This is the core of the app. It provides an interface for the user to create and modify valid sequences.The user is forwarded to this window with an open dialoge window to enter information about the demonstrated action. <br />
This is the core of the app. It provides an interface for the user to create and modify valid sequences.The user is forwarded to this window with an open dialoge window to enter information about the demonstrated action. <br /> <br />
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1. Give unique name to the action. If the action already exists, we can add it to the sequence choosing it from the dropdown menu on the top left corner of the window without performing additional demonstrations.
1. Give unique name to the action. If the action already exists, we can add it to the sequence choosing it from the dropdown menu on the top left corner of the window without performing additional demonstrations. <br /> <br />
2. The objects and postions (if necessary) will be filled when we come from the [Record Demonstration](Record Demonstration). Rename them to make the learned PDDL model more readable. BE CAREFUL not to give multiple names for a single object.
2. The objects and postions (if necessary) will be filled when we come from the [Record Demonstration](Record Demonstration). Rename them to make the learned PDDL model more readable. BE CAREFUL not to give multiple names for a single object. <br /><br />
3. Specify the type of objects. The order should be the same as the order of objects that we entered in step 2.
3. Specify the type of objects. The order should be the same as the order of objects that we entered in step 2. <br /><br />
4. Give additional information about necessary states the the objects should be for the demonstrated action to be performed. (Optional). Press OK when finished.
4. Give additional information about necessary states the the objects should be for the demonstrated action to be performed. (Optional). Press OK when finished.
The figure below shows all the fields of the dialogue window filled. <br /> <br />
The figure below shows all the fields of the dialogue window filled. <br /> <br />
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 <br /> <br />
5. The action is now added to the end of the sequence. We can remove, modify, add an action/sequence at any position in the sequence. However, be sure to keep the validity of the sequence. We can select these option by long pressing on the sequence that we are creating.<br />
5. The action is now added to the end of the sequence. We can remove, modify, add an action/sequence at any position in the sequence. However, be sure to keep the validity of the sequence. We can select these options by long pressing on the sequence that we are creating.<br /><br />

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6. To save the sequence, click on SAVE button. Make sure the drop down menu on the right is at "Saved sequences" otherwise it will overwrite the sequence that it shown there. <br /><br />
7. Keep adding actions either by performing additional demonstrations by clicking on the "+" button or choosing actions and objects that are already available. <br /><br />
8. The "done" button will blick when enough sequence is entered. If not, the app prompts the user requesting actions with missing objects. <br /><br />
9. Click on the done button when you are satisfied with the length of sequence. [LOCM] will run in the back ground
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