diff --git a/guides/users/README.md b/guides/users/README.md
index 5c51b49af185be4afafbfbd6fa2d6efdb31318b2..84c1524e2639f5147d78a78545f6f37770d393f3 100644
--- a/guides/users/README.md
+++ b/guides/users/README.md
@@ -1,60 +1,34 @@
-- [TL;DR](#org7460992)
-- [Topology](#org6b74c58)
-- [Algorithms](#orge7cc59f)
-- [Examples](#org9fd0d11)
-- [Batch mode](#org72ad817)
-  - [Running batch simulations with Built-in demons](#orgc56b42d)
-  - [Running batch simulations with manual demons](#org92cd9f2)
-  - [Running batch simulations with `lurette`](#org0705ed8)
-  - [Viewing Results](#orgd2e4baa)
-  - [The `sasa` CLI](#org8d9f6c5)
-- [Interactive mode](#org6af6ee2)
-  - [Example: use `rdbg` from the `test/alea-coloring/` directory](#orgf6b37f1)
-  - [The exemples of test directory](#org2913976)
-  - [Running interactive sessions with `rdbg`](#org8931da2)
-  - [Getting `rdbg` on-line help](#orgc066a85)
-  - [Useful Modules](#org07221ab)
-- [Install](#org02db332)
-  - [Via opam 2 (prefered method)](#org0c28ed7)
-  - [Via docker](#orgd84fbc0)
-  - [From source](#org193dfd6)
-- [More](#orgdadfb09)
-- [FAQ](#org96481a2)
-  - [Is there a FAQ?](#orgefc66e1)
-# Table of Contents
-1.  [TL;DR](#org7460992)
-2.  [Topology](#org6b74c58)
-3.  [Algorithms](#orge7cc59f)
-4.  [Examples](#org9fd0d11)
-5.  [Batch mode](#org72ad817)
-    1.  [Running batch simulations with Built-in demons](#orgc56b42d)
-    2.  [Running batch simulations with manual demons](#org92cd9f2)
-    3.  [Running batch simulations with `lurette`](#org0705ed8)
-    4.  [Viewing Results](#orgd2e4baa)
-    5.  [The `sasa` CLI](#org8d9f6c5)
-6.  [Interactive mode](#org6af6ee2)
-    1.  [Example: use `rdbg` from the `test/alea-coloring/` directory](#orgf6b37f1)
-    2.  [The exemples of test directory](#org2913976)
-    3.  [Running interactive sessions with `rdbg`](#org8931da2)
-    4.  [Getting `rdbg` on-line help](#orgc066a85)
-    5.  [Useful Modules](#org07221ab)
-7.  [Install](#org02db332)
-    1.  [Via opam 2 (prefered method)](#org0c28ed7)
-    2.  [Via docker](#orgd84fbc0)
-    3.  [From source](#org193dfd6)
-8.  [More](#orgdadfb09)
-9.  [FAQ](#org96481a2)
-    1.  [Is there a FAQ?](#orgefc66e1)
-<a id="org7460992"></a>
+- [TL;DR](#org6a59cc1)
+- [Topology](#org6cb2e8c)
+- [Algorithms](#org561b67a)
+- [Examples](#org9e503af)
+- [Batch mode](#org1cdbd63)
+  - [Running batch simulations with Built-in demons](#org9bfd8fb)
+  - [Running batch simulations with manual demons](#org3dbe884)
+  - [Running batch simulations with `lurette`](#org96ed0ef)
+  - [Viewing Results](#org7b0a788)
+  - [The `sasa` CLI](#orgc34facd)
+- [Interactive mode](#org0bd1887)
+  - [Example: use `rdbg` from the `test/alea-coloring/` directory](#orgbeff587)
+  - [The exemples of test directory](#org0a42ba1)
+  - [Running interactive sessions with `rdbg`](#org72c51ae)
+  - [Getting `rdbg` on-line help](#org344c1e9)
+  - [Useful Modules](#org7902bb7)
+- [Install](#org0f6b838)
+  - [Via opam 2 (prefered method)](#org91ce9b1)
+  - [Via docker](#org7b01ad4)
+  - [From source](#org9e5beee)
+- [More](#org25f2d3c)
+- [FAQ](#org2dbdf17)
+  - [Is there a FAQ?](#org75de25d)
+<a id="org6a59cc1"></a>
 # TL;DR
-SASA is a **Self-stabilizing Algorithms SimulAtor**, based on the so-called **Atomic State model** (ASM) introduced by <span class="underline">Dijkstra</span> in its seminal article on [Self-stabilizing distributed algorithms](http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~EWD/ewd04xx/EWD426.PDF).
