diff --git a/lib/sasacore/localSearch.ml b/lib/sasacore/localSearch.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0dfae38d4f8e3556a67e7ee9213d5964912fd6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sasacore/localSearch.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+type ('n, 'tv, 'v) t = {
+  init : 'n * 'tv * 'v;
+  succ : 'n -> 'n list; (* returns (all or some) neighbors *)     
+  is_goal : 'n -> bool; (* is the node a solution of the problem *)
+  stop : 'n -> 'n -> bool; (* [stop pre_sol n] to stop the search before all nodes are visited *)
+  cut: 'n -> 'n -> bool; (* if [cut pre_sol n] is true, stop exploring n *)
+  push : 'tv -> 'n -> 'tv; (* add the node in the set of nodes to visit *)
+  pop  : 'tv -> ('n * 'tv) option; (* pick a node to visit *)
+  visiting : 'n -> 'v -> 'v; (* mark a node as visited *)
+  visited  : 'n -> 'v -> bool; (* check if a node has been visited *)
+type 'n sol = Stopped | NoMore | Sol of 'n * 'n moresol
+and 'n moresol = 'n option -> 'n sol
+let debug = false
+let cut_nb = ref 0
+let sol_nb = ref 0
+let (run : ('n, 'tv, 'v) t -> 'n option -> 'n sol) = 
+ fun g pre_sol ->
+  let cut sol_opt n = match sol_opt with
+    | None -> false
+    | Some sol ->
+      let res = g.cut sol n in
+      if res then incr cut_nb;
+      res
+  in
+  let pre_process sol_opt (v, tv) n =
+    if g.visited n v || cut sol_opt n then (v, tv) else (g.visiting n v, g.push tv n)
+  in 
+  let rec loop ps n tv v psol =
+   let do_succ_cont s =
+     if g.stop ps n then Stopped else loop2 n tv v s
+   in (* to avoid code duplication *)
+   if not (g.is_goal n) then
+     do_succ_cont psol 
+   else
+     (incr sol_nb; Sol(n, do_succ_cont))
+  and loop2 n tv v psol = (* look at the n successors *)
+    if debug then Printf.printf "look at successors\n%!";
+    let v, tv = List.fold_left (pre_process psol) (v, tv) (g.succ n) in
+    (match g.pop tv with
+     | None -> NoMore
+     | Some (next_n, tv) -> loop n next_n tv v psol
+    )
+  in
+  let n, tv, v = g.init in
+  loop n n tv v pre_sol
+let stat log =
+  Printf.fprintf log "\n- local search stat:\n\t- cut: %d\n\t- sol nb: %d\n%!" !cut_nb !sol_nb
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/localSearch.mli b/lib/sasacore/localSearch.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..591475d21a38e5e74e0ab3b6104af39cc0fdc3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sasacore/localSearch.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 27/10/2021 (at 12:08) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(** A generic module to implement local searches
+    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_search_(optimization)
+(** Parameterized by node, nodes to visit later, already visited (+ to visit) nodes
+- 'tv: nodes to visit late can be implemented by lists, or priority queues
+- 'v:  visited nodes can be implemented by lists, or sets
+type ('n, 'tv, 'v) t = {
+  init : 'n * 'tv * 'v;
+  succ : 'n -> 'n list; (* returns (all or some) neighbors *)     
+  is_goal : 'n -> bool; (* is the node a solution of the problem *)
+  stop : 'n -> 'n -> bool; (* if [stop pre_sol n], stop the search *)
+  cut: 'n -> 'n -> bool;   (* if [cut pre_sol n], don't explore n *)
+  push : 'tv -> 'n -> 'tv; (* add the node in the set of nodes to visit *)
+  pop  : 'tv -> ('n * 'tv) option; (* pick a node to visit *)
+  visiting : 'n -> 'v -> 'v; (* mark a node as visited *)
+  visited  : 'n -> 'v -> bool; (* check if a node has been visited *)
+type 'n sol = Stopped | NoMore | Sol of 'n * 'n moresol
+and 'n moresol = 'n option -> 'n sol
+ (** [explore g] the graph induced by [g.succ] until either
+    - [pop tv]~>None, then it returns NoMore 
+    - [stop pre_s s]~> true and is_goal s~>false, then it returns [Stopped]
+    - [is_goal s]~>true, then it returns [Sol(sol, cont)]
+   When a valid node (a.k.a., a solution) is found, [run] returns it plus
+   a continuation to carry on the search.
+   The optional argument of ['n moresol] ought to contain a previously obtained
+   solution (i.e., a node n for which [is_goal n=true]) that can be used by [cut]
+   to cut branches.
+     nb: no cost function is required. But of course, the [push] or the [cut]
+     functions might use one.
+val run : ('n, 'tv, 'v) t -> 'n moresol
+val stat : out_channel -> unit