From 3fdda0f49f466ac30e7b0d2b2a526a86c204a72b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2020 09:49:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Test: yet another bfs spanning tree construction

 test/Makefile                   |   2 +
 test/                  |   1 +
 test/                 |   8 +-
 test/bfs-st-HC92/Makefile       |   5 +-
 test/bfs-st-HC92/        |  12 +-
 test/lustre/utils.lus           |   4 +-
 test/st-KK06/Makefile           |  38 +++++
 test/st-KK06/         | 291 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/st-KK06/          |  33 ++++
 test/st-KK06/  |   6 +
 test/st-KK06/               |  49 ++++++
 test/st-KK06/           |  13 ++
 test/st-KK06/            |  13 ++
 test/st-KK06/st_KK06_oracle.lus |  12 ++
 test/st-KK06/           |   5 +
 15 files changed, 474 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/Makefile
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/st_KK06_oracle.lus
 create mode 100644 test/st-KK06/

diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index 55fb441c..5e89bb30 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ test:
 	cd dfs/ && make
 	cd dfs-list/ && make
 	cd st-CYH91/ && make
+	cd st-KK06/ && make 
 	cd bfs-st-HC92/ && make 
 	echo "Every test went fine!"
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ clean:
 	cd dfs/ && make clean
 	cd dfs-list/ && make clean
 	cd st-CYH91/ && make clean
+	cd st-KK06/ && make  clean
 	cd bfs-st-HC92/ && make clean
 -include Makefile.untracked
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 4902def8..96fa8ed0 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ The [test](
 -   `test/bfs-spanning-tree/`: a Breadth First Search Spanning tree construction
 -   `test/bfs-st-HC92`: another BFS Spanning tree construction ("A self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing breadth-first trees" by Huang and Chen in 1992)
 -   `test/st-CYH91`: another Spanning tree construction ("A self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing spanning trees" by Chen, Yu, and Huang in 1991)
+-   `test/st-KK06`: another Spanning tree construction ("A Self-stabilizing Algorithm for Finding a Spanning Tree in a Polynomial Number of Moves" by Kosowski and Kuszner, 2006)
 -   `test/dfs/`: a Depth First Search using arrays (the \`\`atomic state model'' version of a [Depth First Search algorithm proposed by Collin and Dolev in 1994](
 -   `test/dfs-list/`: a Depth First Search using lists
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 672cf2d2..f23860d8 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ Self-Stabilizing Algorithms'' By Altisen, Devismes, Dubois, and Petit.
 - =test/bfs-st-HC92=:  another  BFS  Spanning tree  construction  ("A
   self-stabilizing algorithm for  constructing breadth-first trees" by
    Huang and Chen in 1992)
-- =test/st-CYH91=:    another     Spanning    tree  construction   ("A  self-stabilizing   algorithm  for   constructing
-  spanning trees" by Chen, Yu, and Huang in 1991)
+- =test/st-CYH91=:    another   Spanning    tree   construction    ("A
+  self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing spanning trees" by Chen,
+  Yu, and Huang in 1991)
+- =test/st-KK06=:    another    Spanning   tree    construction    ("A
+  Self-stabilizing  Algorithm  for  Finding   a  Spanning  Tree  in  a
+  Polynomial Number of Moves" by Kosowski and Kuszner, 2006)
 - =test/dfs/=: a Depth  First Search using arrays  (the ``atomic state
   model'' version of a [[][Depth First Search algorithm proposed by Collin and Dolev in 1994]])
 - =test/dfs-list/=: a Depth First Search using lists
