diff --git a/test/dijkstra-ring/my-rdbg-tuning.ml b/test/dijkstra-ring/my-rdbg-tuning.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2839202fb92637ab867f082d5af89179fb4dcffb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/dijkstra-ring/my-rdbg-tuning.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- (*  *)
-#use "rdbg-cmds.ml";;
-#use "sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml";;
diff --git a/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml b/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
index 8cffd03aa5afe356d964bb859d196181c22f199c..d5079d046ed0807ac096842c96d5ba11f2a7b7ed 100644
--- a/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
+++ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/gtkgui.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 04/01/2023 (at 11:56) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 08/01/2023 (at 16:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 #require "lablgtk3"
@@ -52,10 +52,48 @@ let rdbg_nodes_enabled e =
 type daemon_kind =
   Distributed | Synchronous | Central | LocCentral | ManualCentral | Manual 
 let daemon_kind = ref ManualCentral
+type daemon_mode = Internal (* sasa with internal daemon *) | GuiAuto | GuiManual
+(* Possible way of using rdbgui4sasa w.r.t.  daemon modes:
+|       | Internal | GuiAuto | GuiManual |
+| sasa  | yes      | yes     | yes       |
+| salut |          | yes     | yes       |
+let daemon_mode () =
+  if not custom_mode then Internal else
+  match !daemon_kind with
+  | Distributed | Synchronous | Central | LocCentral -> GuiAuto
+  | ManualCentral | Manual -> GuiManual
+let gui_mode = custom_mode (* a better name? *)
+let check_point_event e =
+  (* Depending on the way rdbgui4sasa is used, some  kinds of events
+     make more sense as checkpoint candidate. Moreover, it is better to have only 
+     one checkpoint per step.
+  *)
+  match daemon_mode () with
+  | Internal -> e.kind = Ltop 
+  (*   | GuiAuto  -> e.kind = Ltop *)
+  | GuiAuto  -> e.kind = Call && e.name = "mv_hook"
+  | GuiManual -> e.kind = Call && e.name = "mv_hook"
+let _ = check_ref := fun e -> e.nb = 1 || (check_point_event e) && round e;;
+(*  modify the  one in  rdbg-cmd.ml to  inhibit it  when the  undo is
+   impossible: in  manual modes,  it would require  to store  all the
+   user  manual  inputs  to  replay  the  simulation  from  the  last
+   checkpoint (because of the PRGs) *)
+let store i = if daemon_mode() = GuiManual then () else store i
 let refresh_fun_tbl = Hashtbl.create 1
 let _ = Hashtbl.add refresh_fun_tbl "update dot" d
 let refresh () =
@@ -118,28 +156,23 @@ let display_event b =
   blue_add b#buffer "----------------------------------------\n";
   blue_add b#buffer (str_of_sasa_event false !e)
-let custom_mode_ref = ref custom_mode
 (*  *)
-let goto_hook_call  e =
-  if !custom_mode_ref then
+let goto_hook_call e =
+  if gui_mode then
     next_cond e (fun e -> e.name = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Call)
 let goto_hook_exit e =
-  if !custom_mode_ref then
+  if gui_mode then
     next_cond e (fun e -> e.name = "mv_hook" && e.kind = Exit)
-let goto_top e =
-  if !custom_mode_ref then
-    next_cond e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop)
-  else
-    e
+let goto_top e = next_cond e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop)
 let init_rdbg_hook () =
   let guidaemon sl =
@@ -190,18 +223,18 @@ let init_rdbg_hook () =
   match !rdbg_mv_hook with
   | None -> rdbg_mv_hook := Some guidaemon
-  | _ -> () (* custom_mode_ref := false *)
+  | _ -> ()
 let set_tooltip b = b#misc#set_tooltip_text 
 let start () =
-  if !custom_mode_ref then init_rdbg_hook ();
+  if gui_mode then init_rdbg_hook ();
   if args.salut_mode then
     (* In  this mode, the hook  plays first to provide  fake values to
        sasa but the hook does not need input at this first step *)
     e:=next_cond_gen !e (fun e -> e.name="mv_hook" && e.kind=Exit) (fun e -> e.next());
-  if !custom_mode_ref then
-    e:=next_cond_gen !e (fun e -> e.name="mv_hook" && e.kind=Call) (fun e -> e.next())
+  if gui_mode then
+    e:=next_cond_gen !e check_point_event (fun e -> e.next())
     (* internal daemon mode *)
     e:=next_cond_gen !e (fun e -> e.kind=Ltop) (fun e -> e.next());
@@ -210,29 +243,100 @@ let start () =
   !e.save_state !e.nb
 let restart p _ =
-  !e.RdbgEvent.reset();
   Seed.replay_seed := true;
   let seed = Seed.get dotfile in
   Seed.set seed;
   p (Printf.sprintf "Restarting using the seed %d" seed);
+  !e.RdbgEvent.reset(); (* should be done after the see reset! *)
   e:=RdbgStdLib.run ~call_hooks:true ();
   start ();
+let counter_map = Hashtbl.create 0
-let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
-      legitimate_button undo_button =
+let update_daemongui_tbl e =
+  (* In rdbgui automatic modes (ie, not in Manual nor CentralManual
+       nor internal sasa daemons):
+     - looks  who is enabled,
+     - chooses whom to activate, and
+     - sets the tbl shared with the hook function
+       Should therefore be used at events where the enabled process info is available
+     nb: do side-effects via PRGs via Daemons
+  *)
+  assert (gui_mode);
+  let rec get_higher_priority nl =
+    let prio n =
+      let counter = try Hashtbl.find counter_map n with Not_found -> assert false in
+      counter#get
+    in
+    let rec aux p acc = function
+      | [] -> acc
+      | (n, false)::t -> aux p acc t
