From 72e6c5960938af0a38a99b444bae1c679b284917 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2021 10:52:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update: some rdbgui4sasa enhancements

 tools/rdbg4sasa/       |   8 +-
 tools/rdbg4sasa/         | 197 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 tools/rdbg4sasa/ |  33 +++--
 3 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/rdbg4sasa/ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/
index 148d29e2..f8d40393 100644
--- a/tools/rdbg4sasa/
+++ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/
@@ -191,10 +191,14 @@ let to_pdf engine par_var only_parent rn g f e =
       Printf.sprintf "subgraph dir {\n\t%s} 
 subgraph undir {\n\t edge [dir=none]\n%s} " trans_dir_str trans_undir_str
+  in
+  let pot =  match List.assoc_opt "potential" with
+  | Some F f -> Printf.sprintf " potential=%.1f" f
+  | _ -> ""
   Printf.fprintf oc
-    "digraph %s {\nlabel=\"%s \nRound %d Step %d\"\nnode [shape=record];\n%s\n%s\n}\n"
-    "g" f rn e.step 
+    "digraph %s {\nlabel=\"%s \nRound %d Step %d%s\"\nnode [shape=record];\n%s\n%s\n}\n"
+    "g" f rn e.step pot
     nodes_decl trans_str;
   flush oc;
   close_out oc;
diff --git a/tools/rdbg4sasa/ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/
index b15413b1..34c5ca5e 100644
--- a/tools/rdbg4sasa/
+++ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 22/05/2021 (at 21:21) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 26/05/2021 (at 10:37) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 #require "lablgtk3"
@@ -79,9 +79,46 @@ let (fake_val_of_type : Data.t -> Data.v) = function
   | Alias _ -> assert false
   | String _ -> assert false
+(* Write with colors *)
+let create_tags (buffer:GText.buffer) =
+  buffer#create_tag ~name:"blue_foreground" [`FAMILY "monospace"; `FOREGROUND "blue"];
+  buffer#create_tag ~name:"black_foreground" [`FAMILY "monospace"; `FOREGROUND "black"];
+  buffer#create_tag ~name:"red_foreground" [`FAMILY "monospace"; `FOREGROUND "red"];
+  buffer#create_tag ~name:"green_foreground" [`FAMILY "monospace"; `FOREGROUND "green"];
+  buffer#create_tag ~name:"red_background" [`BACKGROUND "red"];
+  ()
+let tags_created = ref false
+let write color b str =
+  if not !tags_created then (create_tags b; tags_created := true);
+  b#set_text "";
+  b#insert ~tag_names:[color] str
+let write_add color b str =
+  if not !tags_created then (create_tags b; tags_created := true);
+  b#insert ~tag_names:[color] str
+let blue  = write "blue_foreground"
+let black = write "black_foreground"
+let red   = write "red_foreground"
+let green   = write "green_foreground"
+let blue_add  = write_add "blue_foreground"
+let black_add = write_add "black_foreground"
+let red_add   = write_add "red_foreground"
 (*  *)
-let goto_hook_call () =
-  e := next_cond !e (fun e -> = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Call)
+let goto_hook_call b =
+  e := next_cond !e (fun e -> = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Call);
+  blue_add b#buffer "----------------------------------------";
+  blue_add b#buffer "----------------------------------------\n";
+  blue_add b#buffer (str_of_sasa_event false !e)
 let goto_hook_exit () =
   e := next_cond !e (fun e -> = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Exit)
@@ -133,6 +170,7 @@ let init_rdbg_hook () =
 let set_tooltip b = b#misc#set_tooltip_text 
 let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   (* création du rdbg_mv_hook et de tout ce qu'il faut autour *)
   init_rdbg_hook ();
@@ -159,7 +197,8 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   (* Necessary for salut (to perform a fake step that let sasa provide
      the first set of enables) *)
   if args.salut_mode then (
-    goto_hook_call ();goto_hook_call ();
+    goto_hook_exit ();
+    goto_hook_call gtext;
