diff --git a/lib/sasacore/daemon.ml b/lib/sasacore/daemon.ml
index ea58b0fbd797e47f37d441c25133f9e2f75bbc0d..cd95b78d20535afe8e4e87aaae5151fa7100242b 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/daemon.ml
+++ b/lib/sasacore/daemon.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 31/07/2021 (at 09:15) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/10/2021 (at 15:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* Enabled processes (with its enabling action + neighbors) *)           
 type 'v pna = 'v Process.t * 'v Register.neighbor list * Register.action
@@ -170,4 +170,6 @@ let (f: bool -> bool -> DaemonType.t -> 'v Process.t list ->
        let al = Evil.bad i st nall in
        get_activate_val al pl, al
     | Custom -> custom all pl enab get_action_value
+    | ExhaustSearch -> assert false (* SNO *)
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/daemon.mli b/lib/sasacore/daemon.mli
index aa0ba5593e4905c81294437f61e121ef64318a49..487faa7d44195de4d6454e011dd113438510daab 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/daemon.mli
+++ b/lib/sasacore/daemon.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 31/07/2021 (at 09:15) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 15/10/2021 (at 11:04) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type 'v pna = 'v Process.t * 'v Register.neighbor list * Register.action
 type 'v enabled = 'v pna list list
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ val f : bool -> bool -> DaemonType.t -> 'v Process.t list ->
   'v SimuState.t -> 'v enabled -> bool list list ->
   (string -> string -> bool) -> 'v step -> bool list list * 'v triggered
+val get_activate_val: 'v triggered -> 'v Process.t list -> bool list list
 (** Used in gtkgui.ml *)
 val central: 'a list list -> 'a list
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/daemonType.ml b/lib/sasacore/daemonType.ml
index 5835adde1635c748c1fc79a98d743bfe7f6cff0c..400719828306167f97c4415c07743af4ef7a789f 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/daemonType.ml
+++ b/lib/sasacore/daemonType.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 17/06/2021 (at 11:05) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 16/10/2021 (at 15:07) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type t =
   | Synchronous (* select all actions *) 
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ type t =
   | Custom (* enable/actions are communicated via stdin/stdout in RIF *)
   | Greedy (* always choose the set that maximize the potential function *)
   | GreedyCentral (* Ditto, but chooses one action only *)
+  | ExhaustSearch (* *)
+  (* not yet implemented *)  
   | Bad of int (* try  to choose the  set actions that  maximize the
                    potential  function but  looking  at sub-graphs  of
                    size N at max *)
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/enumerate.ml b/lib/sasacore/enumerate.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04313f26053745e751038a6f5e6ab081500fe9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sasacore/enumerate.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+(* Enumerate all schedules using continuations *) 
+type 'a cont = NoMore | Elt of 'a * (unit -> 'a cont)
+(* compose continuations *)
+let rec (comp : 'a cont -> 'a cont -> 'a cont) =
+  fun c1 c2 ->
+  match c1 with
+  | NoMore -> c2
+  | Elt(x, c1) -> Elt(x, fun () -> comp (c1()) c2) 
+(* Enumerate all possible schedules (with one action per process at most) 
+   nb: it can be a lot!
+let (all : 'a list list -> 'a list cont) = fun all ->
+  let rec f acc all =
+    let res = match all with
+      | [] ->
+        if acc = [] then NoMore else Elt(acc, fun () -> NoMore)
+      | []::tl -> f acc tl
+      | al::tl ->
+         List.fold_left
+           (fun cont_acc a ->
+             let cont_a = f (a::acc) tl in
+             comp cont_a cont_acc
+           )
+           (f acc tl) 
+           al
+    in
+    res
+  in
+  assert(List.exists (fun l -> l<>[]) all);
+  f [] all
+(* Enumerate all possible schedules for central daemons) *)
+let (central : 'a list list -> 'a cont) = fun all ->
+  let al = List.flatten all in
+  List.fold_left (fun acc a -> Elt(a, fun () -> acc)) NoMore al
+let (all_list : 'a list list -> 'a list list) = fun ll ->
+  let rec f acc c =
+    match c with
+    | NoMore -> acc
+    | Elt(x,c) -> f (x::acc) (c())
+  in
+  f [] (all ll)
+let (central_list : 'a list list -> 'a list list) = fun all ->
+  let al = List.flatten all in
+  List.map (fun x -> [x]) al
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/evil.ml b/lib/sasacore/evil.ml
index 06dbee44f0606e7b1e2bc1410d0af88781a3d867..b9e344aa71b2d1aaa104a775c2133e723929c186 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/evil.ml
+++ b/lib/sasacore/evil.ml
@@ -1,47 +1,10 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/10/2021 (at 15:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/10/2021 (at 16:53) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type 'v pna = 'v Process.t * 'v Register.neighbor list * Register.action
 type 'v enabled = 'v pna list list
 type 'v triggered = 'v pna list
 type 'v step = 'v triggered -> 'v SimuState.t -> 'v SimuState.t
-(* Enumerate all schedules using continuations *) 
-type 'a cont = NoMore | Elt of 'a * (unit -> 'a cont)
-(* compose continuations *)
-let rec (comp : 'a cont -> 'a cont -> 'a cont) =
-  fun c1 c2 ->
-  match c1 with
-  | NoMore -> c2
-  | Elt(x, c1) -> Elt(x, fun () -> comp (c1()) c2) 
-(* Enumerate all possible schedules (with one action per process at most) 
-   nb: it can be a lot!
