(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/06/2019 (at 14:29) by Erwan Jahier> *) (** Process programmer API *) type value = I of int | F of float | B of bool | E of int | S of string | N of int (* neighbor channel number *) | A of value array (* val copy_value : value -> value *) type local_env = string -> value (** Types of value *) type varT = It | Ft | Bt (* int, float, bool *) | Et of int (* enum *) | St (* string *) | Nt (* neighbor channel *) | At of varT * int (* array *) type vars = (string * varT) list val copy_local_env : vars -> local_env -> local_env type neighbor = { lenv: local_env; n_vars: vars; pid: unit -> string; (* Returns the pid of the neigbhor. This info is not available in all modes (e.g., anonymous) *) reply: unit -> int; (* Returns the channel number that let this neighbor access to the content of the process, if the neighbor can access to the process. Returns -1 if the neigbor can not access to the process, which can happen in directed graphs only. This info is not available in all modes *) } type action = string (* label *) type enable_fun = neighbor list -> local_env -> action list type step_fun = neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env (** Those 3 registering functions must be called! *) type algo_id = string val reg_vars : algo_id -> vars -> unit val reg_enable : algo_id -> enable_fun -> unit val reg_step : algo_id -> step_fun -> unit (** raised by sasa if one of the function above is not called *) exception Unregistred of string * string (** This one is not mandatory. The initialisation done in the dot file have priority over this one. *) val reg_init_vars : algo_id -> (neighbor list -> local_env) -> unit (** Mandatory in custom mode only. *) val reg_actions : algo_id -> action list -> unit (** util(s) *) val value_to_string : value -> string (** Global infos *) val card : unit -> int (* val degree : unit -> int *) (* val diameter : unit -> int *) (**/**) (** functions below are not part of the API *) val vart_to_rif_decl: varT -> string -> (string * string) list val vart_to_rif_string: varT -> string -> string val verbose_level: int ref val set_card : int -> unit (* val set_degree : int -> unit *) (* val set_diameter : int -> unit *) (** the following functions are used by sasa *) val get_vars : algo_id -> vars val get_enable : algo_id -> enable_fun val get_step : algo_id -> step_fun val get_init_vars : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> neighbor list -> local_env val get_actions : algo_id -> action list