diff --git a/tools/ggDeco/ggDeco.ml b/tools/ggDeco/ggDeco.ml
index 0e2caad2afb8ede5e024b689a462ec0b621c7579..893988da671d7a2ab29885db4e3fd8eaf8306384 100644
--- a/tools/ggDeco/ggDeco.ml
+++ b/tools/ggDeco/ggDeco.ml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let rec apply_pattern : (files_spec_t list -> int -> string) =
 let deco : (Topology.t -> files_spec_t list -> Topology.t) = 
   fun g fl ->
-  List.iter (fun (i,j,file) -> Printf.eprintf "deco pattern = %i-%i:%s\n%!" i j file) fl;
+  List.iter (fun (i,j,file) -> Printf.eprintf "deco pattern: %i-%i:%s\n%!" i j file) fl;
   let newNodes =
       (fun i n -> 
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ let to_dot_string  : (t -> string -> string) =
     let attrs =
       (try [("diameter", Register.get_graph_attribute "diameter")]
        with _ ->[])  @
-      [("min_deg", Register.get_graph_attribute "min_deg");
-       ("mean_deg", Register.get_graph_attribute "mean_deg");
-       ("max_deg", Register.get_graph_attribute "max_deg");
+      [("min_deg",      Register.get_graph_attribute "min_deg");
+       ("mean_deg",     Register.get_graph_attribute "mean_deg");
+       ("max_deg",      Register.get_graph_attribute "max_deg");
        ("is_connected", Register.get_graph_attribute "is_connected");
-       ("is_cyclic", Register.get_graph_attribute "is_cyclic");
-       ("is_tree", Register.get_graph_attribute "is_tree");
+       ("is_cyclic",    Register.get_graph_attribute "is_cyclic");
+       ("is_tree",      Register.get_graph_attribute "is_tree");
        ("links_number", Register.get_graph_attribute "links_number")
diff --git a/tools/ggDeco/ggDeco_Arg.ml b/tools/ggDeco/ggDeco_Arg.ml
index 9c261c72256b49031753b054990f07698a7ecc39..aea4c600f2873b955ba77ffaaf5c23e535be8dbb 100644
--- a/tools/ggDeco/ggDeco_Arg.ml
+++ b/tools/ggDeco/ggDeco_Arg.ml
@@ -132,95 +132,86 @@ let (add_other : t -> string -> unit) =
 let current = ref 0;;
-let parse_file_spec : (string list -> files_spec_t list) = 
-  fun s ->
-  List.map
-    (fun file -> 
-       try (
-         Scanf.sscanf file "%[-0-9]:%s"
-           (fun range file -> 
-              if range = "" then
-                raise (Invalid_file_spec
-                         (file, "The  first and last node's  indexes are \
-                                 missing")) 
-              else
-                Scanf.sscanf range "%d%s"
-                  (fun a s -> 
-                     if (a < 0) then
-                       raise (Invalid_file_spec
-                                (file,"The first node's index have to be positive or null")) else
-                     if (s = "") then (a,a,file) else
-                     if (s = "-") then (a,-1,file) else
-                       Scanf.sscanf s "-%d" (fun b -> 
-                           if (b < a) then 
-                             raise
-                               (Invalid_file_spec
-                                  (file,
-                                   "The last node's index have to be higher than the first node's index")) 
-                           else 
-                             (a,b,file)
-                         )
-                  )
-           )
-       )
-       with 
-       | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> 
-         raise (
-           Invalid_file_spec (
-             file, 
-             "The boundaries (first and last node's indexes) should be integers, but an non-numerical character has been found"))
-    ) s
-let rec pop l = (* last ? *) 
-  match l with
-  | [] -> assert false
-  | [a] -> ([],a)
-  | b::tl ->
-     let (l,a) = pop tl in
-     (b::l,a)
+let parse_file_spec : (string -> files_spec_t) = 
+  fun patt ->
+  try
+    Scanf.sscanf patt "%[-0-9]:%s"
+      (fun range file -> 
+         if range = "" then
+           raise (
+             Invalid_file_spec (patt, "The first and last node's indexes are missing")) 
