From 8619aa285ca8322ab9b209dd4509f5536f2440a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erwan Jahier <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 10:19:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] New: add the string type.

 Makefile            |   2 +
 dune-project        |   2 +-
 lib/         |  29 +++--
 lib/data.mli        |   8 +-
 lib/ |  97 ++++++++--------
 lib/        | 264 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 6 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8f0e968..356e565 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ clean:
 	dune clean
 	rm -f lib/
+	 dune build  @doc
 # for developpers
diff --git a/dune-project b/dune-project
index f75713f..929c696 100644
--- a/dune-project
+++ b/dune-project
@@ -1 +1 @@
-(lang dune 1.2)
+(lang dune 2.0)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 82d7681..801246c 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 23/08/2019 (at 11:32) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 12/03/2020 (at 15:40) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type ident = string
 type v = I of int | F of float | B of bool
-         | E of ident * int
-         | A of v array | S of (ident * v) list | U
+       | E of ident * int
+       | A of v array | S of (ident * v) list | U
+       | Str of string
 type t = 
   | Bool | Int | Real
@@ -13,7 +14,8 @@ type t =
   | Array  of (t * int)
   | Alpha of int 
   | Alias of (string * t)
+  | String
 let (val_to_string_type : v -> string) =
     | I _ -> "int"
@@ -23,7 +25,8 @@ let (val_to_string_type : v -> string) =
     | S _ -> "struct"
     | A _ -> "array"
     | U -> "nil"
+    | Str _ -> "string"
 let rec (val_to_string : (float -> string) -> v -> string) =
   fun s2f -> 
@@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ let rec (val_to_string : (float -> string) -> v -> string) =
       Array.iteri f a;
     | U -> "nil"
+    | Str str -> str
 let (val_to_rif_string : (float -> string) -> v -> string) =
   fun s2f -> 
@@ -57,19 +61,21 @@ let (val_to_rif_string : (float -> string) -> v -> string) =
       Array.iteri f a;
     | U -> "nil"
+    | Str str -> str
 let rec (type_to_string_gen : bool -> t -> string) = 
   fun alias v -> 
     let str =
       match v with
+        | String -> "string"
         | Bool -> "bool"
-        | Int -> "int"
-        | Real-> "real"
-        | Extern s -> s ^ "(*extern*)"
-(*         | Enum  (s, sl) -> "enum " ^ s ^ " {" ^ (String.concat ", " sl) ^ "}" *)
-        | Enum  (s, _sl) -> s 
-        | Struct (sid,_) -> sid ^ "(*struct*)"
+        | Int  -> "int"
+        | Real -> "real"
+        | Extern _s -> "string" (* what else should be done? *)
+        (*  | Enum  (s, sl) -> "enum " ^ s ^ " {" ^ (String.concat ", " sl) ^ "}" *)
+        | Enum  (s, _sl) -> s
+        | Struct (sid,_) -> sid
         | Array (ty, sz) -> Printf.sprintf "%s^%d" (type_to_string_gen alias ty) sz 
         | Alpha nb ->
         (* On génère des "types" à la Caml : 'a, 'b, 'c, etc. *)
@@ -98,6 +104,7 @@ let (type_of_string : string -> t) =
     | "real"  -> Real
     | "float" -> Real
     | "int"   -> Int
+    | "string" -> String
     | s -> failwith (s ^ ": unsupported type.\n")
diff --git a/lib/data.mli b/lib/data.mli
index bbe9f79..e9bada8 100644
--- a/lib/data.mli
+++ b/lib/data.mli
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 04/04/2019 (at 21:27) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 06/03/2020 (at 11:51) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 type ident = string
 type v = I of int | F of float | B of bool 
-         | E of ident * int
-         | A of v array | S of (ident * v) list | U
+       | E of ident * int
+       | A of v array | S of (ident * v) list | U
+       | Str of string
 type t = 
   | Bool | Int | Real
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ type t =
   | Array  of (t * int)
   | Alpha of int 
   | Alias of (string * t)
+  | String
 val val_to_string : (float -> string) -> v -> string
