diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 38b0bbea9b1674f3750b32c5c29749c8c43bc8f6..6862c2a62064b977ddd7575be641af85cf0b663f 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ SOC_SOURCES = \
 	$(OBJDIR)/version.ml \
 	$(OBJDIR)/verbose.mli \
+	$(OBJDIR)/util.ml \
 	$(OBJDIR)/genlex.mli \
 	$(OBJDIR)/genlex.ml \
 	$(OBJDIR)/verbose.ml \
@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ LDBG_SOURCES =  \
 ln_ldbg: $(OBJDIR) $(LDBG_SOURCES)
 ldbg : ln_ldbg
 	make -f Makefile.lib4lurette ncl
+	make -f Makefile.lib4lurette bcl
 # Be sure to build those files before doing something else
diff --git a/Makefile.lib4lurette b/Makefile.lib4lurette
index 53bb985e03a48d23ac5b8ed6d359941ec21c91d9..fb044309d45d5b71c1ad75e3641cfdf88c638f71 100644
--- a/Makefile.lib4lurette
+++ b/Makefile.lib4lurette
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ include ./Makefile
-all: ncl
+all: ncl bcl
diff --git a/src/data.ml b/src/data.ml
index a15191599ac0b723fbd03dfe8465b793624e04d8..44b0ef47e578ce0d0f418db5656974ae380da2d5 100644
--- a/src/data.ml
+++ b/src/data.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type t =
 let rec (val_to_string : v -> string) =
     | I i  -> string_of_int i
-    | F f  -> string_of_float f (* Util.my_string_of_float f *)
+    | F f  -> Util.my_string_of_float f
     | B true -> "t"
     | B false -> "f"
     | E (e,_) -> e
diff --git a/src/event.ml b/src/event.ml
deleted file mode 120000
index 1c18f00017d226956c333c45764f992158844e22..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/event.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/event.ml b/src/event.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1a8c26e7538a6b73dd9b58c942bc323787f631a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/event.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+type ctx = (* inherited debug info *)
+    {
+      ctx_step :int;
+      ctx_name :string;
+      ctx_depth:int;
+      ctx_data: Data.subst list;
+      ctx_terminate: unit -> unit;
+      ctx_inputs  : string list;
+      ctx_outputs : string list;
+    }
+type src_info = { 
+  str : string ;
+  file : string ; 
+  line : int * int ;
+  char : int * int ;
+  stack : src_info option;
+(* Source info related to the elected constraint *)
+type cstr_lazy_src_info = (unit -> src_info list)
+type port = 
+  | Call 
+  | Exit of string * Expr.t (* The elected contraint that produced the outputs *) * cstr_lazy_src_info
+  | Fail of string * Expr.t (* The elected contraint that failed *) * cstr_lazy_src_info * 
+      (unit -> Failure.info)
+type node_info = {
+  port : port;
+  name : string;
+  lang : string; 
+  inputs  : string list; (* static info *)
+  outputs : string list; (* static info *)
+type kind = 
+  | Node of node_info
+  | Ltop
+(* when an elected constraint is unsatisfiable *)
+type t = { 
+  nb:int;
+  step  : int;
+  depth : int;
+  kind  : kind;
+  data  : Data.subst list;  
+  other : string;
+  next  : unit -> t;
+  terminate: unit -> unit;
+    (* ou bien un MapString ?
+       ou bien une structure avec tout un tas d'autre info ?