   let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled !e in
@@ -170,15 +209,16 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
      | Distributed | Synchronous | Central | LocCentral ->
        assert false (* SNO *)
      | ManualCentral -> (
-         let txt = Printf.sprintf "ManualCentral step: %s\n%s" node (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
-         gtext#buffer#set_text txt;
+         let txt = Printf.sprintf "ManualCentral step: %s\n\n%s" node (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
+         (* gtext#buffer#set_text txt;  *)
+         blue gtext#buffer txt;
            (fun n status -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n (n = node && status))
      | Manual ->
-       let txt = Printf.sprintf "Manual step: \n%s" (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
-       gtext#buffer#set_text txt;
+       let txt = Printf.sprintf "Manual step: \n\n%s" (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
+       blue gtext#buffer txt;
        Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate node activate
@@ -229,7 +269,9 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
       ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:pushbox_grid#add ()
-  let pushbox_scrolled_grid_box = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:true ~packing:pushbox_scrolled_grid#add () in
+  let pushbox_scrolled_grid_box =
+    GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:true ~packing:pushbox_scrolled_grid#add ()
+  in
   let pushbox_line = GPack.hbox ~packing:pushbox_scrolled_grid_box#add () in
   let pushbox_line_ref = ref pushbox_line in
   let pushbox_map = Hashtbl.create n in
@@ -249,7 +291,7 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
                ~callback: (fun _ ->
                    update_rdbg_hook name true;
                    goto_hook_exit ();
-                   goto_hook_call ();
+                   goto_hook_call gtext;
                    refresh ();
       Hashtbl.add pushbox_map name pushbox
@@ -332,12 +374,24 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   Hashtbl.add refresh_fun_tbl "" update_all_checkboxes;
-  let set_dd_mode () = daemon_kind := Distributed; refresh () in
-  let set_sd_mode () = daemon_kind := Synchronous; refresh () in
-  let set_cd_mode () = daemon_kind := Central; refresh () in
-  let set_lcd_mode () = daemon_kind := LocCentral; refresh () in
-  let set_manual_mode () = daemon_kind := Manual; refresh ()  in
-  let set_manual_central_mode () = daemon_kind := ManualCentral; refresh ()  in
+  let set_dd_mode () =
+    black gtext#buffer"==> Switch to a distributed daemon\n";
+    daemon_kind := Distributed; refresh () in
+  let set_sd_mode () =
+    black gtext#buffer"==> Switch to a synchronous daemon\n";
+    daemon_kind := Synchronous; refresh () in
+  let set_cd_mode () =
+    black_add gtext#buffer"==> Switch to a central daemon\n";
+    daemon_kind := Central; refresh () in
+  let set_lcd_mode () =
+    black gtext#buffer"==> Switch to a locally central daemon\n";
+    daemon_kind := LocCentral; refresh () in
+  let set_manual_mode () =
+    black gtext#buffer"==> Switch to a manual daemon\n";
+    daemon_kind := Manual; refresh ()  in
+  let set_manual_central_mode () =
+    black gtext#buffer"==> Switch to a manual central daemon\n";
+    daemon_kind := ManualCentral; refresh ()  in
   ignore(dk_dd#connect#clicked ~callback:set_dd_mode);
   ignore(dk_sd#connect#clicked ~callback:set_sd_mode);
   ignore(dk_cd#connect#clicked ~callback:set_cd_mode);
@@ -374,19 +428,27 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
         let to_activate = Daemon.distributed nodes in
         Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
         List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
+        goto_hook_exit ();
+        goto_hook_call gtext;