diff --git a/test/bfs-st-HC92/Makefile b/test/bfs-st-HC92/Makefile
index fa29cbbe..c5e7d3f3 100644
--- a/test/bfs-st-HC92/Makefile
+++ b/test/bfs-st-HC92/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Time-stamp: <modified the 06/02/2020 (at 14:20) by Erwan Jahier>
+# Time-stamp: <modified the 06/02/2020 (at 17:25) by Erwan Jahier>
 test: test0 lurette
@@ -20,9 +20,8 @@ rdbg:
 	rdbg -o rdbg.rif -sut "sasa" -l 1000
 lurette: grid4.cmxs 
-	lurette -o rdbg.rif -sut "sasa" -l 1000
+	lurette -o rdbg.rif -sut "sasa -rif" -l 1000
 	rdbg -o rdbg.rif -sut "sasa" -l 1000
diff --git a/test/bfs-st-HC92/ b/test/bfs-st-HC92/
index 743c2e8c..a6b39842 100644
--- a/test/bfs-st-HC92/
+++ b/test/bfs-st-HC92/
@@ -1,14 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 04/02/2020 (at 11:06) by Erwan Jahier> *)
-(* "A self-stabilizing algoritm for constructing spanning trees"
- Nian-Shing Chen,  Wey-Pyng Yu and Shing-Tsaan Huang
- Information Processing Letters 39 (1991) 147-151
-- central daemon
-- connected unidirected graph
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/02/2020 (at 14:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 let (init_state: int -> 'st) =
   fun i ->
diff --git a/test/lustre/utils.lus b/test/lustre/utils.lus
index 4b3fa973..0b51e7a0 100644
--- a/test/lustre/utils.lus
+++ b/test/lustre/utils.lus
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ let
-node compt_move (tab_acti:bool^m^n) returns (nb_act:int);
+node count_move <<const m:int ; const n:int>>(tab_acti:bool^m^n) returns (nb_act:int);
-  nb_act = 0 -> pre(nb_act) + (red<<count_true_acc,n>>(0,tab_acti));    
+  nb_act = 0 -> pre(nb_act) + (red<<count_true_acc<<m>>,n>>(0,tab_acti));    
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/Makefile b/test/st-KK06/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afcc32dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2020 (at 08:30) by Erwan Jahier>
+test: test0 lurette lurette-alt
+test0: ring.cmxs 
+	sasa -l 200 
+sim2chrogtk: ring.rif
+	sim2chrogtk -ecran -in $< > /dev/null
+gnuplot: ring.rif 
+	gnuplot-rif $< 
+ocd: grid4.cma
+	rdbg --ocamldebug  -sut "sasa" -l 1000
+	rdbg -o rdbg.rif -sut "sasa" -l 1000
+lurette: grid4.cmxs grid4_oracle.lus
+	lurette -o rdbg.rif -sut "sasa -rif" \
+		-oracle "lv6 grid4_oracle.lus -n oracle -exec" -l 1000
+lurette-alt: grid4.cmxs grid4_oracle.lus
+	rdbg -lurette -o rdbg.rif -sut "sasa -rif" \
+		-oracle "lv6 grid4_oracle.lus -n oracle -exec" -l 1000
+	rdbg -o rdbg.rif -sut "sasa" -l 1000
+clean: genclean
+	rm -f grid*.ml grid*.lus
+-include ../
+-include Makefile.untracked
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/ b/test/st-KK06/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af743260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+graph grid {
+graph [min_deg=2
+	mean_deg=3.6
+	max_deg=4
+	is_connected=true
+	is_cyclic=true
+	is_tree=true
+	links_number=180]
+  p0 [algo=""]
+  p1 [algo=""]
+  p2 [algo=""]
+  p3 [algo=""]
+  p4 [algo=""]
+  p5 [algo=""]
+  p6 [algo=""]
+  p7 [algo=""]
+  p8 [algo=""]
+  p9 [algo=""]
+  p10 [algo=""]
+  p11 [algo=""]
+  p12 [algo=""]
+  p13 [algo=""]
+  p14 [algo=""]
+  p15 [algo=""]
+  p16 [algo=""]
+  p17 [algo=""]
+  p18 [algo=""]
+  p19 [algo=""]
+  p20 [algo=""]
+  p21 [algo=""]
+  p22 [algo=""]
+  p23 [algo=""]
+  p24 [algo=""]
+  p25 [algo=""]
+  p26 [algo=""]
+  p27 [algo=""]
+  p28 [algo=""]
+  p29 [algo=""]
+  p30 [algo=""]
+  p31 [algo=""]
+  p32 [algo=""]
+  p33 [algo=""]
+  p34 [algo=""]
+  p35 [algo=""]
+  p36 [algo=""]
+  p37 [algo=""]
+  p38 [algo=""]
+  p39 [algo=""]
+  p40 [algo=""]
+  p41 [algo=""]
+  p42 [algo=""]
+  p43 [algo=""]
+  p44 [algo=""]
+  p45 [algo=""]
