(* Time-stamp: <modified the 22/08/2017 (at 11:30) by Erwan Jahier> *) open Lxm open Lic open AstPredef let dbg = (Lv6Verbose.get_flag "en") (* pack useful info into a single struct *) type local_ctx = { init_prg : LicPrg.t; (* nodes before expansion *) curr_prg : LicPrg.t; (* nodes that have already been expanded *) keep_node_call : Lic.node_key -> bool; (* node calls to expand *) } (********************************************************************************) let new_var label str t c = let vi = FreshName.var_info str t c in Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () -> Printf.printf "#EN: new_var[%s](%s)->%s%s'\n" label str vi.var_name_eff (Lic.string_of_clock (snd c)) ); vi (********************************************************************************) let get_locals node = match node.loclist_eff with | None -> [] | Some l -> l let rec (get_node_body : local_ctx -> Lic.node_exp -> Lic.node_body option) = fun lctx node -> match node.def_eff with | ExternLic | AbstractLic None -> None | AbstractLic (Some node) -> assert false | BodyLic node_body -> Some node_body | MetaOpLic -> None (********************************************************************************) (* When expanding a node call such as x = toto(a when c); when toto params are (for example) on the base clock, we need to propagate the substitution between the toto base clock and "on(c)" ; for the toto arguments, it's been done during clock checking ; but we need to remember this information to substitute the clock of toto in its local variables. *) type new_base = clock (* to hold the substitution of parameters by arguments *) module IdMap = Map.Make(struct type t = Lv6Id.t let compare = compare end) type subst = Lic.var_info IdMap.t let (add_subst : subst -> Lv6Id.t -> Lic.var_info -> subst) = fun s id vi -> IdMap.add id vi s let (subst_in_id : subst -> Lv6Id.t -> Lic.var_info) = fun s id -> IdMap.find id s let (subst_in_id_id : subst -> Lv6Id.t -> Lv6Id.t) = fun s id -> try (subst_in_id s id).var_name_eff with Not_found -> id let rec (substitute : subst * new_base -> Lic.eq_info Lxm.srcflagged -> Lic.eq_info Lxm.srcflagged) = fun s { it = (lhs,ve) ; src = lxm } -> let lhs = List.map (subst_in_left s ) lhs in let newve = subst_in_val_exp s ve in { it = (lhs,newve) ; src = lxm } and subst_in_var_info (s,nb) vi = try let vi = subst_in_id s vi.var_name_eff in let id,clk = vi.var_clock_eff in { vi with var_clock_eff = subst_in_id_id s id, subst_in_clock (s,nb) clk } with Not_found -> assert false (* sno : all i/o have been replace ; fresh locs were created *) and subst_in_left s left = match left with | LeftVarLic(v,lxm) -> LeftVarLic(subst_in_var_info s v,lxm) | LeftFieldLic(left,id,t) -> LeftFieldLic(subst_in_left s left,id,t) | LeftArrayLic(left,i, t) -> LeftArrayLic(subst_in_left s left,i, t) | LeftSliceLic(left,si,t) -> LeftSliceLic(subst_in_left s left,si,t) and (subst_in_clock : subst * new_base -> clock -> clock) = fun (s,new_base) clk -> match clk with | BaseLic -> new_base | ClockVar i -> ClockVar i (* sno *) | On ((cc,cv,ct),clk) -> On((cc, subst_in_id_id s cv, ct), subst_in_clock (s,new_base) clk) and (subst_in_val_exp : subst * new_base -> val_exp -> val_exp) = fun s ve -> let newve = { ve with ve_clk = List.map (subst_in_clock s) ve.ve_clk; ve_core = match ve.ve_core with | CallByPosLic (by_pos_op, vel) -> let lxm = by_pos_op.src in let by_pos_op = by_pos_op.it in let vel = List.map (subst_in_val_exp s) vel in let by_pos_op = match by_pos_op with | CONST_REF idl -> CONST_REF idl | VAR_REF id -> VAR_REF (subst_in_id_id (fst s) id) | WHEN(clk) -> WHEN(subst_in_clock s clk) | HAT(i) -> HAT(i) | PREDEF_CALL _| CALL _ | PRE | ARROW | FBY | CURRENT _ | TUPLE | ARRAY | CONCAT | STRUCT_ACCESS _ | ARRAY_ACCES _ | ARRAY_SLICE _ | CONST _ -> by_pos_op in CallByPosLic(Lxm.flagit by_pos_op lxm, vel) | CallByNameLic(by_name_op, fl) -> let fl = List.map (fun (id,ve) -> (id, subst_in_val_exp s ve)) fl in CallByNameLic(by_name_op, fl) | Merge(ce,cl) -> let cl = List.map (fun (id,ve) -> (id, subst_in_val_exp s ve)) cl in Merge(subst_in_val_exp s ce, cl) } in newve let (mk_loc_subst:subst -> Lic.var_info list -> Lic.var_info list -> subst) = fun s l1 l2 -> let l = List.combine l1 l2 in List.fold_left (fun s (v1,v2) -> add_subst s