+      | (n, true)::t ->
+        let pn = prio n in
+        if p > pn then aux p acc t else
+        if p = pn then aux p (n::acc) t else
+          aux pn [n] t
+    in
+    aux 0 [] nl
+  in
+  let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled e in
+  let nodes = List.filter (fun (_,b) -> b) nodes_enabled in
+  let nodes = get_higher_priority nodes in
+  (* p ("==> gtkgui: CALL =" ^ (string_of_event e)); *)
+  (match !daemon_kind with
+   | Distributed -> (
+       let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
+       let to_activate = Daemon.distributed nodes in (* PRGs inside! *)
+       Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
+       List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
+     )
+   | Synchronous -> (
+       Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
+       List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) nodes
+     )
+   | Central -> (
+       let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
+       let to_activate = Daemon.central nodes in
+       Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
+       List.iter (fun n ->
+           (* Printf.printf "Activating %s\n" n; *)
+           Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
+     )
+   | LocCentral -> (
+       let get_neigbors x =
+         let pred = snd (List.split (topology.pred x)) in
+         let succ = topology.succ x in
+         let res = List.fold_left
+             (fun acc x -> if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc) succ pred
+         in
+         (* p (Printf.sprintf "voisins(%s)=%s\n" x (String.concat "," res)); *)
+         res
+       in
+       let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x, get_neigbors x]) nodes in
+       let to_activate = Daemon.locally_central nodes in
+       Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
+       List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
+     )
+   | ManualCentral -> () (* SNO; the step is done in pushbox callbacks *)
+   | Manual -> ()
+  )
+(* redraws the gui buttons a each move, to show only buttons related to enabled nodes *)
+let draw_manual_daemons_buttons p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
+    legitimate_button undo_button =
   let daemon_box = GPack.hbox ~packing:vbox#add ()  ~homogeneous:true  ~height:15 in
-  let dk_dd = GButton.radio_button  ~active:(!daemon_kind=Distributed)
-                ~label:"Distributed" ~packing:daemon_box#add ()
+  let dk_cd = GButton.radio_button  ~active:(!daemon_kind=Central)
+      ~label:"Central" ~packing:daemon_box#add ()
   let make_but act lbl = GButton.radio_button ~active:act ~label:lbl
-                           ~group:dk_dd#group ~packing:daemon_box#add ()
+      ~group:dk_cd#group ~packing:daemon_box#add ()
-  let dk_cd =  make_but (!daemon_kind=Central) "Central" in
   let dk_lcd = make_but (!daemon_kind=LocCentral) "Locally Central" in
+  let dk_dd = make_but  (!daemon_kind=Distributed) "Distributed" in
   let dk_sd = make_but  (!daemon_kind=Synchronous) "Synchronous" in
   let dk_manual = make_but (!daemon_kind=Manual) "Manual" in
   let dk_manual_central = make_but (!daemon_kind=ManualCentral) "Manual Central" in
@@ -246,25 +350,25 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
   blue_add gtext#buffer (str_of_sasa_event false !e);
   let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled !e in
+  let nodes = fst (List.split nodes_enabled) in
   let update_rdbg_hook node activate =
     (match !daemon_kind with
      | Distributed | Synchronous | Central | LocCentral ->
-        assert false (* SNO *)
+       assert false (* SNO *)
      | ManualCentral -> (
-       let txt = Printf.sprintf "ManualCentral step: %s\n\n%s"
-                   node (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
-       (* gtext#buffer#set_text txt;  *)
-       blue gtext#buffer txt;
-       Hashtbl.filter_map_inplace (fun n _prev_status -> Some (n = node)) daemongui_activate;
-     )
+         let txt = Printf.sprintf "ManualCentral step: %s\n\n%s"
+             node (str_of_sasa_event false !e) in
+         (* gtext#buffer#set_text txt;  *)
+         blue gtext#buffer txt;
+         List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.add daemongui_activate n (n = node)) nodes;
+         (* Hashtbl.filter_map_inplace (fun n _prev_status -> Some (n = node)) daemongui_activate; *)
+       )
      | Manual ->
        let txt = Printf.sprintf "Set %s to %b\n" node activate in
-        blue_add gtext#buffer txt;
-        Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate node activate
+       blue_add gtext#buffer txt;
+       Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate node activate
   (* 1 case par noeud : activer/pas activer *)
   (* NB : lablgtk3 ne propose pas le FlowBox (pourtant dispo dans GTK >= 3.12) *)
   let n = List.length nodes_enabled in
@@ -275,13 +379,12 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
   let i = ref 0 in
   let checkbox_grid = GPack.vbox ~packing:vbox#add () in
   let checkbox_scrolled_grid = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
-                                 ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
-                                 ~height:300
-                                 ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:checkbox_grid#add ()
+      ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+      ~height:300