-let (enumerate : 'a list list -> 'a list cont) = fun all ->
-  let rec f acc all =
-    let res = match all with
-      | [] ->
-        if acc = [] then NoMore else Elt(acc, fun () -> NoMore)
-      | []::tl -> f acc tl
-      | al::tl ->
-         List.fold_left
-           (fun cont_acc a ->
-             let cont_a = f (a::acc) tl in
-             comp cont_a cont_acc
-           )
-           (f acc tl) 
-           al
-    in
-    res
-  in
-  assert(List.exists (fun l -> l<>[]) all);
-  f [] all
-(* Enumerate all possible schedules for central daemons) *)
-let (enumerate_central : 'a list list -> 'a cont) = fun all ->
-  let al = List.flatten all in
-  List.fold_left (fun acc a -> Elt(a, fun () -> acc)) NoMore al
 module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
 module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
@@ -141,14 +104,14 @@ let (greedy: bool -> 'v SimuState.t -> 'v Process.t list ->
     let cpt = ref 0 in
     let (get_max :'v pna list list -> 'v pna list * float) = fun all -> 
       let pnal1, p1, shedules =
-        match time verb "Evil.greedy enumerate" enumerate all with
-        | NoMore -> assert false
-        | Elt(pnal, c) -> pnal, pf pnal, c
+        match time verb "Evil.greedy enumerate" Enumerate.all all with
+        | Enumerate.NoMore -> assert false
+        | Enumerate.Elt(pnal, c) -> pnal, pf pnal, c
       let rec search_max acc (pnal_acc, v_acc) shedules =
         match shedules with (* returns more than one max in case of equality *)
-        | NoMore -> (pnal_acc, v_acc)::acc
-        | Elt(pnal, c) ->
+        | Enumerate.NoMore -> (pnal_acc, v_acc)::acc
+        | Enumerate.Elt(pnal, c) ->
           incr cpt;
           let v = pf pnal in
           if v = v_acc then search_max ((pnal_acc, v_acc)::acc) (pnal, v)  (c())
@@ -189,14 +152,14 @@ let (greedy_central: bool -> 'v SimuState.t -> 'v Process.t list ->
     let cpt = ref 0 in
     let (get_max :'v pna list list -> 'v pna * float) = fun all -> 
       let pnal1, p1, shedules =
-        match time verb "Evil.greedy_central enumerate" enumerate_central all with
-        | NoMore -> assert false
-        | Elt(pna, c) -> pna, pf pna, c
+        match time verb "Evil.greedy_central enumerate" Enumerate.central all with
+        | Enumerate.NoMore -> assert false
+        | Enumerate.Elt(pna, c) -> pna, pf pna, c
       let rec search_max acc (pnal_acc, v_acc) shedules =
         match shedules with
-        | NoMore -> (pnal_acc, v_acc)::acc
-        | Elt(pnal, c) ->
+        | Enumerate.NoMore -> (pnal_acc, v_acc)::acc
+        | Enumerate.Elt(pnal, c) ->
           incr cpt;
           let v = pf pnal in
           if v = v_acc then search_max ((pnal_acc, v_acc)::acc) (pnal, v)  (c())
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/sasArg.ml b/lib/sasacore/sasArg.ml
index 0c77190c821bf06a75af2d41334bb978c533840c..087aa88dbb9da5b67c8197e26dcf1e3ae1b02a84 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/sasArg.ml
+++ b/lib/sasacore/sasArg.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/10/2021 (at 16:54) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/10/2021 (at 15:47) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type t = {
@@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ let (mkoptab : string array -> t -> unit) =
       ["Use the daemon that maximizes the potential function";
        "for the next step (greedy). Performs 2^|enabled| trials) "];
+    mkopt args  ["--exhaustive-daemon";"-ed"]
+      (Arg.Unit(fun () -> args.daemon <- DaemonType.ExhaustSearch))
+      ["Use the daemon that maximizes the potential function. ";
+       "Performs *a lot* of trials)"];
     (*     mkopt args  ["--bad-daemon";"-bd"] ~arg:" <int>" *)
     (*       (Arg.Int (fun i -> args.daemon <- DaemonType.Bad i)) *)
     (*       ["Use a  daemon that tries  to maximize the  potential function, "; *)
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/simuState.ml b/lib/sasacore/simuState.ml
index c8a16968e5917f4f389042a1f91b9bcf19498756..d3ec6cf494ed69fdc95e7cbc7c019e9744d4d408 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/simuState.ml
