.6099 9.7106 1.9447 9.7522
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Donga
geoLocationPoint;9.7464 1.6039
# END;
# ID;19
title;Water table level in rural wells, Niamey meso site, Niger
title;Groundwater dataset (water table level), over the Niamey square degree site (16 000 km2), Niger
description:Abstract;Knowledge of long-term changes in the aquifer balance in response to land use and climate changes.
description:SeriesInformation;Piezometric surveys in domestic wells in villages or dedicated to pastoral use, where manual measurements are made with commercial luminous probe (OTT, 100 m in length) every month for seasonal and long term mesoscale groundwater balance surveys. The water table level values are expressed from the edge of the well. A value = 9999 stands for a dry well.
description:Other;Reference publication: Favreau, G., Cappelaere, B., Massuel, S., Leblanc, M., Boucher, M., Boulain, N., Leduc, C., 2009: Land clearing, climate variability, and water resources increase in semiarid southwest Niger: a review. Water Resources Research, 45, doi: 10.1029/2007WR006785.
description:Other;Favreau, G., Cappelaere, B., Massuel, S., Leblanc, M., Boucher, M., Boulain, N., Leduc, C., 2009: Land clearing, climate variability, and water resources increase in semiarid southwest Niger: a review. Water Resources Research, 45, doi: 10.1029/2007WR006785.
geoLocationPlace;Niamey meso site
geoLocationBox;2.0019 13.0178 2.9453 13.9847
# END;
# ID;20
title;Water table level and electrical conductivity in rural wells, Oueme meso site, Benin
description:Abstract;Documentation of charge-discharge processes of the saprolith groundwater on the Donga catchment. Contibution to the water balance of the Donga catchment Electric conductivity is an integrative measurement of the groundwater chemical composition. This parameter is used to define the groundwater pole in hydrograph separations.
description:SeriesInformation;Manual groundwater level and electric conductivity measurements for some wells and hourly groundwater measurements for others equipped with a logger. The water table level values are expressed from the edge of the well.
geoLocationPlace;Oueme meso site
geoLocationBox;1.4968 9.0181 2.6971 10.1978
geoLocationBox;13.0178 2.0019 13.9847 2.9453
# END;
# ID;21
title;Water table level and electrical conductivity, local sites over Donga, Benin
title;Groundwater dataset (water table level), over the Donga watershed (600 km2), Benin
description:Abstract;Documentation of the processes of groundwater recharge-discharge. Documentation of the groundwater-river connections. Contribution to the water budget at the hillslope scale in relation with soil water, runoff measurements. The identified processes will be used to improve hydrological modelling at the super-site scale (Donga).
description:SeriesInformation;Measurements of water level and electrical conductivity are made by multi-level piezometers (<1m, 2m, 10m 20m depth) installed on each drilling site along specific vegetation catena (fallow, forest, bush savannah). Automatic measurements for the most superficial piezometers and manual measurements every two days for the others. The water table level values are expressed from the soil surface. A value = 9999 stands for a dry borehole.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Donga
geoLocationBox;1.6048 9.743 1.6064 9.7469
geoLocationBox;9.743 1.6048 9.7469 1.6064
# END;
# ID;1
title;Rainfall dataset, 30 long term recording raingauges (LOP, since 1990), Niamey meso site, Niger
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the Sahelian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall at meso-scale, with a good resolution of the convective scale patterns. Data is used in hydrological modelling and assimilation activities, process studies as well as for validation of satellite products.
description:SeriesInformation;Long term rainfall measurements collected since 1990 (Long Observation Period) by 30 recording raingauges over the Niamey meso site (1.6-3.1°E/12.8-14.1°N) with a regular sampling of about 25x25 km². NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Balme, M., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Peugeot, C. and Galle, S., 2006: Assessing the water balance in the Sahel: Impact of small scale rainfall variability on runoff: Part 1: Rainfall variability analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 331, 336-348, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.05.020.