+      ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:checkbox_grid#add ()
   let checkbox_scrolled_grid_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:checkbox_scrolled_grid#add () in
   let checkbox_line = GPack.hbox ~packing:checkbox_scrolled_grid_box#add () in
   let checkbox_line_ref = ref checkbox_line in
   let checkbox_map = Hashtbl.create n in
   List.iter (fun (name, enabled) ->
@@ -306,9 +409,9 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
   (* Des boutons pour le mode Manuel Central *)
   let pushbox_grid = GPack.vbox ~packing:vbox#add () ~homogeneous:true in
   let pushbox_scrolled_grid = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
-                                ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
-                                ~height:300
-                                ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:pushbox_grid#add ()
+      ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
+      ~height:300
+      ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:pushbox_grid#add ()
   let pushbox_scrolled_grid_box =
     GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:true ~packing:pushbox_scrolled_grid#add ()
@@ -330,13 +433,13 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
       (* Quand on appuie, met à jour le rdbg_mv_hook *)
                ~callback: (fun _ ->
-                 update_rdbg_hook name true;
-                 e := goto_hook_exit !e;
-                 e := goto_hook_call !e;
-                 display_event gtext;
-                 store !e.nb;
-                 refresh ();
-                 false));
+                   update_rdbg_hook name true;
+                   e := goto_hook_exit !e;
+                   e := goto_hook_call !e;
+                   display_event gtext;
+                   store !e.nb;
+                   refresh ();
+                   false));
       Hashtbl.add pushbox_map name pushbox
@@ -344,13 +447,12 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
   (* Des compteurs pour les modes automatiques *)
   let counter_grid = GPack.vbox ~packing:vbox#add () in
   let counter_scrolled_grid = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC 
-                                ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~height:400
-                                ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:counter_grid#add ()
+      ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~height:400
+      ~shadow_type:`OUT ~packing:counter_grid#add ()
   let counter_scrolled_grid_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:counter_scrolled_grid#add () in
   let counter_line = GPack.hbox ~packing:counter_scrolled_grid_box#add () in
   let counter_line_ref = ref counter_line in
-  let counter_map = Hashtbl.create n in
   i := 0;
   List.iter (fun (name, enabled) ->
       incr i;
@@ -385,48 +487,43 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
       Hashtbl.add counter_map name counter
   let hide b = b#misc#hide() in
   let show b = b#misc#show() in
   let update_checkbox node enabled =
     match !daemon_kind with
     | Manual ->
-       show step_button; show checkbox_grid;
-       hide back_step_button;
-       hide legitimate_button;
-       hide undo_button;
-       (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> hide b | None -> ());
-       hide round_button; hide pushbox_grid;   hide counter_grid;
-       let checkbox = try Hashtbl.find checkbox_map node with Not_found -> assert false in
-       if enabled then
-         show checkbox
-       else (
-         checkbox#set_active false; (* on decoche *)
-         hide checkbox
-       );
-       checkbox#set_sensitive enabled
+      show step_button; show checkbox_grid;
+      hide back_step_button;
+      hide legitimate_button;
+      hide undo_button;
+      (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> hide b | None -> ());
+      hide round_button; hide pushbox_grid;   hide counter_grid;
+      let checkbox = try Hashtbl.find checkbox_map node with Not_found -> assert false in
+      if enabled then
+        show checkbox
+      else (
+        checkbox#set_active false; (* on decoche *)
+        hide checkbox
+      );
+      checkbox#set_sensitive enabled
     | ManualCentral ->
-       hide undo_button;
-       hide legitimate_button;
-       (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> hide b | None -> ());
-       hide back_step_button; (* requires to store all the inputs from the last ckpt! *)
-       hide step_button;
-       hide round_button; hide checkbox_grid; hide counter_grid;
-       show pushbox_grid;
-       let pushbox = try Hashtbl.find pushbox_map node with Not_found -> assert false in
-       if enabled then show pushbox else hide pushbox;
-       pushbox#set_sensitive enabled
+      hide undo_button;
+      hide legitimate_button;
+      (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> hide b | None -> ());
+      hide back_step_button; (* requires to store all the inputs from the last ckpt! *)
+      hide step_button;
+      hide round_button; hide checkbox_grid; hide counter_grid;
+      show pushbox_grid;
+      let pushbox = try Hashtbl.find pushbox_map node with Not_found -> assert false in
+      if enabled then show pushbox else hide pushbox;
+      pushbox#set_sensitive enabled
     | Synchronous | Distributed | Central | LocCentral ->
-      if !daemon_kind = Synchronous then (
