(* Time-stamp: <modified the 28/03/2019 (at 17:41) by Erwan Jahier> *) open Algo open Sasacore let (update_env_with_init : Env.t -> Process.t list -> Algo.neighbor list list -> Env.t) = fun e pl neighbors -> let (aux: Env.t -> Process.t -> Algo.neighbor list -> Env.t) = fun e p nl -> List.fold_left (fun e (n,_t) -> Env.set e p.pid n (p.init nl n)) e p.variables in List.fold_left2 aux e pl neighbors let (reply: Topology.t -> string -> string -> int) = fun g source target -> let rec f i = function | [] -> (-1) (* may happen in directed graphs *) | x::t -> if x=source then i else f (i+1) t in f 0 (g.succ target) let (get_neighors: Topology.t -> Process.t -> Topology.neighbor list) = fun g p -> let source_id = p.Process.pid in let idl = g.succ source_id in List.map (fun id -> let node = g.of_id id in let algo_id = Filename.chop_suffix node.file ".cmxs" in { Topology.n_id = node.id; Topology.n_vars = Algo.get_vars algo_id; Topology.n_reply = reply g source_id id; } ) idl let (dump_process: Process.t * Topology.neighbor list -> unit) = fun (p,nl) -> let pvars = StringOf.algo_vars p.variables in let neighbors = List.map StringOf.topology_neighbor nl in Printf.printf "process %s\n\tvars:%s\n\tneighors: \n\t\t%s\n" p.pid pvars (String.concat "\n\t\t" neighbors) let (update_env: Env.t -> Process.t * Algo.local_env -> Env.t) = fun e (p, lenv) -> List.fold_left (fun e (n,_) -> Env.set e p.pid n (lenv n)) e p.variables open Process open SasArg let (to_algo_neighbor: Env.t -> Topology.neighbor -> Algo.neighbor) = fun e n -> { lenv= Env.get e n.Topology.n_id; n_vars = n.Topology.n_vars; (* XXX For the 2 fields above, check the graph kind (anonymous, identified, etc. *) pid = (fun () -> n.n_id); reply = (fun () -> n.n_reply); } let (print_step : int -> int -> SasArg.t -> Env.t -> Process.t list -> string -> string -> unit) = fun n i args e pl activate_val enable_val -> if args.rif then ( if args.demon = Demon.Custom then ( (* in custom mode, to be able to talk with lurette, this should not be printed on stdout *) Printf.eprintf "\n#step %s\n" (string_of_int (n-i+1)) ; Printf.eprintf "%s #outs " activate_val; flush stderr ) else ( Printf.printf "\n#step %s\n" (string_of_int (n-i+1)) ; Printf.printf "%s #outs " activate_val; flush stdout ); Printf.printf "%s %s\n" (StringOf.env_rif e pl) enable_val; flush stderr; flush stdout ) else ( Printf.eprintf "step %s: %s %s\n" (string_of_int (n-i+1)) (StringOf.env e pl) activate_val; flush stderr ) exception Silent of int let (simustep: int -> int -> SasArg.t -> Process.t list -> string -> (Process.t * Topology.neighbor list) list -> Env.t -> Env.t * string) = fun n i args pl activate_val pl_n e -> (* 1: Get enable processes *) let all = List.fold_left (fun acc (p,nl) -> let nl4algo = List.map (to_algo_neighbor e) nl in let lenv = Env.get e p.pid in let al = p.enable nl4algo lenv in let al = List.map (fun a -> p,nl,a) al in al::acc) [] pl_n in assert (List.length pl = List.length all); let all = List.rev all in let enab_ll = List.map2 (fun p al -> let al = List.map (fun (_,_,a) -> a) al in List.map (fun a_static -> List.mem a_static al) p.actions) pl all in let enable_val = String.concat " " (List.map (fun b -> if b then "t" else "f") (List.flatten enab_ll)) in if not (args.rif) && List.for_all (fun b -> not b) (List.flatten enab_ll) then ( print_step n i args e pl activate_val enable_val; raise (Silent (n-i+1)) ); print_step n i args e pl activate_val enable_val; let next_activate_val, pnal = Demon.f (args.verbose > 1) args.demon pl all enab_ll in (* 2: Do the steps *) let lenv_list = List.map (fun (p,nl,a) -> let nl4algo = List.map (to_algo_neighbor e) nl in let lenv = Env.get e p.pid in p, p.step nl4algo lenv a) pnal in (* 3: update the env *) let ne = List.fold_left update_env e lenv_list in ne, next_activate_val type t = SasArg.t * Process.t list * (Process.t * Topology.neighbor list) list * Env.t let (make : string array -> t) = fun argv -> let args = try SasArg.parse argv; with Failure(e) -> output_string stdout e; flush stdout ; exit 2 | e -> output_string stdout (Printexc.to_string e); flush stdout; exit 2 in try let dot_file = args.topo in let g = Topology.read dot_file in let nl = g.nodes in let nstrl = List.map (fun n -> n.Topology.id) nl in let nstr = String.concat "," nstrl in Algo.verbose_level := args.verbose; Random.init args.seed; if !Algo.verbose_level > 0 then Printf.eprintf "nodes: %s\nedges:\n" nstr; let e = Env.init () in let pl = List.map (Process.make (args.demon=Custom)) nl in let neighors = List.map (get_neighors g) pl in let algo_neighors = List.map (List.map (to_algo_neighbor e)) neighors in let e = update_env_with_init e pl algo_neighors in let pl_n = List.combine pl neighors in if !Algo.verbose_level > 0 then List.iter dump_process pl_n; if args.gen_lutin then ( let fn = (Filename.remove_extension args.topo) ^ ".lut" in if Sys.file_exists fn then ( Printf.eprintf "%s already exists: rename it to proceed.\n" fn; flush stderr; exit 1 ) else let oc = open_out fn in Printf.fprintf oc "%s" (GenLutin.f pl); flush oc; close_out oc; exit 0); if args.rif then ( Printf.printf "%s" (Mypervasives.entete "#" SasaVersion.str SasaVersion.sha); if args.demon <> Demon.Custom then Printf.printf "#seed %i\n" args.seed; Printf.printf "#inputs %s\n" (if args.demon = Demon.Custom then ( let f p = List.map (fun a -> "\""^p.pid ^(if a="" then "" else "_")^a^ "\":bool") p.actions in String.concat " " (List.flatten (List.map f pl)) ) else ""); Printf.printf "#outputs %s\n" (StringOf.env_rif_decl pl); flush stdout ) else ( if args.demon <> Demon.Custom then ( Printf.printf "The pseudo-random engine is used with seed %i\n" args.seed; flush stdout ); ); if args.ifi then ( List.iter (fun p -> List.iter (fun a -> ignore (RifRead.bool (args.verbose > 1) p a)) p.actions) pl; Printf.eprintf "Ignoring the first vectors of sasa inputs\n"; flush stderr; ); args, pl, pl_n, e with | Dynlink.Error e -> Printf.printf "Error: %s\n" (Dynlink.error_message e); flush stdout; exit 2