v1.var_name_eff v2) s l (********************************************************************************) (** The functions below accumulate (1) the assertions (2) the new equations (3) the fresh variables The fix-point is performed on nodes. *) type acc = Lic.val_exp srcflagged list (* assertions *) * (Lic.eq_info srcflagged) list (* equations *) * Lic.var_info list (* new local vars *) let (mk_fresh_loc : string -> local_ctx -> var_info -> clock -> var_info) = fun label lctx v c -> new_var label ((Lv6Id.to_string v.var_name_eff)) v.var_type_eff (fst v.var_clock_eff, c) let rec get_new_base c_arg c_par = match c_arg, c_par with | _, BaseLic -> c_arg | On(_,c_arg), On(_,c_par) -> get_new_base c_arg c_par | _,_ -> assert false (* sno *) let (mk_input_subst: local_ctx -> Lxm.t -> var_info list -> Lic.val_exp list -> acc -> subst * acc * new_base option) = fun lctx lxm vl vel acc -> assert(List.length vl = List.length vel); let s, acc, new_base_opt = List.fold_left2 (fun (s,(a_acc,e_acc,v_acc),nbase_opt) v ve -> (* we create a new var for each node argument to make sure that there is no expression in arguments. Is is generally useless because of the l2lSplit pass, but, well... *) let carg,cpar = match ve.ve_clk, v.var_clock_eff with | [c1],(_,c2) -> c1,c2 | _ -> assert false in let new_base = get_new_base carg cpar in let nv = mk_fresh_loc "input" lctx v carg in let neq = [LeftVarLic(nv,lxm)],ve in let neq = flagit neq lxm in let nbase_opt = match nbase_opt with | None -> Some(new_base) | Some(b) -> assert(b=new_base); Some(b) in add_subst s v.var_name_eff nv, (a_acc, neq::e_acc, nv::v_acc), nbase_opt ) (IdMap.empty, acc, None) vl vel in s, acc, new_base_opt (* Create fresh vars if necessary, ie, if we have no trivial left parts *) let (mk_output_subst : local_ctx -> Lxm.t -> subst -> var_info list -> Lic.left list -> new_base option-> acc -> subst * acc * new_base) = fun lctx lxm s vl leftl new_base_opt acc -> assert(List.length vl = List.length leftl); let s,acc,new_base_opt = List.fold_left2 (fun (s,acc,new_base_opt) v left -> match left with | LeftVarLic(v2,lxm) -> add_subst s v.var_name_eff v2, acc,new_base_opt | _ -> let clk = Lic.clock_of_left left in let nv = mk_fresh_loc "output" lctx v clk in let nv_id = nv.var_name_eff in let nve = { ve_core = CallByPosLic({it=VAR_REF nv_id;src = lxm },[]); ve_typ = [nv.var_type_eff]; ve_clk = [snd nv.var_clock_eff]; ve_src = lxm } in let neq = [left], nve in let neq = flagit neq lxm in (* for equations of the form x.field = n(...); we create - a fresh var "_v" - define the equation "x.field = _v;" - create the substition n_output_par/_v *) let (aa,ae,av) = acc in let new_base = get_new_base (Lic.clock_of_left left) (snd v.var_clock_eff) in let new_base_opt = match new_base_opt with | Some x -> assert(x=new_base); Some x | None -> Some new_base in add_subst s v.var_name_eff nv, (aa, neq::ae, nv::av), new_base_opt ) (s,acc,new_base_opt) vl leftl in let new_base = match new_base_opt with | Some x -> x | None -> assert false (* a node outgth to have at least an input or an output *) in s,acc,new_base let rec (expand_eq : local_ctx * acc -> Lic.eq_info Lxm.srcflagged -> local_ctx * acc) = fun (lctx, (asserts, eqs, locs)) { src = lxm_eq ; it = eq } -> match expand_eq_aux lctx eq with | lctx, None -> lctx, (asserts, { src = lxm_eq ; it = eq }::eqs, locs) | lctx, Some(nasserts, neqs, nlocs) -> (lctx, (List.rev_append nasserts asserts, List.rev_append neqs eqs, List.rev_append nlocs locs)) and (expand_eq_aux: local_ctx -> Lic.eq_info -> local_ctx * acc option)= fun lctx (lhs,ve) -> match ve.ve_core with | CallByPosLic( { it = Lic.CALL node_key ; src = lxm }, vel) -> let lctx, node = match LicPrg.find_node lctx.curr_prg node_key.it with | Some node -> lctx, node | None -> (* node has not been expanded yet: fix point! *) let raw_node = match LicPrg.find_node lctx.init_prg node_key.it with | Some n -> n | None -> prerr_string ( "*** "^ (LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec false false node_key.it) ^ " not defined.