-        show undo_button; hide counter_grid
-      ) else (
-        hide undo_button; show counter_grid
-      );
-       (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> show b | None -> ());
-       show back_step_button; show step_button; show round_button;
-       if not args.salut_mode then show legitimate_button; (* for the time being *)
-       hide checkbox_grid; hide pushbox_grid;
+      show undo_button; show counter_grid;
+      (match !oracle_button_ref with Some b -> show b | None -> ());
+      show back_step_button; show step_button; show round_button;
+      if not args.salut_mode then show legitimate_button; (* for the time being *)
+      hide checkbox_grid; hide pushbox_grid;
   let update_all_checkboxes () =
     (* only display the buttons of enabled nodes (for the manual daemon) *)
@@ -434,7 +531,6 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
     List.iter (fun (name, enabled) -> update_checkbox name enabled) nodes_enabled
   Hashtbl.add refresh_fun_tbl "" update_all_checkboxes;
   let set_dd_mode () =
     black gtext#buffer"==> Switch to a distributed daemon\n";
     daemon_kind := Distributed; refresh () in
@@ -461,74 +557,9 @@ let custom_daemon p gtext vbox step_button back_step_button round_button
   ignore(dk_manual_central#connect#clicked ~callback:set_manual_central_mode);
   (* Affichage d'informations *)
   (*   gtext#buffer#set_text !gtext_content; *)
-  let rec get_higher_priority nl =
-    let prio n =
-      let counter = try Hashtbl.find counter_map n with Not_found -> assert false in
-      counter#get
-    in
-    let rec aux p acc = function
-      | [] -> acc
-      | (n, false)::t -> aux p acc t
-      | (n, true)::t ->
-         let pn = prio n in
-         if p > pn then aux p acc t else
-           if p = pn then aux p (n::acc) t else
-             aux pn [n] t
-    in
-    aux 0 [] nl
-  in
-  let set_daemongui_tbl e =
-    (* In automatic  modes: 
-        - looks  who  is enabled,  
-        - chooses whom  to activate, and 
-        - sets the the tbl shared with the hook function 
-     Should therefore be used at events where the enabled process info is available
-     *)
-    let nodes_enabled = rdbg_nodes_enabled e in
-    let nodes = List.filter (fun (_,b) -> b) nodes_enabled in
-    let nodes = get_higher_priority nodes in
-    (* p ("==> gtkgui: CALL =" ^ (string_of_event e)); *)
-    (match !daemon_kind with
-     | Distributed -> (
-       let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
-       let to_activate = Daemon.distributed nodes in
-       Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-       List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
-     )
-     | Synchronous -> (
-       Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-       List.iter (fun n -> Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) nodes
-     )
-     | Central -> (
-       let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x]) nodes in
-       let to_activate = Daemon.central nodes in
-       Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-       List.iter (fun n ->
-           (* Printf.printf "Activating %s\n" n; *)
-           Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
-     )
-     | LocCentral -> (
-       let get_neigbors x =
-         let pred = snd (List.split (topology.pred x)) in
-         let succ = topology.succ x in
-         let res = List.fold_left
-                     (fun acc x -> if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc) succ pred
-         in
-         (* p (Printf.sprintf "voisins(%s)=%s\n" x (String.concat "," res)); *)
-         res
-       in
-       let nodes = List.map (fun x -> [x, get_neigbors x]) nodes in
-       let to_activate = Daemon.locally_central nodes in
-       Hashtbl.clear daemongui_activate;
-       List.iter (fun n ->  Hashtbl.replace daemongui_activate n true) to_activate
-     )
-     | ManualCentral -> () (* SNO; the step is done in pushbox callbacks *)
-     | Manual -> ()
-    )
-  in
-  set_daemongui_tbl
+  (*   update_daemongui_tbl *)
+  ()
+(* End of draw_manual_daemons_buttons *)
 let prefix =
@@ -549,26 +580,28 @@ let main () =
   let _locale = GtkMain.Main.init () in 
   let _thread = GtkThread.start () in
   let window = GWindow.window
-                 (*       ~width:320 ~height:240 *)
-                 ~title:"A rdbg GUI for sasa"
-                 ~show:true ()
+      (*       ~width:320 ~height:240 *)
+      ~title:"A rdbg GUI for sasa"
+      ~show:true ()
   let w = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () ~homogeneous:false in
-  let box = GPack.vbox ~packing: w#add () in
+  let box0 = GPack.vbox ~packing: w#add () in
+  let box = GPack.vbox ~packing: box0#add () in
   let gbox = GPack.hbox ~packing: box#add () in
   let gbox2 = GPack.hbox ~packing: box#add () in
   let sw2 = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~shadow_type:`OUT ~height:250
-              ~packing:box#add ()
+      ~packing:box#add ()
   set_tooltip sw2 "This window displays commands outputs";
   let text_out = GText.view ~wrap_mode:`CHAR ~height:250 ~editable:false 
-                   ~packing: sw2#add () ~cursor_visible:true 
+      ~packing: sw2#add () ~cursor_visible:true 
   let p str = black text_out#buffer str in
   (* It should be better to rely on the gtk event handler *)
   restart p ();
+  let bbox0 = GPack.hbox ~packing: box0#add () in
   let bbox = GPack.hbox ~packing: box#add () in