Ali, A., Lebel, T., Amani, A., 2003: Invariance in the Spatial Structure of Sahelian Rain Fields at Climatological Scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 996-1011, doi: 10.1175/1525-7541(2003)004<0996:IITSSO>2.0.CO,2."
geoLocationPlace;Niamey meso site
geoLocationBox;1.6905 12.9968 3.0588 13.847
# END;
# ID;22
title;Soil moisture and temperature profiles, Niger Central super site, Niger
description:Abstract;Documentation of soil water content and of soil hydrodynamic behaviour from surface to 2.5 m deep. Knowledge of main infiltration areas and of the speed of water front progression.
description:SeriesInformation;Soil moisture and temperature profiles (0 - ~2m) in various soil cover types and in presumed preferential infiltration zones: millet, fallow, gully, vegetated and bare soil areas in tiger bush.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Cappelaere, B., Descroix, L., Lebel, T., Boulain, N., Ramier, D., Laurent, J.P., Favreau, G., Boubkraoui, S., Boucher, M., Moussa, I.B., Chaffard, V., Hiernaux, P., Issoufou, H.B.A., Le Breton, E., Mamadou, I., Nazoumou, Y., Oi, M., Ottle, C. and Quantin, G., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH experiment in the cultivated Sahelian area of south-west Niger - Investigating water cycle response to a fluctuating climate and changing environment. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 34-51, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.021.
Pellarin, T., Laurent, J.P., Cappelaere, B., Decharme, B., Descroix, L. and Ramier, D., 2009: Hydrological modelling and associated microwave emission of a semi-arid region in South-western Niger. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 262-272, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.12.003"
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the Sahelian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall down to the local scale, where process studies are carried on. Data is used in hydrological modelling and process studies.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 2005 (Enhanced Observation Period of the AMMA project) by ~25 recording raingauges to complement and densify the meso site network (CL.Rain_N), in particular over the Niger Central supersite. NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Balme, M., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Peugeot, C. and Galle, S., 2006: Assessing the water balance in the Sahel: Impact of small scale rainfall variability on runoff: Part 1: Rainfall variability analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 331, 336-348, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.05.020.
Ali, A., Lebel, T., Amani, A., 2003: Invariance in the Spatial Structure of Sahelian Rain Fields at Climatological Scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 996-1011, doi: 10.1175/1525-7541(2003)004<0996:IITSSO>2.0.CO,2."
geoLocationPlace;Niamey meso site
geoLocationBox;1.9307 13.4025 2.8422 14.1806
# ID;20
title;Groundwater dataset (water table level), over the upper Oueme watershed (14 000 km2), Benin
description:Abstract;Documentation of charge-discharge processes of the saprolith groundwater on the Donga catchment. Contibution to the water balance of the Donga catchment Electric conductivity is an integrative measurement of the groundwater chemical composition. This parameter is used to define the groundwater pole in hydrograph separations.
description:SeriesInformation;Manual groundwater level and electric conductivity measurements for some wells and hourly groundwater measurements for others equipped with a logger. The water table level values are expressed from the edge of the well.
geoLocationPlace;Oueme meso site
geoLocationBox;9.0181 1.4968 10.1978 2.6971
# END;
# ID;4
title;Rainfall dataset, 5 recording raingauges (since 1999), East Niger
title;Precipitation dataset (5 minutes rainfall), 5 stations in Eastern Niger
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the Sahelian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal variability of rainfall at regional scales.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 1999 by 5 recording raingauges deployed over the East Niger (Tillaberi, Konni, Tahoua, Maradi, Zinder). NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Reference publication: Balme, M., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Peugeot, C. and Galle, S., 2006: Assessing the water balance in the Sahel: Impact of small scale rainfall variability on runoff: Part 1: Rainfall variability analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 331, 336-348, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.05.020.
description:Other;Balme, M., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Peugeot, C. and Galle, S., 2006: Assessing the water balance in the Sahel: Impact of small scale rainfall variability on runoff: Part 1: Rainfall variability analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 331, 336-348, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.05.020.
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall climatology based on a tipping bucket rain gage in the reference point of the DMN station, in the town of Cotonou, in Benin.
description:SeriesInformation;Monitoring rainfall at the DMN station in Cotonou for climatological reference. NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the Sahelian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall down to the local scale, where process studies are carried on. Data is used in hydrological modelling and process studies.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected between 1990-2004 (EPSAT project) by up to ~100 recording raingauges to complement and densify the meso site network (CL.Rain_N). NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Balme, M., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Peugeot, C. and Galle, S., 2006: Assessing the water balance in the Sahel: Impact of small scale rainfall variability on runoff: Part 1: Rainfall variability analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 331, 336-348, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.05.020.
