From 341c4a6e33499c52bc38754bad7ee07d2af74e09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 10:50:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Clean up the algo.mli w.r.t. to possible varT and values

 bin/    |  4 +++-
 bin/   |  1 +
 lib/algo/  | 10 +++++++---
 lib/algo/algo.mli | 27 ++++++++++++++-------------
 4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 5db5a022..1994865b 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 10/03/2019 (at 22:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2019 (at 10:41) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type t = {
   pid : string;
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ let (make: bool -> Topology.node -> t) =
             | Some(Algo.Bt) -> B (bool_of_string x)
             | Some(Algo.Ft) -> F (float_of_string x)
             | Some(Algo.Et _i) -> I (int_of_string x)
+            | Some(Algo.St) -> S "dummy"
             | None ->
               failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a variable of program %s" v cmxs)
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 228fa5a5..e584b19f 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ let (algo_varT: Algo.varT -> string) = function
   | Bt -> "bool"
   | Et i -> Printf.sprintf "enum(%d)" i
   | Nt -> "Neighbor"
+  | St -> "string"
 let (algo_vars : Algo.vars -> string) = fun vars -> 
   String.concat "," ( (fun (n,t) -> Printf.sprintf "%s:%s" n (algo_varT t)) vars)
diff --git a/lib/algo/ b/lib/algo/
index 840a3c3e..a6ca9b09 100644
--- a/lib/algo/
+++ b/lib/algo/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 10/03/2019 (at 20:46) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2019 (at 10:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Process programmer API *)
-type varT = It | Nt | Ft | Bt | Et of int 
+type varT = It | Ft | Bt | Et of int | St | Nt
 type action = string (* just a label *)
-type value = I of int | F of float | B of bool | S of string | N of int
+type value = I of int | F of float | B of bool | E of int | S of string | N of int
 type local_env = string -> value
 type vars = (string * varT) list
@@ -40,11 +40,13 @@ let vart_to_rif_string = function
   | It -> "int"
   | Ft -> "real"
   | Bt -> "bool"
+  | St -> "string"
   | Et _i -> "int"
   | Nt -> "int"
 let value_to_string = function
   | I i
+  | E i
   | N i -> string_of_int i
   | F f -> string_of_float f
   | B true -> "t" 
@@ -88,6 +90,8 @@ let (get_init_vars : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> (neighbor list -> local_
          | Some(_,Bt) -> B (Random.bool ())
          | Some(_,Ft) -> F (Random.float max_float)
          | Some(_,Et i) -> I ( i)
+         | Some(_,St) -> S "dummy"
diff --git a/lib/algo/algo.mli b/lib/algo/algo.mli
index e9328546..66409efb 100644
--- a/lib/algo/algo.mli
+++ b/lib/algo/algo.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 10/03/2019 (at 20:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 11/03/2019 (at 10:38) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** Process programmer API *)
-type value = I of int | F of float | B of bool | S of string
+type varT = It | Ft | Bt | Et of int | St | Nt
+type vars = (string * varT) list 
+type value = I of int | F of float | B of bool  | E of int | S of string
            | N of int  (* neighbor canal number *)
 type local_env = string -> value 
 type action = string (* label *)
-type varT = It | Nt | Ft | Bt | Et of int 
-type vars = (string * varT) list 
 type neighbor = {
   lenv:  local_env;
@@ -15,37 +15,38 @@ type neighbor = {
 type enable_fun = neighbor list -> local_env -> action list
-type step_fun = neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env
+type step_fun   = neighbor list -> local_env -> action -> local_env
 (** Those 3 registering functions must be called! *)
-type algo_id = string (* XXX comment s'en passer ??? *) 
+type algo_id = string
 val reg_vars : algo_id -> vars -> unit
 val reg_enable : algo_id  -> enable_fun -> unit
 val reg_step : algo_id  -> step_fun -> unit
-(** nb: The initialisation done in the dot file have priority over this one *)
+(** raised by sasa if one of the function above is not called *)
+exception Unregistred of string * string
+(** This one is not mandatory.  The initialisation done in the dot
+   file have priority over this one.  *)
 val reg_init_vars : algo_id -> (neighbor list -> local_env) -> unit
+(** Mandatory in custom mode only. *)
 val reg_actions : algo_id -> action list -> unit
 (** util(s) *)
 val value_to_string : value -> string
+(** functions below are not part of the API *)
 val vart_to_rif_string: varT -> string
 val verbose_level: int ref
-(** raised by get_* functions *)
-exception Unregistred of string * string
 (** the following functions are used by sasa *)
 val get_vars   : algo_id -> vars
 val get_enable : algo_id -> enable_fun
 val get_step   : algo_id -> step_fun 
 val get_init_vars  : algo_id -> (string * varT) list -> (neighbor list -> local_env) 
 val get_actions   : algo_id -> action list