+         else
+           Scanf.sscanf range "%d%s"
+             (fun a s -> 
+                if (a < 0) then
+                  raise (Invalid_file_spec
+                           (patt,"The first node's index have to be positive or null"))
+                else
+                if (s = "") then (a,a,file) else
+                if (s = "-") then (a,-1,file) else
+                  Scanf.sscanf s "-%d"
+                    (fun b -> 
+                       if (b < a) then 
+                         raise
+                           (Invalid_file_spec
+                              (patt,
+                               "The last node's index have to be higher than the first node's index")) 
+                       else 
+                         (a,b,file)
+                    )
+             )
+      )
+  with 
+  | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> 
+    raise (
+      Invalid_file_spec (
+        patt, 
+        "The boundaries (first and last node's indexes) should be integers, but an non-numerical character has been found"))
 let parse argv = (
-    let save_current = !current in
-    let args = make_args () in
-    mkoptab argv args;
-    try (
-      Arg.parse_argv ~current:current argv args._args (add_other args)
-        (usage_msg argv.(0));
-      current := save_current;
-      (*  Same  as List.rev,  but  also  check  if there's  no  option
-         (starting by '-') in these arguments *)
-      let others =
-        List.fold_left
-          (fun l o -> if String.get o 0 = '-' then unexpected o else o::l)
-          [] args._others
-      in
-      (match others with
-       | [] | [_] -> 
-          (Printf.fprintf stderr "Error : you need 2 arguments to use %s\n" (argv.(0));
-           flush stderr;
-           print_usage (argv.(0)))
-       | l -> (
-         let (a,b) = pop l in
-         let a = try (
-                   parse_file_spec a
-                 ) with Invalid_file_spec (fs,s) -> (
-                   Printf.fprintf stderr
-                     "Error while parsing the file specification \"%s\" :\n" fs; 
-                   Printf.fprintf stderr "%s\n"s; 
-                   flush stderr; print_usage (argv.(0))
-                 ) in
-         args.files_spec <- a; exist_file b; args.dot_file <- b
+  let save_current = !current in
+  let args = make_args () in
+  mkoptab argv args;
+  try (
+    Arg.parse_argv ~current:current argv args._args (add_other args)
+      (usage_msg argv.(0));
+    current := save_current;
+    (*  Same  as List.rev,  but  also  check  if there's  no  option
+        (starting by '-') in these arguments *)
+    let others =
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun l o -> if String.get o 0 = '-' then unexpected o else o::l)
+        [] args._others
+    in
+    (match others with
+     | [deco_patt;ifile] -> (
+         let deco_patt_list = Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") deco_patt in
+         let fl = try List.map parse_file_spec (List.rev deco_patt_list)
+           with Invalid_file_spec (fs,s) -> (
+               Printf.fprintf stderr
+                 "Error while parsing the file specification \"%s\" :\n" fs; 
+               Printf.fprintf stderr "%s\n"s; 
+               flush stderr; print_usage (argv.(0))
+             )
+         in
+         args.files_spec <- fl;
+         exist_file ifile;
+         args.dot_file <- ifile
-      );
-      args
-    )
-    with
-    | Arg.Bad msg -> (
+     | _ -> 
+       (Printf.fprintf stderr "Error: you need 2 arguments to use %s\n" (argv.(0));
+        flush stderr;
+        print_usage (argv.(0)))
+    );
+    args
+  )
+  with
+  | Arg.Bad msg -> (
       Printf.fprintf stderr "*** Error when calling '%s': %s\n%s\n" (argv.(0))
         (first_line msg) (usage_msg argv.(0)); exit 2
-    | Arg.Help _ -> (
+  | Arg.Help _ -> (
       help args argv.(0)
-  )