diff --git a/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml b/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
index df2cccfb6084bc921d7ecd9c38628778cae416f1..28ab05ee13d1c2f4a6415d36acbf3f6047b71b6a 100644
--- a/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
+++ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 27/05/2021 (at 10:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 27/05/2021 (at 17:23) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 #require "lablgtk3"
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ let rdbg_nodes_info e: (string * string * bool) list =
   let split_var (str, value) =
     let v = match value with B v -> v | _  -> assert false in
     let p, label =
-      match String.split_on_char '_' str with
-      | [] | [_] | [_;_] -> assert false
-      | [_; x; y] -> x, y
-      | [_; x; y; z] -> x^y,z
+      match args.salut_mode, String.split_on_char '_' str with
+      | _, [] | _, [_] | _, [_;_] -> assert false (* should not occur (naming conv) *)
+      | false, _::x::y -> x, String.concat "_" y
+      | true,  _::x::y::z -> x^y, String.concat "_" z
       | _ -> assert false
     p, label,v
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ let refresh () =
 (** Met en place le hook  *)
 let daemongui_activate = Hashtbl.create 1
 let (fake_val_of_type : Data.t -> Data.v) = function
   | Bool -> B false
   | Int -> I (Random.int 10)
@@ -96,6 +95,7 @@ let create_tags (buffer:GText.buffer) =
 let tags_created = ref false
+let oracle_button_ref = ref None
 let write color b str =
   if not !tags_created then (create_tags b; tags_created := true);
@@ -125,9 +125,11 @@ let display_event b =
 (*  *)
 let goto_hook_call () =
-  e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.name = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Call)
+  if custom_mode then
+    e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.name = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Call)
 let goto_hook_exit () =
+  if custom_mode then
   e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.name = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Exit)
 let init_rdbg_hook () =
@@ -156,9 +158,9 @@ let init_rdbg_hook () =
             | None -> false
             | Some x -> x
-          let activate = match enabled with
+          let activate = match enabled with (* activate the Enabled actions! *)
             | B true -> B to_activate
-            | _ -> B false
+            | B false -> B false
           (str, activate)
         ) sl
@@ -178,16 +180,16 @@ let init_rdbg_hook () =
 let set_tooltip b = b#misc#set_tooltip_text 
-let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
+let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button legitimate_button =
   (* création du rdbg_mv_hook et de tout ce qu'il faut autour *)
   init_rdbg_hook ();
   let daemon_box = GPack.hbox ~packing:vbox#add ()  ~homogeneous:true  ~height:15 in
   let dk_dd = GButton.radio_button  ~active:(!daemon_kind=Distributed)
-      ~label:"Distributed" ~packing:daemon_box#add ()
+                ~label:"Distributed" ~packing:daemon_box#add ()
   let make_but act lbl = GButton.radio_button ~active:act ~label:lbl
-      ~group:dk_dd#group ~packing:daemon_box#add ()
+                           ~group:dk_dd#group ~packing:daemon_box#add ()
   let dk_cd =  make_but (!daemon_kind=Central) "Central" in
   let dk_lcd = make_but (!daemon_kind=LocCentral) "Locally Central" in
@@ -214,19 +216,17 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   let update_rdbg_hook node activate =
     (match !daemon_kind with
      | Distributed | Synchronous | Central | LocCentral ->
-       assert false (* SNO *)
+        assert false (* SNO *)
      | ManualCentral -> (
-         let txt = Printf.sprintf "ManualCentral step: %s\n\n%s" node (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
-         (* gtext#buffer#set_text txt;  *)
-         blue gtext#buffer txt;
-         Hashtbl.iter
-           (fun n status -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n (n = node && status))
-           daemongui_activate;
-       )
-     | Manual ->
-       let txt = Printf.sprintf "Manual step: \n\n%s" (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
+       let txt = Printf.sprintf "ManualCentral step: %s\n\n%s" node (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
+       (* gtext#buffer#set_text txt;  *)
        blue gtext#buffer txt;
-       Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate node activate
+       Hashtbl.filter_map_inplace (fun n status -> Some (n = node)) daemongui_activate;
+     )
+     | Manual ->
+        let txt = Printf.sprintf "Manual step: \n\n%s" (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
+        blue gtext#buffer txt;