Ali, A., Lebel, T., Amani, A., 2003: Invariance in the Spatial Structure of Sahelian Rain Fields at Climatological Scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 996-1011, doi: 10.1175/1525-7541(2003)004<0996:IITSSO>2.0.CO,2."
description:Other;Balme, M., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Peugeot, C. and Galle, S., 2006: Assessing the water balance in the Sahel: Impact of small scale rainfall variability on runoff: Part 1: Rainfall variability analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 331, 336-348, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.05.020.
description:Other;Ali, A., Lebel, T., Amani, A., 2003: Invariance in the Spatial Structure of Sahelian Rain Fields at Climatological Scales. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 996-1011, doi: 10.1175/1525-7541(2003)004<0996:IITSSO>2.0.CO,2.
geoLocationPlace;Niamey meso site
geoLocationBox;1.65 13.0 3.093 14.315
geoLocationBox;13.0 1.65 14.315 3.093
# END;
# ID;5
title;Rainfall dataset, long term recording raingauges (LOP, since 2005), Hombori area, Gourma meso site, Mali
title;Precipitation dataset (5 minutes rainfall), over the Hombori site (2500 km2 ), Mali
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in sahelian and saharo-sahelian zones. The aim is to characterize the spatial and temporal variability of rainfall within a densified zone of approximately 0°7 by 0°7 degrees within the Gourma meso-scale site. Data will be used in modelling and assimilation activities, as well as for validation of satellite products.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 2005 (Long Observation Period) by recording raingauges deployed in the densified area : 1.2-1.9°W/15-15.7°N, up to 18 gages. NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Reference publication: Frappart, F., Hiernaux, P., Guichard, F., Mougin, E., Kergoat, L., Arjounin, M., Lavenu, F., Koité, M., Paturel, J.-E., Lebel, T., 2009: Rainfall regime across the Sahel band in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 128-142, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.007.
description:Other;Frappart, F., Hiernaux, P., Guichard, F., Mougin, E., Kergoat, L., Arjounin, M., Lavenu, F., Koité, M., Paturel, J.-E., Lebel, T., 2009: Rainfall regime across the Sahel band in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 128-142, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.007.
geoLocationPlace;Gourma meso site
geoLocationBox;-1.9108 14.9022 -1.1478 15.7008
geoLocationBox;14.9022 -1.9108 15.7008 -1.1478
# END;
# ID;6
title;Rainfall dataset, long term recording raingauges (LOP, since 2005), N-S transect, Gourma meso site, Mali
title;Precipitation dataset (5 minutes rainfall), within the Gourma site (30000 km2), Mali
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in sahelian and saharo-sahelian zones. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability along the North-South gradient within the Gourma meso-scale site. Data will be used in modelling and assimilation activities, as well as for validation of satellite products.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 2005 (Long Observation Period) by recording raingauges deployed along a north south transect (from 14.7 to 17° N, up to 10 gages). NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Reference publication: Frappart, F., Hiernaux, P., Guichard, F., Mougin, E., Kergoat, L., Arjounin, M., Lavenu, F., Koité, M., Paturel, J.-E., Lebel, T., 2009: Rainfall regime across the Sahel band in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 128-142, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.007.
description:Other;Frappart, F., Hiernaux, P., Guichard, F., Mougin, E., Kergoat, L., Arjounin, M., Lavenu, F., Koité, M., Paturel, J.-E., Lebel, T., 2009: Rainfall regime across the Sahel band in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 128-142, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.007.
geoLocationPlace;Gourma meso site
geoLocationBox;-1.9184 14.7284 -1.2534 16.8831
# END;
# ID;7
title;Rainfall dataset, long term recording raingauges (LOP, since 1999), Oueme meso site, Benin
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the soudanian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall at meso-scale, with a good resolution of the convective scale patterns. Data is used in modelling and assimilation activities, process studies as well as for validation of satellite products.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 1999 (Long Observation Period) by recording raingauges over the Oueme basin (1.4-2.9°E, 8.9-10.2°N). It was designed for a homogeneous coverage of the basin with 29 gages. NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Reference publication: Depraetere, C., Gosset, M., Ploix, S. and Laurent, H., 2009: The organization and kinematics of tropical rainfall systems ground tracked at mesoscale with gages: First results from the campaigns 1999-2006 on the Upper Oueme Valley (Benin). Journal of Hydrology, 375, 143-160, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.011.
