# to run the test, one needs to (apt-get) install: # dejagnu tcl tcllib test: ltop clean reftest lus2lic.time TEST_MACHINE=ssh bauges #TEST_MACHINE=eval # This fixes sporadic memory errors I get when running tests OCAMLRUNPARAM=s=1M,i=32M,o=150 # ltop is necessary because it is used for the non-reg test and it depends on some src here... # When I use rdbg -lurette, I can throw that ltop dep away ltop: cd .. ; $(TEST_MACHINE) "make ltop" copy_extern: cp -f extern_files/* . testdir=$(shell pwd) remote-runtest: # runtest --all --tool lus2lic --target_board=$(testdir)/board_$(TEST_MACHINE).exp || true $(TEST_MACHINE) "cd $(testdir) ; export OCAMLRUNPARAM=o=200 ; runtest --all --tool lus2lic" || true cd $(testdir) LOG=lus2lic0.log lus2lic1.log lus2lic2.log lus2lic3.log lus2lic4.log SUM=lus2lic0.sum lus2lic1.sum lus2lic2.sum lus2lic3.sum lus2lic4.sum lus2lic.sum: head -n -5 $(SUM) | sed -e 's/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]//' | sed -e 's/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]//' > lus2lic.sum tail -n 5 $(SUM) >> lus2lic.sum echo -n "===============================\n# Total number of failures: " >> lus2lic.sum cat lus2lic*.log | grep "FAIL:" | grep -v "XFAIL" | wc -l >> lus2lic.sum .PHONY:lus2lic.diff lus2lic.time lus2lic.sum lus2lic.diff: cat lus2lic.log | grep -v "Process " | grep -v "Killing process " | \ grep -v "simec_trap " | grep -v " Version " > lus2lic2.log mv lus2lic2.log lus2lic.log diff -U 1 -I "Test Run By" -I "testcase \./lus2lic" -I "runtest completed at" \ -I "This is Lurette Version " \ lus2lic.log.ref lus2lic.log > lus2lic.diff || \ (cat lus2lic.diff; echo "make utest if it is fine"; exit 1) time:lus2lic.time lus2lic.time:lus2lic.sum grep "testcase \./lus2lic" lus2lic*.log > lus2lic.time echo "* Ref time: " >> lus2lic.time cat lus2lic.ref_time >> lus2lic.time || true echo "* Quick time (-j 4):" >> lus2lic.time cat lus2lic.quick_time >> lus2lic.time || true cat lus2lic.time >> lus2lic.sum cat lus2lic.time .PHONY:lus2lic.time utest: cp lus2lic.log lus2lic.log.ref # reftest isslower than qtest, but less sensible to the load of the machine (wrt time measurements) reftest: rm -f $(LOG) cd $(testdir); make tmpdirs time -o lus2lic.ref_time make $(LOG) make lus2lic.time qtest: rm -f $(LOG) cd $(testdir); make tmpdirs time -o lus2lic.quick_time make -j 8 $(LOG) cat lus2lic.quick_time make lus2lic.time ltmpdirs: [ -d /tmp/lus2lic-test ] || mkdir /tmp/lus2lic-test [ -d /tmp/lus2lic-test-tmp1 ] || mkdir /tmp/lus2lic-test-tmp1 [ -d /tmp/lus2lic-test-tmp2 ] || mkdir /tmp/lus2lic-test-tmp2 tmpdirs: ltmpdirs [ -d tmp ] || mkdir tmp [ -d tmp1 ] || mkdir tmp1 [ -d tmp2 ] || mkdir tmp2 rm -rf tmp/* rm -rf tmp1/* rm -rf tmp2/* cp -f --preserve=links $(testdir)/* tmp/ || true cp -f --preserve=links $(testdir)/* tmp1/ || true cp -f --preserve=links $(testdir)/* tmp2/ || true test0: rmlus2lic0.log lus2lic0.log rmlus2lic0.log: rm -f lus2lic0.log test1: rmlus2lic1.log lus2lic1.log rmlus2lic1.log: rm -f lus2lic1.log test2: rmlus2lic2.log lus2lic2.log rmlus2lic2.log: rm -f lus2lic2.log test3: rmlus2lic3.log lus2lic3.log rmlus2lic3.log: rm -f lus2lic3.log test4: rmlus2lic4.log lus2lic4.log rmlus2lic4.log: rm -f lus2lic4.log unexp: grep unexp lus2lic.sum lus2lic0.log: $(TEST_MACHINE) "cd $(testdir); runtest --tool lus2lic0 lus2lic.tests/test0.exp" || true lus2lic1.log: $(TEST_MACHINE) "cd $(testdir); runtest --tool lus2lic1 lus2lic.tests/test1.exp" || true lus2lic2.log: $(TEST_MACHINE) "cd $(testdir); runtest --tool lus2lic2 lus2lic.tests/test2.exp" || true lus2lic3.log: $(TEST_MACHINE) "cd $(testdir); runtest --tool lus2lic3 lus2lic.tests/test3.exp" || true lus2lic4.log: $(TEST_MACHINE) "cd $(testdir); runtest --tool lus2lic4 lus2lic.tests/test4.exp" || true progression: $(TEST_MACHINE) "cd $(testdir); runtest --tool lus2lic progression.exp" || true local_clean: lclean tmpdirs clean: cd $(testdir); make local_clean lclean: rm -f *.ec *.lus *.lut *.cov *.gp *.rif *.out *.cov *.c *.h *.log *.sum *time rm -rf Data