From a622266e1ba860a05bab5a9b3277c0e0ec9a8380 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2020 14:05:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update: the merged code now compiles!

 tools/ggDeco/          |   6 +-
 tools/graphgen/  | 127 ++++++++++---------
 tools/graphgen/classicGraph.mli |  18 +--
 tools/graphgen/      | 213 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 tools/graphgen/  | 101 ++++++++-------
 tools/graphgen/graphGen_arg.mli |   1 +
 tools/graphgen/   |  33 ++---
 tools/graphgen/randomGraph.mli  |  11 +-
 8 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 246 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/ggDeco/ b/tools/ggDeco/
index de4f6ea5..0cbdd3bb 100644
--- a/tools/ggDeco/
+++ b/tools/ggDeco/
@@ -52,11 +52,7 @@ let deco : (Topology.t -> files_spec_t list -> Topology.t) =
     ) g.nodes;
-    {
-      nodes = List.rev !newNodes;
-      succ = g.succ; 
-      of_id = g.of_id;
-    }
+    { g with nodes = List.rev !newNodes }
diff --git a/tools/graphgen/ b/tools/graphgen/
index 2fd99521..8ed75fe0 100644
--- a/tools/graphgen/
+++ b/tools/graphgen/
@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ let nid_list_remove : (node_id list -> node_id -> (int option*node_id) list) =
   fun l e -> rev (fold_left (fun acc elem -> if(elem <> e) then (None,elem)::acc else acc ) [] l)
-let (gen_clique: int -> Topology.t) =
-  fun nb ->
-  let (node_succ:node_succ_t) = Hashtbl.create nb and nodes = create_nodes "p" (0,nb) in
-  List.iter (fun node_id -> Hashtbl.replace node_succ node_id (nid_list_remove nodes node_id)) nodes;
+let (gen_clique: bool -> int -> Topology.t) =
+  fun directed nb ->
+  let (node_succ:node_succ_t) = Hashtbl.create nb
+  and nodes = create_nodes "p" (0,nb)
+  in
+  List.iter
+    (fun node_id -> Hashtbl.replace node_succ node_id (nid_list_remove nodes node_id))
+    nodes;
   let nl = id_to_empty_nodes nodes in
     nodes = nl;
     succ = (fun n -> try Hashtbl.find node_succ n with Not_found -> []);
-    of_id = get_of_id nl
+    of_id = get_of_id nl;
+    directed = directed
-let (gen_star: int -> Topology.t) =
-  fun nb ->
+let (gen_star: bool -> int -> Topology.t) =
+  fun directed nb ->
   let (node_succ:node_succ_t) = Hashtbl.create nb and nodes = "root"::(create_nodes "p" (1,nb)) in
   let first = hd nodes in
   List.iter (fun node -> Hashtbl.replace node_succ node (if node = first then nid_list_remove nodes node else [(None,first)])) nodes;
@@ -30,7 +35,8 @@ let (gen_star: int -> Topology.t) =
     nodes = nl;
     succ = (fun n -> try Hashtbl.find node_succ n with Not_found -> []);
-    of_id = get_of_id nl
+    of_id = get_of_id nl;
+    directed = directed
 let add_weight (li : node_id list) : (int option * node_id) list = map (fun elem -> (None,elem)) li
@@ -54,61 +60,63 @@ let neighbours_ring : (node_id list -> (node_id -> (int option * node_id) list))
   iter2 (fun neighbours elem -> Hashtbl.replace node_succ elem (add_weight neighbours)) ret li ;
   (fun n -> try Hashtbl.find node_succ n with Not_found -> [])
-  let (gen_ring: int -> Topology.t) =
-    fun nb ->
-    let nodes = (create_nodes "p" (0,nb)) in
-    let nl = id_to_empty_nodes nodes in
-    {
-      nodes = nl;
-      succ = neighbours_ring nodes;
-      of_id = get_of_id nl
-    }
+let (gen_ring: bool -> int -> Topology.t) =
+  fun directed nb ->
+  let nodes = (create_nodes "p" (0,nb)) in
+  let nl = id_to_empty_nodes nodes in
+  {
+    nodes = nl;
+    succ = neighbours_ring nodes;
+    of_id = get_of_id nl;
+    directed = directed
+  }
-  let (gen_grid: int -> int -> Topology.t) =
-    fun length width -> 
-    Printf.eprintf "Computing a %ix%i grid...\n" length width;
-    flush stderr;
-    let nb = length*width in
-    let nodes = (create_nodes "p" (0,nb)) and table = Hashtbl.create nb in
-    for i=0 to length-1 do
-      for j=0 to width-1 do
