diff --git a/lib/algo/algo.ml b/lib/algo/algo.ml
index f6e7f66999ffe0ab23cb1a793bc3d67ada6958e3..2da5646b1c63562aa92f38a28269ef1ea0133524 100644
--- a/lib/algo/algo.ml
+++ b/lib/algo/algo.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/09/2021 (at 12:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/10/2021 (at 11:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Sasacore
 (* Process programmer API *)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ type 's to_register = {
   legitimate_function : 's legitimate_fun option;
   fault_function : 's fault_fun option;
   potential_function: 's potential_fun option;
-  for_init_search : 's state_to_nums_fun option (** for sasa --init-search *)
+  init_search_utils : 's state_to_nums_fun option (** for sasa --init-search *)
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ let (register : 's to_register -> unit) =
      | None -> ()
      | Some ff -> Register.reg_fault (Some ff)
-    (match s.for_init_search with
+    (match s.init_search_utils with
      | None -> ()
-     | Some(s2n,n2s) -> Register.reg_for_init_search (Some (to_reg_s2n s2n, to_reg_n2s n2s))
+     | Some(s2n,n2s) -> Register.reg_init_search_utils (Some (to_reg_s2n s2n, to_reg_n2s n2s))
diff --git a/lib/algo/algo.mli b/lib/algo/algo.mli
index 85fa4d4d71595f8926f74926db47d3b09dc63238..090179db1f76762a5e28ea483ce2e607d2e2f3c0 100644
--- a/lib/algo/algo.mli
+++ b/lib/algo/algo.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/10/2021 (at 17:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/10/2021 (at 11:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** {1 The Algorithm programming Interface}
     A SASA process is an instance of an algorithm defined via this
@@ -160,10 +160,17 @@ val get_graph_attribute : string -> string
 (** Get the value of a graph attribute. Returns None if the attribute doesn't exist. *)
 val get_graph_attribute_opt : string -> string option
-(** {3 Finding bad initial state }
+(** {3 Finding bad initial states }
-    In order to find a bad initial value, sasa need to be able to transform ['s]
-    into [num], and back. Also, the [state_to_string] field should show the whole state.
+    In order  to find a  bad initial value, sasa  needs to be  able to
+   transform ['s] into [num], and back (to mutate the nums).
+   Note that  it is  not necessary  to expose the  whole state  to the
+   optimization process. To do that, one  just needs to filter some of
+   the  state value  in the  ['s ->  num list]  function. This  is the
+   reason the state  reconstruction function ([num list ->  's -> 's])
+   takes a state  as argument, to be able to  fill the filtered values
+   (that never change during the search).
 type num = F of float | I of int | B of bool
 type 's state_to_nums_fun =  ('s -> num list) * (num list -> 's -> 's)
@@ -186,9 +193,9 @@ type 's to_register = {
     copy_state: 's -> 's;
     actions   : action list (** Mandatory in custom daemon mode, or to use oracles *);
     legitimate_function : 's legitimate_fun option;
-    fault_function : 's fault_fun option (** called at legitimate configuration *);        
+    fault_function : 's fault_fun option (** called at legitimate configuration *);
     potential_function: 's potential_fun option (** Mandatory with Evil daemons *);
-    for_init_search : 's state_to_nums_fun option (** for sasa --init-search *)
+    init_search_utils : 's state_to_nums_fun option (** for sasa --init-search *)
 (** -  For the [state_to_string] field,  the idea is to  print the raw
    values contained in ['s].  If a  value is omitted, one won't see it
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/genRegister.ml b/lib/sasacore/genRegister.ml
index fc01d11821abe9911d047339cf7270539e8c80bd..f688fe23f3a64af2aaa505ca32bdb21d9b043acd 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/genRegister.ml
+++ b/lib/sasacore/genRegister.ml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let (f: string list -> string * string * string -> unit) =
     potential_function = %s.potential;
     legitimate_function = %s.legitimate;
     fault_function = %s.fault;
-    for_init_search = %s.for_init_search;    
+    init_search_utils = %s.init_search_utils;    
         (String.concat ";" l) 
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ let actions = [\"a\"]
 let potential = None (* None => only -sd, -cd, -lcd, -dd, or -custd are possible *)
 let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