+  p46 [algo=""]
+  p47 [algo=""]
+  p48 [algo=""]
+  p49 [algo=""]
+  p50 [algo=""]
+  p51 [algo=""]
+  p52 [algo=""]
+  p53 [algo=""]
+  p54 [algo=""]
+  p55 [algo=""]
+  p56 [algo=""]
+  p57 [algo=""]
+  p58 [algo=""]
+  p59 [algo=""]
+  p60 [algo=""]
+  p61 [algo=""]
+  p62 [algo=""]
+  p63 [algo=""]
+  p64 [algo=""]
+  p65 [algo=""]
+  p66 [algo=""]
+  p67 [algo=""]
+  p68 [algo=""]
+  p69 [algo=""]
+  p70 [algo=""]
+  p71 [algo=""]
+  p72 [algo=""]
+  p73 [algo=""]
+  p74 [algo=""]
+  p75 [algo=""]
+  p76 [algo=""]
+  p77 [algo=""]
+  p78 [algo=""]
+  p79 [algo=""]
+  p80 [algo=""]
+  p81 [algo=""]
+  p82 [algo=""]
+  p83 [algo=""]
+  p84 [algo=""]
+  p85 [algo=""]
+  p86 [algo=""]
+  p87 [algo=""]
+  p88 [algo=""]
+  p89 [algo=""]
+  p90 [algo=""]
+  p91 [algo=""]
+  p92 [algo=""]
+  p93 [algo=""]
+  p94 [algo=""]
+  p95 [algo=""]
+  p96 [algo=""]
+  p97 [algo=""]
+  p98 [algo=""]
+  p99 [algo=""]
+  p0 -- p1
+  p0 -- p10
+  p1 -- p11
+  p1 -- p2
+  p10 -- p11
+  p10 -- p20
+  p11 -- p12
+  p11 -- p21
+  p12 -- p13
+  p12 -- p2
+  p12 -- p22
+  p13 -- p14
+  p13 -- p23
+  p13 -- p3
+  p14 -- p15
+  p14 -- p24
+  p14 -- p4
+  p15 -- p16
+  p15 -- p25
+  p15 -- p5
+  p16 -- p17
+  p16 -- p26
+  p16 -- p6
+  p17 -- p18
+  p17 -- p27
+  p17 -- p7
+  p18 -- p19
+  p18 -- p28
+  p18 -- p8
+  p19 -- p29
+  p19 -- p9
+  p2 -- p3
+  p20 -- p21
+  p20 -- p30
+  p21 -- p22
+  p21 -- p31
+  p22 -- p23
+  p22 -- p32
+  p23 -- p24
+  p23 -- p33
+  p24 -- p25
+  p24 -- p34
+  p25 -- p26
+  p25 -- p35
+  p26 -- p27
+  p26 -- p36
+  p27 -- p28
+  p27 -- p37
+  p28 -- p29
+  p28 -- p38
+  p29 -- p39
+  p3 -- p4
+  p30 -- p31
+  p30 -- p40
+  p31 -- p32
+  p31 -- p41
+  p32 -- p33
+  p32 -- p42
+  p33 -- p34
+  p33 -- p43
+  p34 -- p35
+  p34 -- p44
+  p35 -- p36
+  p35 -- p45
+  p36 -- p37
+  p36 -- p46
+  p37 -- p38
+  p37 -- p47
+  p38 -- p39
+  p38 -- p48
+  p39 -- p49
+  p4 -- p5
+  p40 -- p41
+  p40 -- p50
+  p41 -- p42
+  p41 -- p51
+  p42 -- p43
+  p42 -- p52
+  p43 -- p44
+  p43 -- p53
+  p44 -- p45
+  p44 -- p54
+  p45 -- p46
+  p45 -- p55
+  p46 -- p47
+  p46 -- p56
+  p47 -- p48
+  p47 -- p57
+  p48 -- p49
+  p48 -- p58
+  p49 -- p59
+  p5 -- p6
+  p50 -- p51
+  p50 -- p60
+  p51 -- p52
+  p51 -- p61
+  p52 -- p53
+  p52 -- p62
+  p53 -- p54
+  p53 -- p63
+  p54 -- p55
+  p54 -- p64
+  p55 -- p56
+  p55 -- p65
+  p56 -- p57
+  p56 -- p66
+  p57 -- p58
+  p57 -- p67
+  p58 -- p59
+  p58 -- p68
+  p59 -- p69
+  p6 -- p7
+  p60 -- p61
+  p60 -- p70
+  p61 -- p62
+  p61 -- p71
+  p62 -- p63
+  p62 -- p72
+  p63 -- p64
+  p63 -- p73
+  p64 -- p65
+  p64 -- p74
+  p65 -- p66
+  p65 -- p75
+  p66 -- p67
+  p66 -- p76
+  p67 -- p68
+  p67 -- p77
+  p68 -- p69
+  p68 -- p78
+  p69 -- p79
+  p7 -- p8
+  p70 -- p71
+  p70 -- p80
+  p71 -- p72
+  p71 -- p81
+  p72 -- p73
+  p72 -- p82
+  p73 -- p74
+  p73 -- p83
+  p74 -- p75
+  p74 -- p84
+  p75 -- p76
+  p75 -- p85
+  p76 -- p77
+  p76 -- p86
+  p77 -- p78
+  p77 -- p87
+  p78 -- p79
+  p78 -- p88
+  p79 -- p89
+  p8 -- p9
+  p80 -- p81
+  p80 -- p90
+  p81 -- p82
+  p81 -- p91
+  p82 -- p83
+  p82 -- p92
+  p83 -- p84
+  p83 -- p93
+  p84 -- p85
+  p84 -- p94
+  p85 -- p86
+  p85 -- p95
+  p86 -- p87
+  p86 -- p96
+  p87 -- p88
+  p87 -- p97
+  p88 -- p89
+  p88 -- p98
+  p89 -- p99
+  p90 -- p91
+  p91 -- p92
+  p92 -- p93
+  p93 -- p94
+  p94 -- p95
+  p95 -- p96
+  p96 -- p97
+  p97 -- p98
+  p98 -- p99
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/ b/test/st-KK06/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7f16c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+graph g {
+  p0 [algo=""  ]
+  p1 [algo=""  ]
+  p2 [algo=""  ]