-        let n_id = (List.nth nodes (j*length + i)) in
-        let bl = if(i=0) then 0 else -1 in
-        let br = if(i=(length-1)) then 0 else 1 in
-        let bup = if(j=0) then 0 else -1 in
-        let bdown = if(j=(width-1)) then 0 else 1 in
-        for ip=bl to br do
-          for jp=bup to bdown do
-            if not ((ip=0 && jp=0) || (ip=jp) || (ip = -jp)) then
-              (Hashtbl.replace table n_id
-                 ((None,(List.nth nodes ((j+jp)*length + i+ip)))::(
-                    try Hashtbl.find table n_id with Not_found -> [])); ) else () 
-          done;
+let (gen_grid: bool -> int -> int -> Topology.t) =
+  fun directed length width -> 
+  Printf.eprintf "Computing a %ix%i grid...\n" length width;
+  flush stderr;
+  let nb = length*width in
+  let nodes = (create_nodes "p" (0,nb)) and table = Hashtbl.create nb in
+  for i=0 to length-1 do
+    for j=0 to width-1 do
+      let n_id = (List.nth nodes (j*length + i)) in
+      let bl = if(i=0) then 0 else -1 in
+      let br = if(i=(length-1)) then 0 else 1 in
+      let bup = if(j=0) then 0 else -1 in
+      let bdown = if(j=(width-1)) then 0 else 1 in
+      for ip=bl to br do
+        for jp=bup to bdown do
+          if not ((ip=0 && jp=0) || (ip=jp) || (ip = -jp)) then
+            (Hashtbl.replace table n_id
+               ((None,(List.nth nodes ((j+jp)*length + i+ip)))::(
+                   try Hashtbl.find table n_id with Not_found -> [])); ) else () 
-    let nl = id_to_empty_nodes nodes in
-    Printf.eprintf "Computing a %ix%i grid: Done!\n" length width;flush stderr;
-    {
-      nodes = nl;
-      succ = (fun nid -> (try Hashtbl.find table nid with Not_found -> []));
-      of_id = get_of_id nl
-    }
+  done;
+  let nl = id_to_empty_nodes nodes in
+  Printf.eprintf "Computing a %ix%i grid: Done!\n" length width;flush stderr;
+  {
+    nodes = nl;
+    succ = (fun nid -> (try Hashtbl.find table nid with Not_found -> []));
+    of_id = get_of_id nl;
+    directed = directed
+  }
 let rec link_hypercube_nodes : (node_id array -> node_succ_t -> unit) =
   fun na n_s -> 
-    let len = Array.length na in let mid = len / 2 in
-    if len > 1 then 
-      let n1 = (Array.sub na 0 mid) and n2 = (Array.sub na mid mid) in
-      link_hypercube_nodes n1 n_s; 
-      link_hypercube_nodes n2 n_s;
-      Array.iter2 (fun node1 node2 -> 
-                            Hashtbl.replace n_s node1
-                              ((None,node2)::(try Hashtbl.find n_s node1 with Not_found -> []));
-                            Hashtbl.replace n_s node2
-                              ((None,node1)::(try Hashtbl.find n_s node2 with Not_found -> []))
-                  ) n1 n2
+  let len = Array.length na in let mid = len / 2 in
+  if len > 1 then 
+    let n1 = (Array.sub na 0 mid) and n2 = (Array.sub na mid mid) in
+    link_hypercube_nodes n1 n_s; 
+    link_hypercube_nodes n2 n_s;
+    Array.iter2 (fun node1 node2 -> 
+        Hashtbl.replace n_s node1
+          ((None,node2)::(try Hashtbl.find n_s node1 with Not_found -> []));
+        Hashtbl.replace n_s node2
+          ((None,node1)::(try Hashtbl.find n_s node2 with Not_found -> []))
+      ) n1 n2
 let neighbours_hyper_cube : (node_id list -> (node_id -> (int option * node_id) list)) = 
   fun nl -> 
@@ -117,13 +125,14 @@ let neighbours_hyper_cube : (node_id list -> (node_id -> (int option * node_id)
     link_hypercube_nodes na node_succ;
     (fun n -> try Hashtbl.find node_succ n with Not_found -> [])
-let gen_hyper_cube : (int -> Topology.t) = 
-  fun dim -> 
+let gen_hyper_cube : (bool -> int -> Topology.t) = 
+  fun directed dim -> 
     let nb = int_of_float (2. ** (float_of_int dim)) in
     let nodes = (create_nodes "p" (0,nb)) in
     let nl = id_to_empty_nodes nodes in
       nodes = nl;
       succ = neighbours_hyper_cube nodes;
-      of_id = get_of_id nl
-    }
