diff --git a/salut/test/dijkstra-ring/dune-project b/salut/test/dijkstra-ring/dune-project
deleted file mode 120000
index f539fb462993123645b56b6670732a7198c756a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/salut/test/dijkstra-ring/dune-project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/salut/test/dijkstra-ring/dune-project b/salut/test/dijkstra-ring/dune-project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..37f995d6492934bb2174bfbda93670ac438e5844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/salut/test/dijkstra-ring/dune-project
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(lang dune 3.0)
diff --git a/test/bfs-spanning-tree/config.ml b/test/bfs-spanning-tree/config.ml
index ae8110f558f0005e01ebe0fc03e37993a895d3b7..b509d17f2a9adf9dbb23b932b629f1f0a41cbed7 100644
--- a/test/bfs-spanning-tree/config.ml
+++ b/test/bfs-spanning-tree/config.ml
@@ -5,5 +5,11 @@
 let potential = None (* None => only -sd, -cd, -lcd, -dd, or -custd are possible *)
 let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
-let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
+open State
+let fault = Some (fun i _ _ ->
+    {
+      d = Random.int State.d;
+      par = Random.int i
+    })
 let init_search_utils = None
diff --git a/test/coloring/config.ml b/test/coloring/config.ml
index 7284ba4364f0c4a2eab51e0823b071ff35d5ba6a..dd548501c5e84f470040723360d1983f0c43e95f 100644
--- a/test/coloring/config.ml
+++ b/test/coloring/config.ml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let clash_number pidl get =
 let potential = Some clash_number
 (* let potential = None *)
 let legitimate = None
-let fault = None
+let fault = Some (fun d _pid _st -> Random.int d)
 let md = max_degree ()
diff --git a/test/coloring/p.ml b/test/coloring/p.ml
index 0dd95de9674a157e6c2b4c0226486c292a7b2cb4..b5102c0e7f101400318c3638dbd62f96da5038a6 100644
--- a/test/coloring/p.ml
+++ b/test/coloring/p.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/04/2022 (at 17:17) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 31/01/2024 (at 16:34) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* This is algo 3.1 in the book *)
 open Algo
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ let k = if is_directed () then
           max_degree () + 1
-let (init_state: int -> string -> 'v) = fun i _ -> Random.int i 
+let (init_state: int -> string -> 'v) = fun i _ -> Random.int i
-let (colors : 'v neighbor list -> 'v list) = fun nl -> 
+let (colors : 'v neighbor list -> 'v list) = fun nl ->
   List.map (fun n -> state n) nl
 (* Returns the free colors is ascending order (n.log(n))
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ let (free : 'v neighbor list -> 'v list) = fun nl ->
   aux [] n_colors (k-1)
-let (enable_f: 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action list) =
+let (enable_f: int -> int neighbor list -> action list) =
   fun c nl ->
   if List.exists (fun n -> state n = c) nl then ["conflict"] else []
-let (step_f : 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action -> 'v) =
+let (step_f : int -> int neighbor list -> action -> int) =
   fun _ nl _ ->
   List.hd (free nl) (* Returns the smallest possible color *)
diff --git a/test/dijkstra-ring/config.ml b/test/dijkstra-ring/config.ml
index 4db94dcdf31886857d7bd140cf4b5516bd887e91..ce0d4ba432971fbc0f4474c78f341baad82fec8f 100644
--- a/test/dijkstra-ring/config.ml
+++ b/test/dijkstra-ring/config.ml
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ let cost : pid list -> (pid -> t * (t neighbor * pid) list) -> float =
 let potential = Some cost
-let fault = None
+let fault = Some (fun _d _pid st -> { st with v = Random.int (card())} )
 (* For the Dijkstra ring, a configuration is legitimate iff there is
  exactly one token.