+  p3 [algo=""  ]
+  p4 [algo=""  ]
+  p5 [algo=""  ]
+  p6 [algo=""  ]
+  p7 [algo=""  ]
+  p8 [algo=""  ]
+  p9 [algo=""  ]
+  p10 [algo=""  ]
+  p11 [algo=""  ]
+  p12 [algo=""  ]
+  p13 [algo=""  ]
+  p14 [algo=""  ]
+  p15 [algo=""  ]
+  p0 -- p1 -- p2 -- p3 -- p7
+  p0 -- p4 -- p5 -- p6
+  p11-- p15
+  p1 -- p5 -- p9 
+  p10 -- p11 -- p7
+  p10 -- p14 -- p15
+  p10 -- p6
+  p10 -- p9
+  p12 -- p13 -- p14
+  p12 -- p8 -- p9
+  p13 -- p9
+  p2 -- p6 -- p7
+  p4 -- p8
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/ b/test/st-KK06/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ba333d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#use "../";;
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/ b/test/st-KK06/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f282b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/02/2020 (at 09:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+ A Self-stabilizing Algorithm for Finding a Spanning Tree in a Polynomial Number of Moves
+ Adrian Kosowski and Lukasz Kuszner
+ PPAM 2005, LNCS 3911, pp. 75–82, 2006.
+- distributed daemon
+- connected un-directed graph
+ *)
+open Algo
+let (init_state: int -> 'st) =
+  fun _nl -> ( 10)
+let min_n nl = (* returns the min of the neigbhors *) 
+  List.fold_left
+    (fun acc n -> if acc < state n then acc else state n)
+    (state (List.hd nl))
+    ( nl)
+let max_n nl = (* returns the max of the neigbhors *) 
+  List.fold_left
+    (fun acc n -> if acc > state n then acc else state n)
+    (state (List.hd nl))
+    ( nl)
+let (enable_f: 'st -> 'st neighbor list -> action list) =
+  fun e nl ->
+  if (*  R: v <> root ∧ f (v) ≤ min_u∈N(v) f (u)
+             --->  f (v) = max_u∈N(v) f (u) + 1 *)
+    e <= min_n nl
+  then  ["R"]
+  else  []
+let (step_f : 'st -> 'st neighbor list -> action -> 'st ) =
+  fun e nl ->
+    function
+    | "R" -> 1+ max_n nl
+    | _ -> e
+let actions = Some ["R"];
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/ b/test/st-KK06/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbb0da3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+graph ring7 {
+ p1 [algo=""]
+ p2 [algo="" ]
+ p3 [algo=""]
+ p4 [algo=""]
+ p5 [algo=""]
+ p6 [algo=""]
+ p7 [algo=""]
+ p1 -- p2 -- p3 -- p4 -- p5 -- p6 -- p7 -- p1
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/ b/test/st-KK06/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81077890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/02/2020 (at 15:39) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+let (init_state: int -> 'st) =
+  fun i -> 0
+(* The root is never enabled... *)
+let enable_f = fun _ _ -> []
+(* ... nor activated! *)
+let step_f = fun e _nl _a -> e
+let actions = Some ["R"];
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/st_KK06_oracle.lus b/test/st-KK06/st_KK06_oracle.lus
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b799e13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/st_KK06_oracle.lus
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+include "../lustre/utils.lus"
+node st_KK06_oracle<<const an:int; const pn:int>>(Enab,Acti:bool^an^pn) 
+returns (ok:bool);
+  moves : int;
+-- Theorem 2. Algorithm 1 stabilizes in O(n diam(G)) moves. 
+  moves = count_move<<an,pn>>(Acti);
+  ok = moves <= card * diameter ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/st-KK06/ b/test/st-KK06/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b98f247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/st-KK06/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+type t = int 
+let to_string = (fun s -> Printf.sprintf "f=%i" s)
+let of_string = Some int_of_string
+let copy x = x