+      of_id = get_of_id nl;
+      directed = directed
+  }
diff --git a/tools/graphgen/classicGraph.mli b/tools/graphgen/classicGraph.mli
index bed633a6..075ede36 100644
--- a/tools/graphgen/classicGraph.mli
+++ b/tools/graphgen/classicGraph.mli
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
 open Sasacore
-(** Generate a clique graph of n nodes *)
-val gen_clique : (int -> Topology.t)
+(** Generate  a clique graph of  n nodes; the bool  states whether the
+   graph is directed *)
+val gen_clique : bool -> int -> Topology.t
 (** Generate a star graph of n nodes *)
-val gen_star : (int -> Topology.t)
+val gen_star : bool -> int -> Topology.t
 (** Generate a ring graph of n nodes *)
-val gen_ring :(int -> Topology.t)
+val gen_ring : bool -> int -> Topology.t
-(** take the two dimension i,j of the grid and return a grid graph whith these dimension *)                
-val gen_grid : (int -> int -> Topology.t)
+(** Take  the two dimensions  i,j of the grid  and return a  grid graph
+   with these dimensions *)                
+val gen_grid : bool -> int -> int -> Topology.t
-(** take a dimension and generate hyper cube graph of this dimension *)                  
-val gen_hyper_cube : (int -> Topology.t) 
+(** Take a dimension and generate hyper cube graph of this dimension *)                  
+val gen_hyper_cube : bool -> int -> Topology.t 
diff --git a/tools/graphgen/ b/tools/graphgen/
index 4af384b8..a12eddaf 100644
--- a/tools/graphgen/
+++ b/tools/graphgen/
@@ -14,124 +14,122 @@ let connected_cyclic = ref None
 let height:int option ref = ref None
 let generate_du_dur graph plan_udg t : unit =
   if (t.dotUDG <> "") then (
     make_dot_udg_qudg graph plan_udg (t.qudg.width,t.qudg.height) (t.dotUDGrad));
   if (t.dotUDGrad <> "") then (
     make_dot_udg_qudg graph plan_udg (t.qudg.width,t.qudg.height) ~r0:(t.qudg.radius)
       ~r1:(t.qudg.r1) (t.dotUDGrad); 
     Printf.printf "%f -- %f" t.qudg.radius t.qudg.r1
-  );
-  ()
+  )
 let compute_attr : (Topology.t -> string list -> (string * string) list) =
   fun g ->
     (fun attr -> 
-      Printf.eprintf "Computing %s\n" attr;
-      flush stderr;
-      attr,match attr with
-           | "min_deg" ->
-              string_of_int
-                (match !min_max with
-                 | None -> (
-                   let min, max = Topology.get_degree g in
-                   min_max := Some (min, max);
-                   min)
-                 | Some x -> fst x)
-           | "mean_deg" ->
-              string_of_float (Topology.get_mean_degree g)
-           | "max_deg" ->
-              string_of_int (match !min_max with
-                             | None -> (
-                               let x = get_degree g in
-                               min_max := Some x;
-                               snd x)
-                             | Some x -> snd x)
-           | "is_connected" ->
-              string_of_bool (
-                  match !connected_cyclic with
-                  | None -> (
-                    let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
-                    connected_cyclic := Some x;
-                    fst x)
-                  | Some x -> fst x )
-           | "is_cyclic" ->
-              string_of_bool
-                (match !connected_cyclic with
-                 | None -> (
-                   let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
-                   connected_cyclic := Some x;
-                   snd x)
-                 | Some x -> snd x )
-           | "is_tree" ->
-              string_of_bool
-                (match !connected_cyclic with
-                 | None -> (
-                   let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
-                   connected_cyclic := Some x;
-                   (fst x) && (snd x))
-                 | Some x -> (fst x) && (snd x) )