   let change_label button str =
@@ -596,23 +629,13 @@ let main () =
     refresh ()
-  let back_step_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:`GO_BACK ~packing:bbox#add () in
-  set_tooltip back_step_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous STEP";
-  change_label back_step_button "Ste_p";
-  let step_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox#add ~stock:`GO_FORWARD ()  in
-  let back_round_button =
-    button ~packing:bbox#add ~stock:`MEDIA_PREVIOUS ~use_mnemonic:true ~label:"back round" ()
-  in
-  let round_button =
-    button  ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:`MEDIA_FORWARD ~packing:bbox#add ~label:"round" ()
+  let make_button0 stock lbl msg cmd =
+    let butt = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:stock ~packing:bbox0#add ~label:lbl () in
+    set_tooltip butt msg;
+    change_label butt lbl;
+    ignore (butt#connect#clicked ~callback:cmd);
+    butt
-  let legitimate_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox#add () in
-  set_tooltip legitimate_button
-    "Move FORWARD until a legitimate configuration is reached (silence by default)";
-  let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/chut_small.svg") () in
-  legitimate_button#set_image image#coerce; 
   let make_button stock lbl msg cmd =
     let butt = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:stock ~packing:bbox#add ~label:lbl () in
     set_tooltip butt msg;
@@ -620,226 +643,285 @@ let main () =
     ignore (butt#connect#clicked ~callback:cmd);
-  let undo_button = make_button `UNDO "_Undo" "Undo the last move"
-                      (button_cb true false (fun ()->u();d()))
+  (*   Going  backward   requires   special  care   here  to   remain
+       deterministic, because  of all the PRGs!  It concerns back_step,
+       back_round, and undo. *)
+  let goto_gui i =
+    if not gui_mode then ( u(); d() )
+    else 
+      let lnext e =
+        if args.salut_mode then (
+          update_daemongui_tbl e;
+          let e = goto_hook_call e in
+          e
+        )
+        else (
+          update_daemongui_tbl e;
+          if e.kind = Ltop then e.restore_state e.nb;
+          let e = goto_hook_call e in
+          e
+        )
+      in
+      let ne =
+        if i < !e.nb then
+          rev_cond_gen !e (fun ne -> ne.nb = i) lnext (fun _ -> ())
+        else if i > !e.nb then
+          next_cond_gen !e (fun ne -> ne.nb = i) lnext
+        else 
+          !e
+      in
+      e:=ne;
+      ignore (round !e);
+      d()
+  in
+  let undo_gui () =
+    let i = 
+      match !redos with 
+      | _::i::t -> redos := i::t; i
+      | i::[] -> i
+      | [] -> 1
+    in
+    goto_gui i
+  in
+  let back_round_button =
+    button ~packing:bbox0#add ~stock:`MEDIA_PREVIOUS ~use_mnemonic:true
+      ~label:"back round" ()
+  in
+  let back_step_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:`GO_BACK ~packing:bbox0#add () in
+  set_tooltip back_step_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous STEP";
+  change_label back_step_button "Ste_p";
+  let undo_button  = make_button0 `UNDO "_Undo" "Undo the last move"
+      (button_cb true false undo_gui)
+  in
+  let step_button = button ~use_mnemonic:true ~packing:bbox0#add ~stock:`GO_FORWARD ()  in
+  let round_button =
+    button  ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:`MEDIA_FORWARD ~packing:bbox0#add ~label:"round" ()
+  in
+  let legitimate_button =
+    button ~use_mnemonic:true ~stock:`GOTO_LAST ~packing:bbox0#add ()
+  set_tooltip legitimate_button
+    "Move FORWARD until a legitimate configuration is reached (silence by default)";
+  (*   let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/chut_small.svg") () in *)
+  (*   legitimate_button#set_image image#coerce;  *)
-  let set_daemongui_tbl = 
-    if !custom_mode_ref then
-      custom_daemon p text_out w step_button back_step_button round_button
-        legitimate_button undo_button
+  if gui_mode then draw_manual_daemons_buttons p text_out w step_button
+      back_step_button round_button legitimate_button undo_button;
+  let update_daemongui_tbl_and_redraw =
+    if gui_mode then update_daemongui_tbl
       (fun _ -> ())
   let a_gui_step e =
     (* set the daemongui_tbl and step to the next event where the user
        is asked to choose whom to activate *)
-    if !custom_mode_ref then (
-      set_daemongui_tbl e;
+    if gui_mode then (
+      update_daemongui_tbl_and_redraw e;
       let e = goto_hook_exit e in
       let e = goto_hook_call e in
-    else
+    else (* internal daemon mode *)
       let e = sasa_step e in
       store e.nb;
       print_event e;
-  let rec next_round_gui_loop rn =
-    if is_silent ~dflt:false !e then (
-      if not args.salut_mode && !e.kind <> Ltop then
-        (* go to Ltop so that the round number can be updated *)
-        e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop);
+  let postambule () = (* necessary to get the round nb rigth! *)
+    if not args.salut_mode && not (check_point_event !e) then
+      e := next_cond !e check_point_event
+  in
+  let next_step_gui () =
+    if not (is_silent ~dflt:false !e)
+    (* ??? || (not args.salut_mode && !e.kind <> Ltop) *)
+    then (
+      e := a_gui_step !e;
+      d()
-    else e:=a_gui_step !e;
-    if (get_round !e) || is_silent ~dflt:false !e then () else (next_round_gui_loop rn);
   let next_round_gui () =
-    if !custom_mode_ref then (
