diff --git a/test/Cycle_unison/Sh/search_config.sh b/test/Cycle_unison/Sh/search_config.sh
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 6f28973f0941ec08c43d0c9fdf24efedf56542dd..037b8be14c4b2f1334c8359245c766d334b1dcc6
--- a/test/Cycle_unison/Sh/search_config.sh
+++ b/test/Cycle_unison/Sh/search_config.sh
@@ -1,29 +1,69 @@
 # Prends en argument k n topologie
 # Exemple : ./search_config.sh 3 7 ring
+set -x
 if [ $# -ne 3 ]
-then echo "Not enought arguments"
-     exit 1
+    then echo "3 arguments are expected"
+    echo "$0 <k> <n> <topology filename without extension"
+    echo "Exemple : ./search_config.sh 3 7 ring"
+    exit 1
     rm -f *.cmxs *.cmx *.cmi *.o
-    rm -f $1.ml
+    rm -f $k.ml
     rm -f *.rif *.seed
-    rm -f $1.lus
-    rm -f *_verify.lv4
+    rm -f $k.lus
+    rm -f *_check_cycles.lv4
     rm -f *.c *.h *_const.lus *.cmt *.exec *.sh rdbg-session* *.log *.pdf
-    rm -f $1*
+    rm -f $k*
     rm k.lus
-cd ..
-clean $3$2
-echo "const k = $1 ;" > k.lus
-make $3$2.dot
-salut $3$2.dot
-lv6 -eei $3$2.lus verify.lus $3$2_const.lus -n verify -rnc --lustre-v4 -o $3$2_verify.noexpand.lv4
-cat $3$2_verify.noexpand.lv4 | tr '\n' '@' |sed "s/tel@/tel/g" | sed "s/@/\\n/g" | sed "s/tel-- end of node verify/--%MAIN ;\n--%PROPERTY ok;\ntel\n/"  > $3$2_verify.noexpand.lv4.tmp
-mv $3$2_verify.noexpand.lv4.tmp $3$2_verify.noexpand.lv4
-time kind2 --color false --modular true --compositional true $3$2_verify.noexpand.lv4 > Log/$3$1_$2.log
-clean $3$2
+if [ -z ${TIMEOUT} ]; then TIMEOUT=194400.; fi # n: 194400s = 54 hours
+clean $3$n
+echo "const k = $k ;" > k.lus
+make $topology$n.dot
+salut $topology$n.dot
+lv6 -eei ${topology}$n.lus check_cycles.lus $topology${n}_const.lus -n check_cycles -rnc --lustre-v4 -o $topology${n}_check_cycles.noexpand.lv4
+cat $topology${n}_check_cycles.noexpand.lv4 | tr '\n' '@' |sed "s/tel@/tel/g" | sed "s/@/\\n/g" | sed "s/tel-- end of node check_cycles/--%MAIN ;\n--%PROPERTY ok;\ntel\n/"  > $topology${n}_check_cycles.noexpand.lv4.tmp
+mv $topology${n}_check_cycles.noexpand.lv4.tmp $topology${n}_check_cycles.noexpand.lv4
+[ -d Log ] || mkdir Log
+time kind2 --timeout ${TIMEOUT} --color false --modular true --compositional true $topology${n}_check_cycles.noexpand.lv4 > $log
+d=$(expr $n / 2 \* 2 - 1)
+grep "ok: valid" $log && valid="true"
+grep "ok: invalid" $log && invalid="true"
+time=`grep "total runtime" $log | cut -d ' ' -f5`
+if [ $valid = "true" ]
+    then resultat="legitimate"
+    step=`grep "ok: " $log | cut -d ' ' -f4 | tr -d ')'`
+else if  [ $invalid = "true" ]
+    then resultat="cycle found"
+    step=`grep "ok: " $log | cut -d ' ' -f4`
+    resultat="Timeout (${TIMEOUT})"
+    step=`grep "ok: " $log | cut -d ' ' -f5`
+    time="-"
+echo "| $topology | $n | $k | $d | $step | $resultat | $time |" > $log.org 
+clean $topology$n