+<a id="org5c692f2"></a> SASA is a **Self-stabilizing Algorithms SimulAtor**, based on the so-called **Atomic State model** (ASM) introduced by <span class="underline">Dijkstra</span> in its seminal article on [Self-stabilizing distributed algorithms](http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~EWD/ewd04xx/EWD426.PDF).
 Basically, one needs to provide:
@@ -76,7 +50,7 @@ The source code is available at <https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/ve
-<a id="org6b74c58"></a>
+<a id="org6cb2e8c"></a>
 # Topology
@@ -139,19 +113,21 @@ Such parameters can be retreived in Algorithms using the `Algo.get_graph_attribu
 nb: a `Algo.diameter: unit -> int` function is provided, but it can be expensive to use.
-<a id="orge7cc59f"></a>
+<a id="org561b67a"></a>
 # Algorithms
+<a id="orga4ccd12"></a>
 The following has been generated from [algo.mli](https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa/blob/master/lib/algo/algo.mli)
 <div class="html">
-<iframe title="The Algo API" width="700" height="700" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/algo/Algo/index.html>" alt="<sub>html</sub>/algo/Algo/index.html";> </iframe>
+<iframe title="The Algo API" name="algo-api" width="700" height="700" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/algo/Algo/index.html>" alt="<sub>html</sub>/algo/Algo/index.html";> </iframe>
-<a id="org9fd0d11"></a>
+<a id="org9e503af"></a>
 # Examples
@@ -179,14 +155,14 @@ The `test` directory also contains sub-directories which gathers programs shared
 -   `test/*/my-rdbg-tuning.ml`: includes `test/my-rdbg-tuning.ml` and defines commands specific to the example of the directory. Indeed, `rdbg`, once launched, first tries to read the content of the file name `my-rdbg-tuning.ml` (it it exists).
-<a id="org72ad817"></a>
+<a id="org1cdbd63"></a>
 # Batch mode
-<a id="orgc56b42d"></a>
+<a id="org9bfd8fb"></a>
 ## Running batch simulations with Built-in demons
@@ -211,7 +187,7 @@ sasa -h | grep "\-demon"
     --custom-demon, -custd
-<a id="org92cd9f2"></a>
+<a id="org3dbe884"></a>
 ## Running batch simulations with manual demons
@@ -238,7 +214,7 @@ It can also by simulated by [`lutin`](http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNC
 Built-in demons can of course be programmed in Lutin. One can generate such demons using the `--gen-lutin-demon` option: `sasa --gen-lutin-demon a_graph.dot`. It can be handy at least to get the demons variables names in the good order if one to write its own demon.
-<a id="org0705ed8"></a>
+<a id="org96ed0ef"></a>
 ## Running batch simulations with `lurette`
@@ -261,14 +237,14 @@ lurette \
-<a id="orgd2e4baa"></a>
+<a id="org7b0a788"></a>
 ## Viewing Results
 `sasa -rif` and `lurette` generates `.rif` files that can be viewed with `gnuplot-rif` or `sim2chro`; cf <http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE/lustre-v6/>
-<a id="org8d9f6c5"></a>
+<a id="orgc34facd"></a>
 ## The `sasa` CLI
@@ -331,14 +307,14 @@ sasa --more
                 Display the version ocaml version sasa was compiled with and exit.
-<a id="org6af6ee2"></a>
+<a id="org0bd1887"></a>
 # Interactive mode
-<a id="orge1b419c"></a> If you want to perform interactive session, you can launch `sasa` under the control of [rdbg](http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE/rdbg/). Before reading this section, please read at least the [Basic usage Section if the rdbg documentation](http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE/rdbg/README.html#Level0).