+       devra etre abrait en tout cas
+    *)
+exception End of int
+let (next : t -> t) = fun e -> e.next ()
+let (terminate : t -> unit) = fun e -> e.terminate ()
+let (data : t -> Data.subst list) = fun e -> e.data
+let seed = ref 42
+let set_seed s = seed := s
+let event_nb = ref 0
+let set_nb i = event_nb := i
+let get_nb () =  !event_nb
+let incr_nb() =
+  Random.init (!seed + !event_nb); (* make sure everything is reproductible *)
+  incr event_nb
diff --git a/src/expr.ml b/src/expr.ml
deleted file mode 120000
index bda437aae968fb295359cdd0a48c9176b533c1f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/expr.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/expr.ml b/src/expr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e347e1802b4865f00cd670de4d496c0f2f782c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/expr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+(* Expressions *)
+type t = 
+  | Op of oper * t list
+  | True | False
+  | Ival of Num.num | Fval of float 
+  | Var of string
+ oper = 
+  | And | Or | Xor | Impl | Not | Eq | Ite 
+  | Sup | SupEq | Inf | InfEq  
+  | Sum | Diff | Prod | Quot | Mod | Div | Uminus 
+  | Call of string
+let (to_string : t -> string) =
+  fun t ->
+    let rec aux b t =
+      let b = "  "^b in
+      (match t with
+        | Op(And,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^" and " ^(aux b e2)
+        | Op(Or,[e1;e2]) -> "("^(aux b e1)^" or " ^(aux b e2) ^ ")"
+        | Op(Xor,[e1;e2]) -> "("^(aux b e1)^" xor"  ^(aux b e2) ^ ")"
+        | Op(Impl,[e1;e2]) -> "("^(aux b e1)^" =>"  ^(aux b e2) ^ ")"
+        | Op(Not,[e]) ->  "not("  ^(aux b e) ^")"
+        | Op(Eq,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^ "="  ^(aux b e2)
+      (*      | Op(Ite,[c;e1;e2]) -> "("^(aux b e1)^"ite"  ^(aux b e2) *)
+        | Op(Sup,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^">"  ^(aux b e2) 
+        | Op(SupEq,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^">="  ^(aux b e2)
+        | Op(Inf,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^"<"  ^(aux b e2)
+        | Op(InfEq,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^"<="   ^(aux b e2)
+        | Op(Sum,[e1;e2]) -> "("^(aux b e1)^"+"  ^(aux b e2) ^ ")"
+        | Op(Diff,[e1;e2]) -> "("^(aux b e1)^"-"  ^(aux b e2) ^ ")"
+        | Op(Prod,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^"*" ^(aux b e2)
+        | Op(Quot,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^"/"  ^(aux b e2)
+        | Op(Mod,[e1;e2]) -> "("^(aux b e1)^"mod"  ^(aux b e2) ^ ")"
+        | Op(Div,[e1;e2]) -> (aux b e1)^"/"  ^(aux b e2)
+        | Op (op,l) -> (oper_aux b op) ^ "(\n"^b ^ 
+          ((String.concat (",\n"^b) (List.map (aux b) l))^"\n"^b^")")
+        | True -> "t"
+        | False -> "f"
+        | Ival(n) -> Num.string_of_num n
+        | Fval(f) -> string_of_float f
+        | Var(str) -> str
+      )        
+    and
+        oper_aux b = function  
+          | And -> "and"
+          | Or -> "or" 
+          | Xor -> "xor" 
+          | Impl -> "impl" 
+          | Not -> "not" 
+          | Eq -> "eq" 
+          | Ite -> "ite" 
+          | Sup -> "sup" 
+          | SupEq -> "supeq" 
+          | Inf -> "inf" 
+          | InfEq -> "infeq"  
+          | Sum -> "sum" 
+          | Diff -> "diff" 
+          | Prod -> "prod" 
+          | Quot -> "quot" 
+          | Mod -> "mod" 
+          | Div -> "div" 
+          | Uminus -> "uminus" 
+          | Call str ->  str
+    in
+    aux "" t
+let dump e = 
+  print_string ((to_string e)^ "\n")
+let rec (simplify : t -> t) =
+  fun t ->
+    match t with
+      | Op(And, (Op(And,l)::tail)) -> simplify (Op(And, (l@tail)))
+      | Op(Or, (Op(Or,l)::tail))   -> simplify (Op(Or,  (l@tail)))
+      | Op(Sum, (Op(Sum,l)::tail)) -> simplify (Op(Sum, (l@tail)))
+      | Op(Not,[Op(Not, [e])]) -> simplify e
+      | Op(Not,[Op(Sup, [e1;e2])]) -> Op(InfEq, [simplify e1;simplify e2])
+      | Op(Not,[Op(Inf, [e1;e2])]) -> Op(SupEq, [simplify e1;simplify e2])
+      | Op(Not,[Op(SupEq, [e1;e2])]) -> Op(Inf, [simplify e1;simplify e2])
+      | Op(Not,[Op(InfEq, [e1;e2])]) -> Op(Sup, [simplify e1;simplify e2])
+      | Op (op,l) -> Op (op, List.map simplify l)
+      | e -> e
diff --git a/src/util.ml b/src/util.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a41b98464b2417f2ff54a60fa48a075621f30705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+let my_string_of_float = string_of_float
diff --git a/test/lus2lic.sum b/test/lus2lic.sum
index 0842f20b0af01ae4bfb0f896ac7ed67fbf8e2b38..0aca87d7c13a71cea18ea1149715c3757a8895ae 100644
--- a/test/lus2lic.sum
+++ b/test/lus2lic.sum
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test Run By jahier on Tue Apr  9 18:30:52 2013
+Test Run By jahier on Wed Apr 10 16:00:15 2013
 Native configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu
 		=== lus2lic tests ===