+        Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate node activate
@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   let i = ref 0 in
   let checkbox_grid = GPack.vbox ~packing:vbox#add () in
   let checkbox_scrolled_grid = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
-      ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
-      ~height:300
-      ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:checkbox_grid#add ()
+                                 ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+                                 ~height:300
+                                 ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:checkbox_grid#add ()
   let checkbox_scrolled_grid_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:checkbox_scrolled_grid#add () in
   let checkbox_line = GPack.hbox ~packing:checkbox_scrolled_grid_box#add () in
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   (* Des boutons pour le mode Manuel Central *)
   let pushbox_grid = GPack.vbox ~packing:vbox#add () ~homogeneous:true in
   let pushbox_scrolled_grid = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
-      ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
-      ~height:300
-      ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:pushbox_grid#add ()
+                                ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
+                                ~height:300
+                                ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:pushbox_grid#add ()
   let pushbox_scrolled_grid_box =
     GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:true ~packing:pushbox_scrolled_grid#add ()
@@ -296,12 +296,12 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
       (* Quand on appuie, met à jour le rdbg_mv_hook *)
                ~callback: (fun _ ->
-                   update_rdbg_hook name true;
-                   goto_hook_exit ();
-                   goto_hook_call ();
-                   display_event gtext;
-                   refresh ();
-                   false));
+                 update_rdbg_hook name true;
+                 goto_hook_exit ();
+                 goto_hook_call ();
+                 display_event gtext;
+                 refresh ();
+                 false));
       Hashtbl.add pushbox_map name pushbox
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   (* Des compteurs pour les modes automatiques *)
   let counter_grid = GPack.vbox ~packing:vbox#add () in
   let counter_scrolled_grid = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
-      ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~height:400
-      ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:counter_grid#add ()
+                                ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~height:400
+                                ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:counter_grid#add ()
   let counter_scrolled_grid_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:counter_scrolled_grid#add () in
   let counter_line = GPack.hbox ~packing:counter_scrolled_grid_box#add () in
@@ -352,25 +352,30 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   let update_checkbox node enabled =
     match !daemon_kind with
     | Manual ->
-      show step_button;  show checkbox_grid;
-      hide round_button; hide pushbox_grid;   hide counter_grid;
-      let checkbox = Hashtbl.find checkbox_map node in
-      if enabled then
-        show checkbox
-      else (
-        checkbox#set_active false; (* on decoche *)
-        hide checkbox
-      );
-      checkbox#set_sensitive enabled
+       show step_button; show checkbox_grid;
+       hide legitimate_button;
+       (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> hide b | None -> ());
+       hide round_button; hide pushbox_grid;   hide counter_grid;
+       let checkbox = Hashtbl.find checkbox_map node in
+       if enabled then
+         show checkbox
+       else (
+         checkbox#set_active false; (* on decoche *)
+         hide checkbox
+       );
+       checkbox#set_sensitive enabled
     | ManualCentral ->
-      hide step_button; hide round_button; hide checkbox_grid; hide counter_grid;
-      show pushbox_grid;
-      let pushbox = Hashtbl.find pushbox_map node in
-      if enabled then show pushbox else hide pushbox;
-      pushbox#set_sensitive enabled
+       hide legitimate_button;
+       (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> hide b | None -> ());
+       hide step_button; hide round_button; hide checkbox_grid; hide counter_grid;
+       show pushbox_grid;
+       let pushbox = Hashtbl.find pushbox_map node in
+       if enabled then show pushbox else hide pushbox;
+       pushbox#set_sensitive enabled