-           | "links_number" -> string_of_int (get_nb_link g false)
-           | "diameter" -> string_of_int (Diameter.get g)
-           | s -> string_of_int (let s = String.split_on_char ' ' s in
-                                 if List.hd s = "height" && List.length s = 2 then
-                                   get_height g (List.hd ( s))
-                                 else raise Incorrect_attribute)
+       Printf.eprintf "Computing %s\n" attr;
+       flush stderr;
+       attr,match attr with
+       | "min_deg" ->
+         string_of_int
+           (match !min_max with
+            | None -> (
+                let min, max = Topology.get_degree g in
+                min_max := Some (min, max);
+                min)
+            | Some x -> fst x)
+       | "mean_deg" ->
+         string_of_float (Topology.get_mean_degree g)
+       | "max_deg" ->
+         string_of_int (match !min_max with
+             | None -> (
+                 let x = get_degree g in
+                 min_max := Some x;
+                 snd x)
+             | Some x -> snd x)
+       | "is_connected" ->
+         string_of_bool (
+           match !connected_cyclic with
+           | None -> (
+               let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
+               connected_cyclic := Some x;
+               fst x)
+           | Some x -> fst x )
+       | "is_cyclic" ->
+         string_of_bool
+           (match !connected_cyclic with
+            | None -> (
+                let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
+                connected_cyclic := Some x;
+                snd x)
+            | Some x -> snd x )
+       | "is_tree" ->
+         string_of_bool
+           (match !connected_cyclic with
+            | None -> (
+                let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
+                connected_cyclic := Some x;
+                (fst x) && (snd x))
+            | Some x -> (fst x) && (snd x) )
+       | "links_number" -> string_of_int (get_nb_link g)
+       | "diameter" -> string_of_int (Diameter.get g)
+       | s -> string_of_int (let s = String.split_on_char ' ' s in
+                             if List.hd s = "height" && List.length s = 2 then
+                               get_height g (List.hd ( s))
+                             else raise Incorrect_attribute)
 let all_attr : (Topology.t -> (string * string) list) =
   fun g ->
   [ "min_deg", string_of_int
-                 (match !min_max with
-                  | None -> (
-                    Printf.eprintf "Computing the min_degree...\n"; flush stderr;
-                    let min, max = Topology.get_degree g in
-                    min_max := Some (min, max);
-                    min)
-                  | Some x -> fst x);
+      (match !min_max with
+       | None -> (
+           Printf.eprintf "Computing the min_degree...\n"; flush stderr;
+           let min, max = Topology.get_degree g in
+           min_max := Some (min, max);
+           min)
+       | Some x -> fst x);
     "mean_deg", string_of_float (
-                    Printf.eprintf "Computing the mean_degree...\n"; flush stderr;
-                    Topology.get_mean_degree g);
+      Printf.eprintf "Computing the mean_degree...\n"; flush stderr;
+      Topology.get_mean_degree g);
     "max_deg",  string_of_int (match !min_max with
-                               | None -> (
-                                 Printf.eprintf "Computing the max_degree...\n";
-                                 flush stderr;
-                                 let x = get_degree g in
-                                 min_max := Some x;
-                                 snd x)
-                               | Some x -> snd x);
+        | None -> (
+            Printf.eprintf "Computing the max_degree...\n";
+            flush stderr;