+++ b/lib/sasacore/simuState.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/10/2021 (at 15:45) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 16/10/2021 (at 14:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Register
 open Topology
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ open SasArg
 module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
 type 'v t = {
+  config: 'v Conf.t;
   sasarg: SasArg.t;
   (*   network: ('v Process.t * 'v Register.neighbor list) list; *)
   network: 'v Process.t list;
   neighbors: ('v Register.neighbor list) Map.Make(String).t;
-  config: 'v Conf.t
 let (neigbors_of_pid : 'v t -> pid -> 's * ('s neighbor * pid) list) =
@@ -399,3 +399,10 @@ let (compute_potentiel: 'v t -> float) =
     let pidl = List.map (fun p -> p.Process.pid) st.network in
     let p = user_pf pidl (neigbors_of_pid st) in
+let (legitimate: 'v t -> bool) = fun st -> 
+  match Register.get_legitimate () with
+  | None -> false
+  | Some ulf ->
+    let pidl = List.map (fun p -> p.Process.pid) st.network in
+    ulf pidl  (neigbors_of_pid st)
diff --git a/lib/sasacore/simuState.mli b/lib/sasacore/simuState.mli
index f484876b6c7710a646acf5862dc9a0319b7745c6..4ad8d34fdb52f0f05ae0ea5295e9579a4d5c257f 100644
--- a/lib/sasacore/simuState.mli
+++ b/lib/sasacore/simuState.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/10/2021 (at 15:48) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 16/10/2021 (at 14:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (** The module is used by
     - the main sasa simulation loop (in ../../src/sasaMain.ml)
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 (* type 'v t = SasArg.t * 'v layout * 'v Conf.t *)
 type 'v t = {
+  config: 'v Conf.t;
   sasarg: SasArg.t;
   network: 'v Process.t list;
   neighbors: ('v Register.neighbor list) Map.Make(String).t; (* pid's neighbors *)
-  config: 'v Conf.t
 (* [make dynlink_flag argv] *)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ val update_config: 'v Conf.t -> 'v t -> 'v t
 val neigbors_of_pid : 'v t -> string -> 'v * ('v Register.neighbor * string) list
 val compute_potentiel: 'v t -> float
+val legitimate: 'v t -> bool
 (* For SasaRun *)
diff --git a/src/sasaMain.ml b/src/sasaMain.ml
index 47231db694ffae922a87984f9123a6fdb9ad01f0..61532c2917c7a5ae1333aeba7b55cb74cb42ed5e 100644
--- a/src/sasaMain.ml
+++ b/src/sasaMain.ml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 open Sasacore
+let bll2str bll =
+  String.concat " " (List.map (fun b -> if b then "t" else "f") (List.flatten bll))
 let (print_step : out_channel -> 'v SimuState.t -> int -> int -> string -> string -> SasArg.t ->
       'v Conf.t -> 'v Process.t list -> string -> bool list list -> unit) =
   fun log st n i legitimate pot args e pl activate_val enab_ll ->
-  let enable_val =
-    String.concat " " (List.map (fun b -> if b then "t" else "f")
-                         (List.flatten enab_ll))
-  in
+  let enable_val = bll2str enab_ll in
   if st.sasarg.init_search_max_trials <> None then (
     (* Printf.fprintf log "\n#step %s\n%!" (string_of_int (n-i)); *)
     (* Printf.fprintf log "%s %s %s %s\n%!" (StringOf.env_rif e pl) enable_val legitimate pot; *)
@@ -56,18 +56,8 @@ let (update_round : bool list list -> bool list list -> unit) =
-let bool_ll_to_string bll =
-  String.concat " " 
-    (List.map (fun b -> if b then "t" else "f") (List.flatten bll))
 open Sasacore.SimuState
-let legitimate st =
-  match Register.get_legitimate () with
-  | None -> false
-  | Some ulf ->
-    let pidl = List.map (fun p -> p.Process.pid) st.network in
-    ulf pidl  (SimuState.neigbors_of_pid st)
 module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
@@ -90,9 +80,9 @@ let (simustep: out_channel -> int -> int -> string -> 'v SimuState.t -> 'v SimuS
   fun log n i activate_val st ->
   (* 1: Get enable processes *)
   let verb = !Register.verbose_level > 0 in
-  if verb then Printf.fprintf log "==> SasaSimuState.simustep :1: Get enable processes\n%!";