+    if gui_mode then (
+      let rec next_round_gui_loop rn =
+        if is_silent ~dflt:false !e then (postambule ())
+        else e := a_gui_step !e;
+        if (get_round !e) || is_silent ~dflt:false !e then () else (
+          next_round_gui_loop rn
+        );
+      in
       next_round_gui_loop (get_round_nb !e);
-        !custom_mode_ref && args.salut_mode && !e.name<>"mv_hook"
+        args.salut_mode && !e.name<>"mv_hook"
         && !e.kind<>Call && not (is_silent ~dflt:false !e)
         e:= goto_hook_call !e
     else ( (* internal daemon mode *)
-      e := next_round !e
-    );
-    store !e.nb
+      e := next_cond_gen !e
+          (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop && (round e || is_legitimate e))
+          sasa_next
+    )
   let back_step_gui () =
-    if not !custom_mode_ref then (
+    if not gui_mode then ( (* internal daemon mode *)
       e := back_step !e;
-    else (
+    else ( 
       if args.salut_mode then
         let lnext e =
-          set_daemongui_tbl e;
+          update_daemongui_tbl e; (* necessary to get the PRGs rigth during backward moves *)
           let e = goto_hook_call e in
         let ne =
           rev_cond_gen !e
             (fun ne ->
-              if ne.step = !e.step-1 && ne.kind = !e.kind then true else (
-                Printf.printf "%d: ne.step=%d (!e.step-1)=%d\n%!" ne.nb ne.step (!e.step-1);
-                false
-              )
+               if ne.step = !e.step-1 && ne.kind = !e.kind then true else (
+                 Printf.printf "%d: ne.step=%d (!e.step-1)=%d\n%!" ne.nb ne.step (!e.step-1);
+                 false
+               )
             lnext (fun _ -> ())
       else (* custom sasa mode *)
         let lnext e =
-          set_daemongui_tbl e;
+          update_daemongui_tbl e;
           if e.kind = Ltop then
-            (* Necessary for  reproductibility because set_daemongui_tbl
-             calls Random.int (via Daemon) which changes the PRGS! *)
+            (* Necessary for  reproductibility because update_daemongui_tbl
+               calls Random.int (via Daemon) which changes the PRGS! *)
             e.restore_state e.nb;
           let e = goto_hook_call e in
         let ne = rev_cond_gen !e
-                   (fun ne -> ne.step = !e.step-1 && ne.name = "mv_hook" && ne.kind=Call)
-                   lnext  (fun _ -> ())
+            (fun ne -> ne.step = !e.step-1 && check_point_event ne)
+            lnext  (fun _ -> ())
-    );
-    store !e.nb
+    )
   let back_round_gui () =
-    if not !custom_mode_ref then (
+    if not gui_mode then ( (* internal daemon mode *)
       e:=goto_last_ckpt !e.nb
-    else ( 
-      let ne1 = goto_last_ckpt !e.nb in
-      let ne2 = goto_last_ckpt ne1.nb in
-      if ne1.nb = !e.nb then
-        (* already at the first event. Do nothing *)
-        ()
-      else if ne1.nb = ne2.nb then (
-        (* Still in the first round. Go at the beginning *)
-        e:=ne1
-      )
-      else (
-        (* From round n>1, go to round n-1 *)
-        e:=ne2;
-        if !e.kind <> Call && not args.salut_mode then
-          (* only the first event is already a call*)
-          e:=goto_hook_call !e
-      )
-    );
-    store !e.nb;
+    else
+      (
+        let ne1 = goto_last_ckpt !e.nb in
+        let ne2 = if round !e then ne1 else goto_last_ckpt ne1.nb in
+        if ne1.nb = !e.nb then
+          (* already at the first event. Do nothing *)
+          ()
+        else if ne1.nb = ne2.nb then (
+          (* Still in the first round. Go at the beginning *)
+          e:=ne1
+        )
+        else (
+          (* From round n>1, go to round n-1 *)
+          e:=ne2;
+          if !e.kind <> Call && not args.salut_mode then
+            (* only the first event is already a call*)
+            e:=goto_hook_call !e
+            (* else if args.salut_mode then e:=??? *)
+        )
+      );
     refresh ()
   ignore (back_step_button#connect#clicked
-            ~callback:(button_cb true false back_step_gui));
+            ~callback:(button_cb true true back_step_gui));
-  let step () =
-    if not (is_silent ~dflt:false !e) || (not args.salut_mode && !e.kind <> Ltop) then (
-      e := a_gui_step !e;
-      d()
-    )
-  in
   let rec legitimate_gui () =
-    if is_silent ~dflt:false !e then () else e := a_gui_step !e;
-    if is_legitimate !e || is_silent ~dflt:false !e then (
-      if not args.salut_mode && !e.kind <> Ltop then
-        e := next_cond !e (fun e -> e.kind = Ltop);
+    if gui_mode then (
+      if is_silent ~dflt:false !e then () else e := a_gui_step !e;
+      if is_legitimate !e || is_silent ~dflt:false !e then (
+        postambule (); d()
+      )
+      else legitimate_gui ();
-    else (legitimate_gui ());
+    else (* internal daemon mode *)
+      e:= next_cond !e (fun le -> is_legitimate le && le.kind=Ltop)
-  (* change_label legitimate_button "Silen_t"; *)
+  change_label legitimate_button "_Legit";
   ignore (legitimate_button#connect#clicked ~callback:
-            (button_cb true true (fun () ->
-                 if !custom_mode_ref then legitimate_gui() else
-                   e:= next_cond !e (fun le -> is_legitimate le && le.kind=Ltop))
-            )
-    );
-  if !custom_mode_ref then legitimate_button#misc#hide();
-  (* indeed, in the defaut mode (manual central), it should be hided *)
+            (button_cb true true legitimate_gui)
+         );
