(* Time-stamp: <modified the 30/04/2019 (at 16:02) by Erwan Jahier> *) (** There is such a Process.t per node in the dot file. *) type t = { pid : string; (* unique *) variables : Algo.vars; actions: Algo.action list; init : Algo.neighbor list -> Algo.local_env; enable : Algo.enable_fun; step : Algo.step_fun; } (** [make dynlink_flag custom_mode_flag node] builds a process out of a dot node. To do that, it retreives the registered functions by Dynamic linking of the cmxs file specified in the "algo" field of the dot node. dynlink_flag: link the algo.cmxs files (not possible from rdbg) nb: it provides variable initial values if not done in the dot (via the init field) nor in the Algo (via Algo.reg_init_vars) *) val make: bool -> bool -> Topology.node -> t