(** Time-stamp: <modified the 05/06/2008 (at 11:11) by Erwan Jahier> *) open Predef open CompiledData type clocker = CompiledData.clock_eff Predef.evaluator let (aa_clocker: clocker) = function | [clk1] -> clk1 | _ -> print_string "a good error msg"; assert false let (aaa_clocker: clocker) = function | [clk1; clk2] -> if clk1 = clk2 then clk1 else (print_string "a good error msg"; assert false) | _ -> print_string "a good error msg"; assert false (** A few useful clock profiles *) (* let bb_profile = [(id "i", b)], [(id "o", b)] *) (* This table contains the clock profile of predefined operators *) let (f: op -> clocker) = fun op -> assert false