+        d ()
     | Synchronous -> (
         Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
         List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) nodes;
-        goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
+        goto_hook_exit ();
+        goto_hook_call gtext;
+        d ()
     | Central -> (
         let nodes = (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
         let to_activate = Daemon.central nodes  in
         Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-        List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
+        List.iter (fun n ->
+            Printf.printf "Activating %s\n" n;
+            Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
+        goto_hook_exit ();
+        goto_hook_call gtext;
+        d ()
     | LocCentral -> (
         let get_neigbors x =
@@ -400,10 +462,15 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
         let to_activate = Daemon.locally_central nodes in
         Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
         List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
+        goto_hook_exit ();
+        goto_hook_call gtext;
+        d ()
     | ManualCentral -> () (* SNO; the step is done in pushbox callbacks *)
-    | Manual -> goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
+    | Manual ->
+      goto_hook_exit ();
+      goto_hook_call gtext;
+      d ()
@@ -419,6 +486,7 @@ let libui_prefix = prefix ^ "/lib/rdbgui4sasa"
 let oc_stdin = stdout
 let ic_stdout = stdin
 open GButton
   (* GTK3 *)    
 let main () =
@@ -439,38 +507,10 @@ let main () =
   set_tooltip sw2 "This window displays commands outputs";
   let text_out = GText.view ~wrap_mode:`CHAR ~height:250 ~editable:false 
       ~packing: sw2#add () ~cursor_visible:true 
-  in 
-  let p str =
-    text_out#set_buffer (GText.buffer ~text:str ());
-    Printf.printf "%s\n%!" str;
-  (* It should be better to rely on the gtk event handler 
+  let p str = black text_out#buffer str in
+  (* It should be better to rely on the gtk event handler *)
-     let sw1 = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~shadow_type:`IN  ~height:30 ~width:50
-      ~packing:box#add ()
-     in
-     sw1#misc#set_tooltip_text "This window displays the commands sent to the rdbg cli";
-     let text_in = GText.view ~wrap_mode:`CHAR ~height:250 ~editable:true ~width:50
-      ~packing: sw1#add () ~cursor_visible:true
-     in
-     let rec read_text_in () =
-     let buff = text_in#buffer#get_text () in
-     let size = String.length buff in
-     if size >0 then (
-      let last =  String.get buff (size - 1) in
-      if last = '\n' then (
-        Printf.fprintf oc_stdin "%s\n%!" buff;
-        Printf.printf "%s\n%!" buff;
-        text_in#set_buffer (GText.buffer ~text:"(rdbg) " ())
-      ) else ()
-     );
-     Unix.sleepf 0.1;
-     read_text_in ()
-     in
-     let _ = Thread.create read_text_in () in
-  *)
-  (* Printf.fprintf oc_stdin "#use \"\";;\n%!"; *)
-  (* Printf.fprintf oc_stdin "print_sasa_event false !e;;\n%!"; (* print the first event *) *)
   let bbox = GPack.hbox ~packing: box#add () in
   let change_label button str =
@@ -480,14 +520,17 @@ let main () =
     refresh ()
   let button_cb cmd () =
+    blue text_out#buffer "From ";
+    let txt = Printf.sprintf "\n%s%!" (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
+    (*     text_out#buffer#set_text txt; *)
+    blue_add text_out#buffer txt;
     cmd ();
-    let txt = Printf.sprintf "%s" (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
-    text_out#buffer#set_text txt;
     refresh ()
   let button_cb_string cmd () =
-    let txt = Printf.sprintf "%s" (cmd ()) in
-    text_out#buffer#set_text txt;
+    let txt = Printf.sprintf "\n%s" (cmd ()) in
+    (*     text_out#buffer#set_text txt; *)
+    blue_add text_out#buffer txt;
