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  • Jean-Loup HABERBUSCH's avatar
    New version name 4.0.1 · 2f5132e7
    Jean-Loup HABERBUSCH authored
    Reordering includes to avoid problems on Win32 with VTKQWidget2
    This hotfix modifies RendererWidget inheritance. Now RendererWidget
    inherits from VTKQWidget2 instead of VTKQWidget.
    In VTK 6.3, VTKQWidget2 include somehow somewhere Win32 headers.
    This defines the ERROR macro, which creates a conflict with the ApplyStatus enum
    (that also defines ERROR apply status).
    In order to solve this conflict, #include "Action.h" should be done before
    any \#include "InteractiveViewer.h" or "RendererWidget.h"