+  if verb then Printf.fprintf log "==> SasaSimuState.simustp :1: Get enable processes\n%!";
   let all, enab_ll = Sasacore.SimuState.get_enable_processes st in
-  let pot = compute_potentiel st in
+  let pot = string_of_float (SimuState.compute_potentiel st) in
   let pl = st.network in
   let leg = legitimate st in
   let st, all, enab_ll =
@@ -147,7 +137,7 @@ let (simustep: out_channel -> int -> int -> string -> 'v SimuState.t -> 'v SimuS
   List.iter (List.iter (fun b -> if b then incr moves)) next_activate_val;
   update_round next_activate_val enab_ll;
-  let next_activate_val = bool_ll_to_string next_activate_val in
+  let next_activate_val = bll2str next_activate_val in
   (* 3: Do the steps *)
   if verb then Printf.fprintf log "==> SasaSimuState.simustep : 3: Do the steps\n%!";
   if st.sasarg.daemon <> DaemonType.Custom then
@@ -192,14 +182,27 @@ let rec (simuloop: out_channel -> int -> int -> string -> 'v SimuState.t -> int)
+let sob = fun b -> if b then "t" else "f"
 let () =
   let st = Sasacore.SimuState.make true Sys.argv in
   let n = st.sasarg.length in
-    match st.sasarg.init_search_max_trials with
-    | None ->
+    match st.sasarg.init_search_max_trials, st.sasarg.daemon with
+    | None, ExhaustSearch ->
+      let log = open_out (st.sasarg.topo ^ ".log") in
+      let path = ExhaustSearch.f log n st in
+      List.iteri
+        (fun i (enab, trig, leg, pot, conf) ->
+           Printf.printf "#step %d\n#outs %s %s %s %s %s\n" (i+1)
+             (StringOf.env_rif conf st.network) (bll2str enab) (bll2str trig)
+             (sob leg) (string_of_float pot);
+        )
+        path
+    | None,_ ->
       ignore (simuloop stdout n n "" st)
-    | Some maxt ->
+    | Some maxt, _ ->
       let log = open_out (st.sasarg.topo ^ ".log") in
       let newdot_fn = (Filename.chop_extension st.sasarg.topo) ^ "_wi.dot" in
       let newdot = open_out newdot_fn in
@@ -247,4 +250,3 @@ let () =
      print_string "\nq\n#quit\n%!";
      exit 2
diff --git a/test/coloring/grid4.dot b/test/coloring/grid4.dot
index 4d4a22f5f426cdaa83afb20705fe9fb5179e26c6..2fcc6209ed289948db09cb2af1758f47032f043c 100644
--- a/test/coloring/grid4.dot
+++ b/test/coloring/grid4.dot
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 graph g {
-  p0 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p1 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p2 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p3 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p4 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p5 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p6 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p7 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p8 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p9 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p10 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p11 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p12 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p13 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p14 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
-  p15 [algo="p.ml"  init="0"]
+  p0 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p1 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p2 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p3 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p4 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p5 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p6 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p7 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p8 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p9 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p10 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p11 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p12 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p13 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p14 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
+  p15 [algo="p.ml"  init="c=0"]
   p0 -- p1 -- p2 -- p3 -- p7
   p0 -- p4 -- p5 -- p6