     refresh ()
@@ -513,6 +556,10 @@ let main () =
+  let rec next_round_gui rn =
+    ze_step(); (* il faut un step qui mette à jour la table des rondes. c'est pas le cas ? *)
+    if rn < !roundnb  || is_silent !e then () else (next_round_gui rn)
+  in
   set_tooltip step_button "Move FORWARD to the next STEP";
   change_label step_button "_Step";
@@ -520,11 +567,13 @@ let main () =
   set_tooltip round_button "Move FORWARD to the next ROUND";
   change_label round_button "_Round";
   ignore (round_button#connect#clicked
-            ~callback:(button_cb (fun () -> nr(); goto_hook_call())));
+            ~callback:(button_cb (fun () ->
+                next_round_gui !roundnb; 
+                if ! <> "mv_hook" && !e.kind <> Call then goto_hook_call text_out)));
   set_tooltip back_round_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous ROUND";
   change_label back_round_button "Roun_d";
   ignore (back_round_button#connect#clicked
-            ~callback:(button_cb (fun () -> pr();pr(); goto_hook_call())));
+            ~callback:(button_cb (fun () -> pr();pr(); goto_hook_call text_out)));
   let legitimate () = 
     let legitimate_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox#add () in
@@ -557,9 +606,9 @@ let main () =
   if args.oracles <> [] then (
     ignore (make_button `OK "_Oracle" "Move FORWARD until an oracle is violated"
-      (*     let image = GMisc.image ~file:"../rdbg-utils/oracle_small.jpg" () in *)
-      (*     viol_button#set_image image#coerce;  *)
-            (button_cb_string viol_string))
+              (*     let image = GMisc.image ~file:"../rdbg-utils/oracle_small.jpg" () in *)
+              (*     viol_button#set_image image#coerce;  *)
+              (button_cb_string viol_string))
   let _ = make_button `UNDO "_Undo" "Undo the last move" (button_cb (fun ()->u();d())) in
   let _ = make_button `REFRESH "Restar_t" "Restart from the beginning"
@@ -574,7 +623,7 @@ let main () =
                  but the hook does not need input at this first step
               goto_hook_exit ();
-            goto_hook_call ();
+            goto_hook_call text_out;
   let _ = make_button `REFRESH "_New Seed" "Restart from the beginning using a New Seed"
@@ -591,7 +640,7 @@ let main () =
                  but the hook does not need input at this first step
               goto_hook_exit ();
-            goto_hook_call ();
+            goto_hook_call text_out;
   let _ = make_button `MEDIA_PLAY "_Sim2chro" "Launch sim2chro on the generated data (so far)"
@@ -606,7 +655,29 @@ let main () =
   let _ = make_button `QUIT "_Quit" "Quit RDBGUI" (fun() -> p "bye"; Stdlib.exit 0) in
+  let sw1 = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~shadow_type:`IN  ~height:130 ~width:50
+      ~packing:w#add ()
+  in
+  sw1#misc#set_tooltip_text "This window displays the rdbg.log file";
+  let text_in = GText.view ~wrap_mode:`CHAR ~height:250 ~editable:true ~width:50
+      ~packing: sw1#add () ~cursor_visible:true
+  in
+  let rdbg_log = open_in "rdbg.log" in
+  create_tags text_in#buffer;
+  let rec read_rdbglog () =
+    try
+      let str = input_line rdbg_log in
+      text_in#buffer#insert  ~tag_names:["black_foreground"] (str^"\n");
+      let end_mark = text_in#buffer#create_mark text_in#buffer#end_iter in
+      text_in#scroll_to_mark (`MARK end_mark);
+      read_rdbglog ()
+    with End_of_file ->
+      Unix.sleepf 1.0;
+      read_rdbglog ()
+  in
+  let _ = Thread.create read_rdbglog () in
   let dot_button = radio_button ~packing:gbox#add ~label:"dot" () in
   let make_but active lbl = radio_button ~packing:gbox#add
       ~active:active ~group:dot_button#group ~label:lbl ()
diff --git a/tools/rdbg4sasa/ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/
index 19c2284d..3ff96036 100644
--- a/tools/rdbg4sasa/
+++ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ let dot_view : (unit -> unit) ref =
