(* Time-stamp: <modified the 10/07/2017 (at 13:12) by Erwan Jahier> *) (* let put (os: out_channel) (fmt:('a, unit, string, unit) format4) : 'a = *) (* Printf.kprintf (fun t -> output_string os t) fmt *) open Printf open Soc2cIdent open Data let rec (type_to_string2 : Data.t -> string) = fun v -> let str = match v with | Bool -> "bool" | Int -> "int" | Real -> "real" | Extern s -> id2s s | Enum (s, sl) -> id2s s | Struct (sid,_) -> (id2s sid) | Array (ty, sz) -> Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" (type_to_string2 ty) sz | Alpha nb -> "alpha_"^(string_of_int nb) | Alias(n,_) -> n in str let inlined_soc = Soc2cDep.inlined_soc (****************************************************************************) (* Soc printer *) type 'a soc_pp = { hfmt: ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a; cfmt: ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a; cput : string -> unit; hput : string -> unit; soc: Soc.t } let (string_of_soc_key : Soc.key -> string) = Soc2cIdent.get_soc_name let string_of_var_expr = Soc2cDep.string_of_var_expr open Soc (* when an error occur, remove the generated c file (for the nonreg tests) *) exception Delete_C_files let var_expr_is_not_a_slice = function Slice _ -> false | _ -> true let (gao2c : Soc.tbl -> 'a soc_pp -> Soc.gao -> unit) = fun stbl sp gao -> let rec gao2str gao = match gao with | Case(id, id_gao_l,_) -> ( let to_case_str (v,gaol) = let gaol_str = (List.map gao2str gaol) in let gaol_block = String.concat "" gaol_str in (id2s v), gaol_block in let cases = List.map to_case_str id_gao_l in let ctx_opt = let il,ol = sp.soc.profile in if List.mem_assoc id il || List.mem_assoc id ol then (if SocUtils.ctx_is_global sp.soc then Soc2cUtil.ML_IO sp.soc.key else Soc2cUtil.M_IO) else Soc2cUtil.Local in let str = Soc2cUtil.gen_c_switch (Soc2cDep.ctx_var ctx_opt sp.soc id) cases in str ) | Call(vel_out, Assign, vel_in,_) -> ( let l = List.map2 (Soc2cDep.gen_assign_var_expr sp.soc) vel_out vel_in in String.concat "" l ) | Call(vel_out, Method((inst_name,sk),sname), vel_in,lxm) -> ( let called_soc = SocUtils.find lxm sk stbl in let _, get_index = Soc2cInstances.to_array (sp.soc).instances in let index = get_index (inst_name,sk) in let step_arg = Printf.sprintf "ctx->%s_tab[%d]" (get_ctx_name sk) index in let ctx = step_arg in let step_arg = "&"^step_arg in List.iter (fun ve -> assert(var_expr_is_not_a_slice ve)) vel_in; List.iter (fun ve -> assert(var_expr_is_not_a_slice ve)) vel_out; Soc2cDep.gen_step_call sp.soc called_soc vel_out vel_in ctx sname step_arg ) | Call(vel_out, Procedure sk, vel_in, lxm) -> ( let called_soc = SocUtils.find lxm sk stbl in let ctx = get_ctx_name called_soc.key in (try List.iter (fun ve -> assert(var_expr_is_not_a_slice ve)) vel_in; List.iter (fun ve -> assert(var_expr_is_not_a_slice ve)) vel_out; with _ -> print_string "*** Error. Slices in left part not yet supported in the C code generator, sorry\n"; flush stdout; raise Delete_C_files ); Soc2cDep.gen_step_call sp.soc called_soc vel_out vel_in ctx "step" "" ) in sp.cput (gao2str gao) let (step2c : Soc.tbl -> 'a soc_pp -> Soc.step_method -> unit) = fun stbl sp sm -> if inlined_soc sp.soc.key then () (* don't generate code if inlined *) else (* let sname = Soc2cDep.step_name sp.soc.key sm.name in *) let sname = Soc2cDep.step_name sp.soc.key sm.name in if sm.impl<>Extern then ( let decl, def, ctype = Soc2cDep.get_step_prototype sm sp.soc in sp.hput (Printf.sprintf "%s\n" decl); sp.cput (Printf.sprintf "%s" def); (match sm.impl with | Extern -> () | Predef -> (match sp.soc.key with | ("Lustre::eq",(Array _)::_,_) -> let str = Printf.sprintf " *out = memcmp((const void *) i1, (const void *) i2, %s)==0;\n" ctype in sp.cput str | ("Lustre::eq",(Struct _)::_,_) -> let str = Printf.sprintf " *out = memcmp((const void *) &i1, (const void *) &i2, %s)==0;\n" ctype in sp.cput str | ("Lustre::neq",(Array _)::_,_) -> let str = Printf.sprintf " *out = !memcmp((const void *) i1, (const void *) i2, %s)==0;\n" ctype in sp.cput str | ("Lustre::neq",(Struct _)::_,_) -> let str = Printf.sprintf " *out = !memcmp((const void *) &i1, (const void *) &i2, %s)==0;\n" ctype in sp.cput str | n -> sp.cput (Soc2cDep.get_predef_op n) ) | Gaol(vl, gaol) -> ( if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then List.iter (fun v -> sp.cput (Soc2cUtil.string_of_flow_decl_w7annot