     | Distributed | Synchronous | Central | LocCentral ->
-      show step_button; show round_button; show counter_grid;
-      hide checkbox_grid; hide pushbox_grid;
+       (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> show b | None -> ());
+       show step_button; show round_button; show counter_grid; show legitimate_button;
+       hide checkbox_grid; hide pushbox_grid;
   let update_all_checkboxes () =
     let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled !e in
@@ -418,10 +423,10 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
       | [] -> acc
       | (n, false)::t -> aux p acc t
       | (n, true)::t ->
-        let pn = prio n in
-        if p > pn then aux p acc t else
-        if p = pn then aux p (n::acc) t else
-          aux pn [n] t
+         let pn = prio n in
+         if p > pn then aux p acc t else
+           if p = pn then aux p (n::acc) t else
+             aux pn [n] t
     aux 0 [] nl
@@ -432,53 +437,53 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
     (* p ("==> gtkgui: CALL =" ^ (string_of_event !e)); *)
     match !daemon_kind with
     | Distributed -> (
-        let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
-        let to_activate = Daemon.distributed nodes in
-        Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-        List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        goto_hook_exit ();
-        goto_hook_call ();
-        d ()
-      )
+      let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
+      let to_activate = Daemon.distributed nodes in
+      Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
+      List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
+      goto_hook_exit ();
+      goto_hook_call ();
+      d ()
+    )
     | Synchronous -> (
-        Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-        List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) nodes;
-        goto_hook_exit ();
-        goto_hook_call ();
-        d ()
-      )
+      Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
+      List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) nodes;
+      goto_hook_exit ();
+      goto_hook_call ();
+      d ()
+    )
     | Central -> (
-        let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
-        let to_activate = Daemon.central nodes  in
-        Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-        List.iter (fun n ->
-            Printf.printf "Activating %s\n" n;
-            Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        goto_hook_exit ();
-        goto_hook_call ();
-        d ()
-      )
+      let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
+      let to_activate = Daemon.central nodes  in
+      Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
+      List.iter (fun n ->
+          Printf.printf "Activating %s\n" n;
+          Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
+      goto_hook_exit ();
+      goto_hook_call ();
+      d ()
+    )
     | LocCentral -> (
-        let get_neigbors x =
-          let succ = snd (List.split (topology.succ x)) in
-          let pred = topology.pred x in
-          let res = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc) succ pred in
-          (* p (Printf.sprintf "voisins(%s)=%s\n" x (String.concat "," res)); *)
-          res
-        in
-        let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x, get_neigbors x]) nodes in
-        let to_activate = Daemon.locally_central nodes in
-        Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-        List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        goto_hook_exit ();
-        goto_hook_call ();
-        d ()
-      )
-    | ManualCentral -> () (* SNO; the step is done in pushbox callbacks *)
-    | Manual ->
+      let get_neigbors x =
+        let succ = snd (List.split (topology.succ x)) in
+        let pred = topology.pred x in
+        let res = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc) succ pred in
+        (* p (Printf.sprintf "voisins(%s)=%s\n" x (String.concat "," res)); *)
+        res
+      in
+      let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x, get_neigbors x]) nodes in
+      let to_activate = Daemon.locally_central nodes in
+      Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
+      List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
       goto_hook_exit ();
       goto_hook_call ();
       d ()
+    )
+    | ManualCentral -> () (* SNO; the step is done in pushbox callbacks *)
+    | Manual ->
+       goto_hook_exit ();
+       goto_hook_call ();
+       d ()
@@ -557,11 +562,26 @@ let main () =
   let round_button =
     button  ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:`MEDIA_FORWARD ~packing:bbox#add ~label:"round" ()