geoLocationPlace;Oueme meso site
geoLocationBox;1.4482 8.9924 2.7 10.2355
geoLocationBox;14.7284 -1.9184 16.8831 -1.2534
# END;
# ID;23
title;Soil moisture, temperature and succion profiles, local sites over Donga, Benin
title;Soil dataset (soil moisture, temperature, and succion profiles),within the Donga watershed (600 km2), Benin
subject:main;Soil moisture/water content, soil water/succion pressure, soil temperature
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 5 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.4 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.8 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 25 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 25 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.2 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1.5 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 60 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.3 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 60 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 50 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.9 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1.8 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 50 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 20 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.5 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.5 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 1 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 25 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.5 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.4 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 20 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 1 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 60 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 1.5 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 20 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 3 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 50 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.9 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.8 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 5 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.8 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.9 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 25 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.4 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 3 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 50 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.4 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 5 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 5 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.4 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 25 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1.8 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.5 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 20 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 1.5 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 20 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 3 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 50 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 60 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.8 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.9 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 3 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.9 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 20 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 25 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1.9 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 60 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.2 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1.5 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 60 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 50 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 20 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.5 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 60 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 60 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.8 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 2.9 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 25 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Succion at depth 1.3 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 25 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.8 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 1 m
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2.2 m
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 50 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 1.4 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 5 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 5 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 20 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/CS616 Period at depth 40 cm
subject:var;Soil Water/Watermark Resistance at depth 2 m
description:Abstract;Document soil water redistribution in the upper soil layer along three catenae. Estimate the influence of the vegetation type on the water dynamics.
description:SeriesInformation;Soil moisture, temperature and succion profiles (0-~3m) along three catenae. Each catena is covered by a different vegetation type : herbaceous fallow (Nalohou), shrub fallow (Bira) and dry forest (Béléfoungou). On each catena, three stations are distributed on top, middle and bottom of a hillslope.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Galle, S., Laurent, J.-P., Séguis, L., 2004. Monitoring water fluxes in soils within the Donga river basin, Bénin, West-Africa, EGU. 1st General Assembly, Nice, Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Galle S., Séguis L., Gosset M., Peugeot C., Le Lay M., Robain H., Seghieri J., Wubda M., S. L., Blanchard M., 2007. Singularity and generality of hydrological functioning of three catena with different vegetation covers. In: J.-L. Redelsberger (Editor), ""2nd AMMA Int. Conf."" AMMA, Karlsruhe (Germany)."
description:Other;Galle, S., Laurent, J.-P., Séguis, L., 2004. Monitoring water fluxes in soils within the Donga river basin, Bénin, West-Africa, EGU. 1st General Assembly, Nice, Geophysical Research Abstracts.
description:Other;Galle S., Séguis L., Gosset M., Peugeot C., Le Lay M., Robain H., Seghieri J., Wubda M., S. L., Blanchard M., 2007. Singularity and generality of hydrological functioning of three catena with different vegetation covers. In: J.-L. Redelsberger (Editor), "2nd AMMA Int. Conf." AMMA, Karlsruhe (Germany).
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Donga
geoLocationBox;1.6048 9.7428 1.7169 9.8278
geoLocationBox;9.7428 1.6048 9.8278 1.7169
# END;
# ID;24
title;Soil moisture and temperature profiles, Gourma meso site, Mali
title;Soil dataset (soil moisture and temperature profiles), within the Gourma site (30 000 km2), Mali
subject:main;Soil Temperature, soil moisture, soil water
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 1.2 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 30 cm
@@ -787,267 +865,155 @@ subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 80 cm
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 1 m
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 5 cm
subject:var;Soil Moisture/Water Content at depth 5 cm
description:Abstract;Monitoring soil moisture dynamic in the Sahel. The aim is to characterize the spatial variability of the soil moisture, with particular attention to the meridional gradient in the Gourma mesoscale site as well as the vertical and temporal variability. This data set will improve our understanding of land surface processes, continental water budget and surface-atmosphere feedbacks. It will be used in modelling and assimilation activities, as well as for validation of satellite products.
