From f665f01beecc3170040930bba278d813c0e53602 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2020 14:59:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Chore: rework the gg and gg-deco help messages

 tools/graphgen/ | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/graphgen/ b/tools/graphgen/
index eb63012e..73d53eb7 100644
--- a/tools/graphgen/
+++ b/tools/graphgen/
@@ -191,25 +191,25 @@ let (mkoptab : string array -> t -> unit) =
       | "grid" -> args.grid.width <- (int_of_float w)
       | "UDG" | "QUDG" ->  args.qudg.width <- w
       | _ -> unexpected "-w" ))
-      [(["Set the grid's width to the value (integer)\n"],"grid");
-      (["Set the UDG's terrain width to the value (float)";"10 by default.\n"],"UDG");
-      (["Set the QUDG's terrain width to the value (float)";"10 by default.\n"],"QUDG")];
+      [(["Set the grid's width \n"],"grid");
+      (["Set the UDG's terrain width";"10 by default.\n"],"UDG");
+      (["Set the QUDG's terrain width";"10 by default.\n"],"QUDG")];
     mkopt args  ["--height";"-he"] ~arg:" <float>"
       (Arg.Float (fun h -> match args.action with
       | "grid" -> args.grid.height <- (int_of_float h)
       | "UDG" | "QUDG" ->  args.qudg.height <- h
       | _ -> unexpected "-he"))
-      [(["Set the grid's height to the value (integer)\n"],"grid");
-      (["Set the UDG's terrain height to the value (float)";"10 by default.\n"],"UDG");
-      (["Set the QUDG's terrain height to the value (float)";"10 by default.\n"],"QUDG")];
+      [(["Set the grid's height\n"],"grid");
+      (["Set the UDG's terrain height";"10 by default.\n"],"UDG");
+      (["Set the QUDG's terrain height";"10 by default.\n"],"QUDG")];
     mkopt args ["--edge-probability";"-p"]~arg:" <float>"
       (Arg.Float (fun p -> match args.action with
       | "ER" -> <- p
       | _ -> unexpected "-p"))
-      [(["Set the edge appearing probability to the given value.";
+      [(["Set the edge appearing probability.";
         "Must be between 0 and 1, and is set to 0.3 by default\n"],"ER")];
@@ -217,28 +217,28 @@ let (mkoptab : string array -> t -> unit) =
       (Arg.Int (fun m -> match args.action with
       | "BA" -> <- m
       | _ -> unexpected "-m"))
-      [(["Set the number of edge generated per additional node to the given value";
+      [(["Set the number of edge generated per additional node";
         "(2 by default)\n"],"BA")];
     mkopt args ["--radius";"-r"]~arg:" <float>"
       (Arg.Float (fun r -> match args.action with
       | "UDG" ->  args.qudg.radius <- r
       | _ -> unexpected "-r"))
-      [(["Set the Unit Disc's radius around all nodes to the given value.";
+      [(["Set the Unit Disc's radius around all nodes.";
          "3 by default.\n"],"UDG")];
     mkopt args ["--first-radius";"-r0"]~arg:" <float>"
       (Arg.Float (fun r -> match args.action with
       | "QUDG" ->  args.qudg.radius <- r
       | _ -> unexpected "-r0"))
-      [(["Set the first radius around all nodes to the given value.";
+      [(["Set the first radius around all nodes.";
          "3 by default.\n"],"QUDG")];
     mkopt args ["--second-radius";"-r1"]~arg:" <float>"
       (Arg.Float (fun r -> match args.action with
       | "QUDG" ->  args.qudg.r1 <- r
       | _ -> unexpected "-r1"))
-      [(["Set the second radius around all nodes to the given value.";
+      [(["Set the second radius around all nodes.";
          "2 by default.\n"],"QUDG")];
     mkopt args ["--probability";"-p"]~arg:" <float>"