diff --git a/test/ghosh/config.ml b/test/ghosh/config.ml
index e82eec4b1094f490a400d1f5ef1bbd9dcaf4289a..3972313b887d9787142e7c283fdf5c9b8738f470 100644
--- a/test/ghosh/config.ml
+++ b/test/ghosh/config.ml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let (legitimate: pid list -> (pid -> t * (t neighbor * pid) list) -> bool) =
 let legitimate = Some legitimate
 let potential = None
-let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
+let fault = Some(fun _ _ st -> { st with s = (Random.bool ()) })
 open Algo
diff --git a/test/k-clustering/config.ml b/test/k-clustering/config.ml
index 02fc2c075d57d4468c2a27b02fa110322cb7dcc5..c9845771ca34d2e4c955e64b22998b9e8da2e31a 100644
--- a/test/k-clustering/config.ml
+++ b/test/k-clustering/config.ml
@@ -79,7 +79,12 @@ let (pf: pid list -> (pid -> ('a * ('a neighbor * pid) list)) -> float) =
 let potential = Some pf
 let legitimate = None (* None => only silent configuration are legitimate *)
-let fault = None
+let fault = Some(fun _ pid _ ->
+  {
+    isRoot = pid = "Root"; (* ZZZ: The root of the tree should be named "Root"! *)
+    alpha = Random.int (2*k+1);
+    par = if pid="Root" then -1 else 0 (* the input tree should be sorted alphabetically (wrt a bf traversal) *)
+  })
 open State
 let maxi = 2*k+1
diff --git a/test/ring-orientation/config.ml b/test/ring-orientation/config.ml
index 54c8032ff65f5ee19a6ad8e3818cb08657afaf94..e15c41069a0161b9e58aef2c21199a410c94a541 100644
--- a/test/ring-orientation/config.ml
+++ b/test/ring-orientation/config.ml
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 let potential = None (* None => only -sd, -cd, -lcd, -dd, or -custd are possible *)
-let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
 let init_search_utils = None (* To provide to use --init-search *)
 let legitimate = None (* XXX this is wrong: FIXME *)
+open State
+let fault = Some (fun _nl _ _ ->
+  { color_0 = Random.bool () ; phase_pos = Random.bool () ; orient_left =  Random.bool () }
diff --git a/test/ring-orientation/p.ml b/test/ring-orientation/p.ml
index fbbc86c2a30bd24ab5fe115b580ed5d654debfe4..2df2dbad26163969e672b099555212ccac36bcc3 100644
--- a/test/ring-orientation/p.ml
+++ b/test/ring-orientation/p.ml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 07/07/2023 (at 15:24) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 18/10/2023 (at 17:07) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* Uniform deterministic self-stabilizing ring-orientation on odd-length rings
   Hoepman, Jaap-Henk
+  https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/301654088.pdf
   hyp: central daemon
diff --git a/test/ring-orientation/ring_orientation_oracle.lus b/test/ring-orientation/ring_orientation_oracle.lus
index 8241f5cc9db2989e4e41e1931bfc6ebcfdcd0172..80212ecacb4bf8de3526640018a22136fd00d498 100644
--- a/test/ring-orientation/ring_orientation_oracle.lus
+++ b/test/ring-orientation/ring_orientation_oracle.lus
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 -- include "../lustre/oracle_utils.lus"
 include "../../salut/lib/utils.lus"
+include "../../salut/test/ring-orientation/state.lus"
-type state = { color_0 : bool ; phase_pos : bool ; orient_left : bool };
+-- type state = { color_0 : bool ; phase_pos : bool ; orient_left : bool };
 function to_state( color_0 : bool ; phase_pos : bool ; orient_left : bool )
 returns(res : state);
@@ -12,6 +13,8 @@ tel;
+-- This oracle checks th 5.5 (via lurette)
 node ring_orientation_oracle<<const an:int; const pn:int>>
 (legitimate:bool; Enab, Acti: bool^an^pn; Config:state^card ; round:bool; round_nb:int)
 returns (ok:bool);
diff --git a/test/unison/Makefile b/test/unison/Makefile
index bb681c3fd2ad3ebb38ffc933744e90eb05da97b6..0fde985f11286130a9f4bd80cce1a752be78aabd 100644
--- a/test/unison/Makefile
+++ b/test/unison/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Time-stamp: <modified the 17/01/2023 (at 14:22) by Erwan Jahier>
+# Time-stamp: <modified the 13/02/2024 (at 21:04) by Erwan Jahier>
 -include ./Makefile.dot
@@ -20,11 +20,9 @@ test2: ring.cmxs
 	$(sasa) -l 50 ring.dot -rif
-	cp state_with_fault.ml state.ml
 	rm fig41.cmxs
 	make fig41.cmxs
 	$(sasa) -l 5 fig41.dot -sd  -rif
-	cp state_no_fault.ml state.ml
 	rm fig41.cmxs
diff --git a/test/unison/config.ml b/test/unison/config.ml
index e76247170e1347fe916a1d9f02b7b30abda40e23..2ad7944cfcc7b30be1fc2b5081b621e32b19a64e 100644
--- a/test/unison/config.ml
+++ b/test/unison/config.ml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-let fault = None (* None => the simulation stop once a legitimate configuration is reached *)
+let fault = Some(fun _ _ _ -> Random.int State.m)
 let legitimate pidl from_pid =
   (* a legitimate configuration is reached when all states have the same values *)
diff --git a/test/unison/state.ml b/test/unison/state.ml
index 36fa4acebfa26dcfeaee2fb9346cc74429d557aa..0ca6ec321a910f2aae5018547cf86b61254fa50b 100644
--- a/test/unison/state.ml
+++ b/test/unison/state.ml
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 type t = int
 let to_string = (fun s -> Printf.sprintf "c=%i" s)
+(* let m=10 (* max 2 (1+2*diameter ()) *) *)
+let diameter = Algo.diameter ()