+            let x = get_degree g in
+            min_max := Some x;
+            snd x)
+        | Some x -> snd x);
     "is_connected",  string_of_bool (
-                         match !connected_cyclic with
-                         | None -> (
-                           Printf.eprintf "Computing the connection...\n";
-                           flush stderr;
-                           let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
-                           connected_cyclic := Some x;
-                           fst x)
-                         | Some x -> fst x );
+      match !connected_cyclic with
+      | None -> (
+          Printf.eprintf "Computing the connection...\n";
+          flush stderr;
+          let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
+          connected_cyclic := Some x;
+          fst x)
+      | Some x -> fst x );
     "is_cyclic", string_of_bool
-                   (match !connected_cyclic with
-                    | None -> (
-                      Printf.eprintf "Computing the cyclicity...\n";
-                      flush stderr;
-                      let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
-                      connected_cyclic := Some x;
-                      snd x)
-                    | Some x -> snd x );
+      (match !connected_cyclic with
+       | None -> (
+           Printf.eprintf "Computing the cyclicity...\n";
+           flush stderr;
+           let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
+           connected_cyclic := Some x;
+           snd x)
+       | Some x -> snd x );
     "is_tree", string_of_bool
-                 (match !connected_cyclic with
-                  | None -> (
-                    Printf.eprintf "Computing the tree-ness...\n";
-                    flush stderr;
-                    let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
-                    connected_cyclic := Some x;
-                    (fst x) && (snd x))
-                  | Some x -> (fst x) && (snd x) );
+      (match !connected_cyclic with
+       | None -> (
+           Printf.eprintf "Computing the tree-ness...\n";
+           flush stderr;
+           let x = is_connected_and_cyclic g in
+           connected_cyclic := Some x;
+           (fst x) && (snd x))
+       | Some x -> (fst x) && (snd x) );
     "links_number", string_of_int (
-                        Printf.eprintf "Computing the link_number...\n";
-                        flush stderr;
-                        get_nb_link g false);
+      Printf.eprintf "Computing the link_number...\n";
+      flush stderr;
+      get_nb_link g);
+    (*    
     "diameter", string_of_int (
                     Printf.eprintf "Computing the diameter...\n";
                     flush stderr;
@@ -219,25 +217,26 @@ let () = (
     if (t.outputFile <> "" && not t.silent) 
     then Printf.eprintf "Generating a %s graph...\n" t.action;
     flush stderr;
+    let dir = t.directed in
     let g = ( match t.action with
               | "void" -> exit 0
-              | "clique" -> (gen_clique t.n)
-              | "star" -> (gen_star t.n)
-              | "ring" -> (gen_ring t.n)
-              | "grid" -> (gen_grid t.grid.height t.grid.width)
-              | "HC" -> (gen_hyper_cube t.n)
-              | "ER" -> (gen_ER t.n
-              | "BA" -> (gen_BA t.n
-              | "tree" -> (rand_tree t.n)
+              | "clique" -> (gen_clique dir t.n)
+              | "star" -> (gen_star dir t.n)
+              | "ring" -> (gen_ring dir t.n)
+              | "grid" -> (gen_grid dir t.grid.height t.grid.width)
+              | "HC" -> (gen_hyper_cube dir t.n)
+              | "ER" -> (gen_ER dir t.n
+              | "BA" -> (gen_BA dir t.n
+              | "tree" -> (rand_tree dir t.n)
               | "UDG" -> 
                 let (graph, plan) =