gaol v)) vl else List.iter (fun v -> sp.cput (Soc2cUtil.string_of_flow_decl v)) vl; sp.cput "\n"; List.iter (gao2c stbl sp) gaol ) | Iterator(it,it_soc_key,s) -> let it_soc = SocUtils.find sm.lxm it_soc_key stbl in sp.cput (Soc2cDep.get_iterator sp.soc it it_soc s) | Boolred(i,j,k) -> sp.cput (Soc2cDep.get_boolred sp.soc i j k) | Condact(k,el) -> sp.cput (Soc2cDep.get_condact sp.soc (SocUtils.find sm.lxm k stbl) el) ); sp.cput (sprintf "\n} // End of %s\n\n" sname) ) let (gen_instance_init_call : 'a soc_pp -> Soc.key * int -> unit) = fun sp (key,i) -> let ctx_name = get_ctx_name key in if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.soc2c_inline_loops || i<4 then for k=0 to i-1 do sp.cfmt "\n %s_reset(&ctx->%s_tab[%d]);" ctx_name ctx_name k done else ( sp.cput (Printf.sprintf " for (_i=0 ; _i<%d ; _i+=1){" i); sp.cput (Printf.sprintf "\n %s_reset(&ctx->%s_tab[_i]);" ctx_name ctx_name); sp.cput "\n }" ) module KeySet = Set.Make(struct type t = Soc.key let compare = compare end) let (get_used_soc : Soc.t -> KeySet.t) = fun soc -> (* dig into the soc for the list of socs it uses *) let rec get_soc_of_gao acc = function | Case(_,l,_) -> List.fold_left (fun acc (_,gaol) -> List.fold_left get_soc_of_gao acc gaol) acc l | Call(_,Assign,_,_) -> acc | Call(_,Method((_,sk),_),_,_) | Call(_,Procedure sk,_,_) -> KeySet.add sk acc in let get_soc_of_step acc sm = match sm.impl with | Gaol(_, gaol) -> List.fold_left get_soc_of_gao acc gaol | Iterator(_,sk,_) | Condact(sk,_) -> KeySet.add sk acc | _ -> acc in List.fold_left get_soc_of_step KeySet.empty soc.step let one_file() = Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.soc2c_one_file (* soc2c - creates c and h file(s) - updates/returns the list of created C files *) let (soc2c : int -> out_channel -> out_channel -> Soc.tbl -> Soc.key -> string list -> Soc.t -> string list) = fun pass hfile cfile stbl msoc_key cfiles_acc soc -> if inlined_soc soc.key then cfiles_acc (* don't generate code if inlined *) else let ctx_name = get_ctx_name soc.key in let ctx_name_type = ctx_name^"_type" in if pass=1 then ( (* Only for ctx of memoryless nodes + main node *) if SocUtils.ctx_is_global soc then Printf.kprintf (fun t -> output_string cfile t) "%s %s;\n" ctx_name_type ctx_name; cfiles_acc ) else ( let base = string_of_soc_key soc.key in let cfile,hfile,cfiles_acc = if one_file() || msoc_key = soc.key then cfile, hfile, cfiles_acc else let cfile = (base^".c") in let hfile = (base^".h") in let cfile_oc = open_out cfile in let hfile_oc = open_out hfile in (*open_out (base^".h"), *) Lv6util.entete cfile_oc "/*" "*/" ; Lv6util.entete hfile_oc "/*" "*/" ; Printf.fprintf cfile_oc "#include \"%s\"\n" hfile; Printf.fprintf hfile_oc "#include \"lustre_types.h\"\n"; Printf.fprintf hfile_oc "#include \"lustre_consts.h\"\n"; Printf.fprintf hfile_oc "#ifndef _%s_H_FILE \n" base; Printf.fprintf hfile_oc "#define _%s_H_FILE \n" base; flush cfile_oc; flush hfile_oc; cfile_oc, hfile_oc, (if List.mem cfile cfiles_acc then cfiles_acc else cfile::cfiles_acc) in let hfmt fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun t -> output_string hfile t) fmt in let cfmt fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun t -> output_string cfile t) fmt in let hput str = output_string hfile str in let cput str = output_string cfile str in let sp = { hfmt = hfmt; cfmt=cfmt; hput = hput; cput = cput; soc = soc } in (* include the header files that define the step functions used by the soc *) if (one_file()) then () else ( let (used_soc:Soc.key list) = KeySet.elements (get_used_soc soc) in List.iter (fun sk -> if inlined_soc sk then () else hfmt "#include \"%s.h\"\n" (string_of_soc_key sk) ) used_soc; if msoc_key <> soc.key then hfmt "%s\n" (Soc2cDep.typedef_of_soc soc); ); if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then () else ( cfmt "// Memory initialisation for %s\n" ctx_name; hfmt "void %s_reset(%s_type* ctx);\n" ctx_name ctx_name; cfmt "void %s_reset(%s_type* ctx){" ctx_name ctx_name; (* Call the reset_ctx functions of the soc instances *) if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.soc2c_inline_loops then () else sp.cput "\n int _i;\n"; List.iter (gen_instance_init_call sp) (fst (Soc2cInstances.to_array soc.instances)); (match soc.key with (* set the parameter fields that have a default value (arrow,fby) *) | (_,_,MemInit (ve)) -> assert(var_expr_is_not_a_slice ve); cfmt " ctx->_memory = %s;" (string_of_var_expr soc ve) | _ -> () ); cfmt "\n}\n"; if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then () (*no ctx at all in this case ! *) else if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.soc2c_global_ctx then ( cfmt "\n// Initialisation of the internal structure of %s\n" ctx_name; hfmt "void %s_init(%s_type* ctx);\n" ctx_name ctx_name; cfmt "void %s_init(%s_type* ctx){" ctx_name ctx_name; cfmt " // ctx->client_data = cdata; %s_reset(ctx); } " ctx_name ) else ( cfmt "// Memory allocation for %s\n" ctx_name; hfmt "%s_type* %s_new_ctx();\n" ctx_name ctx_name; cfmt "%s_type* %s_new_ctx(){" ctx_name ctx_name; cfmt " %s_type* ctx = (%s_type*)calloc(1, sizeof(%s_type)); // ctx->client_data = cdata; %s_reset(ctx); return ctx; } " ctx_name ctx_name ctx_name ctx_name) ); cfmt "// Step function(s) for %s\n" ctx_name; List.iter (step2c stbl sp) soc.step; (); if not (one_file() || msoc_key = soc.key) then ( hfmt "#endif /* _%s_H_FILE */" base; close_out hfile; close_out cfile; Printf.printf "%s.h has been generated.\n" base; Printf.printf "%s.c has been generated.\n" base; flush stdout ); cfiles_acc ) (****************************************************************************) let (type_to_format_string : Data.t -> string) = function | Bool -> "%d" | Int -> "%d" | Real-> "%f" | Extern s -> "%d" | Enum (s, sl) -> "%d" | Struct (sid,_) -> "%s" | Array (ty, sz) -> "%s" | Alpha nb -> assert false | Alias _ -> assert false (****************************************************************************) module ItemKeySet = Set.Make(struct type t = Lic.item_key let compare = compare end) (* To perform the topological sort of typedef. nf stands for "no fixpoint", that should be done by the caller. it is recursive just to deal with array of arrays *) let (find_typedep_nf : Lic.type_ -> Lic.item_key list) = fun t -> let rec aux top = function | Lic.Bool_type_eff | Lic.Int_type_eff | Lic.Real_type_eff | Lic.External_type_eff _ | Lic.TypeVar _ -> [] | Lic.Abstract_type_eff(name,_) | Lic.Enum_type_eff(name,_) -> if top then [] (* avoid self dep *) else [name] | Lic.Array_type_eff(t,_) -> aux false t | Lic.Struct_type_eff(name, fl) -> if not top then [name] else List.flatten(List.map (fun (_,(t,_)) -> aux false t) fl) in aux true t let (is_extern_type: Lic.type_ -> bool) = function | Lic.External_type_eff _ -> true | _ -> false (* returns the typedef *) let user_typedef licprg = let to_c k t = Printf.sprintf "typedef %s;\n" (Soc2cUtil.lic_type_to_c t (long2s k)) in let rec (typedef_to_string : Lic.item_key -> Lic.type_ -> string * ItemKeySet.t -> string * ItemKeySet.t) = fun k t acc -> (* topological sort according to type dep *) if is_extern_type t then acc else if ItemKeySet.mem k (snd acc) then acc else let type_list = find_typedep_nf t in let acc = List.fold_left (fun acc k -> match LicPrg.find_type licprg k with | Some t -> typedef_to_string k t acc | None -> acc (* occurs ? *) ) acc type_list in ((fst acc)^(to_c k t), ItemKeySet.add k (snd acc)) in fst (LicPrg.fold_types typedef_to_string licprg ("",ItemKeySet.empty)) let (typedef_all : LicPrg.t -> Soc.tbl -> Soc.t -> string) = fun licprg soc_tbl main_soc -> (* We need to print the ctx typedef in a good order (w.r.t. typedef dependencies). To do that, we traverse the tree of soc instances which root is the main soc. *) (* Soc with memory can be used several times; hence we mark via this set the ones that have already been visited. *) let visited = KeySet.empty in let rec (soc_with_mem : string * KeySet.t -> Soc.t -> string * KeySet.t) = (* recursively traverse the soc dependancies to define the typedef in the good order (i.e., define before use) *) fun (acc,visited) soc -> if KeySet.mem soc.key visited then (acc,visited) else let visited = KeySet.add soc.key visited in let acc,visited = List.fold_left (fun (acc,visited) (iname, sk) -> let soc = SocUtils.find_no_exc sk soc_tbl in soc_with_mem (acc,visited) soc ) (acc,visited) soc.instances in let acc = acc ^ ( if one_file() || soc.key = main_soc.key then Soc2cDep.typedef_of_soc soc else (Printf.sprintf "#include \"%s.h\"\n" (string_of_soc_key soc.key)) ) in acc,visited in let soc_ctx_typedef_with_mem = if SocUtils.ctx_is_global main_soc then "" else fst (soc_with_mem ("",visited) main_soc) in (* Then we still have to print memoryless soc that can not appear as a soc instance *) let soc_ctx_typedef_without_mem = let socs = Soc.SocMap.bindings soc_tbl in let socs = snd (List.split socs) in let memless_soc_to_string acc soc = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then acc^(Soc2cDep.typedef_of_soc soc) else acc in List.fold_left memless_soc_to_string "" socs in "// Memoryless soc ctx typedef \n"^soc_ctx_typedef_without_mem ^"// Memoryfull soc ctx typedef \n"^soc_ctx_typedef_with_mem (****************************************************************************) let rec (const_to_c: Lic.const -> string) = function | Lic.Bool_const_eff true -> "1" | Lic.Bool_const_eff false -> "0" | Lic.Int_const_eff i -> (sprintf "%s" i) | Lic.Real_const_eff r -> r | Lic.Extern_const_eff (s,t) -> (long2s s) | Lic.Abstract_const_eff (s,t,v,_) -> const_to_c v | Lic.Enum_const_eff (s,Lic.Enum_type_eff(_,ll)) -> Lic.enum_to_string s ll | Lic.Enum_const_eff _ -> assert false (* SNO *) | Lic.Struct_const_eff (fl, t) -> ( let string_of_field = function (id, veff) -> (Lv6Id.to_string id)^" = "^ (const_to_c veff) in let flst = List.map string_of_field fl in (* (string_of_type_eff t)^ *) "{"^(String.concat "; " flst)^"}" ) | Lic.Array_const_eff (ctab, t) -> ( let vl = List.map const_to_c ctab in "{"^(String.concat ", " vl)^"}" ) | Lic.Tuple_const_eff cl -> assert false (* returns a pair: the lhs for the .h, the rhs for the .c Indeed, arrays constant need to be defined in a .c *) let (constdef : LicPrg.t -> string*string) = fun licprg -> let to_c k = function | Lic.Extern_const_eff _ -> "","" (* | Lic.Array_const_eff (ctab, Array_type_eff(_t,s)) -> ( *) | Lic.Array_const_eff (ctab, t) -> ( let vl = List.map const_to_c ctab in let s = List.length vl in let tab_exp = "{"^(String.concat ", " vl)^"}" in Printf.sprintf "const %s [%i];\n" (long2s k) s, Printf.sprintf "const %s [%i] = %s;\n" (long2s k) s tab_exp ) | c -> Printf.sprintf "#define %s %s\n" (long2s k) (const_to_c c),"" in let strh,strc = LicPrg.fold_consts (fun k t (acc_h,acc_c) -> let h,c = to_c k t in (acc_h^h,acc_c^c)) licprg ("","") in (if strh = "" then "" else "\n// Constant definitions \n" ^ strh), (if strc = "" then "" else "\n// Constant definitions \n" ^ strc) (****************************************************************************) let (gen_memoryless_ctx : Soc.tbl -> string) = fun stbl -> let do_soc sk soc acc = if (SocUtils.ctx_is_global soc) && not (inlined_soc soc.key) then let ctx_name = get_ctx_name soc.key in let ctx_name_type = ctx_name^"_type" in Printf.sprintf "%sextern %s %s;\n" acc ctx_name_type ctx_name else acc in let acc = Soc.SocMap.fold do_soc stbl "" in if acc = "" then "" else Printf.sprintf "\n// Allocation of memoryless ctx\n%s" acc (* a shortcut *) let io_transmit_mode () = Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.io_transmit_mode (****************************************************************************) let gen_main_loop_body inputs outputs soc ctx = if not Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.soc2c_global_ctx then (match io_transmit_mode () with | Lv6MainArgs.Stack -> let to_c_decl (n,t) = ((Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c t n)^ ";\n ") in let inputs_t = List.map to_c_decl inputs in let outputs_t = List.map to_c_decl outputs in let inputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "\n %s" (String.concat "" inputs_t) in let outputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "%s" (String.concat "" outputs_t) in let ctx_decl = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then "" else " "^ctx^"_type* ctx = "^ ctx^"_new_ctx(NULL);\n" in inputs_decl ^ outputs_decl ^ ctx_decl | Lv6MainArgs.Heap -> (" /* Context allocation */ " ^ (if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then ctx^"_type* ctx = &"^ctx^";\n" else ctx^"_type* ctx = "^ ctx^"_new_ctx(NULL);") ) | Lv6MainArgs.HeapStack -> (" /* Context allocation */ " ^ (if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then ctx^"" else ctx^"_type* ctx ;\n"^ ctx^"_reset(ctx);") ) ) else (match io_transmit_mode () with | Lv6MainArgs.Stack -> let to_c_decl (n,t) = ((Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c t n)^ ";\n ") in let inputs_t = List.map to_c_decl inputs in let outputs_t = List.map to_c_decl outputs in let inputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "\n %s" (String.concat "" inputs_t) in let outputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "%s" (String.concat "" outputs_t) in let ctx_decl = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then "" else ctx^"_type ctx_struct;\n "^ ctx^"_type* ctx = &ctx_struct;\n "^ ctx^"_init(ctx);" in inputs_decl ^ outputs_decl ^ ctx_decl | Lv6MainArgs.Heap -> (" /* Context allocation */ " ^ (if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then ctx^"_type* ctx = &"^ctx^";\n" else ( ctx^"_type ctx_struct; "^ctx^"_type* ctx = & ctx_struct; "^ctx^"_init(ctx); ") ) ) | Lv6MainArgs.HeapStack -> (" /* Context allocation */ " ^ (if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then ctx^"" else ctx^"_type* ctx ;\n"^ ctx^"_reset(ctx);") ) ) (****************************************************************************) let (gen_main_wcet_file : Soc.t -> string -> Soc.tbl -> unit) = fun soc base stbl -> let mainfile = base^"_main.c" in let oc = open_out mainfile in let putc s = output_string oc s in let ctx = get_ctx_name soc.key in let step = Soc2cDep.step_name soc.key "step" in let inputs,outputs = soc.profile in Lv6util.entete oc "/*" "*/"; putc (" #include <stdlib.h> #include \""^base ^".h\" int main(){" ^ (gen_main_loop_body inputs outputs soc ctx)); (match io_transmit_mode () with | Lv6MainArgs.Stack -> let i = fst (List.split inputs) in let o = List.map (fun (n,t) -> match t with Data.Array(_,_) -> n | _ ->"&"^n) outputs in let io = String.concat "," (i@o) in let io = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then io else if io = "" then "ctx" else io^",ctx" in putc (" " ^ step^"("^io^"); return 0; } " ); | Lv6MainArgs.HeapStack -> assert false | Lv6MainArgs.Heap -> let io = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then "" else "ctx" in putc (" " ^ step^"("^io^"); return 0; } " ); ); Printf.printf "%s has been generated.\n" mainfile; flush stdout; close_out oc let (gen_loop_file : LicPrg.t -> Soc.t -> string -> out_channel -> Soc.tbl -> unit) = fun licprg soc base oc stbl -> let putc s = output_string oc s in let ctx = get_ctx_name soc.key in let step = Soc2cDep.step_name soc.key "step" in let (n,_,_) = soc.key in let n = id2s n in let inputs,outputs = soc.profile in let inputs_io = SocVar.expand_profile true false inputs in let outputs_io = SocVar.expand_profile true false outputs in let inputs_exp = SocVar.expand_profile true true inputs in let outputs_exp= SocVar.expand_profile true true outputs in Lv6util.entete oc "/*" "*/"; putc (" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include \""^base ^".h\" /* Print a promt ? ************************/ static int ISATTY; /* MACROS DEFINITIONS ****************/ #ifndef TT #define TT \"1\" #endif #ifndef FF #define FF \"0\" #endif #ifndef BB #define BB \"bottom\" #endif #ifdef CKCHECK /* set this macro for testing output clocks */ #endif /* Standard Input procedures **************/ _boolean _get_bool(char* n){ char b[512]; _boolean r = 0; int s = 1; char c; do { if(ISATTY) { if((s != 1)||(r == -1)) printf(\"\\a\"); // printf(\"%s (1,t,T/0,f,F) ? \", n); } if(scanf(\"%s\", b)==EOF) exit(0); if (*b == 'q') exit(0); s = sscanf(b, \"%c\", &c); r = -1; if((c == '0') || (c == 'f') || (c == 'F')) r = 0; if((c == '1') || (c == 't') || (c == 'T')) r = 1; } while((s != 1) || (r == -1)); return r; } _integer _get_int(char* n){ char b[512]; _integer r; int s = 1; do { if(ISATTY) { if(s != 1) printf(\"\\a\"); //printf(\"%s (integer) ? \", n); } if(scanf(\"%s\", b)==EOF) exit(0); if (*b == 'q') exit(0); s = sscanf(b, \"%d\", &r); } while(s != 1); return r; } #define REALFORMAT ((sizeof(_real)==8)?\"%lf\":\"%f\") _real _get_real(char* n){ char b[512]; _real r; int s = 1; do { if(ISATTY) { if(s != 1) printf(\"\\a\"); //printf(\"%s (real) ? \", n); } if(scanf(\"%s\", b)==EOF) exit(0); if (*b == 'q') exit(0); s = sscanf(b, REALFORMAT, &r); } while(s != 1); return r; } /* Standard Output procedures **************/ void _put_bottom(char* n){ if(ISATTY) printf(\"%s = \", n); printf(\"%s \", BB); if(ISATTY) printf(\"\\n\"); } void _put_bool(char* n, _boolean _V){ if(ISATTY) printf(\"%s = \", n); printf(\"%s \", (_V)? TT : FF); if(ISATTY) printf(\"\\n\"); } void _put_int(char* n, _integer _V){ if(ISATTY) printf(\"%s = \", n); printf(\"%d \", _V); if(ISATTY) printf(\"\\n\"); } void _put_real(char* n, _real _V){ if(ISATTY) printf(\"%s = \", n); printf(\"%f \", _V); if(ISATTY) printf(\"\\n\"); }"^(Soc2cExtern.gen_getters licprg)^" /* Output procedures **********************/ #ifdef CKCHECK void %s_BOT_n(void* cdata){ _put_bottom(\"n\"); } #endif /* Output procedures **********************/ void "^n^"_O_n(void* cdata, _integer _V) { _put_int(\"n\", _V); }"^ (gen_memoryless_ctx stbl) ^ " /* Main procedure *************************/ int main(){ int _s = 0;" ^ ( (gen_main_loop_body inputs outputs soc ctx) ) ); let to_rif_decl (n,t) = ("\\\""^n^"\\\":" ^(type_to_string t)) in let inputs_t = List.map to_rif_decl inputs_io in let outputs_t = List.map to_rif_decl outputs_io in let inputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "#inputs %s" (String.concat " " inputs_t) in let outputs_decl = Printf.sprintf "#outputs %s" (String.concat " " outputs_t) in putc (" printf(\""^inputs_decl^"\\n\"); printf(\""^outputs_decl^"\\n\"); /* Main loop */ ISATTY = isatty(0); while(1){ if (ISATTY) printf(\"#step %d \\n\", _s+1); else if(_s) printf(\"\\n\"); fflush(stdout); ++_s; "); List.iter (fun (id,t) -> let t = type_to_string2 t in let str = if io_transmit_mode () = Lv6MainArgs.Stack then Printf.sprintf " %s = _get_%s(\"%s\");\n" id t id else Printf.sprintf " ctx->%s = _get_%s(\"%s\");\n" id t id in putc str ) inputs_exp; let inputs_fmt = List.map (fun (_,t) -> type_to_format_string t) inputs_io in let outputs_fmt = List.map (fun (_,t) -> type_to_format_string t) outputs_io in if io_transmit_mode () = Lv6MainArgs.Stack then let i = fst (List.split inputs) in let o = List.map (fun (n,t) -> match t with Data.Array(_,_) -> n | _ ->"&"^n) outputs in let io = String.concat "," (i@o) in let io = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then io else if io = "" then "ctx" else io^",ctx" in putc (" " ^ step^"("^io^"); // printf(\"" ^ (String.concat " " inputs_fmt)^ " #outs " ^ (String.concat " " outputs_fmt)^ "\\n\"," ^ (String.concat "," (List.map (fun (id,_) -> ""^id ) (inputs_exp@outputs_exp)))^ "); printf(\"" ^ (String.concat " " outputs_fmt)^ "\\n\"," ^ (String.concat "," (List.map (fun (id,_) -> ""^id ) (outputs_exp)))^ "); }" ) else ( putc (" " ^ step^"(ctx); // printf(\"" ^ (String.concat " " inputs_fmt)^ " #outs " ^ (String.concat " " outputs_fmt)^ "\\n\"," ^ (String.concat "," (List.map (fun (id,_) -> "ctx->"^id ) (inputs_exp@outputs_exp)))^ "); printf(\"" ^ (String.concat " " outputs_fmt)^ "\\n\"," ^ (String.concat "," (List.map (fun (id,_) -> "ctx->"^id ) (outputs_exp)))^ "); }")); putc "\n return 1; } " let (gen_loop_file4ogensim : Soc.t -> string -> out_channel -> Soc.tbl -> unit) = fun soc base oc stbl -> let putc s = output_string oc s in let ctx = get_ctx_name soc.key in let step = Soc2cDep.step_name soc.key "step" in let inputs,outputs = soc.profile in let inputs_io = SocVar.expand_profile true false inputs in let outputs_io = SocVar.expand_profile true false outputs in let inputs_exp = SocVar.expand_profile true true inputs in let outputs_exp= SocVar.expand_profile true true outputs in let define_define i (var_name,_) = putc (Printf.sprintf "#define _%s\t 0xe%07X\n" var_name ((i+1)*8)); in Lv6util.entete oc "/*" "*/"; putc ("#include \""^base ^".h\" #define tickBegin 0xe0000000 "); List.iteri define_define (inputs_io@ outputs_io); putc ("\n int main(){\n" ^ gen_main_loop_body inputs outputs soc ctx); putc (" /* Main loop */ while(1){ // notify the simulator that it is time to load the inputs from Lurette // to the specified address *((unsigned int*)tickBegin) = 0; // load inputs from the memory locations "); List.iter2 (fun (id,t) (id_flat,_) -> let t = Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c t "" in let str = Printf.sprintf " %s = *((%s*)_%s);\n" id t id_flat in putc str ) inputs_exp inputs_io; assert (io_transmit_mode () = Lv6MainArgs.Stack); let i = fst (List.split inputs) in let o = List.map (fun (n,t) -> match t with Data.Array(_,_) -> n | _ ->"&"^n) outputs in let io = String.concat "," (i@o) in let io = if SocUtils.is_memory_less soc then io else if io = "" then "ctx" else io^",ctx" in putc (" " ^ step^"("^io^"); // now write the output to the memory which will be output to Lurette "); List.iter2 (fun (id,t) (id_flat,_) -> let t = Soc2cUtil.data_type_to_c t "" in let str = Printf.sprintf " *((%s*)_%s) = %s;\n" t id id_flat in putc str ) outputs_io outputs_exp; putc "}\n return 1; } " (****************************************************************************) (* The entry point for lus2lic --to-c *) let (f : Lv6MainArgs.t -> Soc.key -> Soc.tbl -> LicPrg.t -> unit) = fun args msoc stbl licprg -> let socs = Soc.SocMap.bindings stbl in let socs = snd (List.split socs) in (* XXX que fait-on pour les soc predef ? *) (* let _, socs = List.partition is_predef socs in *) let base = if args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile = "" then string_of_soc_key msoc else Filename.basename ( try Filename.chop_extension args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile with Invalid_argument _ -> args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile) in let hfile = base ^ ".h" in let cfile = base ^ ".c" in let ext_cfile = Printf.sprintf "%s_ext.c" base in let ext_hfile = Printf.sprintf "%s_ext.h" base in let loopfile = base^"_loop.c" in let occ = open_out cfile in let och = open_out hfile in let ocl = open_out loopfile in let types_h_oc = open_out "lustre_types.h" in let consts_h_oc = open_out "lustre_consts.h" in let consts_c_oc = open_out "lustre_consts.c" in let cfiles_acc = ["lustre_consts.c"; cfile] in let const_def_h, const_def_c = constdef licprg in let assign_ext_types_list = (Soc2cGenAssign.gen_used_types socs) in let main_soc = SocUtils.find_no_exc msoc stbl in (* Generate ext files if necessary *) let needs_cfile, needs_hfile = Soc2cExtern.gen_files main_soc stbl licprg ext_cfile ext_hfile hfile in Lv6util.entete consts_h_oc "/*" "*/" ; output_string consts_h_oc const_def_h; Lv6util.entete consts_c_oc "/*" "*/" ; output_string consts_c_oc "#include \"lustre_consts.h\""; output_string consts_c_oc const_def_c; Lv6util.entete types_h_oc "/*" "*/" ; output_string types_h_oc (" #ifndef _SOC2C_PREDEF_TYPES #define _SOC2C_PREDEF_TYPES typedef int _boolean; typedef int _integer; typedef char* _string; typedef double _real; typedef double _double; typedef float _float; #define _false 0 #define _true 1 #endif // end of _SOC2C_PREDEF_TYPES // User typedef #ifndef _"^base^"_TYPES #define _"^base^"_TYPES\n"); output_string types_h_oc (user_typedef licprg); output_string types_h_oc ("#endif // enf of _"^base^"_TYPES " ^ (typedef_all licprg stbl main_soc ) ^ (if needs_hfile then "#include \""^ base ^"_ext.h\"" else "")); try let putc s = output_string occ s in let puth s = output_string och s in Lv6util.entete occ "/*" "*/" ; Lv6util.entete och "/*" "*/"; if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then ( gen_loop_file4ogensim main_soc base ocl stbl; gen_main_wcet_file main_soc base stbl ) else gen_loop_file licprg main_soc base ocl stbl; output_string och " #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include \"lustre_types.h\" #include \"lustre_consts.h\" "; if needs_hfile then puth (Printf.sprintf "#include \"%s\"\n" ext_hfile); puth (Printf.sprintf "#ifndef _%s_H_FILE\n" base); puth (Printf.sprintf "#define _%s_H_FILE\n" base); putc (Printf.sprintf "#include \"%s\"\n" hfile); (* putc (Soc2cExtern.cpy_declaration licprg); *) putc (Soc2cExtern.const_declaration licprg); let cfiles_acc = if io_transmit_mode () = Lv6MainArgs.Heap then ( puth "/////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"; puth "//// Static allocation of memoryless soc ctx\n"; let cfiles_acc = List.fold_left (soc2c 1 och occ stbl msoc) cfiles_acc socs in puth "/////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"; cfiles_acc ) else cfiles_acc in putc "//// Defining step functions\n"; let cfiles_acc = List.fold_left (soc2c 2 och occ stbl msoc) cfiles_acc socs in puth "/////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"; if assign_ext_types_list <> [] then ( output_string types_h_oc "// Defining array and extern types assignments \n"; if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then List.iter (fun t -> output_string types_h_oc (Soc2cGenAssign.f_forloop t)) assign_ext_types_list else List.iter (fun t -> output_string types_h_oc (Soc2cGenAssign.f t)) assign_ext_types_list ); puth "#endif\n"; flush occ; close_out occ; flush och; close_out och; flush ocl; close_out ocl; flush consts_h_oc; close_out consts_h_oc; flush consts_c_oc; close_out consts_c_oc; Printf.printf "%s has been generated.\n" loopfile; Printf.printf "%s has been generated.