description:SeriesInformation;Soil moisture and temperature profiles (0- ~5m) in various types of soil/vegetation.
description:Other;Reference publication: de Rosnay, P., Gruhier, C., Timouk, F., Baup, F., Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Kergoat, L. and LeDantec, V., 2009: Multi-scale soil moisture measurements at the Gourma meso-scale site in Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 241-252, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.015.
description:Other;de Rosnay, P., Gruhier, C., Timouk, F., Baup, F., Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Kergoat, L. and LeDantec, V., 2009: Multi-scale soil moisture measurements at the Gourma meso-scale site in Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 241-252, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.015.
geoLocationPlace;Gourma meso site
geoLocationBox;-1.789 14.7284 -1.2534 17.099
# END;
# ID;8
title;Rainfall dataset, recording raingauges, densification over the sub-basin Donga (since 1999), Oueme meso site, Benin
description:Abstract;Documentation of rainfall in the soudanian zone. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall down to the local scale, in some sub-areas of the Oueme basin where process studies are carried on. Data is used in modelling and process studies.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected since 1999 by recording raingauges to complement and densify the Oueme (CL.Rain_O) network, in particular over the Donga basin. NB: Negative values are missing values. Negative value other than -9999.9 is missing value estimated from the bucket. For a period with such missing data, although the same value is indicated for each timestep, the value applies to the whole time period.
description:Other;Reference publication: Depraetere, C., Gosset, M., Ploix, S. and Laurent, H., 2009: The organization and kinematics of tropical rainfall systems ground tracked at mesoscale with gages: First results from the campaigns 1999-2006 on the Upper Oueme Valley (Benin). Journal of Hydrology, 375, 143-160, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.011.
geoLocationPlace;Oueme meso site
geoLocationBox;1.5524 8.9138 2.9438 10.2304
geoLocationBox;14.7284 -1.789 17.099 -1.2534
# END;
# ID;25
title;Surface energy, water vapor, and carbon fluxes, Wankama local site, Niger
title;Surface flux dataset (including meteorological data, radiative budget, surface energy, water vapor and carbon fluxes), over the Wankama watershed (1 km2), Niger
subject:main;Land surface exchange, water budget, energy budget, sahelian vegetation, evapo-transpiration, sahelian hydrology
subject:var;Wind Speed
subject:var;Soil Temperature at depth 10 cm
subject:var;Soil Heat Flux at depth 5 cm (3)
subject:var;Standard Deviation of Wind Direction (2)
description:Abstract;Measure components of the local-scale energy budget. Obtain forcing and validation data for modeling of soil-vegetation-atmosphere exchanges in Sahel. Contribute to the flux station network over the AMMA regional transect.
description:SeriesInformation;Sensible & latent heat, CO2 and radiation fluxes, meteorological variables, soil moisture, temperature and heat flux over two typical land cover types (fallow and cultivated millet).
description:Other;"Reference publication: Ramier, D., Boulain, N., Cappelaere, B., Timouk, F., Rabanit, M., Lloyd, C.R., Boubkraoui, S., Metayer, F., Descroix, L. and Wawrzyniak, V., 2009: Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel-1. Energy and water. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 204-216, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.12.002.
Boulain, N., Cappelaere, B., Ramier, D., Issoufou, H.B.A., Halilou, O., Seghieri, J., Guillemin, F., Oi, M., Gignoux, J. and Timouk, F., 2009: Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel-2. Vegetation and carbon dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 190-203, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.045.
Cappelaere, B., Descroix, L., Lebel, T., Boulain, N., Ramier, D., Laurent, J.P., Favreau, G., Boubkraoui, S., Boucher, M., Moussa, I.B., Chaffard, V., Hiernaux, P., Issoufou, H.B.A., Le Breton, E., Mamadou, I., Nazoumou, Y., Oi, M., Ottle, C. and Quantin, G., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH experiment in the cultivated Sahelian area of south-west Niger - Investigating water cycle response to a fluctuating climate and changing environment. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 34-51, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.021."
description:Other;Ramier, D., Boulain, N., Cappelaere, B., Timouk, F., Rabanit, M., Lloyd, C.R., Boubkraoui, S., Metayer, F., Descroix, L. and Wawrzyniak, V., 2009: Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel-1. Energy and water. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 204-216, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.12.002.