+<a id="orgd6ea8ef"></a> If you want to perform interactive session, you can launch `sasa` under the control of [rdbg](http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE/rdbg/). Before reading this section, please read at least the [Basic usage Section if the rdbg documentation](http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE/rdbg/README.html#Level0).
-<a id="orgf6b37f1"></a>
+<a id="orgbeff587"></a>
 ## Example: use `rdbg` from the `test/alea-coloring/` directory
@@ -391,7 +367,7 @@ $ rdbg
 Typing `[Enter]` will therefore also load the `rdbg_session.ml` file we have just been using.
-<a id="org2913976"></a>
+<a id="org0a42ba1"></a>
 ## The exemples of test directory
@@ -402,7 +378,7 @@ The [test](https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa/t
 -   `test/*/my-rdbg-tuning.ml`: includes `test/my-rdbg-tuning.ml` and defines commands specific to the example of the directory. Indeed, `rdbg`, once launched, first tries to read the content of the file name `my-rdbg-tuning.ml` (it it exists).
-<a id="org8931da2"></a>
+<a id="org72c51ae"></a>
 ## Running interactive sessions with `rdbg`
@@ -419,7 +395,7 @@ The [test](https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa/t
 All those commands are defined in (the common) [test/my-rdbg-tuning.ml](https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa/tree/master/test/my-rdbg-tuning.ml) that is included in (locals) `test/*/my-rdbg-tuning.ml` that are included in (generated) `test/*/rdbg-session.ml` files. `my-rdbg-tuning.ml` contains straigthforward `ocaml` code that defines various `rdbg` shortcuts to ease the simulation of `sasa` systems. Feel free to tailor those command to yours needs by modyfying the local `my-rdbg-tuning.ml`!
-<a id="orgc066a85"></a>
+<a id="org344c1e9"></a>
 ## Getting `rdbg` on-line help
@@ -432,42 +408,42 @@ Here are 2 useful entry-points to rdbg on-line help:
 (rdbg) l
-    899ba97918e5b30522844acaf1223a45
+    4d46fec6a0a873e3eaa224895e4ab057
-<a id="org07221ab"></a>
+<a id="org7902bb7"></a>
 ## Useful Modules
 Some modules, used by the sasa core engine, can be useful from `rdbg`.
 <div class="html">
-<iframe title="The Algo API" width="700" height="500" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Topology/index.html>" alt="<./_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Topology/index.html>";> </iframe>
+<iframe title="The Topology API" name="topology-api" width="700" height="500" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Topology/index.html>" alt="<./_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Topology/index.html>";> </iframe>
 <div class="html">
-<iframe title="The Algo API" width="700" height="300" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Diameter/index.html>" alt="<./_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Diameter/index.html>";> </iframe>
+<iframe title="The Diameter API" name="diameter-api" width="700" height="300" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Diameter/index.html>" alt="<./_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Diameter/index.html>";> </iframe>
 <div class="html">
-<iframe title="The Algo API" width="700" height="300" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Process/index.html>" alt="<./_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Process/index.html>";> </iframe>
+<iframe title="The Process API" width="700" height="300" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Process/index.html>" alt="<./_html/sasacore/Sasacore/Process/index.html>";> </iframe>
 <div class="html">
-<iframe title="The Algo API" width="700" height="300" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/sasacore/Sasacore/StringOf/index.html>" alt="<./_html/sasacore/Sasacore/StringOf/index.html>";> </iframe>
+<iframe title="The StringOf API" width="700" height="300" src="<https://verimag.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/synchrone/sasa/_html/sasacore/Sasacore/StringOf/index.html>" alt="<./_html/sasacore/Sasacore/StringOf/index.html>";> </iframe>
-<a id="org02db332"></a>
+<a id="org0f6b838"></a>
 # Install
-<a id="org0c28ed7"></a>
+<a id="org91ce9b1"></a>
 ## Via opam 2 (prefered method)
@@ -492,14 +468,14 @@ opam install -y rdbg lutin
-<a id="orgd84fbc0"></a>
+<a id="org7b01ad4"></a>
 ## Via docker
 cf the Docker Install section of the [Synchrone Reactive Tool Box](http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE/lustre-v6/#docker).
