diff --git a/test/alea-coloring/p.ml b/test/alea-coloring/p.ml
index c7fb2513e9423df1dcebd5e06ad0cea9f209e986..d1c687a522e3a82e80f7b67b493415b2ee0c79f0 100644
--- a/test/alea-coloring/p.ml
+++ b/test/alea-coloring/p.ml
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 05/03/2020 (at 21:08) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 22/04/2020 (at 10:23) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Randomized version of algo 3.1 in the book *)
 open Algo
+let k=max_degree () + 1 
-let k=max_degree ()
-let (init_state: int -> string -> 'v) = fun _i _ -> Random.int k 
-let (clash : 'v neighbor list -> 'v list) = fun nl -> 
-  let res = List.map (fun n -> state n) nl in
-  res
+let (init_state: int -> string -> 'v) = fun _i _ -> 0
+(* Random.int i *)
+(* Returns the free colors is ascending order (n.log(n)) *)
 let (free : 'v neighbor list -> 'v list) = fun nl ->
-  let clash_list = List.sort_uniq compare (clash nl) in
-  let rec aux free clash i =
-    if i > k then free else
-      (match clash with
+  let comp_neg x y = - (compare x y) in
+  let n_colors = List.map (fun n -> state n) nl in (* neighbor colors *)
+  let n_colors = (* neighbor colors, no duplicate, in descending order *)
+    List.sort_uniq comp_neg n_colors in
+  let rec aux free n_colors i =
+    (* for i=k-1 to 0, put i in free if not in n_colors *)
+    if i < 0 then free else
+      (match n_colors with
        | x::tail ->
-         if x = i then aux free tail (i+1) else aux (i::free) clash (i+1)
-       | [] -> aux (i::free) clash (i+1)
+         if x = i then aux free tail (i-1) else aux (i::free) n_colors (i-1)
+       | [] -> aux (i::free) n_colors (i-1)
-  let res = aux [] clash_list 0 in
-  List.rev res
+  aux [] n_colors (k-1)
 let (enable_f: 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action list) =
-  fun e nl ->
-    if List.mem e (clash nl) then ["conflict"] else []
-let (step_f : 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action -> 'v) =
-  fun e nl ->
-    function  | _ ->
-      if (Random.bool ()) then e else (List.hd (free nl))
+  fun c nl ->
+    if List.exists (fun n -> state n = c) nl then ["conflict"] else []
+let (step_f : 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action -> 'v) =
+  fun e nl _ ->
+  if (Random.bool ()) then e else
+    (* Returns the smallest possible color *)
+    (List.hd (free nl))
diff --git a/test/coloring/p.ml b/test/coloring/p.ml
index 6bfb45cc176aeae6f93d534de1a69b583b30f3b0..db9dac26eb104aaf64d0ef7790ac1e1ffcb9faf8 100644
--- a/test/coloring/p.ml
+++ b/test/coloring/p.ml
@@ -1,48 +1,35 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 05/03/2020 (at 21:09) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 22/04/2020 (at 10:24) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* This is algo 3.1 in the book *)
 open Algo
+let k=max_degree () + 1
-let k=max_degree ()
-let (init_state: int -> string -> 'v) = fun _i _ -> Random.int k 
-let verbose = false 
-let (state_to_string: ('v -> string)) = string_of_int
-let (copy_state : ('v -> 'v)) = fun x -> x
-let (neigbhors_values : 'v neighbor list -> 'v list) =
-  fun nl ->
-    List.map (fun n -> state n) nl 
+let (init_state: int -> string -> 'v) = fun i _ -> Random.int i 
-let (clash : 'v  -> 'v neighbor list -> bool) = fun v nl -> 
-  let vnl = neigbhors_values nl in
-  let res = List.mem v vnl in
-  res
+let (colors : 'v neighbor list -> 'v list) = fun nl -> 
+  List.map (fun n -> state n) nl
+(* Returns the free colors is ascending order (n.log(n)) *)
 let (free : 'v neighbor list -> 'v list) = fun nl ->
-  let clash_list = List.sort_uniq compare (neigbhors_values nl) in
-  let rec aux free clash i =
-    if i > k then free else
-      (match clash with
+  let comp_neg x y = - (compare x y) in
+  let n_colors = List.map (fun n -> state n) nl in (* neighbor colors *)
+  let n_colors = (* neighbor colors, no duplicate, in descending order *)
+    List.sort_uniq comp_neg n_colors in
+  let rec aux free n_colors i =
+    (* for i=k-1 to 0, put i in free if not in n_colors *)
+    if i < 0 then free else
+      (match n_colors with
        | x::tail ->
-         if x = i then aux free tail (i+1) else aux (i::free) clash (i+1)
-       | [] -> aux (i::free) clash (i+1)
+         if x = i then aux free tail (i-1) else aux (i::free) n_colors (i-1)
+       | [] -> aux (i::free) n_colors (i-1)
-  let res = aux [] clash_list 0 in
-  List.rev res
+  aux [] n_colors (k-1)
 let (enable_f: 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action list) =
-  fun e nl ->
-  if (clash e nl) then ["conflict"] else []
+  fun c nl ->
+  if List.exists (fun n -> state n = c) nl then ["conflict"] else []
 let (step_f : 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action -> 'v) =
-  fun e nl a ->
-    let f = free nl in
-    if f = [] then e else
-      match a with
-      | _ -> List.hd f 
+  fun _ nl _ -> 
+  List.hd (free nl) (* Returns the smallest possible color *)