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 807e7ae..82565b8 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 23/08/2019 (at 11:29) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 14/02/2020 (at 14:08) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 (* Should rather be named misc or utils *)
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ let rec (list_split7: ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g) list ->
 let list_minus a b =  List.filter (fun v -> not (List.mem v b)) a
 (* returns a U b *)
-let list_union a b =  List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if (List.mem x acc) then acc else x::acc) a b
+let list_union a b =
+  List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if (List.mem x acc) then acc else x::acc) a b
 (** Removes duplicates from a list (conserving its order) *)
 let (list_rm_dup : 'a list -> 'a list) =
@@ -156,64 +157,64 @@ let (my_create_process :
     ?(wait = true) prog args -> 
       let pid = 
-	     List.iter (fun x -> output_string stderr (x ^ " ")) (prog::args);
-	     output_string stderr "\n";
-	     flush stderr;
-	     Unix.create_process
-	       prog
-	       (Array.of_list (prog::args))
-	       (std_in)
-	       (std_out)
-	       (std_err)
+	List.iter (fun x -> output_string stderr (x ^ " ")) (prog::args);
+	output_string stderr "\n";
+	flush stderr;
+	Unix.create_process
+	  prog
+	  (Array.of_list (prog::args))
+	  (std_in)
+	  (std_out)
+	  (std_err)
-	   if not wait then PID pid else 
-	     let (_,status) = (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WUNTRACED] pid) in
-	     ( match status with 
-		      Unix.WEXITED i -> 
-		      if i = 0 || i = 1 then
-		        (
-			       output_string stderr ("     ... "^prog^" exited normally.\n");
-			       flush stderr;
-			       OK
-		        )
-		      else
-		        (
-			       output_string stderr (
+      if not wait then PID pid else 
+	let (_,status) = (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WUNTRACED] pid) in
+	( match status with 
+	    Unix.WEXITED i -> 
+	    if i = 0 || i = 1 then
+	      (
+		output_string stderr ("     ... "^prog^" exited normally.\n");
+		flush stderr;
+		OK
+	      )
+	    else
+	      (
+		output_string stderr (
                   "*** Error: " ^ prog ^ " exited abnormally (return code=" ^ 
                   (string_of_int i)^").\n");
-			       flush stderr;
-			       KO
-		        )
+		flush stderr;
+		KO
+	      )
           | Unix.WSIGNALED i-> 
-		      output_string stderr (
+	    output_string stderr (
               "*** Error: " ^ prog ^ 
               " process was killed by signal "^(string_of_int i)^"\n");
-		      flush stderr;
-		      KO
+	    flush stderr;
+	    KO
           | Unix.WSTOPPED i -> 
-		      output_string stderr (
+	    output_string stderr (
               "*** Error: " ^ prog ^ " process was stopped by signal " ^ 
               (string_of_int i)^"\n");
-		      flush stderr;
-		      KO
-	     )
+	    flush stderr;
+	    KO
+	)
     | Unix.Unix_error(error, name, arg) -> 
-	   let msg = ( "*** '" ^
-			         (Unix.error_message error) ^
-			         "'in the system call: '" ^ name ^ " " ^ arg ^ "'\n")
-	   in
-	   output_string stdout msg;
-	   flush stdout;
-	   output_string stderr msg;
-	   flush stderr;
-	   KO
+      let msg = ( "*** '" ^
+		  (Unix.error_message error) ^
+		  "'in the system call: '" ^ name ^ " " ^ arg ^ "'\n")
+      in
+      output_string stdout msg;
+      flush stdout;
+      output_string stderr msg;
+      flush stderr;
+      KO
     | e -> 
-	   output_string stdout (Printexc.to_string e);
-	   flush stdout;
-	   output_string stderr (Printexc.to_string e);
-	   flush stderr;
-	   KO
+      output_string stdout (Printexc.to_string e);
+      flush stdout;
+      output_string stderr (Printexc.to_string e);
+      flush stderr;
+      KO
 (* run a cmd and collect the stdout lines into a list (requires sed) *)
 let (run : string -> (string -> string option) -> string list) =
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 05b90e8..99f16f4 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Time-stamp: <modified the 23/08/2019 (at 11:35) by Erwan Jahier> *)
+(* Time-stamp: <modified the 13/03/2020 (at 10:18) by Erwan Jahier> *)