description:Other;Boulain, N., Cappelaere, B., Ramier, D., Issoufou, H.B.A., Halilou, O., Seghieri, J., Guillemin, F., Oi, M., Gignoux, J. and Timouk, F., 2009: Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel-2. Vegetation and carbon dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 190-203, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.045.
description:Other;Cappelaere, B., Descroix, L., Lebel, T., Boulain, N., Ramier, D., Laurent, J.P., Favreau, G., Boubkraoui, S., Boucher, M., Moussa, I.B., Chaffard, V., Hiernaux, P., Issoufou, H.B.A., Le Breton, E., Mamadou, I., Nazoumou, Y., Oi, M., Ottle, C. and Quantin, G., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH experiment in the cultivated Sahelian area of south-west Niger - Investigating water cycle response to a fluctuating climate and changing environment. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 34-51, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.021.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Niger Central
geoLocationBox;2.6298 13.644 2.6337 13.6476
geoLocationBox;13.644 2.6298 13.6476 2.6337
# END;
# ID;26
title;Vegetation functionning dataset, local sites over Hombori, Mali
title;Vegetation dataset (seasonal physiological functioning of woody vegetation), within the Hombori site (2500 km2), Mali
description:Abstract;Parametrization of surface models (SVAT and vegetation), intra and inter-specific variability of vegetation growth and physiological functionning (herbaceous and woody) in response to the variation of rainfall and soil moisture in Gourma (Mali). Interspecific variability of root dynamics. Documentation of the soil characteristics (texture, characteristic curves, infiltration...). These measurements are required for a better parameterization of the response of vegetation and soils to climatic forcings and for water fluxes simulation. These data will provide the basic parameters for the initialization of the surface-atmosphere exchange models. Links with atmospheric chemistry (soil emissions and deposits).
description:SeriesInformation;Observation of the seasonal cover dynamics and funtionning. States of each phenophase were recorded using the following classification: 0 = absent, 1 = beginning, buds for leaves and flowers and early stage of maturity for fruits, 2 = weak, 10-50% of the shrub covered with mature or ripe organs, 3 = peak, over 50% of the shrub covered with mature or ripe organs, 4 = declining, 10-50% of the shrub covered with senescent organs (dissemination beginning for fruits), 5 = end, over 50% of the shrub covered with senescent, dry and falling organs.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Hombori
geoLocationBox;-1.558 15.218 -1.398 15.504
geoLocationBox;15.218 -1.558 15.504 -1.398
# END;
# ID;27
title;Major ions, trace elements, SI concentration, Donga super site, Benin
title;Water chemistry dataset (geochemical composition of water), within the Donga watershed (600 km2), Benin
description:Abstract;Identification of the chemical signature of the different compartments (surface runoff, sub-surface, deep water-tables) contributing to river flow. Hydrograph decomposition by mixing models based on chemical signatures of each compartment involved in stream flow production.
description:SeriesInformation;Concentration of major ions, trace elements, Si concentration.
geoLocationPlace;Donga super site
geoLocationBox;1.5623 9.6875 1.9479 9.8892
# END;
# ID;29
title;Gullies discharges, Tondikiboro and Mele Haoussa local sites, Niger
contributorName:WorkPackageLeader;Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa (Département de géographie - Université Abdou Moumouni)
description:Abstract;Document the flood events in various geological context : sedimentary (Tondikiboro) and cristaline bedrock (Mele Haoussa), and for cultivated and natural vegetation covers.
description:SeriesInformation;Flood event measured in 4 (Tondikiboro) and 2 (Mele Haoussa) embeded catchments. Sediment loads are sampled during selected rainfall events in Tondikiboro.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Amogu, O., Esteves, M., Vandervaere, J-P, Malam Abdou, M., Panthou, G., Rajot, J-L., Souley Yéro, K., Boubkraoui, S., Lapetite, JM., Dessay, N., Zin, I., Bachir, A., Bouzou Moussa, I., Faran Maïga, O., Gautier, E., Mamadou, I., Descroix, L., 2015: Runoff evolution according to land use change in a small Sahelian catchment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60, 78-95, doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.885654.