+  if daemon_mode()=GuiManual then legitimate_button#misc#hide();
   set_tooltip step_button "Move FORWARD to the next STEP";
   change_label step_button "_Step";
-  ignore (step_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb true true step));
+  ignore (step_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb true true next_step_gui));
   set_tooltip round_button "Move FORWARD to the next ROUND";
   change_label round_button "_Round";
-  ignore (round_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb true true next_round_gui)
-    );
+  ignore (round_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb true true next_round_gui));
   set_tooltip back_round_button "Move BACKWARD to the previous ROUND";
   change_label back_round_button "Roun_d";
   ignore (back_round_button#connect#clicked
             ~callback:(button_cb true true back_round_gui));
-  let graph () = 
-    let graph_button = button  ~use_mnemonic:true  ~packing:bbox#add () in
-    set_tooltip graph_button "Visualize the Topology states: Green=Enabled ; Gold=Active";
-    let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/graph_small.png") () in
-    graph_button#set_image image#coerce; 
-    ignore (graph_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb false false graph_view));
-  in
-  graph ();
   if args.oracles <> [] then (
     let oracle_button =
       make_button `OK "_Oracle" "Move FORWARD until an oracle is violated"
            (fun () -> let str = viol_string () in
-                      e:=goto_hook_call !e; d(); store !e.nb; str))
+             e:=goto_hook_call !e; d(); store !e.nb; str))
     oracle_button#misc#hide(); (* indeed, in the defaut mode (manual central), it should be hided *)
     oracle_button_ref := Some oracle_button
   let _ = make_button `REFRESH "Restar_t" "Restart from the beginning"
-            (button_cb true true (restart p))
+      (button_cb true true (restart p))
   let _ = make_button `REFRESH "_New Seed" "Restart from the beginning using a New Seed"
-            (button_cb true true
-               (fun ()->
-                 !e.RdbgEvent.reset();
-                 Seed.reset(); Seed.replay_seed := false;
-                 let seed = Seed.get dotfile in
-                 change_sasa_seed seed;
-                 Seed.set (seed);
-                 p (Printf.sprintf "Restarting using the seed %d" seed);
-                 e:=RdbgStdLib.run ~call_hooks:true ();
-                 Round.reinit();
-                 redos := [1];
-                 ckpt_list := [!e];
-                 if args.salut_mode then
-                   (* in this mode, the hook plays first to provide fake values to sasa
+      (button_cb true true
+         (fun ()->
+            Seed.reset(); Seed.replay_seed := false;
+            let seed = Seed.get dotfile in
+            change_sasa_seed seed;
+            Seed.set (seed);
+            !e.RdbgEvent.reset();
+            p (Printf.sprintf "Restarting using the seed %d" seed);
+            e:=RdbgStdLib.run ~call_hooks:true ();
+            Round.reinit();
+            redos := [1];
+            ckpt_list := [!e];
+            if args.salut_mode then
+              (* in this mode, the hook plays first to provide fake values to sasa
                  but the hook does not need input at this first step
-                    *)
-                   e:=goto_hook_exit !e;
-                 e:=goto_hook_call !e;
-                 d()))
+              *)
+              e:=goto_hook_exit !e;
+            e:=goto_hook_call !e;
+            d()))
-  let _ = make_button `MEDIA_PLAY "_Sim2chro" "Launch sim2chro on the generated data (so far)"
-            (button_cb false false sim2chro)
+  let graph () = 
+    let graph_button = button  ~use_mnemonic:true  ~packing:bbox#add () in
+    set_tooltip graph_button "Visualize the Topology states: Green=Enabled ; Gold=Active";
+    let image = GMisc.image ~file:(libui_prefix^"/graph_small.png") () in
+    graph_button#set_image image#coerce; 
+    ignore (graph_button#connect#clicked ~callback:(button_cb false false graph_view));
+  in
+  graph ();
+  let _ = make_button `MEDIA_PLAY "Sim2_chro" "Launch sim2chro on the generated data (so far)"
+      (button_cb false false sim2chro)
   let _ = make_button `MEDIA_PLAY "_Gnuplot" "Launch gnuplot-rif on the generated data (so far)"
-            (button_cb false false gnuplot)
+      (button_cb false false gnuplot)
   let _ = make_button `INFO "_Info" "Get information about the current session"
-            (button_cb_string info_string)
+      (button_cb_string info_string)
   let _ = make_button `QUIT "_Quit" "Quit RDBGUI" (fun() -> p "bye"; Stdlib.exit 0) in
   let sw1 = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10 ~shadow_type:`IN  ~height:130 ~width:50
-              ~packing:w#add ()
+      ~packing:w#add ()
   sw1#misc#set_tooltip_text "This window displays the rdbg.log file";
   let text_in = GText.view ~wrap_mode:`CHAR ~height:250 ~editable:true ~width:50
-                  ~packing: sw1#add () ~cursor_visible:true
+      ~packing: sw1#add () ~cursor_visible:true
   let rdbg_log = open_in "rdbg.log" in
   create_tags text_in#buffer;
@@ -855,11 +937,11 @@ let main () =
       read_rdbglog ()
   let _ = Thread.create read_rdbglog () in
   let dot_button = radio_button ~packing:gbox#add ~label:"dot" () in
   let make_but active lbl = radio_button ~packing:gbox#add
-                              ~active:active ~group:dot_button#group ~label:lbl ()