-                  gen_udg t.n t.qudg.width t.qudg.height t.qudg.radius
+                  gen_udg dir t.n t.qudg.width t.qudg.height t.qudg.radius
                 generate_du_dur graph plan t;
               | "QUDG" ->
                  let (graph, plan) =
-                   gen_qudg t.n t.qudg.width t.qudg.height t.qudg.radius
+                   gen_qudg dir t.n t.qudg.width t.qudg.height t.qudg.radius
                      t.qudg.r1 t.qudg.p
                  generate_du_dur graph plan t;
diff --git a/tools/graphgen/ b/tools/graphgen/
index 8327534e..5a6f7d5e 100644
--- a/tools/graphgen/
+++ b/tools/graphgen/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type t = {
   mutable attr : string list;
   mutable silent : bool;
+  mutable directed : bool;
   mutable _args : (string * Arg.spec * string) list;
   mutable _man : (string * (string list * action) list) list;
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ let (make_args : unit -> t) =
       attr = [];
       silent = false;
+      directed = false;
       _args  = [];
       _man = [];
@@ -288,6 +289,10 @@ let (mkoptab : string array -> t -> unit) =
       [(["Remove all outputs, except the dot output if it is on stdout,";
         "and the error if one occurred.\n"],"void")];
+    mkopt args ["--directed";"-dir"]
+      (Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.directed <- true))
+      [(["Generate a directed graph.\n"],"void")];
     args._man <- ("--attributes, -atr <attributes>...", [([
         "Specify the given attributes of the graph to his DOT file.";
         "the possible attributes are :";
@@ -309,51 +314,51 @@ let (add_other : t -> string -> unit) =
 let current = ref 1;;
 let parse argv = (
-    let save_current = !current in
-    let args = make_args () in
-    mkoptab argv args;
-    try (
-      (if (Array.length argv) = 1 then (
-         print_usage stdout true argv.(0);
-         exit 1 (* no command or invalid command *)));
-      let possible_actions =
-        ["clique";"star";"ring";"grid";"HC";"ER";"BA";"tree";"UDG";"QUDG"]
-      in
-      (
-        if (List.mem argv.(1) possible_actions) then args.action <- argv.(1)
-        else
-          if (List.mem argv.(1) ["-h";"--help";"-help"]) then help args (argv.(0)) else
-            (Printf.fprintf stderr "*** Error when calling '%s %s': No such command\n\n"
-               (argv.(0)) (argv.(1));
-             (print_usage stderr true argv.(0));
-             exit 1 (* no command or invalid command *))
-      );
-      Arg.parse_argv ~current:current argv args._args (add_other args)
-        (usage_msg false (argv.(0)^argv.(1)));
-      current := save_current;
-      args._others <- List.rev args._others;
-      let have_atr = ref false in
-      (List.iter (fun o -> 
-           if !have_atr then (
-             if (String.sub o 0 1) = "-" then 
-               unexpected o
-             else
-               args.attr <- o::args.attr
-           ) else (
-             if List.mem o ["--attributes";"-atr"] then 
-               have_atr := true
-             else
-               unexpected o
-           )
-         ) args._others);
-      args
-    )
-    with
-    | Arg.Bad msg ->
-       Printf.fprintf stderr "*** Error when calling '%s': %s\n" (argv.(0))
-         (first_line msg); 
-       (print_usage stderr true argv.(0)); exit 3 (* bad argument *); 
-    | Arg.Help _msg -> 
-       help args argv.(0)
+  let save_current = !current in
+  let args = make_args () in
+  mkoptab argv args;
+  try (
+    (if (Array.length argv) = 1 then (
+        print_usage stdout true argv.(0);
+        exit 1 (* no command or invalid command *)));
+    let possible_actions =
+      ["clique";"star";"ring";"grid";"HC";"ER";"BA";"tree";"UDG";"QUDG"]
+    in
+    (
+      if (List.mem argv.(1) possible_actions) then args.action <- argv.(1)
+      else