Descroix, L., Laurent, J. -P., Vauclin, M., Amogu, O., Boubkraoui, S., Ibrahim, B., Galle, S., Cappelaere, B., Bousquet, S., Mamadou, I., Le Breton, E., Lebel, T., Quantin, G., Ramier, D., Boulain, N., 2012: Experimental evidence of deep infiltration under sandy flats and gullies in the Sahel. Journal of Hydrology, 424-425, 1-15, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.019."
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Niger Central
geoLocationBox;1.6043 13.5472 2.7001 13.8844
# END;
# ID;30
title;Rainfall dataset, daily reading raingauges, Tondikiboro and Mele Haoussa local sites, Niger
contributorName:WorkPackageLeader;Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa (Département de géographie - Université Abdou Moumouni)
description:Abstract;Documentation of daily rainfall in the Sahel. The aim is to characterize the temporal and spatial variability within the Tondikiboro and Mele Haoussa local sites. Data will be used in modelling the local rainfall/runoff relationship (see CE.Run_Nct) as well as to complete the automatic raingauge network.
description:SeriesInformation;Rainfall measurements collected over a network of daily reading raingauges located in the Tondikiboro and Mele Haoussa intensive local sites.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Amogu, O., Esteves, M., Vandervaere, J-P, Malam Abdou, M., Panthou, G., Rajot, J-L., Souley Yéro, K., Boubkraoui, S., Lapetite, JM., Dessay, N., Zin, I., Bachir, A., Bouzou Moussa, I., Faran Maïga, O., Gautier, E., Mamadou, I., Descroix, L., 2015: Runoff evolution according to land use change in a small Sahelian catchment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60, 78-95, doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.885654.
Descroix, L., Laurent, J. -P., Vauclin, M., Amogu, O., Boubkraoui, S., Ibrahim, B., Galle, S., Cappelaere, B., Bousquet, S., Mamadou, I., Le Breton, E., Lebel, T., Quantin, G., Ramier, D., Boulain, N., 2012: Experimental evidence of deep infiltration under sandy flats and gullies in the Sahel. Journal of Hydrology, 424-425, 1-15, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.019."
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Niger Central
geoLocationBox;1.6001 13.53 2.7091 13.8852
# END;
# ID;32
title;Seasonal dynamics of herbaceous vegetation, Hombori super site, Mali
subject:main;Seasonal vegetation dynamics, herbs, tree foliage, vegetation phenology
subject:var;Vegetation Cover Fraction
subject:var;Aboveground Maximum Herbaceous Mass Standard Deviation
description:Abstract;Quantification of seasonal dynamics of herbaceous vegetation and tree foliage on sites for which the long term dynamics is also monitored (see CL.VegHerb_G). The main objectives are to analyze the different processes that control primary production and degradation of vegetation and to test models (e.g, STEP).
description:SeriesInformation;Aboveground herbaceous mass, vegetation cover fraction, LAI is monitored in sites located within the Hombori super-site and representatives of the 3 main components of the landscape: sand dunes (Agoufou, Hombori-Ondo, Tara and Timbadior), erosion surface seasonally inundated clay soils (Kelma) and millet (Bilantao). For mass estimation, the herbaceous layer is monitored using a stratified random technique. Measurements are performed at least every month during the rainy season, from June to mid-October and twice during the dry season. LAI is estimated using hemispherical photographs. For the Kelma forest, hemispherical photographs are also used to derive the Plant Area Index (PAI).
description:Other;"Reference publication: Hiernaux P., Mougin E., Diarra L. Soumaguel N., Lavenu F., Tracol Y., Diawara M., 2009: Sahelian rangeland response to changes in rainfall over two decades in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 114-127, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.005.
Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Ada, L., Grippa, M., de Rosnay, P., Timouk, F., Le Dantec, V., Demarez, V., Lavenu, F., Arjounin, M., Lebel, T., Soumaguel, N., Ceschia, E., Mougenot, B., Baup, F., Frappart, F., Frison, PL., Gardelle, J., Gruhier, C., Jarlan, L., Mangiarotti, S., Sanou, B., Tracol, Y., Guichard, F., Trichon, V., Diarra, L., Soumare, A., Koite, M., Dembele, F., Lloyd, C., Hanan, NP., Damesin, C., Delon, C., Serca, D., Galy-Lacaux, C., Seghieri, J., Becerra, S., Dia, H., Gangneron, F., Mazzega, P., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH Gourma observatory site in Mali: Relating climatic variations to changes in vegetation, surface hydrology, fluxes and natural resources. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 14-33, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.045.
