diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 3545c35c6ca0f82b11e5fd4c2c31fcb24bd6cf27..cfba45536f7689213939e329d0510044b149e797 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 - [#811](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/pull/811): Add processes plugin for classifying total procs on system. Thanks @titilambert!
 - [#235](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/issues/235): Add number of users to the `system` input plugin.
 - [#826](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/pull/826): "kernel" linux plugin for /proc/stat metrics (context switches, interrupts, etc.)
+- [#847](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/pull/847): `ntpq`: Input plugin for running ntp query executable and gathering metrics.
 ### Bugfixes
 - [#748](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/issues/748): Fix sensor plugin split on ":"
diff --git a/plugins/inputs/EXAMPLE_README.md b/plugins/inputs/EXAMPLE_README.md
index 9207cd2ab1ceedd222a742e14d493ad7cc0a9aea..6bebf1e88d270980fbc1d6965733de8ff88eec5f 100644
--- a/plugins/inputs/EXAMPLE_README.md
+++ b/plugins/inputs/EXAMPLE_README.md
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ The example plugin gathers metrics about example things
 ### Example Output:
-Give an example `-test` output here
 $ ./telegraf -config telegraf.conf -input-filter example -test
 measurement1,tag1=foo,tag2=bar field1=1i,field2=2.1 1453831884664956455
diff --git a/plugins/inputs/all/all.go b/plugins/inputs/all/all.go
index 2808ce2b54f203c1f7e7bffffa95469ca1952b79..a3300df667a9e2c71fe66ac266aea82e348d5d23 100644
--- a/plugins/inputs/all/all.go
+++ b/plugins/inputs/all/all.go
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (
 	_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/net_response"
 	_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/nginx"
 	_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/nsq"
+	_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/ntpq"
 	_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/passenger"
 	_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/phpfpm"
 	_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/ping"
diff --git a/plugins/inputs/ntpq/README.md b/plugins/inputs/ntpq/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80bf80f39b9b5da21675b7ab7109a83bd974a2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/inputs/ntpq/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# ntpq Input Plugin
+Get standard NTP query metrics, requires ntpq executable.
+Below is the documentation of the various headers returned from the NTP query
+command when running `ntpq -p`.
+- remote – The remote peer or server being synced to. “LOCAL” is this local host
+(included in case there are no remote peers or servers available);
+- refid – Where or what the remote peer or server is itself synchronised to;
+- st (stratum) – The remote peer or server Stratum
+- t (type) – Type (u: unicast or manycast client, b: broadcast or multicast client,
+l: local reference clock, s: symmetric peer, A: manycast server,
+B: broadcast server, M: multicast server, see “Automatic Server Discovery“);
+- when – When last polled (seconds ago, “h” hours ago, or “d” days ago);
+- poll – Polling frequency: rfc5905 suggests this ranges in NTPv4 from 4 (16s)
+to 17 (36h) (log2 seconds), however observation suggests the actual displayed
+value is seconds for a much smaller range of 64 (26) to 1024 (210) seconds;
+- reach – An 8-bit left-shift shift register value recording polls (bit set =
+successful, bit reset = fail) displayed in octal;
+- delay – Round trip communication delay to the remote peer or server (milliseconds);
+- offset – Mean offset (phase) in the times reported between this local host and
+the remote peer or server (RMS, milliseconds);
+- jitter – Mean deviation (jitter) in the time reported for that remote peer or
+server (RMS of difference of multiple time samples, milliseconds);
+### Configuration:
+# Get standard NTP query metrics, requires ntpq executable
+  ## If false, set the -n ntpq flag. Can reduce metric gather times.
+  dns_lookup = true
+### Measurements & Fields:
+- ntpq
+    - delay (float, milliseconds)
+    - jitter (float, milliseconds)
+    - offset (float, milliseconds)
+    - poll (int, seconds)
+    - reach (int)
+    - when (int, seconds)
+### Tags:
+- All measurements have the following tags:
+    - refid
+    - remote
+    - type
+    - stratum
+### Example Output:
+$ telegraf -config ~/ws/telegraf.conf -input-filter ntpq -test
+* Plugin: ntpq, Collection 1
+> ntpq,refid=.GPSs.,remote=*time.apple.com,stratum=1,type=u delay=91.797,jitter=3.735,offset=12.841,poll=64i,reach=377i,when=35i 1457960478909556134
diff --git a/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq.go b/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e8ff6536c4cf417c5e105851733f329fe49a2fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq.go
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// +build !windows
+package ntpq
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"bytes"
+	"log"
+	"os/exec"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"github.com/influxdata/telegraf"
+	"github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs"
+// Mapping of ntpq header names to tag keys
+var tagHeaders map[string]string = map[string]string{
+	"remote": "remote",
+	"refid":  "refid",
+	"st":     "stratum",
+	"t":      "type",
+// Mapping of the ntpq tag key to the index in the command output
+var tagI map[string]int = map[string]int{
+	"remote":  -1,
+	"refid":   -1,
+	"stratum": -1,
+	"type":    -1,
+// Mapping of float metrics to their index in the command output
+var floatI map[string]int = map[string]int{
+	"delay":  -1,
+	"offset": -1,
+	"jitter": -1,
+// Mapping of int metrics to their index in the command output
+var intI map[string]int = map[string]int{
+	"when":  -1,
+	"poll":  -1,
+	"reach": -1,
+type NTPQ struct {
+	runQ func() ([]byte, error)
+	DNSLookup bool `toml:"dns_lookup"`
+func (n *NTPQ) Description() string {
+	return "Get standard NTP query metrics, requires ntpq executable."