\n" hfile; Printf.printf "%s has been generated.\n" cfile; flush stdout; let node = args.Lv6MainArgs.main_node in let execfile = if args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile = "" then (node^".exec") else args.Lv6MainArgs.outfile in let cflags = try Sys.getenv "CFLAGS" with Not_found -> "" in let ocsh = open_out (node ^".sh") in let main_file, ogensim_main_file, gcc = if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then base^"_main.c",base^"_loop.c","$gcc --specs=linux.specs -g" else loopfile, "I am a dead string...", "gcc" in let ogensim_exe = node^"4ogensim.exec" in let cfiles_acc = if needs_cfile then ext_cfile::cfiles_acc else cfiles_acc in let cfiles = String.concat " " cfiles_acc in let gcc, gcc_ogensim = Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s \\\n\t%s %s %s" gcc execfile cfiles cflags main_file, Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s \\\n\t%s %s %s" gcc ogensim_exe cfiles cflags ogensim_main_file in let main_step = (string_of_soc_key msoc)^"_step" in let gcc = if Lv6MainArgs.global_opt.Lv6MainArgs.gen_wcet then ("#!/bin/bash set -x otawa=\"true\" ogensim=\"true\" xpdf=\"true\" OGENSIM=${OGENSIM:-\"osim.arm\"} OTAWA=${OTAWA:-\"owcet.arm\"} ORANGE=${ORANGE:-\"orange\"} LUSTREV6=${LUSTREV6:-\"lus2lic\"} fixffx=${fixffx:-\"fixffx\"} mkff=${mkff:-\"mkff\"} lutin=${lutin:-\"lutin\"} rdbg=${rdbg:-\"rdbg-batch\"} getstat=${getstat:-\"getstat.r\"} gcc=${gcc:-\"arm-elf-gcc\"} if [ $# -gt 0 ] then case \"$1\" in \"otawa\") otawa=\"true\" ogensim=\"false\" xpdf=\"false\" ;; \"ogensim\") otawa=\"false\" ogensim=\"true\" xpdf=\"false\" ;; \"both\") otawa=\"true\" ogensim=\"true\" xpdf=\"false\" ;; esac fi cfile="^cfile^ " execfile="^execfile^ " main_step="^main_step^ " n="^node^ " n_n="^base ^ " freeport=`python -c 'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind((\"\", 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()'` if [ \"$otawa\" = \"true\" ] then # ZZZ otawa won't work with programs that use division because of orange (!?) # Let's compile the c files for otawa\n" ^ gcc ^ " > \\\n\t$n_n.owcet.log 2>&1 &&\n\n"^ "$ORANGE $cfile ${n_n}_step -o $n_n.ffx > $n_n.orange.log 2>&1 &&\n" ^ " IDIR=`readlink -f fixffx` IDIR=`dirname \"$IDIR\"` ARM_LOOPLOC=\"$IDIR/arm.looploc\" $mkff -x $execfile > $n_n.ff $fixffx $ARM_LOOPLOC -i $n_n.ff > $n_n.fixed.ffx # Let's run otawa (owcet.arm)\n" ^ "$OTAWA $execfile $main_step -f $n_n.fixed.ffx -f $n_n.ffx --add-prop otawa::ilp::OUTPUT_PATH=$main_step.lp \\\n\t>"^ "$n_n.owcet.arm.log 2>&1 && \n"^ "grep WCET $n_n.owcet.arm.log | cut -d \"=\" -f 2 > "^ "$n.wcet &&\n\n" ^ "WCET=`cat $n.wcet` \n\n" ^ "# Let's compile the c files for ogensim \n" ^ " fi if [ \"$ogensim\" = \"true\" ] then # Now let's run ogensim \n(" ^ gcc_ogensim ^ " >>$n_n.owcet.log 2>&1 &&\n"^ "$LUSTREV6 "^(String.concat " " args.Lv6MainArgs.infiles)^" -n $n"^ " -interface > $n.io &&\n"^ "$LUSTREV6 "^(String.concat " " args.Lv6MainArgs.infiles)^" -n $n --gen-autotest &&\n\n"^ "# Now let's run ogensim \n" ^ "($OGENSIM "^ogensim_exe^" -ul 1 \\\n\t-e $main_step"^ " -cl $n.cycles -lp $freeport \\\n\t-iol $n.io > $n_n"^ ".ogensim.log 2>&1&) && \n\nsleep 1 &&\n"^ "($rdbg -lurette -l 1000 -o "^node^".rif \\\n\t \ --sut-socket \"$freeport\" \\\n\t \ --env-stdio \"$lutin -boot -rif _${n}_env.lut -n ${n}_env\" || true)) &&\n\n"^ "$getstat $n.cycles $WCET > $n.stat fi if [ \"$xpdf\" = \"true\" ] then xpdf $n.cycles.pdf & fi " ) else gcc in output_string ocsh (gcc^"\n\n"); flush ocsh; close_out types_h_oc; close_out ocsh; let call_script = "sh "^node^".sh" in let call_exec = "./"^node^".exec" in if args.Lv6MainArgs.launch_cc then ( if (Sys.command call_script)=0 then ( if args.Lv6MainArgs.launch_exec then ( if (Sys.command call_exec)=0 then ( ) else print_string ("sys call: '"^call_exec^"' failed\n") ) ) else print_string ("sys call: '"^call_script^"' failed\n") ) else print_string ("you can compile those files calling: "^call_script^"\n"); flush stdout with | Delete_C_files -> close_out types_h_oc; close_out occ; close_out och; close_out ocl; if Sys.file_exists hfile then Sys.remove hfile; if Sys.file_exists cfile then Sys.remove cfile; if Sys.file_exists ext_cfile then Sys.remove ext_cfile; if Sys.file_exists ext_hfile then Sys.remove ext_hfile; if Sys.file_exists loopfile then Sys.remove loopfile; exit 2