OASISFormat: 0.4
Name:        lutils
Version:     1.49.5
Authors:     Erwan Jahier
Maintainers: erwan.jahier@imag.fr
License:     CeCILL
Plugins:     DevFiles (0.4), META (0.4)
Synopsis:    Tools and libs shared by Verimag/synchronous tools (lustre, lutin, rdbg).
Homepage:    https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/lutils/
    The gnuplot-rif tool vizualise RIF files using gnuplot.

    The lutils library contains various modules shared between tools developped 
    at Verimag in the synchronous group. Those modules deal with:
     - generate and parse RIF files
     - generate dro files (to call luciole) 

BuildTools: ocamlbuild
PreBuildCommand: make src/lutilsVersion.ml
OCamlVersion: >= 4.02
PostInstallCommand:  cp emacs/*.el $prefix/lib/$pkg_name

# A simple data visualiser based on gnuplot
Executable "gnuplot-rif"
  Path:       src
  CompiledObject: native
  MainIs:     gnuplotRifMain.ml
  BuildDepends: unix,str,num
  CompiledObject: native
  Install: true

Library lutils
  XMETADescription: shared by Verimag/synchronous tools (lustre, lutin, rdbg).
  Path: src/
  BuildDepends: unix,str,num
  Modules: RifIO,Data,LocalGenlex,GnuplotRif,Mypervasives,Luciole,LutilsVersion
  Install: true
  XMETAEnable: true

SourceRepository "master"
  Type: git
  Location: https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/lutils.git 
  Branch: master
  Browser:  https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/verimag/synchrone/lutils/