diff --git a/sasa.opam b/sasa.opam
index 2b89ccf49b4a9c5c77d71d05410ab0ea03e310e8..c98f47b2a7fcf5cf5154faf5bb2bac81536cd8b8 100644
--- a/sasa.opam
+++ b/sasa.opam
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ depends: [
   "dune" { >= "1.11" }
-  "rdbg" { >= "1.193.1" }
+  "rdbg" { >= "1.194" }
 depopts: [
diff --git a/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml b/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
index 4e0b61c25cc165c4886ca98e7f8015ceb5370b26..7afb6cf59550d86bc8070fa92e0db411dac4a5c0 100644
--- a/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
+++ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/05/2021 (at 18:19) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/05/2021 (at 15:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 #require "lablgtk3"
@@ -69,16 +69,23 @@ let daemongui_activate = Hashtbl.create 1
 let (fake_val_of_type : Data.t -> Data.v) = function
   | Bool -> B false
-  | Int -> I 0
-  | Real -> F 0.0
-  | Extern _
-  | Enum _
-  | Struct _
-  | Array _
-  | Alpha _
-  | Alias _
+  | Int -> I (Random.int 10)
+  | Real -> F (Random.float 10.0)
+  | Extern _ -> assert false
+  | Enum _ -> assert false
+  | Struct _ -> assert false
+  | Array _ -> assert false
+  | Alpha _ -> assert false
+  | Alias _ -> assert false
   | String _ -> assert false
+(*  *)
+let goto_hook_call () =
+  e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.name = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Call)
+let goto_hook_exit () =
+  e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.name = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Exit)
 let init_rdbg_hook () =
   let guidaemon sl =
     if sl = [] then
@@ -144,9 +151,12 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
   set_tooltip dk_manual (Printf.sprintf "Set the manual mode");
   set_tooltip dk_manual_central (Printf.sprintf "Set the manual central mode");
-  (* Necessary for pour salut *)  
-  if args.salut_mode then e:= next_cond !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop);
-  (*   if !e.kind <> Exit then e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.kind = Exit && e.depth = 2); *)
+  (* Necessary for salut (to perform a fake step that let sasa provide
+     the first set of enables) *)
+  if args.salut_mode then (
+    goto_hook_call ();goto_hook_call ();
+    d()
+  );
   let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled !e in
   (** Met à jour le hook pour node quand le bouton ou une checkbox correspondant est activé *)
@@ -233,7 +243,8 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
                ~callback: (fun _ ->
                    update_rdbg_hook name true;
-                   sd();
+                   goto_hook_call ();
+                   goto_hook_call ();
                    refresh ();
       Hashtbl.add pushbox_map name pushbox
@@ -348,9 +359,6 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
     aux 0 [] nl
   let step () =
-    let ne = if !e.name = "mv_hook" then
-        next_cond !e (fun e -> e.name = "mv_hook") else !e in
-    e:=ne;
     let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled !e in
     let nodes = List.filter (fun (_,b) -> b) nodes_enabled in
     let nodes = get_higher_prioriry nodes in
@@ -361,19 +369,19 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
         let to_activate = Daemon.distributed nodes in
         Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
         List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        e:=next_cond  !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop); d ();
+        goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
     | Synchronous -> (
         Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
         List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) nodes;
-        e:=next_cond  !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop); d ();
+        goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
     | Central -> (
         let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
         let to_activate = Daemon.central nodes  in
         Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
         List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        e:=next_cond  !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop); d ();
+        goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
     | LocCentral -> (
         let get_neigbors x =
@@ -387,10 +395,10 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button round_button =
         let to_activate = Daemon.locally_central nodes in
         Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
         List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate;
-        e:=next_cond  !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop); d ();
+        goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
-    | ManualCentral -> () (* SNO *)
-    | Manual -> e:=next_cond  !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop); d ()
+    | ManualCentral -> () (* SNO; the step is done in pushbox callbacks *)
+    | Manual -> goto_hook_exit (); goto_hook_call (); d ()
@@ -550,7 +558,12 @@ let main () =
          (fun ()->
-            if args.salut_mode then e:= next_cond !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop);
+            if args.salut_mode then
+              (* in this mode, the hook plays first to provide fake values to sasa
+                 but the hook does not need input at this first step
+              *)
+              goto_hook_call ();
+            goto_hook_call ();
   let _ = make_button `MEDIA_PLAY "_Sim2chro" "Launch sim2chro on the generated data (so far)"