From ac38cbc6d0941f0646ac81b3b31010ee86932a2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: erwan <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2021 15:56:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] docs: some fixes

 guides/contributors/ | 26 +++++++++++++++---------
 lib/algo/algo.mli              | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guides/contributors/ b/guides/contributors/
index 724eec0f..7e00b5fa 100644
--- a/guides/contributors/
+++ b/guides/contributors/
@@ -5,21 +5,27 @@ Self-stabilizing Algorithms SimulAtor
 Contributors Guide
+(cf file:Makefile to update them)
 * Releases Notes
 * Compiling sasa sources
 You will need:
 - =make=
-- a set of tools installable via [[][opam]]
-  - =dune= 
-  - =ocamlgraph=
-  - =lutin= (not for compiling actually, but for using sasa with custom daemons)
+- =opam=
+- the =sasa= =opam= dependencies, that you can install by:
+opam add repo verimag
+opam update
+opam install --deps-only sasa
 cf the test job in the Gitlab CI script:  [[file:../../.gitlab-ci.yml][../../.gitlab-ci.yml]]
 for a working installation process.
@@ -69,7 +75,7 @@ values. It can also by simulated by =lutin= programs via the use of
 - [[file:../../lib/sasacore/demon.mli][../../lib/sasacore/daemon.mli]]
 - [[file:../../lib/sasacore/][../../lib/sasacore/]]
-custom Lutin programs that mimick the built-in modes can be generated
+custom Lutin programs that mimic the built-in modes can be generated
 #+INCLUDE: "../../lib/sasacore/genLutin.mli" src ocaml
@@ -130,14 +136,14 @@ Examples of use can be found in:
 The [[file:../../lib/sasacore/][../../lib/sasacore/]] is automatically generated
 - by [[file:../../Makefile.version][../../Makefile.version]]
 - using git tags that are automatically generated using the =release=
-  job of the CI script, which is based on [[][semantic-release-gitlab]]
+  job of the CI script, which is based on [[][@semantic-release/gitlab]]
 In order to generate sensible version numbers, please follow in your
 commit messages the conventions described here:
 This also permits to generate some Releases Notes:
 * Pluging =sasa= on Synchronous tools
diff --git a/lib/algo/algo.mli b/lib/algo/algo.mli
index 14c7b661..58103e35 100644
--- a/lib/algo/algo.mli
+++ b/lib/algo/algo.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 09/04/2021 (at 10:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 27/08/2021 (at 14:37) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** {1 The Algorithm programming Interface}
     A SASA process is an instance of an algorithm defined via this
@@ -27,17 +27,18 @@ type 's step_fun   = 's -> 's neighbor list -> action -> 's
    need into  this state  (an integer, a  structure, etc.).   The only
    constraint is that all algorithms should use the same type.
-   - The second  argument holds the process  neighbors (its successors
-   in the graph). Note that SASA  processes, that live in graph nodes,
-   can only access to their  immediate neighbors.  From each neighbor,
-   a process can  access to various information  (cf [state], [reply],
-   and [weight] functions below).
+   - The second argument  holds the process neighbors it  can read the
+   state of  (i.e., its  predecessors in the  graph).  Note  that SASA
+   processes,  that live  in graph  nodes,  can only  access to  their
+   immediate neighbors.  From  each neighbor, a process  can access to
+   various information  (cf [state],  [reply], and  [weight] functions
+   below).
     [enable_fun] returns the list of enable actions.
-    [step_fun], which also takes an action in input, returns the new value
-    of the local state resulting from the execution of the action.
+    [step_fun], which also  takes an action in input,  returns the new
+   value  of the  local  state  resulting from  the  execution of  the
+   action.  *)
 type 's state_init_fun = int -> string -> 's
 (**  The  initial  value of  the  local  state  can  be set  using  an
@@ -116,18 +117,23 @@ val links_number : unit -> int
 val diameter : unit -> int
 (**  {3 Trees} *)
+(** a tree is an a-cyclic and connected graph (directed or not) *)
 val is_tree : unit -> bool
+(** an in-tree is a _directed_ tree where all nodes have at most one _predecessor_ *)
 val is_in_tree : unit -> bool
+(** an out-tree is a _directed_ tree where all nodes have at most one _successor_ *)
 val is_out_tree : unit -> bool
-(** returns true if the graph is an undirected rooted tree
-   (i.e. every node has exactly one parent except the root, which has none),
-   false otherwise *)
-val is_rooted_tree : unit -> bool
+(** {3 Rooted Trees}
+  A rooted tree in a tree where one vertex is distinguished.
-(* The following 4 functions only work on rooted trees
-  (in-trees and out-trees generated by gg are ok) *)
+  By convention,  sasa considers a  tree to  be rooted if  exactly one
+  node id contains the string "root".
+  The following 4 functions only work on rooted trees
 (** maps each node to the size of the corresponding sub-tree *)
 val sub_tree_size : string (* the node id *) -> int
@@ -142,6 +148,7 @@ val level : string (* the node id *) -> int
    for the tree root. *)
 val parent : string (* the node id *) -> int option
+val is_rooted_tree : unit -> bool
 (** It is possible to set some global parameters in the dot file
    using graph attributes. This function allows one the get their