 let d () = !dot_view ()
 let sd () = s();!dot_view();;
-let nd () = n();!dot_view();;
-let bd () = b();!dot_view();;
+let bd()= e:=prev !e ; emacs_udate !e; pe();!dot_view();;
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ let update_round_nb e =
   | None -> ()
   | Some (n,_) -> roundnb := n
-(* go to next and previous rounds  *)
+(* go to next round *)
 let next_round e =
   let ne = next_cond e round in
@@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ let only_true l = List.filter (fun (_,_, v)  -> v = B true) l
 (* Only print the active process values *)
 let str_of_sasa_event short e =
     let enab, act, vars = split_data in
-    (*     let enab = only_true enab in *)
+    let enab = only_true enab in
     let act = only_true act in
     let act_pid = (fun (pid,_,_) -> pid) act in
     let vars = List.filter (fun (pid, _,_) -> List.mem pid act_pid) vars in
@@ -194,9 +193,15 @@ let str_of_sasa_event short e =
       Printf.sprintf "%s_%s=%s" pid n (Data.val_to_string string_of_float v)
     let pot = match List.assoc_opt "potential" with
-      | Some F f -> Printf.sprintf "potential = %.1f" f
+      | Some F f -> Printf.sprintf "potential = %.1f\n" f
       | _ -> ""
+    let leg = match List.assoc_opt "legitimate" with
+      | Some B true -> Printf.sprintf "The current configuration is legitimate\n" 
+      | Some B false -> ""
+      | _ -> ""
+    in
+    let silent = if enab = [] then "The current configuration is silent\n"  else "" in
     let vars = List.rev vars in
     update_round_nb e;
     (if short then
@@ -204,10 +209,13 @@ let str_of_sasa_event short e =
         (if e.step <> e.nb then (":" ^ (string_of_int e.nb)) else "")
         (String.concat " " ( to_string_var vars))
-      Printf.sprintf "Round %i - Step %i%s \nActive node states: %s\n%s\n" !roundnb e.step
-        (if e.step <> e.nb then ("\nEvent nb " ^ (string_of_int e.nb)) else "")
-        (String.concat " " ( to_string_var vars)) pot
-   ) ^ (RdbgStdLib.string_of_event e)
+      Printf.sprintf "Round %i - Step %i%s\n%s%s\n%s%s%s" !roundnb e.step
+        (if e.step <> e.nb then (" - Event " ^ (string_of_int e.nb)) else "")
+        (RdbgStdLib.string_of_event e) 
+        (if vars = [] then "" else
+           ("Active node states: "^(String.concat " " ( to_string_var vars))))
+        pot leg silent
+   ) 
 let print_sasa_event short e =
   if e.kind <> Ltop then print_event e else
@@ -266,7 +274,7 @@ let _ = add_doc_entry
 let is_silent e =
   match List.assoc_opt "silent" with
   | Some B b -> b
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> failwith "The silent value is not available in this event"
 let goto_silence e = next_cond e is_silent 
 let silence () = e:=goto_silence !e; !dot_view ();;
@@ -282,7 +290,7 @@ let _ = add_doc_entry
 let is_legitimate e =
   match List.assoc_opt "legitimate" with
   | Some B b -> b
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> failwith ("legitimate not available at this event: "^(string_of_event e))
 let goto_legitimate e = next_cond e is_legitimate 
 let legitimate () =  e:=goto_legitimate !e; !dot_view ();;
@@ -309,8 +317,7 @@ let _ =
   add_doc_entry "sd" "unit -> unit"
     "go to the next step and update the network with one of the GraphViz tools" "sasa" "";
-  add_doc_entry "nd" "unit -> unit" "go to the next event and update the network" "sasa" "";
-  add_doc_entry "bd" "unit -> unit" "go to the previous event and update the network" "sasa" "";
+  add_doc_entry "bd" "unit -> unit" "go to the previous step and update the network" "sasa" "";
   add_doc_entry "nr" "unit -> unit" "go to the next round and update the network" "sasa" "";
   add_doc_entry "pr" "unit -> unit" "go to the previous round and update the network" "sasa" "";
   add_doc_entry "d_par" "unit -> unit" "cf d (for topology with a parent field)" "sasa" "";