####################################################################################### # TEST, NON REGR. ETC... TESTDIR=./test .PHONY: diff test log test_nc: cd $(TESTDIR) ; make test ; cd $(curdir) test: cd $(TESTDIR) ; make ; make time cd $(curdir) qtest: cd $(TESTDIR) ; make test ; make time cd $(curdir) ####################################################################################### # git entry points ####################################################################################### # Workflow: # C=git commit ; A=git amend ; U=update_version ; O=opam pack # to make sure the sha and the version are good, one should never # do U and then A. # to avoid such problems, legal trace are defined by this automata: # 0 -C-> 1 # 1 -P-> 1 # 1 -A-> 1 # 1 -U-> 0 # to implement such a workflow, C puts a lock (state 1) and U removes it (state 0) uv:update_version update_version: rm -f src/lv6version.ml make src/lv6version.ml cp _oasis _oasis.save cat _oasis.save | sed "s/^Version:.*/Version: $(VERSION)/" > _oasis rm committed make clean && make cia: test -f committed && \ echo "*** I won't commit!\n*** until you 'make update_version'!" \ || (git commit -a -F log && touch committed) ci: test -f committed && \ echo "*** I won't commit!\n*** until you 'make update_version'!" \ || (git commit -F log && touch committed) amend: test -f committed && git commit -a -F log --amend ############################### # forge push: git push git+ssh://$(USER)@scm.forge.imag.fr/var/lib/gforge/chroot/scmrepos/git/lustre/lus2lic.git pull: git pull git+ssh://$(USER)@scm.forge.imag.fr/var/lib/gforge/chroot/scmrepos/git/lustre/lus2lic.git ############################### # opam-ing NAME=lustre-v6 PACKNAME=$(NAME).$(PRE_VERSION) WWW=/import/www/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE HTTP=http://www-verimag.imag.fr/DIST-TOOLS/SYNCHRONE $(PACKNAME).tgz: git archive --prefix=$(PACKNAME)/ -o $(PACKNAME).tgz HEAD $(WWW)/pool/$(PACKNAME).tgz: $(PACKNAME).tgz mv $^ $@ opam : $(WWW)/pool/$(PACKNAME).tgz test -f committed && ( \ cd $(WWW)/opam-repository/packages && \ oasis2opam $(HTTP)/pool/$(PACKNAME).tgz && \ cd .. ; opam-admin check && opam-admin make -g \ ) || echo "*** I won't make an opam package\n*** until you commit something!" verimag: echo "su synchron + opam update + opam upgrade " # # nb : pour installer la derniere version dans /usr/local/tools/lustre/v6 # il suffit de faire # make opam + su synchron + opam update + opam upgrade ############################### # tags OTAGS=otags # otags don't manage to parse gnuplotRif.ml NO_TAGS=gnuplotRif.ml tags: $(OTAGS) -v $(shell ocamlc -where)/*.mli $(shell ls src/*.ml | grep -v $(NO_TAGS)) tags2: $(OTAGS) -v $(shell ls src/*.ml | grep -v $(NO_TAGS))