+      if (List.mem argv.(1) ["-h";"--help";"-help"]) then help args (argv.(0)) else
+        (Printf.fprintf stderr "*** Error when calling '%s %s': No such command\n\n"
+           (argv.(0)) (argv.(1));
+         (print_usage stderr true argv.(0));
+         exit 1 (* no command or invalid command *))
+    );
+    Arg.parse_argv ~current:current argv args._args (add_other args)
+      (usage_msg false (argv.(0)^argv.(1)));
+    current := save_current;
+    args._others <- List.rev args._others;
+    let have_atr = ref false in
+    (List.iter (fun o -> 
+         if !have_atr then (
+           if (String.sub o 0 1) = "-" then 
+             unexpected o
+           else
+             args.attr <- o::args.attr
+         ) else (
+           if List.mem o ["--attributes";"-atr"] then 
+             have_atr := true
+           else
+             unexpected o
+         )
+       ) args._others);
+    args
+  with
+  | Arg.Bad msg ->
+    Printf.fprintf stderr "*** Error when calling '%s': %s\n" (argv.(0))
+      (first_line msg); 
+    (print_usage stderr true argv.(0)); exit 3 (* bad argument *); 
+  | Arg.Help _msg -> 
+    help args argv.(0)
diff --git a/tools/graphgen/graphGen_arg.mli b/tools/graphgen/graphGen_arg.mli
index 70eda6d0..e43518e7 100644
--- a/tools/graphgen/graphGen_arg.mli
+++ b/tools/graphgen/graphGen_arg.mli
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ type t = {
   mutable attr : string list;
   mutable silent : bool;
+  mutable directed : bool;
   mutable _args : (string * Arg.spec * string) list;
   mutable _man : (string * (string list * action) list) list;
diff --git a/tools/graphgen/ b/tools/graphgen/
index 1fb625ad..b87fa292 100644
--- a/tools/graphgen/
+++ b/tools/graphgen/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ open List
 type node_succ_t = (node_id, (int option * node_id) list) Hashtbl.t
 type probability = float (*between 0 and 1*)
-let gen_ER : (int -> probability -> Topology.t) =
-  fun nb p ->
+let gen_ER : (bool -> int -> probability -> Topology.t) =
+  fun directed nb p ->
     let (node_succ:node_succ_t) = Hashtbl.create nb and nodes = create_nodes "p" (0,nb) in
     iteri (fun i n ->
       iteri (fun j m ->
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ let gen_ER : (int -> probability -> Topology.t) =
       nodes = nl;
       succ = (fun n -> try Hashtbl.find node_succ n with Not_found -> []);
-      of_id = get_of_id nl
+      of_id = get_of_id nl;
+      directed = directed
@@ -77,8 +78,8 @@ let neighbours_BA : (node_id list -> int -> node_succ_t -> (node_id -> (int opti
-let gen_BA : (int -> int -> Topology.t) =
-  fun nb m ->
+let gen_BA : (bool -> int -> int -> Topology.t) =
+  fun directed nb m ->
     let (node_succ:node_succ_t) = Hashtbl.create nb and nodes = create_nodes "p" (0,nb) in
     if nb < m + 1 then 
     failwith (
@@ -88,7 +89,8 @@ let gen_BA : (int -> int -> Topology.t) =
       nodes = nl;
       succ = neighbours_BA nodes m node_succ;
-      of_id = get_of_id nl
+      of_id = get_of_id nl;
+      directed = directed
 let pre_rand_tree : (node_succ_t -> node_id list -> (node_id -> (int option * node_id) list)) =
@@ -105,14 +107,15 @@ let pre_rand_tree : (node_succ_t -> node_id list -> (node_id -> (int option * no
     ) [h] (t));
     (fun n -> try Hashtbl.find node_succ n with Not_found -> [])
-let (rand_tree: int -> Topology.t) =
-  fun nb ->
+let (rand_tree: bool -> int -> Topology.t) =
+  fun directed nb ->
     let (node_succ:node_succ_t) = Hashtbl.create nb and nodes = create_nodes "p" (0,nb) in
     let nl = id_to_empty_nodes nodes in
       nodes = nl;
       succ = (pre_rand_tree node_succ nodes);
-      of_id = get_of_id nl
+      of_id = get_of_id nl;
+      directed = directed
@@ -128,8 +131,9 @@ let (dist_udg: node_udg -> node_udg -> float) =
   let (_,x1,y1) = n1 and (_,x2,y2) = n2 in
   sqrt (((x1-.x2)**2.) +. ((y1 -. y2)**2.))