+      ~active:active ~group:dot_button#group ~label:lbl ()
   let fd_button = make_but false "fdp" in
   let sf_button = make_but false "sfdp" in
@@ -872,14 +954,14 @@ let main () =
   let connect button str cmd =
     ignore (button#connect#clicked
               ~callback:(fun () -> p ((button#misc#tooltip_text)^"\n"^(help_string str));
-                                   dot_view := cmd; !dot_view()))
+                          dot_view := cmd; !dot_view()))
   let have_parent () = (* is there a parent field in the state ? *)
     List.exists (fun (v,_) -> Str.string_match (Str.regexp ".*_par.*") v 0) !e.data 
   if have_parent () then (
     let make_but lbl = GButton.radio_button ~packing:gbox2#add 
-                         ~group:dot_button#group ~label:lbl ()
+        ~group:dot_button#group ~label:lbl ()
     let par_dot_button = make_but "dot*" in
     let par_fd_button = make_but "fdp*" in
@@ -906,14 +988,14 @@ let main () =
     connect par_pa_button "pa_par" pa_par;
     connect par_os_button "os_par" os_par;
-  set_tooltip dot_button "Use the dot engine to display the graph";
-  set_tooltip fd_button "Use the fdp engine to display the graph";
-  set_tooltip sf_button "Use the sfdp engine to display the graph";
-  set_tooltip ne_button "Use the neato engine to display the graph";
-  set_tooltip tw_button "Use the twopi engine to display the graph";
-  set_tooltip ci_button "Use the circo engine to display the graph";
-  set_tooltip pa_button "Use the patchwork engine to display the graph";
-  set_tooltip os_button "Use the osage engine to display the graph";
+  set_tooltip dot_button "Use the dot engine to display the graph (cf https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/)";
+  set_tooltip fd_button "Use the fdp engine to display the graph (cf https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/)";
+  set_tooltip sf_button "Use the sfdp engine to display the graph (cf https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/)";
+  set_tooltip ne_button "Use the neato engine to display the graph (cf https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/)";
+  set_tooltip tw_button "Use the twopi engine to display the graph (cf https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/)";
+  set_tooltip ci_button "Use the circo engine to display the graph (cf https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/)";
+  set_tooltip pa_button "Use the patchwork engine to display the graph (cf https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/)";
+  set_tooltip os_button "Use the osage engine to display the graph (cf https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/)";
   connect dot_button "d" dot;
   connect fd_button "fd" fd;
@@ -925,9 +1007,9 @@ let main () =
   connect os_button "os" os;
   ignore (window#connect#destroy ~callback: (
-              fun () ->
-              quit (); (* quit rdbg, this will stop the readloop below *)
-              Main.quit () (* terminate gtk *)
+      fun () ->
+        quit (); (* quit rdbg, this will stop the readloop below *)
+        Main.quit () (* terminate gtk *)
   Seed.replay_seed := true;
   ignore(Seed.get dotfile);
diff --git a/tools/rdbg4sasa/sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml b/tools/rdbg4sasa/sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml
index 1f356ba56ffeb9ac2c07e9a37b222b3c95500697..334523af0c8ebc21c93632da6efa0f58914a65cb 100644
--- a/tools/rdbg4sasa/sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml
+++ b/tools/rdbg4sasa/sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml
@@ -50,7 +50,14 @@ let enabled pl = (* returns the enabled processes *)
 (* called at each event via the time-travel hook *)
 let (round : RdbgEvent.t -> bool) =
   fun e ->
-  if e.kind=Exit && e.name = "sasa" then get_round e else false
+  let get_it =
+    if args.salut_mode then
+      e.kind=Call && e.name = "mv_hook"
+    else
+      true
+      (* e.kind=Exit && e.name = "sasa" *)
+  in
+  if get_it then get_round e else false
 let d_par () = dot true (get_round_nb !e) p dotfile !e;;
@@ -145,12 +152,15 @@ It is the case for sasa and lutin at least.
 let (string_to_string_list : string -> string list) =
   fun str ->
-    Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") str
+  Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") str
 let (change_ocaml_plugin_seed: int -> RdbgPlugin.t -> RdbgPlugin.t) =
-  fun seed rdbgplugin -> 
-  let new_sasa_call = Printf.sprintf "%s --seed %d" rdbgplugin.id seed in
-  Sasa.SasaRun.make(Array.of_list (string_to_string_list new_sasa_call))
+  fun seed rdbgplugin ->
+  if args.salut_mode then ((* nothing to do here *) rdbgplugin) else
+    let new_sasa_call = Printf.sprintf "%s --seed %d" rdbgplugin.id seed in
+    Printf.printf "%s\n%!" new_sasa_call;
+    Sasa.SasaRun.make (Array.of_list (string_to_string_list new_sasa_call))
 let (change_plugin_seed : int -> RdbgArg.reactive_program -> RdbgArg.reactive_program) =
   fun seed plugin ->
@@ -318,11 +328,12 @@ let _ = add_doc_entry
           "potential" "unit -> float option" "returns the current potential if available"
           "sasa" "sasa-rdbg-cmds.ml"
-(* Perform the checkpointing at rounds! *)
-let _ = check_ref := fun e -> e.nb = 1 || round e;;
+(* overide the default checkpointing at rounds
+nb : this is overridden in gtkgui.ml 
+let _ = check_ref := fun e -> e.nb = 1 || (e.kind=Exit && e.name="sasa" && round e);;
 let _ =