-<a id="org193dfd6"></a>
+<a id="org9e5beee"></a>
 ## From source
@@ -519,7 +495,7 @@ opam install dune ocamlgraph rdbg lutin
 One can mimick the content of the `test` job in the project [.gitlab-ci.yml Gitlab CI script](https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa/tree/master/.gitlab-ci.yml).
-<a id="orgdadfb09"></a>
+<a id="org25f2d3c"></a>
 # More
@@ -527,12 +503,12 @@ One can mimick the content of the `test` job in the project [.gitlab-ci.yml Gitl
 -   Sources: <https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa>
-<a id="org96481a2"></a>
+<a id="org2dbdf17"></a>
 # FAQ
-<a id="orgefc66e1"></a>
+<a id="org75de25d"></a>
 ## Is there a FAQ?
diff --git a/guides/users/README.org b/guides/users/README.org
index a9db1ebf3a8a5b7a0e8687f62654f8c9a4f1e843..9d5ff6743c5fa8b22bef8348a576b9bb195ced7c 100644
--- a/guides/users/README.org
+++ b/guides/users/README.org
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 # +SETUPFILE: theme-readtheorg-local.setup
 #+SETUPFILE: theme-bigblow-local.setup
-#+TOC: headlines 2
 #+LANGUAGE:  en
 #+OPTIONS:   H:3   \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t TeX:t LaTeX:nil skip:nil tags:not-in-toc
-#+OPTIONS: toc:t
+#+HTML_HEAD: <base target="_parent">  
 #+TOC: listings
 #+TOC: tables             
 #+EMAIL: erwan.jahier@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr  
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 * TL;DR 
 SASA is a *Self-stabilizing Algorithms SimulAtor*, based on the
 so-called *Atomic State model* (ASM) introduced by _Dijkstra_ in its seminal article
 on [[http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~EWD/ewd04xx/EWD426.PDF][Self-stabilizing distributed algorithms]].
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa
 #+attr_html: :width 300px
 * Topology
 The topology is given via =.dot= files, that  should 
@@ -106,11 +108,12 @@ nb:  a =Algo.diameter: unit -> int= function is provided, but it can
 be expensive to use.
 * Algorithms
 The following has been generated from [[https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/sasa/blob/master/lib/algo/algo.mli][algo.mli]]
-<iframe title="The Algo API"
+<iframe title="The Algo API" name="algo-api"
@@ -220,9 +223,9 @@ first.  But =sasa=  needs to  play first,  to be  able to  state which
 actions are enabled at the very first step.  Hence =sasa= is used as a
 =lurette= environment, and the daemon program is used a =lurette= SUT.
-If one wants to use an internal sasa daemon, no environment is needed
-and sasa can be used with =-sut=.  In order to use an oracle defined in
-Lustre, one can use =lurette= as follows:
+If one wants to use an  internal sasa daemon, no environment is needed
+and sasa can be  used with =-sut=.  In order to  use an oracle defined
+in Lustre, one can use =lurette= as follows:
 #+BEGIN_SRC sh	
  lurette \
@@ -426,7 +429,7 @@ echo "\nl\nq\n" | rdbg | tail -n +21
 Some modules, used by the sasa core engine, can be useful from =rdbg=.
-<iframe title="The Algo API"
+<iframe title="The Topology API" name="topology-api"
@@ -434,7 +437,7 @@ Some modules, used by the sasa core engine, can be useful from =rdbg=.
-<iframe title="The Algo API"
+<iframe title="The Diameter API"  name="diameter-api"
@@ -442,7 +445,7 @@ Some modules, used by the sasa core engine, can be useful from =rdbg=.
-<iframe title="The Algo API"
+<iframe title="The Process API"
@@ -450,7 +453,7 @@ Some modules, used by the sasa core engine, can be useful from =rdbg=.
-<iframe title="The Algo API"
+<iframe title="The StringOf API"