+let m = max 2 (2*diameter-1)
 let (of_string: (string -> t) option) =
   Some (fun s ->
       let res = Scanf.sscanf s "c=%d" (fun i -> i ) in
@@ -13,8 +17,6 @@ let copy x = x
 let actions = ["g"]
 let potential = None
-let fault = None
 let legitimate pidl from_pid =
   (* a legitimate configuration is reached when all states have the same values *)
   let v = fst(from_pid (List.hd pidl)) in
@@ -22,8 +24,6 @@ let legitimate pidl from_pid =
     (fun acc pid -> acc && fst(from_pid pid) = v)
     (List.tl pidl)
 let legitimate = Some legitimate
diff --git a/test/unison/state_no_fault.ml b/test/unison/state_no_fault.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 36fa4acebfa26dcfeaee2fb9346cc74429d557aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/unison/state_no_fault.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-type t = int
-let to_string = (fun s -> Printf.sprintf "c=%i" s)
-let (of_string: (string -> t) option) =
-  Some (fun s ->
-      let res = Scanf.sscanf s "c=%d" (fun i -> i ) in
-      res
-    )
-let copy x = x
-let actions = ["g"]
-let potential = None
-let fault = None
-let legitimate pidl from_pid =
-  (* a legitimate configuration is reached when all states have the same values *)
-  let v = fst(from_pid (List.hd pidl)) in
-  List.fold_left
-    (fun acc pid -> acc && fst(from_pid pid) = v)
-    true
-    (List.tl pidl)
-let legitimate = Some legitimate
diff --git a/test/unison/state_with_fault.ml b/test/unison/state_with_fault.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 888253f228e95729e6b3491078428ca8a55092f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/unison/state_with_fault.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-type t = int
-let to_string = (fun s -> Printf.sprintf "c=%i" s)
-let (of_string: (string -> t) option) =
-  Some (fun s ->
-      let res = Scanf.sscanf s "c=%d" (fun i -> i ) in
-      res
-    )
-let copy x = x
-let actions = ["g"]
-let potential = None
-let fault m _ e =
-  if Random.bool () then Random.int m else e
-let fault = Some fault
-let legitimate pidl from_pid =
-  (* a legitimate configuration is reached when all states have the same values *)
-  let v = fst(from_pid (List.hd pidl)) in
-  List.fold_left
-    (fun acc pid -> acc && fst(from_pid pid) = v)
-    true
-    (List.tl pidl)
-let legitimate = Some legitimate
diff --git a/test/unison/unison.ml b/test/unison/unison.ml
index 3dd47d238bb1f6fa2517a22dfef3ddc09b992d94..4f63535b383fd4667e17cc49cf0fc5274c4580a7 100644
--- a/test/unison/unison.ml
+++ b/test/unison/unison.ml
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 22/11/2022 (at 13:59) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 13/02/2024 (at 20:55) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 open Algo
-(* let m=10 (* max 2 (1+2*diameter ()) *) *)
-let diameter = Algo.diameter ()
-let m = max 2 (2*diameter-1)
+let m = State.m
 let (init_state: int -> string -> 'v) =
   fun _ _ ->
@@ -15,17 +12,14 @@ let (init_state: int -> string -> 'v) =
 let new_clock_value nl clock =
   let cl = List.map (fun n -> state n) nl in
   let min_clock = List.fold_left min clock cl in
-  (min_clock + 1) mod m 
+  (min_clock + 1) mod m
 let (enable_f: 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action list) =
   fun clock nl ->
     if (new_clock_value nl clock) <> clock then ["g"] else []
 let (step_f : 'v -> 'v neighbor list -> action -> 'v) =
   fun clock nl a ->
     let v = new_clock_value nl clock in
     match a with
     | _ -> v
diff --git a/tools/simca/nonreg_test_campaign.ml b/tools/simca/nonreg_test_campaign.ml
index bc24c4c6c8530eb40288334dbd2db0025dcf4b99..179e0d3fa5e0a752448e7ada03c6c3b7f9e0b607 100644
--- a/tools/simca/nonreg_test_campaign.ml
+++ b/tools/simca/nonreg_test_campaign.ml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #use "genExpeMakefiles.ml";;
 precision := 0.1;;
-(* 0.1  means that we simulate until the  onfidence Interval  size of
+(* 0.1  means that we simulate until the  confidence Interval  size of
    the 3  complexity numbers under  estimation is smaller than  10% of
    their current estimation.
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ timeout_in_sec := 60;; (* ditto *)
 let algos = ["../../test/alea-coloring-alt";
-let daemons = ["-sd";"-lcd";"-dd"]  
+let daemons = ["-sd";"-lcd";"-dd"]
 let cliques = List.init 5 (fun n -> Clique (10*(n+1))) (* [10; 20; ...; 50] *)
 let rings = List.init 5 (fun n -> Ring (100*(n+1))) (* [100; 200; ...; 500] *)
 let er = List.init 5 (fun n -> ER (20*(n+1), 0.4)) (* [20; 40; ...; 100] *)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ let gen_make_rules () = gen_makefile "Makefile.expe-rules" daemons algos network
 #use "parseLog.ml";;
 let gen_pdf () =
   let gl = ["clique"; "ring"; "er"] in
-  List.iter (fun n -> sh ("rm -f "^n^".data")) gl; (* because parse_log appends data *) 
+  List.iter (fun n -> sh ("rm -f "^n^".data")) gl; (* because parse_log appends data *)
   parse_log ["Uniform When Activated", "alea-coloring-unif"] gl daemons;
   parse_log ["Smallest When Activated","alea-coloring"] gl daemons;
   parse_log ["Always the Biggest", "alea-coloring-alt"] gl daemons;