+  let legitimate () = 
+    let legitimate_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox#add () in
+    set_tooltip legitimate_button
+      "Move FORWARD until a legitimate configuration is reached (silence by default)";
+    let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/chut_small.svg") () in
+    legitimate_button#set_image image#coerce; 
+    (*     change_label legitimate_button "Silen_t"; *)
+    ignore (legitimate_button#connect#clicked ~callback:
+              (button_cb true (fun () -> legitimate(); goto_hook_call ())));
+    legitimate_button#misc#hide(); (* indeed, in the defaut mode (manual central),
+                                      it should be hided *)
+    legitimate_button
+  in
+  let legitimate_button = legitimate () in
   let ze_step =
     if custom_mode then
-      custom_daemon p text_out w step_button round_button 
+      custom_daemon p text_out w step_button round_button legitimate_button
-      s
+      s (* cf sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml *)
   let step () =
@@ -581,23 +601,14 @@ let main () =
               button_cb true (fun () ->
                   next_round_gui !roundnb; 
-                  if !e.name <> "mv_hook" && !e.kind <> Call then goto_hook_call ())));
+                  if custom_mode && !e.name <> "mv_hook" && !e.kind <> Call then
+                    goto_hook_call ()))
+    );
   set_tooltip back_round_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous ROUND";
   change_label back_round_button "Roun_d";
   ignore (back_round_button#connect#clicked
             ~callback:(button_cb true (fun () -> pr();pr(); goto_hook_call ())));
-  let legitimate () = 
-    let legitimate_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox#add () in
-    set_tooltip legitimate_button
-      "Move FORWARD until a legitimate configuration is reached (silence by default)";
-    let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/chut_small.svg") () in
-    legitimate_button#set_image image#coerce; 
-    (*     change_label legitimate_button "Silen_t"; *)
-    ignore (legitimate_button#connect#clicked ~callback:
-              (button_cb true (fun () -> legitimate(); goto_hook_call ())))
-  in
-  legitimate ();
   let graph () = 
     let graph_button = button  ~use_mnemonic:true  ~packing:bbox#add () in
@@ -617,11 +628,14 @@ let main () =
   if args.oracles <> [] then (
-    ignore (make_button `OK "_Oracle" "Move FORWARD until an oracle is violated"
+    let oracle_button = make_button `OK "_Oracle" "Move FORWARD until an oracle is violated"
               (*     let image = GMisc.image ~file:"../rdbg-utils/oracle_small.jpg" () in *)
               (*     viol_button#set_image image#coerce;  *)
-                 (fun () -> let str = viol_string () in goto_hook_call (); d();str)))
+                 (fun () -> let str = viol_string () in goto_hook_call (); d();str))
+    in
+    oracle_button#misc#hide(); (* indeed, in the defaut mode (manual central), it should be hided *)
+    oracle_button_ref := Some oracle_button
   let _ = make_button `UNDO "_Undo" "Undo the last move" (button_cb true (fun ()->u();d())) in
   let _ = make_button `REFRESH "Restar_t" "Restart from the beginning"
diff --git a/tools/rdbg4sasa/sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml b/tools/rdbg4sasa/sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml
index 3ff960364de9727b911c5c79ed921e08fb3e781b..5143bc6fa63c444a405a0d8ea1ad0bcf617965e6 100644
--- a/tools/rdbg4sasa/sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml
+++ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ let str_of_sasa_event short e =
       Printf.sprintf "%s_%s=%s" pid n (Data.val_to_string string_of_float v)
     let pot = match List.assoc_opt "potential" e.data with
-      | Some F f -> Printf.sprintf "potential = %.1f\n" f
+      | Some F f -> Printf.sprintf " => potential %.1f" f
       | _ -> ""
     let leg = match List.assoc_opt "legitimate" e.data with
@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ let str_of_sasa_event short e =
         (if e.step <> e.nb then (":" ^ (string_of_int e.nb)) else "")
         (String.concat " " (List.map to_string_var vars))
-      Printf.sprintf "Round %i - Step %i%s\n%s%s\n%s%s%s" !roundnb e.step
-        (if e.step <> e.nb then (" - Event " ^ (string_of_int e.nb)) else "")
+      Printf.sprintf "Round %i - Step %i%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" !roundnb e.step
+        (if e.step <> e.nb then (" - Event " ^ (string_of_int e.nb)) else "") pot
         (RdbgStdLib.string_of_event e) 
         (if vars = [] then "" else
            ("Active node states: "^(String.concat " " (List.map to_string_var vars))))
-        pot leg silent
+        leg silent
 let print_sasa_event short e =