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  • Erwan Jahier's avatar
    Gnuplot-rif enhancements: make it dynamic and more efficient, while simplifing the code. · 000eb377
    Erwan Jahier authored
    (the butter, the money of the butter, and the *bip* of the Dairywoman).
     - Add a -dyn option that parses (with the last command) the end of the rif file
     - Add a -pdf option
     - Add the possibility to call the GnuplotRif main function from a ocaml program
    Actually, I've simplified the code a lot while being more efficient.
    1) Instead of generating explicitely a gnuplot data file (to remove
    #outs/#step, etc), I use a sed/grep script file (cf util/
    2) Instead of calibrating the display while generating this file in ocaml, I do
    it directly via gnuplot
    3) the dynamic part relies on the Unix last command