 ** This file may only be copied under the terms of the CeCILL
 ** Public License
@@ -154,143 +154,149 @@ let (read_interface : ?debug:(bool) -> ?label:(string) -> in_channel ->
 (* exported *)
 (**  Reads input values on ic. It should follow the rif format. *)
 let rec (read : ?debug:(bool) -> ?label:(string) -> ?pragma:(string list) -> 
-                in_channel -> out_channel option -> vntl -> subst list) =
+         in_channel -> out_channel option -> vntl -> subst list) =
   fun ?(debug=false) ?(label="") ?(pragma = dflt_pragmas) ic oc vntl  ->
-    let tbl = [] in
-    if vntl = [] then tbl else 
-      let str,stream = get_stream debug label ic oc in
-      parse_rif_stream ~debug:debug label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma
+  let tbl = [] in
+  if vntl = [] then tbl else 
+    let str,stream = get_stream debug label ic oc in
+    parse_rif_stream ~debug:debug label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma
 and (parse_rif_stream : 
        ?debug:(bool) -> string -> in_channel -> out_channel option -> vntl ->
      string * stream -> subst list -> string list -> subst list) =
   fun ?(debug=false) label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma ->
-    if vntl = [] then tbl else
-      let tok_list = Stream.npeek 2 stream in
-      match tok_list with
-	     | [LocalGenlex.Kwd ("#"); LocalGenlex.Ident (id)] ->
-        if List.mem id pragma then (
-          Stream.junk stream ;
-          Stream.junk stream ;
-          if id = "quit" || id = "q" then raise Bye;
-          if id = "reset" then raise Reset;
-          parse_rif_stream label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma
-        ) else (
-          (* We skip everything that occurs after a [#], until the next eol. *)
-            Stream.junk stream ;
-            (* prerr_endline (">>" ^str);   print the ignored string on stderr *)
-            parse_rif_stream label ic oc 
-              vntl (get_stream debug label ic oc) tbl pragma
-          )
-        | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("ERROR"|"Error"|"error"))::_ -> 
-          print_string ("#ERROR value read. bye! ("^str^")\n"); 
-          flush stdout;
-          raise Bye
-         | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("#"))::(LocalGenlex.Kwd ("ERROR"|"Error"|"end"))::_ -> 
-          print_string ("#ERROR value read. bye! ("^str^")\n"); 
-          flush stdout;
-          raise Bye 
-        | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("#"))::_ ->
-          Stream.junk stream ;
-          (* prerr_endline (">>>" ^str);  print the ignored string on stderr *)
-          parse_rif_stream label ic oc vntl (get_stream debug label ic oc)  tbl pragma 
-        | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("q"))::_ -> print_string "# bye!\n"; raise Bye
-        | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("#@"))::_ ->
-          (* Beginning of multi-line comment. Note that here,
-             unlike the rif format, we ignore multi line pragmas;
-             namely, we handle them as a multi-line comment. *)
-          (
-            Stream.junk stream ;
-            ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas 
-              debug label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma 
-          )
-        | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("nil"))::_ 
-        | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("?"))::_ -> 
-          Stream.junk stream ;
-          let tbl = tbl @[fst (hd vntl), U] in
-          parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma
-	     | (LocalGenlex.Float (f))::_ ->
-          (
-            Stream.junk stream ;
-            (* Hashtbl.add tbl ( (hd vntl)) (N(F(f))) ; *)
-	         let v =
-              match snd (hd vntl) with
-                | Data.Bool -> B(f<>0.0)
-                | Data.Real -> F(f)
-                | Data.Int  -> 
-                  let i = int_of_float f in
-                  print_string ("\n*** Warning: type error, " ^ (string_of_float f)
-				                    ^" is an real, but an int is expected. I convert it to '"^
-                                  (string_of_int i)^"'\n");