-let gen_qudg : (int -> float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> (Topology.t * plan_udg)) =
-  fun nb x y r0 r1 p ->
+let gen_qudg : (bool -> int -> float -> float -> float -> float -> float ->
+                (Topology.t * plan_udg)) =
+  fun directed nb x y r0 r1 p ->
   let (node_succ:node_succ_t) = Hashtbl.create nb and nodes = create_nodes "p" (0,nb) in
   let pl = (make_plan_udg nodes x y) in
   List.iter (fun n_udg ->
@@ -150,8 +154,9 @@ let gen_qudg : (int -> float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> (Topology.t
     nodes = nl;
     succ =(fun n -> (try Hashtbl.find node_succ n with Not_found -> []));
-    of_id = get_of_id nl
+    of_id = get_of_id nl;
+    directed = directed
-let gen_udg : (int -> float -> float -> float -> (Topology.t * plan_udg)) =
-  fun nb x y r -> (gen_qudg nb x y r 0. 0.)
\ No newline at end of file
+let gen_udg : (bool -> int -> float -> float -> float -> (Topology.t * plan_udg)) =
+  fun directed nb x y r -> (gen_qudg directed nb x y r 0. 0.)
diff --git a/tools/graphgen/randomGraph.mli b/tools/graphgen/randomGraph.mli
index 85d6476a..c26f8418 100644
--- a/tools/graphgen/randomGraph.mli
+++ b/tools/graphgen/randomGraph.mli
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@ type plan_udg = node_udg list
 (** [gen_ER n p] generate a graph using Erdos Renyi model, 
     of n nodes and of probability p for each possible edge to appear. *)
-val gen_ER : (int -> probability -> Topology.t)
+val gen_ER : bool -> int -> probability -> Topology.t
 (** [gen_BA n m] generate a graph using Barabasi–Albert model,
     of n nodes and with m edges added for each new node.
     m has to be lower than n.
     The initialization is a star of m+1 nodes, with the (m+1)th node being the root. 
     Barabasi–Albert model is used for the remaining nodes *)
-val gen_BA : (int -> int -> Topology.t)
+val gen_BA : bool -> int -> int -> Topology.t
 (** [rand_tree n] generate a random tree of n nodes *)
-val rand_tree: (int -> Topology.t)
+val rand_tree: bool -> int -> Topology.t
 (** [gen_udg nb x y r] generate a graph using the Unit Disc Graph model, of n nodes.
     w and h are the width and the height of the area in which the nodes are randomly disposed,
     and r is the radius around each node, in which all the other nodes will be neighbors. 
-val gen_udg : (int -> float -> float -> float -> (Topology.t * plan_udg))
+val gen_udg : bool -> int -> float -> float -> float -> (Topology.t * plan_udg)
 (** [gen_qudg nb x y r0 r1 p] generate a graph using the Quasi Unit Disc Graph model, of n nodes.
     w and h are the width and the height of the area in which the nodes are randomly disposed.
@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@ val gen_udg : (int -> float -> float -> float -> (Topology.t * plan_udg))
     are neighbors. If d <= r0, they are neighbors. Otherwise, if d <= r1, 
     they have a probability of p of being neighbors.
-val gen_qudg: (int -> float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> (Topology.t * plan_udg))
+val gen_qudg: bool -> int -> float -> float -> float -> float -> float ->
+  (Topology.t * plan_udg)