+func (n *NTPQ) SampleConfig() string {
+	return `
+  ## If false, set the -n ntpq flag. Can reduce metric gather time.
+  dns_lookup = true
+func (n *NTPQ) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
+	out, err := n.runQ()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	lineCounter := 0
+	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(out))
+	for scanner.Scan() {
+		fields := strings.Fields(scanner.Text())
+		if len(fields) < 2 {
+			continue
+		}
+		// If lineCounter == 0, then this is the header line
+		if lineCounter == 0 {
+			for i, field := range fields {
+				// Check if field is a tag:
+				if tagKey, ok := tagHeaders[field]; ok {
+					tagI[tagKey] = i
+					continue
+				}
+				// check if field is a float metric:
+				if _, ok := floatI[field]; ok {
+					floatI[field] = i
+					continue
+				}
+				// check if field is an int metric:
+				if _, ok := intI[field]; ok {
+					intI[field] = i
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			tags := make(map[string]string)
+			mFields := make(map[string]interface{})
+			// Get tags from output
+			for key, index := range tagI {
+				if index == -1 {
+					continue
+				}
+				tags[key] = fields[index]
+			}
+			// Get integer metrics from output
+			for key, index := range intI {
+				if index == -1 {
+					continue
+				}
+				if key == "when" {
+					when := fields[index]
+					switch {
+					case strings.HasSuffix(when, "h"):
+						m, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(fields[index], "h"))
+						if err != nil {
+							log.Printf("ERROR ntpq: parsing int: %s", fields[index])
+							continue
+						}
+						// seconds in an hour
+						mFields[key] = int64(m) * 360
+						continue
+					case strings.HasSuffix(when, "d"):
+						m, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(fields[index], "d"))
+						if err != nil {
+							log.Printf("ERROR ntpq: parsing int: %s", fields[index])
+							continue
+						}
+						// seconds in a day
+						mFields[key] = int64(m) * 86400
+						continue
+					case strings.HasSuffix(when, "m"):
+						m, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(fields[index], "m"))
+						if err != nil {
+							log.Printf("ERROR ntpq: parsing int: %s", fields[index])
+							continue
+						}
+						// seconds in a day
+						mFields[key] = int64(m) * 60
+						continue
+					}
+				}
+				m, err := strconv.Atoi(fields[index])
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Printf("ERROR ntpq: parsing int: %s", fields[index])
+					continue
+				}
+				mFields[key] = int64(m)
+			}
+			// get float metrics from output
+			for key, index := range floatI {
+				if index == -1 {
+					continue
+				}
+				m, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fields[index], 64)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Printf("ERROR ntpq: parsing float: %s", fields[index])
+					continue
+				}
+				mFields[key] = m
+			}
+			acc.AddFields("ntpq", mFields, tags)
+		}
+		lineCounter++
+	}
+	return nil
+func (n *NTPQ) runq() ([]byte, error) {
+	bin, err := exec.LookPath("ntpq")
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	var cmd *exec.Cmd
+	if n.DNSLookup {
+		cmd = exec.Command(bin, "-p")
+	} else {
+		cmd = exec.Command(bin, "-p", "-n")
+	}
+	return cmd.Output()
+func init() {
+	inputs.Add("ntpq", func() telegraf.Input {
+		n := &NTPQ{}
+		n.runQ = n.runq
+		return n
+	})
diff --git a/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq_test.go b/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..228eddc624c9f4a21c0638a5828573cc1b1ae759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+// +build !windows
+package ntpq
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/influxdata/telegraf/testutil"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+func TestSingleNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(singleNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"when":   int64(101),
+		"poll":   int64(256),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"delay":  float64(51.016),
+		"offset": float64(233.010),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote":  "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":   "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestBadIntNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(badIntParseNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"when":   int64(101),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"delay":  float64(51.016),
+		"offset": float64(233.010),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote":  "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":   "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestBadFloatNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(badFloatParseNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"when":   int64(2),
+		"poll":   int64(256),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"delay":  float64(51.016),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote":  "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":   "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestDaysNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(whenDaysNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"when":   int64(172800),
+		"poll":   int64(256),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"delay":  float64(51.016),
+		"offset": float64(233.010),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote":  "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":   "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestHoursNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(whenHoursNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"when":   int64(720),
+		"poll":   int64(256),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"delay":  float64(51.016),