 let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
-let for_init_search = None (* To provide to use --init-search *)
+let init_search_utils = None (* To provide to use --init-search *)
       flush oc;
       close_out oc;
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/register.ml b/lib/sasacore/register.ml
index 65d56e28a56d51ed901123c0486ef8f7e7827689..0dd7e6744a9002e8a4059eb66dbdf46b25a15ee7 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/register.ml
+++ b/lib/sasacore/register.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/09/2021 (at 12:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/10/2021 (at 11:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type 's neighbor = {
   state:  's ;
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type 's internal_tables = {
   mutable potential:  Obj.t;
   mutable legitimate:  Obj.t;
   mutable fault:  Obj.t;
-  mutable for_init_search:  Obj.t;
+  mutable init_search_utils:  Obj.t;
   mutable actions:action list;
   mutable topology : Topology.t option;
   mutable card : int option;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ let (tbls:'s internal_tables) = {
   potential = (Obj.repr None);
   legitimate = (Obj.repr None);
   fault = (Obj.repr None);
-  for_init_search = (Obj.repr None);
+  init_search_utils = (Obj.repr None);
   actions   = [];
   topology = None;
   card         = None;
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ let (reg_fault : 's fault_fun option -> unit) = fun x ->
 let (get_fault : unit -> 's fault_fun option) = fun () ->
   Obj.obj tbls.fault
-let (reg_for_init_search : 's state_to_nums_fun option -> unit) = fun x ->
-  if !verbose_level > 0 then Printf.eprintf "Registering for_init_search functions\n%!";
-  tbls.for_init_search <- (Obj.repr x)
+let (reg_init_search_utils : 's state_to_nums_fun option -> unit) = fun x ->
+  if !verbose_level > 0 then Printf.eprintf "Registering init_search_utils functions\n%!";
+  tbls.init_search_utils <- (Obj.repr x)
-let (get_for_init_search : unit -> 's state_to_nums_fun  option) = fun () ->
-  Obj.obj tbls.for_init_search
+let (get_init_search_utils : unit -> 's state_to_nums_fun  option) = fun () ->
+  Obj.obj tbls.init_search_utils
 let (reg_legitimate : 's legitimate_fun option -> unit) = fun x ->
   if !verbose_level > 0 then Printf.eprintf "Registering legitimate function\n%!";
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/register.mli b/lib/sasacore/register.mli
index 76c02dbd07a99e641e8e6f9e837685f2cfe16374..98f2ee4c291b35b1e02a7d02b728bedc232c3521 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/register.mli
+++ b/lib/sasacore/register.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/09/2021 (at 12:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/10/2021 (at 11:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (**  This module  duplicates and  extends the  Algo module  with get_*
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ val reg_init_state : algo_id -> (int -> string -> 's) -> unit
 val reg_enable : algo_id -> 's enable_fun -> unit
 val reg_step : algo_id -> 's step_fun -> unit
 val reg_potential : 's potential_fun option -> unit
-val reg_for_init_search : 's state_to_nums_fun option -> unit
+val reg_init_search_utils : 's state_to_nums_fun option -> unit
 val reg_legitimate : 's legitimate_fun option -> unit
 val reg_fault : 's fault_fun option -> unit
 val reg_actions : action list -> unit
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ val get_step   : algo_id -> 's step_fun
 val get_init_state : algo_id -> int -> string -> 's
 val get_actions   : unit -> action list
 val get_potential   : unit -> 's potential_fun option
-val get_for_init_search  : unit -> 's state_to_nums_fun option
+val get_init_search_utils  : unit -> 's state_to_nums_fun option
 val get_legitimate   : unit -> 's legitimate_fun option
 val get_fault   : unit -> 's fault_fun option
 val get_value_to_string : unit -> 's -> string
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/worstInit.ml b/lib/sasacore/worstInit.ml
index 61a394ab1a1ad555b69ff860261c55c30eadeba2..ed01345551fd6ae52dc62528a9582b56b04381f0 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/worstInit.ml
+++ b/lib/sasacore/worstInit.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/10/2021 (at 10:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/10/2021 (at 11:11) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Register