-                  I(i)
-                | e -> 
-                  print_string ("\n*** Type Error: float found, "^ 
-                                   (Data.type_to_string e) ^ "expected\n");
-                  assert false
-	         in
-            let tbl = tbl@ [fst (hd vntl), v] in
-            parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma 
-          )
-	     | (LocalGenlex.Int (i))::_ -> (
-	       Stream.junk stream ;
-	       let v =
-            match snd (hd vntl) with
-              | Data.Bool -> B(i<>0)
-              | Data.Int  -> I(i)
-              | Data.Real ->
-                let f = float_of_int i in
-                print_string "\n*** Warning: type error, ";
-		          print_string ((string_of_int i)
-				                  ^ " is an int, but a real is expected. I convert it to '"^
-                                (string_of_float f)^"'\n");
-                F(f)
-              | e -> 
-                print_string ("\n*** Type Error: int found, "^ (Data.type_to_string e) 
-                              ^ "expected \n");
-                assert false
-	       in
-	       let tbl = tbl @[fst (hd vntl), v] in
-          parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma
-	     )
-	     | (LocalGenlex.Ident (b))::_ -> (
-	       Stream.junk stream ;
-	       let v = if mem b ["f"; "F";"false"] then B(false)
-            else if  mem b ["t"; "T";"true"] then B(true)
-            else if  mem b ["nil";"?";" ?"] then assert false
-	         else failwith ("### rif parse error: `" ^ b ^ 
-                              "' read, where a bool was expected ("^str^").\n")
-	       in
-	       let tbl = tbl @ [fst (hd vntl), v] in
-          parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma
-	     )
-	     | [] ->
-          (* Eol is is reached; proceed with the next one *)
-          parse_rif_stream label ic oc vntl (get_stream debug label ic oc)
-            tbl pragma 
-	     | _ -> failwith ("### rif parse error: not in RIF format ("^str^").\n")
+  if vntl = [] then tbl else
+    let tok_list = Stream.npeek 2 stream in
+    match tok_list with
+    | [LocalGenlex.Kwd ("#"); LocalGenlex.Ident (id)] ->
+      if List.mem id pragma then (
+        Stream.junk stream ;
+        Stream.junk stream ;
+        if id = "quit" || id = "q" then raise Bye;
+        if id = "reset" then raise Reset;
+        parse_rif_stream label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma
+      ) else (
+        (* We skip everything that occurs after a [#], until the next eol. *)
+        Stream.junk stream ;
+        (* prerr_endline (">>" ^str);   print the ignored string on stderr *)
+        parse_rif_stream label ic oc 
+          vntl (get_stream debug label ic oc) tbl pragma
+      )
+    | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("ERROR"|"Error"|"error"))::_ -> 
+      print_string ("#ERROR value read. bye! ("^str^")\n"); 
+      flush stdout;
+      raise Bye
+    | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("#"))::(LocalGenlex.Kwd ("ERROR"|"Error"|"end"))::_ -> 
+      print_string ("#ERROR value read. bye! ("^str^")\n"); 
+      flush stdout;
+      raise Bye 
+    | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("#"))::_ ->
+      Stream.junk stream ;
+      (* prerr_endline (">>>" ^str);  print the ignored string on stderr *)
+      parse_rif_stream label ic oc vntl (get_stream debug label ic oc)  tbl pragma 
+    | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("q"))::_ -> print_string "# bye!\n"; raise Bye
+    | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("#@"))::_ ->
+      (* Beginning of multi-line comment. Note that here,
+         unlike the rif format, we ignore multi line pragmas;
+         namely, we handle them as a multi-line comment. *)
+      (
+        Stream.junk stream ;
+        ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas 
+          debug label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma 
+      )
+    | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("nil"))::_ 
+    | (LocalGenlex.Kwd ("?"))::_ -> 
+      Stream.junk stream ;
+      let tbl = tbl @[fst (hd vntl), U] in