+		"offset": float64(233.010),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote":  "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":   "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestMinutesNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(whenMinutesNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"when":   int64(120),
+		"poll":   int64(256),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"delay":  float64(51.016),
+		"offset": float64(233.010),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote":  "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":   "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestBadWhenNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(whenBadNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"poll":   int64(256),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"delay":  float64(51.016),
+		"offset": float64(233.010),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote":  "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":   "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestMultiNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(multiNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"delay":  float64(54.033),
+		"jitter": float64(449514),
+		"offset": float64(243.426),
+		"poll":   int64(1024),
+		"reach":  int64(377),
+		"when":   int64(740),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"refid":   "",
+		"remote":  "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+	fields = map[string]interface{}{
+		"delay":  float64(60.785),
+		"jitter": float64(449539),
+		"offset": float64(232.597),
+		"poll":   int64(1024),
+		"reach":  int64(377),
+		"when":   int64(739),
+	}
+	tags = map[string]string{
+		"refid":   "",
+		"remote":  "",
+		"stratum": "2",
+		"type":    "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestBadHeaderNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	resetVars()
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(badHeaderNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"when":   int64(101),
+		"poll":   int64(256),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"delay":  float64(51.016),
+		"offset": float64(233.010),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote": "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":  "",
+		"type":   "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestMissingDelayColumnNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	resetVars()
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(missingDelayNTPQ),
+		err: nil,
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.NoError(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+	fields := map[string]interface{}{
+		"when":   int64(101),
+		"poll":   int64(256),
+		"reach":  int64(37),
+		"offset": float64(233.010),
+		"jitter": float64(17.462),
+	}
+	tags := map[string]string{
+		"remote": "*uschi5-ntp-002.",
+		"refid":  "",
+		"type":   "u",
+	}
+	acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "ntpq", fields, tags)
+func TestFailedNTPQ(t *testing.T) {
+	tt := tester{
+		ret: []byte(singleNTPQ),
+		err: fmt.Errorf("Test failure"),
+	}
+	n := &NTPQ{
+		runQ: tt.runqTest,
+	}
+	acc := testutil.Accumulator{}
+	assert.Error(t, n.Gather(&acc))
+type tester struct {
+	ret []byte
+	err error
+func (t *tester) runqTest() ([]byte, error) {
+	return t.ret, t.err
+func resetVars() {
+	// Mapping of ntpq header names to tag keys
+	tagHeaders = map[string]string{
+		"remote": "remote",
+		"refid":  "refid",
+		"st":     "stratum",
+		"t":      "type",
+	}
+	// Mapping of the ntpq tag key to the index in the command output
+	tagI = map[string]int{
+		"remote":  -1,
+		"refid":   -1,
+		"stratum": -1,
+		"type":    -1,
+	}
+	// Mapping of float metrics to their index in the command output
+	floatI = map[string]int{
+		"delay":  -1,
+		"offset": -1,
+		"jitter": -1,
+	}
+	// Mapping of int metrics to their index in the command output
+	intI = map[string]int{
+		"when":  -1,
+		"poll":  -1,
+		"reach": -1,
+	}
+var singleNTPQ = `     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  101  256   37   51.016  233.010  17.462
+var badHeaderNTPQ = `remote      refid   foobar t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  101  256   37   51.016  233.010  17.462
+var missingDelayNTPQ = `remote      refid   foobar t when poll reach   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  101  256   37   233.010  17.462
+var whenDaysNTPQ = `     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  2d  256   37   51.016  233.010  17.462
+var whenHoursNTPQ = `     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  2h  256   37   51.016  233.010  17.462
+var whenMinutesNTPQ = `     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  2m  256   37   51.016  233.010  17.462
+var whenBadNTPQ = `     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  2q  256   37   51.016  233.010  17.462
+var badFloatParseNTPQ = `     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  2  256   37   51.016  foobar  17.462
+var badIntParseNTPQ = `     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+*uschi5-ntp-002.     2 u  101  foobar   37   51.016  233.010  17.462
+var multiNTPQ = `     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+     2 u  740 1024  377   54.033  243.426 449514.
+     2 u  739 1024  377   60.785  232.597 449539.
+     2 u  783 1024  377  111.820  261.921 449528.
+     2 u  703 1024  377  205.704  160.406 449602.
+     2 u  673 1024  377  143.047  274.726 449445.
diff --git a/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq_windows.go b/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1f1a55fafcfdc10f8d6771fbc7e0ceb5188255f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/inputs/ntpq/ntpq_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+// +build windows
+package ntpq