# Time-stamp: <modified the 20/07/2017 (at 14:35) by Erwan Jahier> # # (nonreg-)test harness main file set testdir [pwd] set lus2lic "./lus2lic" set ec2c "./ec2c" set ec2c "./myec2c" set test_lus2lic_no_node "$testdir/../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node_rdbg" set test_lus2lic_no_node "$testdir/../utils/test_lus2lic_no_node" set compare_exec_and_2c "$testdir/../utils/compare_exec_and_2c" set timeout 10 proc should_work { test_name command_line args } { global verbose set cl [file tail $command_line] set cl $command_line set failed 0 # When verbose, tell the user what we are running if { $verbose > 1 } { send_user "starting $command_line\n" } # Running the program. eval spawn $command_line {*}$args set pid [exp_pid] puts "PID: $pid ($command_line $args)" expect { # Check for any warning messages in the output first Warning { set failed 0 exp_continue } Error { set failed 1 exp_continue } "ec program must contain a single node" { set failed 1 exp_continue } "unexpected operator: " { set failed 1 exp_continue } "error" { set failed 1 exp_continue } "kcg name clash" { set failed 0 exp_continue } "ERROR" { set failed 1 exp_continue } "oops: an internal" { set failed 1 exp_continue } "undeclared ident" { set failed 1 exp_continue } "egmentation fault" { set failed 1 exp_continue } "rdbg -lurette: ok" { pass "$cl $args" } "lurettetop ok" { pass "$cl $args" } # to avoid that match_max (the expect buffer size) is reached # which truncate the outputs "\n" { exp_continue } eof { if $failed { fail "$test_name: $cl $args" } else { pass "$cl $args" } } # Timeout requires inspection to determine the cause of failure. timeout { unresolved "Time out: $cl $args" } } return $spawn_id } proc should_fail { test_name fail_kind command_line args } { global verbose set failed 0 set cl [file tail $command_line] # When verbose, tell the user what we are running if { $verbose > 1 } { send_user "starting $cl\n" } # Running the program. eval spawn $command_line {*}$args expect { "oops: an internal" { expect eof fail "$test_name ($fail_kind): $cl $args" } Error { set failed 1 exp_continue } "\n" { exp_continue } eof { if $failed { xfail "$test_name ($fail_kind): $cl $args" } else { xpass "$test_name ($fail_kind): $cl $args" } } timeout { unresolved "Time out $test_name ($fail_kind): $cl $args" exit } } return $spawn_id } proc nonemptyfile {filename} { set rc [catch {file size $filename} size] return [expr {$rc == 0 && $size > 0}] } package require fileutil # test if file $f contain the string $str proc does_not_contain_string {f str} { set occ [llength [fileutil::grep $str $f]] if { ($occ == 1 ) } { puts " $f contains $occ occurence of $str" } if { ($occ > 1 ) } { puts " $f contains $occ occurence(s) of $str" } return [expr { $occ == 0 }] } proc does_not_contain_left_slices {f} { set lines [fileutil::grep "\\.\\..*=" $f] set occ [llength $lines] if { ($occ == 1 ) } { puts " $f contains $occ occurence of left slices" } if { ($occ > 1 ) } { puts " $f contains $occ occurence(s) of left slices" } return [expr { $occ == 0 }] } # do no try to use lurette on files that contains extern nodes or package. # Package won't work because appending the tested lustre file with the # generated oracle as I do is wrong in presence of package (fixme) proc do_ecexe_vs_exec {f} { if { [does_not_contain_string "$f" "enum "] && [does_not_contain_string "$f" "extern"] && [does_not_contain_string "$f" "package"] } { return 1 } return 0 } proc do_2c {f} { if { [does_not_contain_string "$f" "extern"] && [does_not_contain_string "$f" "package"] } { return 1 } return 0 } # not robust to race... proc get_free_port {} { set sock [socket -server localhost 0] set l [fconfigure $sock -sockname] set port [lindex $l 2] close $sock return $port } proc port_used {port} { if { [catch {set sock [socket -server localhost $port] }]} { return 1 } else { close $sock return 0 } } proc get_next_free_port {port} { while { [port_used $port] } { set port [expr "$port + 1"] } return $port } # get the option (to pass to lus2lic) at the first line of the lustre file proc read_opt {f} { set oc [open $f] set line [gets $oc] set res "" if { [string range $line 0 9] == "-- nonreg:" } { set res [string range $line 10 end] } return $res } proc nonreg_exec_and_2c {files tmp} { global lus2lic global compare_exec_and_2c foreach f $files { eval spawn "cp -f $f $tmp" } cd $tmp foreach f $files { set f_no_ext [file rootname $f] set bf [file tail $f_no_ext] set f [file tail $f] set opt [read_opt $f] set node [file tail $f_no_ext] set port [get_free_port] eval spawn "$lus2lic $opt -o $bf.lic $f" wait -i $spawn_id if { [nonemptyfile "$bf.lic"] && [does_not_contain_left_slices "$f"] } { set id1 [should_work "Generate c code " "$lus2lic $opt" "-2c $f -n $node"] wait -i $id1 if { [nonemptyfile "${node}_${node}.c"] && [do_2c "$f"] } { set id2 [should_work "Check that the generated C code compiles " \ "sh ${node}.sh"] wait -i $id2 catch { exp_close -i $id2 } catch { exp_wait -i $id2 } output if { [nonemptyfile "${node}.exec"] && [do_2c "$f"] } { set id3 [should_work "Try to compare lus2lic -exec and -2c" \ "$compare_exec_and_2c" "$f" "$port" "$opt"] catch { exp_close -i $id3 } catch { exp_wait -i $id3 } output } } catch { exp_close -i $id1 } catch { exp_wait -i $id1 } output } } return 0 } proc nonreg_exec_and_ecexe {files tmp} { global lus2lic global ec2c global test_lus2lic_no_node foreach f $files { eval spawn "cp -f $f $tmp" } cd $tmp foreach f $files { set port [get_free_port] set f_no_ext [file rootname $f] set bf [file tail $f_no_ext] set f [file tail $f] set opt [read_opt $f] set node [file tail $f_no_ext] set id1 [should_work "without any option" "$lus2lic" "$opt" "-o $bf.lic $f"] wait -i $id1 if { [nonemptyfile "$bf.lic"] } { set id2 [should_work "Generate ec code " "$lus2lic" "-ec -o $bf.ec $f"] wait -i $id2 if { [nonemptyfile "$bf.ec"] && [does_not_contain_string "$f" "merge"] } { set id3 [should_work "Try ec2c on the result" "$ec2c" "-o $bf.c $bf.ec"] wait -i $id3 catch { exp_close -i $id3 } catch { exp_wait -i $id3 } output } if { [nonemptyfile "$bf.c"] && [do_ecexe_vs_exec "$f"] } { set id4 [should_work "Try to compare lus2lic -exec and ecexe" \ "$test_lus2lic_no_node" "$f" "$opt"] catch { exp_close -i $id4 } catch { exp_wait -i $id4 } output } catch { exp_close -i $id2 } catch { exp_wait -i $id2 } output } catch { exp_close -i $id1 } catch { exp_wait -i $id1 } output } return 0 }