\n*** Defined nodes are:"^ (String.concat ",\n" (List.map (fun (nk,_) -> "\""^ LicDump.string_of_node_key_rec false false nk^"\"") (LicPrg.list_nodes lctx.init_prg))) ); flush stderr; assert false in expand_node lctx raw_node in let node = match node.def_eff with | AbstractLic (Some n) -> { it = n ; src = lxm } | _ -> flagit node lxm in if (lctx.keep_node_call node.it.node_key_eff) then lctx, None else (match get_node_body lctx node.it with | None -> lctx, None | Some node_body -> let node_eqs = node_body.eqs_eff and asserts = node_body.asserts_eff in let node = node.it in let node_locs = get_locals node in let acc = [],[],[] in (* rename i/o using the calling context *) let s,acc,new_base = mk_input_subst lctx lxm node.inlist_eff vel acc in let s,acc,new_base = mk_output_subst lctx lxm s node.outlist_eff lhs new_base acc in let rec (substitute_clock : clock -> clock) = fun c -> match c with | BaseLic -> new_base | ClockVar _ -> new_base (* SNO *) | On(v,clk) -> On(v, substitute_clock clk) in let clks = List.map (fun v -> snd v.var_clock_eff) node_locs in (* rename locals with fresh names to avoid clashes among locals *) let fresh_locs = List.map2 (mk_fresh_loc "local" lctx) node_locs clks in let s = mk_loc_subst s node_locs fresh_locs in let fresh_locs = (* substitute the new vars in clocks *) List.map (fun v -> let id,clk = v.var_clock_eff in { v with var_clock_eff = subst_in_id_id s id, subst_in_clock (s,new_base) clk }) fresh_locs in let fresh_locs = List.map (fun v -> let id,clk = v.var_clock_eff in Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () -> Printf.printf "#EN: remplace the base clk of %s by '%s'\n" v.var_name_eff (Lic.string_of_clock new_base)); let clk = substitute_clock clk in { v with var_clock_eff = id,clk } ) fresh_locs in let node_eqs = List.map (substitute (s, new_base)) node_eqs in let subst_assert x = Lxm.flagit (subst_in_val_exp (s,new_base) x.it) x.src in let asserts = List.map subst_assert asserts in let acc = match acc with (a,b,c) -> (a@asserts,b@node_eqs,c@fresh_locs) in lctx, Some acc ) | CallByPosLic (_, _) | Merge (_, _) | CallByNameLic (_, _) -> lctx, None and (expand_assert : local_ctx * acc -> val_exp srcflagged -> local_ctx * acc) = fun (lctx, (a_acc,e_acc,v_acc)) ve -> (* assert(ve); is transformed into assert_var=ve; assert(assert_var); where assert_var is a fresh new local var *) let lxm = ve.src in let ve = ve.it in let clk = Lv6Id.of_string "dummy_expand_assert", BaseLic in let assert_var = new_var "assert" "assert" Bool_type_eff clk in let assert_eq = Lxm.flagit ([LeftVarLic(assert_var,lxm)], ve) lxm in let assert_op = Lic.VAR_REF(assert_var.var_name_eff) in let nve = { ve_core = CallByPosLic((Lxm.flagit assert_op lxm, [])); ve_typ = [Bool_type_eff]; ve_clk = [BaseLic]; ve_src = lxm } in expand_eq (lctx, ((Lxm.flagit nve lxm)::a_acc, e_acc, assert_var::v_acc)) assert_eq and (expand_node : local_ctx -> Lic.node_exp -> local_ctx * Lic.node_exp) = fun lctx n -> match LicPrg.find_node lctx.curr_prg n.node_key_eff with | Some n -> lctx, n | None -> let lctx, exp_node = match n.def_eff with | ExternLic | AbstractLic _ -> lctx, n | BodyLic b -> let locs = get_locals n in let lctx,acc = List.fold_left expand_eq (lctx, ([],[],locs)) b.eqs_eff in let lctx,acc = List.fold_left expand_assert (lctx, acc) b.asserts_eff in let (asserts,neqs, nv) = acc in let nb = { eqs_eff = neqs ; asserts_eff = asserts } in let res = { n with loclist_eff = Some nv; def_eff = BodyLic nb } in Lv6Verbose.exe ~flag:dbg (fun () -> Printf.printf "#EN: '%s'\n" (Lic.string_of_node_key n.node_key_eff)); lctx, res | MetaOpLic -> lctx, n in { lctx with curr_prg = LicPrg.add_node n.node_key_eff exp_node lctx.curr_prg }, exp_node (* exported *) let (doit : Lic.node_key list -> LicPrg.t -> LicPrg.t) = fun node_calls_to_keep inprg -> let outprg = LicPrg.empty in (** types and constants do not change *) let outprg = LicPrg.fold_types LicPrg.add_type inprg outprg in let outprg = LicPrg.fold_consts LicPrg.add_const inprg outprg in let lctx_init = { init_prg = inprg; curr_prg = outprg; keep_node_call = (fun n -> List.mem n node_calls_to_keep); } in (** transform nodes *) let rec (do_node : Lic.node_key -> Lic.node_exp -> local_ctx -> local_ctx) = fun nk ne lctx -> fst (expand_node lctx ne) in let lctx = LicPrg.fold_nodes do_node inprg lctx_init in let prg = lctx.curr_prg in LicPrg.fold_nodes (fun nk ne acc -> (* remove expanded nodes *) if not (List.mem nk node_calls_to_keep) && not (Lic.node_is_extern ne) then LicPrg.del_node nk acc else acc ) prg prg