opam-version: "2.0" synopsis: "A Lustre API for SASA" description: """\ SASA is a *Self-stabilizing Algorithms SimulAtor*. Algorithms in SASA are provided in OCaml. With Salut, one can provide them in lustre and perform model-checking (with lesar or kind2). """ maintainer: "erwan.jahier@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr" authors: "Erwan Jahier and Gabriel B. Sant'Anna" license: "CeCILL-2.1" homepage: "https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa" bug-reports: "https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa/issues" depends: [ "sasa" "z3" "kind2" ] build: ["dune" "build"] install: ["dune" "install"] post-messages: "The last version can be obtained via (opam repo add) http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE/opam-repository/" dev-repo: "git+https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa.git"