Mougin, E., Demarez, V., Diawara, M., Hiernaux, P., Soumaguel, N., Berg, A., 2014: Estimation of LAI fAPAR and fCover of Sahel rangelands (Gourma Mali). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 198-199, 155-167, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.08.006."
geoLocationPlace;Hombori super site
geoLocationBox;-1.6983 15.2189 -1.4841 15.3393
geoLocationBox;9.6875 1.5623 9.8892 1.9479
# END;
# ID;33
title;Seasonal vegetation cycle of millet and fallow, Wankama local site, Niger
title;Vegetation dataset (seasonal dynamics of millet and fallow), within the Wankama watershed (1 km2), Niger
description:Abstract;1) Characterize the vegetation of a representative Sahelian watershed and, especially of the flux stations's footprints, 2) Observations required to parameterize and validate Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT), hydrologic and vegetation models.
description:SeriesInformation;Map of the state of the soil use (SU). On each unit of SU, the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of the woody stand, and of the herbaceous strata in fallows and on millet in crop fields, biomass of grasses in fallows and of millet in crop fields, leaf area of millet, height of grasses in fallows and of millet in crop fields, and millet yield are measured each year.
description:Other;Reference publication: Boulain, N., Cappelaere, B., Ramier, D., Issoufou, H.B.A., Halilou, O., Seghieri, J., Guillemin, F., Oi, M., Gignoux, J. and Timouk, F., 2009: Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel-2. Vegetation and carbon dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 190-203, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.045.
description:Other;Boulain, N., Cappelaere, B., Ramier, D., Issoufou, H.B.A., Halilou, O., Seghieri, J., Guillemin, F., Oi, M., Gignoux, J. and Timouk, F., 2009: Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel-2. Vegetation and carbon dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 190-203, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.045.
geoLocationPlace;Local sites over Niger Central
geoLocationBox;2.6298 13.644 2.6337 13.6476
# END;
# ID;34
title;Inter-annual dynamics of herbaceous vegetation, Gourma meso site, Mali
subject:main;Vegetation yields, vegetation species (when possible)
subject:var;Aboveground Maximum Herbaceous Mass
subject:var;Aboveground Maximum Herbaceous Mass Standard Deviation
description:Abstract;Monitor the inter-annual dynamics of herbaceous productivity (maximum aboveground mass) in relation with climate and land use practice. A network of reading rain gauges (since 2005) are associated to the vegetation sites.
description:SeriesInformation;Herbaceous vegetation aboveground mass are recorded in field sites, 1x1km in size. Vegetation variables are measured in 12 plots (1x1m) sampled under a random stratified method in each of the vegetation facies within site. These measures are done once a year at peak mass. In 2015, estimated masses should probably be corrected by about 15-20% due to late measurements.
description:Other;"Reference publication: Dardel, C., Kergoat, L., Hiernaux, P., Mougin, E., Grippa, M. and Tucker, C.J., 2014: Re-greening Sahel: 30 years of remote sensing data and field observations (Mali Niger). Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 350-364, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2013.09.011.
Hiernaux P., Mougin E., Diarra L. Soumaguel N., Lavenu F., Tracol Y., Diawara M., 2009: Sahelian rangeland response to changes in rainfall over two decades in the Gourma region, Mali. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 114-127, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.005.
Mougin, E., Hiernaux, P., Ada, L., Grippa, M., de Rosnay, P., Timouk, F., Le Dantec, V., Demarez, V., Lavenu, F., Arjounin, M., Lebel, T., Soumaguel, N., Ceschia, E., Mougenot, B., Baup, F., Frappart, F., Frison, PL., Gardelle, J., Gruhier, C., Jarlan, L., Mangiarotti, S., Sanou, B., Tracol, Y., Guichard, F., Trichon, V., Diarra, L., Soumare, A., Koite, M., Dembele, F., Lloyd, C., Hanan, NP., Damesin, C., Delon, C., Serca, D., Galy-Lacaux, C., Seghieri, J., Becerra, S., Dia, H., Gangneron, F., Mazzega, P., 2009: The AMMA-CATCH Gourma observatory site in Mali: Relating climatic variations to changes in vegetation, surface hydrology, fluxes and natural resources. Journal of Hydrology, 375, 14-33, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.045."