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ let (point_to_ss : point -> 'v SimuState.t -> 'v SimuState.t) =
   fun point ss ->
   let (state_to_nums, nums_to_state :
                          ('v -> Register.num list) * (Register.num list -> 'v -> 'v )) =
-    match Register.get_for_init_search () with
+    match Register.get_init_search_utils () with
     | None -> assert false
     | Some (f, g) -> f, g
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ let (point_to_ss : point -> 'v SimuState.t -> 'v SimuState.t) =
 let (ss_to_point : 'v SimuState.t -> point) =
   fun ss ->
   let (state_to_nums : ('v -> Register.num list) ) =
-    match Register.get_for_init_search () with
+    match Register.get_init_search_utils () with
       | None ->
-        failwith "the Algo.for_init_search registration field should provide state_to_nums functions"
+        failwith "the Algo.init_search_utils registration field should provide state_to_nums functions"
       | Some (f, _) -> f
     let size =
diff --git a/test/coloring/config.ml b/test/coloring/config.ml
index b0466d31b2fd627fc023d7237ba468ce910bf95a..3bcc6b7d812097ee0ee5ba1286784619efd11697 100644
--- a/test/coloring/config.ml
+++ b/test/coloring/config.ml
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ let potential = Some clash_number
 (* let potential = None *)
 let legitimate = None
 let fault = None 
-let for_init_search = None
+let init_search_utils = None
diff --git a/test/dijkstra-ring/config.ml b/test/dijkstra-ring/config.ml
index 19f07946e10c57d20cb38b21db9a5b94c6ef0556..7d7b947317531e973736956da714c02c55b36502 100644
--- a/test/dijkstra-ring/config.ml
+++ b/test/dijkstra-ring/config.ml
@@ -113,4 +113,4 @@ let n2s nl s =
   | [I i] ->  { s with v = i }
   | _ -> assert false
-let for_init_search = Some (s2n, n2s)
+let init_search_utils = Some (s2n, n2s)
diff --git a/test/k-clustering/config.ml b/test/k-clustering/config.ml
index e20253512d502b90e35ddd5469b0c38b94455df7..200a63d57fdd6492f4bee7388492a23ea2cdce11 100644
--- a/test/k-clustering/config.ml
+++ b/test/k-clustering/config.ml
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ let potential = Some pf
 let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
 let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
-let for_init_search = None
+let init_search_utils = None
diff --git a/test/rsp-tree/config.ml b/test/rsp-tree/config.ml
index aa09e93d356cecb93d97d55a47c8f4c34cafebca..b2aa893d91e3a1c413616406802a8c930c47ad49 100644
--- a/test/rsp-tree/config.ml
+++ b/test/rsp-tree/config.ml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
 let potential = None (* None => only -sd, -cd, -lcd, -dd, or -custd are possible *)
 let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
 let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
-let for_init_search = None
+let init_search_utils = None
diff --git a/test/st-KK06-algo1/config.ml b/test/st-KK06-algo1/config.ml
index 0ad60e2f7553382241800834c786c0768594e757..1d43d76d13802c54a5bc8cda4e43e45b9685cf07 100644
--- a/test/st-KK06-algo1/config.ml
+++ b/test/st-KK06-algo1/config.ml
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
 let potential = None (* None => only -sd, -cd, -lcd, -dd, or -custd are possible *)
 let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
 let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
-let for_init_search = None
+let init_search_utils = None
diff --git a/test/toy-example-a5sf/config.ml b/test/toy-example-a5sf/config.ml
index ca8ff2a21d3a3621eb020712a1d2427ced4eeca4..4b0b0af63ae1a290d5f84e08c6ca11ae940711f9 100644
--- a/test/toy-example-a5sf/config.ml
+++ b/test/toy-example-a5sf/config.ml
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ let potential = Some pf
 let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
 let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
-let for_init_search = None
+let init_search_utils = None
diff --git a/test/toy-example-sum/config.ml b/test/toy-example-sum/config.ml
index c4e51f69efa4940090470504325aab699e217703..de724c1917112e7edab9f343045c84d2e025ec90 100644
--- a/test/toy-example-sum/config.ml
+++ b/test/toy-example-sum/config.ml
@@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ let potential_combined: State.t Algo.potential_fun =
 let potential = Some potential_combined
 let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
 let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
-let for_init_search = None
+let init_search_utils = None