# oasis entry points build: setup.data setup.ml src/lv6version.ml ocaml setup.ml -build setup.ml:_oasis oasis setup PROF=--enable-profile PROF=--disable-profile setup.data:configure configure: setup.ml ocaml setup.ml -configure $(PROF) --prefix $(LUSTREV6_PATH) --exec-prefix $(LUSTREV6_PATH)/$(HOSTTYPE) test: build cd test; make test install: ocaml setup.ml -install uninstall: ocaml setup.ml -uninstall reinstall: ocaml setup.ml -reinstall clean: ocaml setup.ml -clean distclean: ocaml setup.ml -distclean include ./Makefile.version ####################################################################################### # TEST, NON REGR. ETC... TESTDIR=./test .PHONY: diff test log test_nc: cd $(TESTDIR) ; make test ; cd $(curdir) test: cd $(TESTDIR) ; make ; make time cd $(curdir) # XXX use rdbg -lurette !!! # Compile and copy lurrettop from here because # (1) lurettetop uses lus2lic source (it embeds the V6 interpreter) # (2) the tests performed here uses lurettetop... test/lurettetop: ltop cp ~/lurette/bin/lurettetop test ltop: cd ~/lurette/source/ ; make ltop; make cp # copy (lus2lic -> lurette) the shared source to the lurette directory scp: chmod u+w ../lurette/source/lus2lic/* cp src/*.ml ../lurette/source/lus2lic/ cp src/*.mli ../lurette/source/lus2lic/ cp src/*.mly ../lurette/source/lus2lic/ cp src/*.mll ../lurette/source/lus2lic/ chmod u-w ../lurette/source/lus2lic/* # Keep those files in sync as they are shared with lurette # and prevent their modification # cp lurette -> lus2lic LURETTEDIR=~/lurette cp_comon_file: chmod u+w src/verbose.ml chmod u+w src/verbose.mli cp $(LURETTEDIR)/source/Lutin/verbose.ml src/ cp $(LURETTEDIR)/source/Lutin/verbose.mli src/ chmod u-w src/verbose.ml chmod u-w src/verbose.mli ####################################################################################### # git entry points ci: git commit -F log && rm -f src/lv6version.ml cia: src/lv6version.ml git commit -a -F log && rm -f src/lv6version.ml amend: git commit -F log --amend && rm -f src/lv6version.ml amend-a: git commit -a -F log --amend && rm -f src/lv6version.ml push: git push git+ssh://$(USER)scm.forge.imag.fr/var/lib/gforge/chroot/scmrepos/git/lustre/lus2lic.git pull: git pull git+ssh://$(USER)@scm.forge.imag.fr/var/lib/gforge/chroot/scmrepos/git/lustre/lus2lic.git ####################################################################################### # misc show: git log --reverse --pretty=oneline | nl dot: ocamldoc src/*.ml -d ocamldoc -dot -dot-reduce dot -Tpdf ocamldoc.out > lus2lic.pdf ocamldoc src/*.ml -d ocamldoc -dot -dot-reduce -dot-types dot -Tpdf ocamldoc.out > lus2lic-types.pdf xpdf lus2lic.pdf xpdf lus2lic-types.pdf html: ocamldoc -I src/*.ml -d ocamldoc -html -keep-code debug: nomli dc all: nc lus2lic: make all make test dif: git --no-pager diff --color-words diff: rm -f diff_lv6.diff; git diff --ignore-all-space > diff_lv6.diff ; ls -l diff_lv6.diff OTAGS=otags tags: $(OTAGS) -v $(shell ocamlc -where)/*.mli src/*.ml log: rm -f lv6.log; git log > lv6.log