+      parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma
+    | (LocalGenlex.Float (f))::_ ->
+      (
+        Stream.junk stream ;
+        (* Hashtbl.add tbl ( (hd vntl)) (N(F(f))) ; *)
+	let v =
+          match snd (hd vntl) with
+          | Data.Bool -> B(f<>0.0)
+          | Data.Real -> F(f)
+          | Data.Int  -> 
+            let i = int_of_float f in
+            print_string ("\n*** Warning: type error, " ^ (string_of_float f)
+			  ^" is an real, but an int is expected. I convert it to '"^
+                          (string_of_int i)^"'\n");
+            I(i)
+          | e -> 
+            print_string ("\n*** Type Error: float found, "^ 
+                          (Data.type_to_string e) ^ "expected\n");
+            assert false
+	in
+        let tbl = tbl@ [fst (hd vntl), v] in
+        parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma 
+      )
+    | (LocalGenlex.Int (i))::_ -> (
+	Stream.junk stream ;
+	let v =
+          match snd (hd vntl) with
+          | Data.Bool -> B(i<>0)
+          | Data.Int  -> I(i)
+          | Data.Real ->
+            let f = float_of_int i in
+            print_string "\n*** Warning: type error, ";
+	    print_string ((string_of_int i)
+			  ^ " is an int, but a real is expected. I convert it to '"^
+                          (string_of_float f)^"'\n");
+            F(f)
+          | Data.String -> Data.Str (string_of_int i)
+          | e -> 
+            print_string ("\n*** Type Error: int found, "^ (Data.type_to_string e) 
+                          ^ "expected \n");
+            assert false
+	in
+	let tbl = tbl @[fst (hd vntl), v] in
+        parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma
+      )
+    | (LocalGenlex.String (b))::_ -> (
+	Stream.junk stream ;
+	let v = Str(b) in
+	let tbl = tbl @ [fst (hd vntl), v] in
+        parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma
+      )
+    | (LocalGenlex.Ident (b))::_ -> (
+	Stream.junk stream ;
+	let v = if mem b ["f"; "F";"false"] then B(false)
+          else if  mem b ["t"; "T";"true"] then B(true)
+          else if  mem b ["nil";"?";" ?"] then assert false
+	  else Str(b)
+	in
+	let tbl = tbl @ [fst (hd vntl), v] in
+        parse_rif_stream label ic oc (tl vntl) (str,stream) tbl pragma
+      )
+    | [] ->
+      (* Eol is is reached; proceed with the next one *)
+      parse_rif_stream label ic oc vntl (get_stream debug label ic oc)
+        tbl pragma 
+    | _ -> failwith ("### rif parse error: not in RIF format ("^str^").\n")
 and (ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas : bool -> string -> 
      in_channel -> out_channel option-> vntl -> string * stream -> subst list -> 
      string list -> subst list) =
   fun debug label  ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma ->
-    (* ignore all tokens until "@#" is reached *)
-    let tok_opt = Stream.peek stream in
-    match tok_opt  with
-      | Some(LocalGenlex.Kwd ("@#")) ->
-        (
-          Stream.junk stream ;
-          parse_rif_stream label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma
-        )
-      | Some(_) ->
-        (
-          Stream.junk stream ;
-          ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas debug label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma
-        )
-      | None ->
-        (* Eol is is reached; proceed with the next one *)
-        (ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas debug label ic oc vntl
-           (get_stream debug label ic oc) tbl pragma)
+  (* ignore all tokens until "@#" is reached *)
+  let tok_opt = Stream.peek stream in
+  match tok_opt  with
+  | Some(LocalGenlex.Kwd ("@#")) ->
+    (
+      Stream.junk stream ;
+      parse_rif_stream label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma
+    )
+  | Some(_) ->
+    (
+      Stream.junk stream ;
+      ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas debug label ic oc vntl (str,stream) tbl pragma
+    )
+  | None ->
+    (* Eol is is reached; proceed with the next one *)
+    (ignore_toks_until_end_of_pragmas debug label ic oc vntl
+       (get_stream debug label ic oc) tbl pragma)